"A Healthy Person has a Thousand Dreams. A Sick Person has only ONE." -RFK Jr.
(From his opening remarks at his confirmation hearing yesterday)
I had been looking forward to these last two days of Senate confirmation hearings around the potential appointment of Bobby Kennedy Jr. as the Secretary of Health and Human Services. I thought he would make a great Attorney General like his father, and I was elated when President Trump signaled that he wanted Bobby to run the HHS—an appointment that would place him a couple steps above the rank once held by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the face of public health during the pandemic, winner of countless awards and recipient of a preemptive pardon from President Joe Biden for any crimes committed in the last decade.
I tuned in to watch Senator Bernie Sanders use his precious time to show the Finance Committee large posters of infant clothing sold by the organization Kennedy once led instead of letting Kennedy answer questions that required nuanced responses. I couldn’t watch anymore.
I would thoroughly enjoy watching him occupy the top spot in public health after listening to four years of Big Pharma have their way with the hearts and minds of the public and the medical establishment by controlling the PSAs coming from the CDC.
But let’s be real. It doesn’t matter if Kennedy gets confirmed or not. Establishment mouthpieces and doctors who urged their patients, young and old to trust the science and inoculate their bodies with mRNA technology, won’t change their minds about “the science” if new positions come from a department headed by a Trump appointee.
More importantly, even if Kennedy gets sidelined, the majority of people in this country have opened their eyes. Kennedy won over 500 thousand votes in the Presidential election even though he urged his followers to vote for Trump and not him.
Kennedy’s endorsement of Trump probably won him the popular vote and potentially the whole enchilada. We will never know for certain how important Kennedy’s support of the Trump campaign was, but it seems obvious that Trump’s support of Kennedy’s position has ignited the public’s desire to make America healthy again. As Kennedy implied in his opening statement, the American dream is only really possible for an America that is healthy.
Confirmation or not, I predict that we will never see what we saw happen in 2021 again, at least not in my lifetime. The cat is out of the bag.
If the medical establishment had any sense, they would support Kennedy’s confirmation. What good are future, safe and effective therapies going to be if no one trusts the agencies of public health that endorse them? Unless there is a well-informed skeptic at the reins, most people aren’t going to trust the CDC and FDA again.
We are watching a public slowly awake from a slumber, or a lengthy operation under deep anesthesia. Where am I? And what just happened to me?
Is Kennedy just a crazy anti-vax nutjob that will cause measles and polio outbreaks like the NY Times has been screaming? Or is he the most effective environmentalist on the planet today who realized some time ago that we need to address the causes of a massive chronic disease epidemic that is rooted in toxin exposure in our water, air and in what we begin injecting into our children’s bodies just hours after they are born?
Is he a predator, preying on the desperation of parents of sick children and only concerned with attention and power as his cousin, former US Ambassador to Australia and Japan, Caroline Kennedy claims in a scathing, open letter written to senators in advance of his confirmation hearing? Or is he on a mission to get the rot out of our regulatory agencies at great personal sacrifice?
Ambassador Kennedy, I believe you are not only misinformed about the basics of vaccinology and standards for safety around therapeutics and biologics, you have completely misread the state the public is in. While some may feel that your personal opinion of your first cousin’s character is germane to his assessment of scientific data, there will be more who realize that he isn’t speaking to the desperate parents you cite, he has been speaking for them, with a shaky but penetrating voice under intense scrutiny on the biggest public platforms out there. He once was the darling of the Democratic party and legacy media and enjoyed all the attention and power you believe he craves. He gave that up to do what was right and true. That’s why he’s in the spotlight again.
I invite you to enjoy this excellent essay, “A Predator’s Agenda”, which appeared on my Facebook feed this morning written by Maré Hieronimus
A Predator’s Agenda
Watching bits and pieces of the Kennedy confirmation hearing is like watching the violent throws of a death care system attempt to justify the horror that has been wreaked upon the American people as they vilify the one man willing to step forward and question that horror. This man, flawed as he may be, is willing to fight this fight. He is willing to die on this hill. He is willing to redeem himself in the eyes of his God in order to do what he feels is right; that is - to question the system itself.
The fact that so many fervently defend this death care cult speaks to its incredible success, and the willing participation in our own ungodly demise.
Minds cannot be pried open, though I wish that they could. Oh, how I have tried. We all awaken to the reality in different ways, if we are blessed to awaken at all. But this does not change the reality that the medical industrial complex is at best a failing and murderous enterprise who relies on endlessly drugging the American people into submission, and at worst a genocidal endeavor which has been designed to rip our health, our sovereignty, and our very humanity from us.
The people that place faith in this death cult are essentially surrendered to the notion that the human body, with its sacred pathways and numinous capability, is fundamentally and irrevocably flawed, and that in order to find peace, harmony and health we must inject, numb, medicate and obliterate those sacred pathways into full capitulation in order to achieve “well-being”.
There is nothing more anti-human, anti-nature, and anti-divine than this.
What of our quantum biology?
What of the sacred mystery that animates us all? What of pure light and clear air, rich soil and deep nutrients? What of the human soul? What of our divine spark?
What indeed.
This writhing leviathan that we are witnessing today is a sham, a lie, a horrible joke upon us all. The emperor wears no clothes, but our eyes have been glazed over by an endless drip of anesthesia which has subdued the minds of what would have been great women and men into consumers and addicts who outsource their life’s energy and divine spark to a predators agenda.
The full unveiling and revelation of the leviathan within our midst is inevitable now, regardless of confirmation. For when the human soul walks down the path of curiosity and questioning, as so many are choosing now, all will be revealed, in time.
The question then only becomes, how painful will be one’s personal revelation?
I’ve been thoroughly mesmerized watching the Kennedy confirmation hearings these last two days. It’s been a surreal bit of theater watching Democrats disgrace themselves in a shrill, petty, arrogant, ignorant, rude, and contemptuous manner. I want RFK approved. I want to see the cleansing transformation that will come with radical transparency. Everything works to the good and I feel optimistic that in the end truth and goodness wins.
"Let's get real...the majority of people won't change for a Trump appointee..."
I'm dearly hoping this is too pessimistic. The best think that RFK can do in HHS is to release a lot of purloined data, showing the true extent of vaccine injuries. In particular, CDC cancer and mortality data from 2022 is not yet released. I'm guessing it will show a sharp upward tick after mRNA shots were introduced. It will be difficult for the legacy media to ignore such data.