Thanks for posting this article, Dr. Setty.

I can't say I was disappointed because I expected that turnout.

I was pulled into presentations via zoom to staffers of US House Members and a Senator over a few meetings. Notice the word, "staffers." Kids in their 20's showed up. That's it.

In NH, the House Members are very available to talk to and they set meetings and make proposals to solve issues. I very much appreciate the system in NH. They have 400 House members for such a small state and the get paid $100 per year plus expenses. Amazing. Real civic duty volunteerism.

Thanks for such a great job last week. You made it easy for me to come after you. Dovetails very nicely.

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Kudos to NH.

I agree that it would have been shocking if more than a few reps attended. I am more disheartened with the internal coverage of our presentation. The reporter took a page out of the Facebook method for combating violations of “community standards”. Why not tell the whole story for the benefit of the legislature and MA residents?

Great seeing you.

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"Disappointed" is putting it mildly, John. In a state once known as The Hub of the Universe, my birthplace and the place to which my family immigrated during the depression- the foundations of freedom and revolution have crumbled before our eyes.

It's no wonder reports of flight from the state are being shared.

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This is so incredibly disappointing. It’s disturbing how little interest those in power seek the truth. We elect people we honestly do not know, and this is the result: forcing we the people to take a medical intervention that’s not needed, doesn’t work, and is potentially harmful. Thank you for your efforts.

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Because... they all have a agenda. They work for the same eugenics organization. Trusting aren’t you?

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I'm a western Mass resident and we have an active Covid Truth group here, so we will be building on your important work as we bring pressure on our elected officials. Person-to-person seems (at least for now) to be our only chance to get them to open their minds, so the more people that ask for in-person meetings the better.

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Even though it happens so often, it’s always shocking to hear of absolutely no interest in looking at actual data and casting typical shade on good actors like yourself and your colleague who come prepared with facts and numbers. Thank you for all your work.

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Thank you so much for this concise report! What a disgrace that your reception in the House was so dismal. I will be emailing this to my reps and sharing it with contacts I have from around the country and overseas. I met John in Concord, NH earlier this year after following his work on Substack. He is a hero as are you, Dr. Setty, especially now that you have partnered with him. It only 'takes two'!

Please keep at it. Massachusetts (where I reside) has been a willing 'partner-in-crime' since before Day One. I smelled a rat early on- although I've not trusted the medical 'establishment' for decades, frankly. Boston is one HQ to this Covid Con. I recently viewed an horrific documentary from Israel and, well, the results of their massive jabfest are chilling.

Many thanks and a special shout out to John who is a pioneer- and a relentless researcher. Thank you, John! Thank you Dr. Setty! Never give up! Never give in!

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Thank you for making the effort. It matters!

For readers in general here: Those who give testimony before a public body (state legislature, board of supervisors, city council, etc), if you don't already, get someone to film it for you, and if your testimony is more than 3 minutes long, be sure to take some clips from that video , and them all up onto rumble, telegram, your substack, of course, and more. Podcast it, too, if you can. And: provide a transcript. (It's a thousand times better to make a transcript yourself than to allow some random AI to make it-- if ever-- you can assure that it says what you actually said. AI transcripts are generally filled with errors, some of them very weird.) While most people prefer to watch a video than to read, there are many interested people who don't do video, so transcripts can help bring your message to a larger audience.

Also, as for these pathetically small audiences, evidence of legislators' disdain, film it, photograph the empty seats. See for example, the photos of UK MP Andrew Bridgen addressing an empty House of Commons. The picture of him among the empty benches spoke volumes-- and actually reenforced Bridgen's message.

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These are great suggestions. Video recording was prohibited in the room we were given. I didn’t think it would be enforced, but it was. Transcription is a good idea for next time.

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As for video, there's always filmed "reenactment" -- when clearly labeled as such, that's certainly legit.

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Did they have any official video? I've found in general testimony given to state reps these days is videoed for public record.

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We were prohibited from filming in the room we were assigned

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Welcome to my world

Walked into voting hall, said the "R"-word - everything stopped you could hear a pin drop. Asked if I'm a leper, pretty much.

Red ♥️ mostly is Blue 💙 here

Nevertheless wish them no harm, as you'll see CNN interviewer & hosts learned some hard facts from Dr. Rashid Buttar. Now they're both dead. Travesty


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Kudos for your efforts, but some numbers seem off. The excess adverse vaccine events were "severe", which is a different category than "serious". More withdrawals were in the placebo (273) than vaccine (167) group after Pfizer dose two. [See Fig. 1]


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Yes, the published data in the NEJM which you cite indicate withdrawals for all causes were as you state. However those who had "protocol deviations" were 11 to 24 (vaccine:placebo). This disparity is relatively insignificant compared to those reported in the Pfizer Briefing document where 311 vaccine recipients had "important protocol deviations" compared to 60 placebo recipients. Not only is the ratio 5:1, the numbers are much larger signifying something other than a random occurrence. The FDA never questioned the investigators about these deviations and they were not mentioned in the NEJM.

Note that this occurred within 7 days after the second dose, not the first. A similar disparity occurred in the pediatric trial. Once again the FDA had no questions about the specifics.

You are correct that "severe" and "serious" are two different categories. Severity is only applied to localized vs systemic reactions that are attributed directly to the injection, whether vaccine or placebo.

"serious" refers to adverse events that range from death to permanent disability to hospitalization.

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Try to track down an Israeli documentary making the rounds- mostly on Rumble. Pfizer is the culprit there too. Putting any faith in the NEMJ is fraught with doubt, in my book. Establishment pubs and others joined the 'club' long ago.

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They didn't come to listen because your presentation would cause their brains cognitive dissonance. Somewhere deep down they know the truth but they are hell bent on executing a political agenda that is still very much alive and kicking in Congress.

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Was my state Senator, Jaime Eldridge, there? Or my rep, Kate Hogan? Probably not. Do let me know, please. Or is there a public online record I should research myself?

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Neither were there. Not sure if they sent any staff

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Thanks Dr. Setty. I'm not surprised. I've already forwarded your post with a personal note to Sen. Jamie Eldridge, and I'm going to email Rep. Kate Hogan later today.

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Dr. Robbie Goldstein... notice the last name. Now look at the same steins that control Hollywood, politics, biotech, finance. And you will see who the enemy is and always has been. These same zionists were the top nazi generals in ww2, in fact the war never ended they just infiltrated all our agencies. It’s time for the little idiots of the world to wake up and see who controls things. They are all Marxist’s. Bolsheviks. Think otherwise? Your clueless to history. “The goyim will serve us” they say. Yes you all do. Why did every state in this country make it a law to support Israel there is your answer fools, the real enemy.

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I disagree with Beaudoin's conclusion that the pulmonary mortality spike observed in March-May 2020 was caused by "covid-19." The data can be explained as iatrogenic via the lockdowns and altered standard of care. Because people were being told to stay away from healthcare facilities, elderly with pulmonary issues delayed early treatment, meaning when they did show up to the hospital, they were sicker. Meanwhile, the word had gone out to ventilate and administer toxic antivirals rather than the standard protocols. In May 2020, the German Government leaked a report created by a blue ribbon panel of infectious disease experts denouncing Corona as a "global false alarm" with SARS-Cov2 no different than 100 respiratory viruses in circulation. This should have been the end to this mass delusion. https://strategic-culture.org/news/2020/05/29/german-official-leaks-report-denouncing-corona-as-global-false-alarm/

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You look down, watching the earth get smaller and smaller, and decide it was probably a dumb idea to grab onto that bunch of balloons. Do you let go and risk the drop, or hang on and pray for a miracle? The higher you go, the tighter you cling...

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Try This:

If You Found Yourself

Within A Disinformation Matrix

What Would You Do?

- You’d Go After The Power Supply.

In Our Case That’s The Testing/Trial Protocols.

And ... If You Were Battling A Psy Op

What Would You Use?

Hint: See Above .. Three Letters .. Starts With A “P”


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