"Full Disclosure" is never on the table with these things. All we can expect are regressing narratives, approaching half-truths incrementally, but never reaching totality, as in Zeno's paradox.

There's a widespread and logical theory, for example, that 9/11 was a Mossad operation, to Pearl Harbor the US into a Middle East war. If it turned out that this (*for example*) were the case, it would not be very likely that this administration would be willing to release proof of it...not with the Gaza Riviera on the line.

We'll get more limited hangouts and validation of that which is known, but ultimate culpability will remain evasive. The "truth" will continue to leak out, but the very damning, paradigm-threatening dirt will be protected by forces far stronger than the puppets before you...in fact, that dirt is locked up tighter than Fort Knox. There have been decades to obfuscate the trail to truth.

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I agree. The hangouts will be limited, but with more will come more. At some point it will become obvious that there can be no plausible deniability around who the most likely perps were.

When I became aware of building 7 just 8 years ago talking about 9/11 was something you just didn't do. My wife and I decided that we would just do the opposite--bring it up like it was as natural as talking about all of the other crap out government has pulled.

Just the fact that it is on the table as a target of disclosure is an immense step forward. Part of the reason why this has happened is because the public is ready to hear something. Yes, they may try to come up with another storyline that deflects scrutiny from those who had the most to gain, but the problem with hiding a lie is that the more you say the more you incriminate yourself. It's just a matter of time.

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Maybe that's how it it's been in professional circles, and, it's great that you're talking about it. As 9-11 truthers who were suspicious immediately and aware of incongruities like Building 7/free fall in the very early days, we've become accustomed to the pattern of these things. Once upon a time, it seemed that truth could "come out", the public would become aware generally of the massive lie, and that some official acknowledgment was inevitable.

Then you see what really happens.

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Yep. And Lutnick would probably be the last person to drive inquiries into that and its related insurance fraud by one of his ilk if that was indeed the case.

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Americans lost their lives so EVERYTHING should ALWAYS be on the table. If highly esteemed architects and engineers outside NIST are challenging the "official story," congressional inquiry? Science is not settled? Twelve Angry Men - a good movie. Is Musk bringing things to light for all Americans? - this is very profound by the way - Kennedy is right guy, right time - hopefully he follows Trump and Musk lead and doesn't dither... walk, gallop or run - Trump and Musk full on run.

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Twelve Angry Men is in the top three of all my favorite movies. I watched it in college and I think it has stayed with me ever since.

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Trump is still a naive vaxxer and hiring horrible people like Jerry Parker and Jim O'Neill. To do any good, RFK, Jr. must take on Trump's "beautiful vaccines" head-on at some point!

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In their final report, NIST actually acknowledged Building 7 being in freefall - but of course they didn't elaborate further about this admission.

Freefall means there was ZERO resistance to the falling mass converting its gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy of motion.

It blows my mind how simple Newtonian physics can be completely rejected in support of a gov't narrative.

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Great article as always. I love that you brought in the astrology. Indeed we are living at a time that mimics what happened back in late seventeen hundreds. I, as someone who follows astrology, know there are combination of movements of planets that have never happened quite like this before. We are ready for full disclosure regardless of how it shakes up our world, which needs to be shaken to awaken. .

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I look at my own experience coming out of the trance. maybe that can help us help others. i was duped by shock and awe at first, waking up that morning in NYC. i even said to my friend, "this must be bin Laden." remember they primed us with a Newsweek cover a few weeks earlier, "the most dangerous man in the world." i scoffed at anyone who said it was an inside job. for three years. even though an in-law confided to me he was in on the operation and traded securities the day before because 'boys from the government" advised him to. a few years later I read David Griffin and started to study the problem. OK, damn, they sure do like controlled demolitions, but controlled demolitions take time to set up. I could not fathom how they could set that up in those buildings. then i learned about the role of Marvin Bush and Wirt Walker, and the security company, Securacom, which happened to be headquartered in my old home town. Before long i learned that the president's brother and his first cousin were on the board of the company that held the security contracts for the world trade center, the airlines, and the airports involved in the operation. their company handed out construction passes needed to enter the unoccupied floors of the towers. and those videos of swarthy arabs boarding the flights? that's right, courtesy of the president's brother and cousin's company. Securacom held those contracts. Contracts that expired on 9/11/01. And another fact that evades people: Dov Zakheim, a dual citizen of Israel and the US was the comptroller of the Pentagon. Rumsfeld, Sept 10 told the nation 2.3 trillion bucks were missing from the pentagon budget. Zakheim was responsible for managing that budget. They were looking into it, said Rumsfeld. But oh what a shame the exact offices that were looking into it were bombed minutes before something flew into the Pentagon the next day. And, oh yeah, before he was the Pentagon's comptroller Zakheim was on the board of a company that manufactured remote control systems for aircraft. these facts add up, and when they do, the offical story collapses just like the towers: into a pile of nothing.....

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So many insults to intuition. The name of your Substack is spot on! Unfortunately many have been lobotomized of using their God-given intuition, through massive indoctrination and propaganda via TV and other mainstream media, including some of the “top” newspapers!!

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Dear Dr. Setty, thank you once again for turning your crystal-clear intellect on these deep dark parts of the human psyche.

Since I am not as adept as you in this approach, but I have been paying attention for many years, hence I will add to your post some of my thoughts:

1. If you have not, then please acquaint yourself with Dr. Judy Wood's amazing book WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? (apparently a comment by a news reporter.) What she uncovers is so radical that we need to include a look at who has the technology to "dustify" these massive buildings. We also learn of many many other buildings and unheard of things like buildings cut in straight lines, etc.

2. This opens up the importance of further investigation of another realm of obvious cover-up, another needed "Disclosure?" In this case of weapons, perhaps of advanced military technology and its link to ET or ?????

3. Thank you for taking some basic astrology into the discussion. I am an astrologer of some 50 years of practice and I will share with you my perception that the extreme "scientific" opposition to astrology has some of the same qualities of working hard to discredit as we find with other situations where we are getting too close to some dark secrets. My book, with the rather wu wu title of ALCHEMICAL TANTRIC ASTROLOGY has some important insights into the astrology of the 2020 major alignment at the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius. Please take a look. I will send you a copy if you wish. Maybe trade for your book WOKE. I have meant to read your book when I heard about it in S.C.

Thanks again and again for sharing your rare abilities and for your bravery.

Frederick "Rico" Hamilton Baker

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I know Barbara peripherally and her work on the Pentagon event on 9/11. I am also familiar with the work of Judy Woods. As I have written before, I have a deep respect for Dr. Woods and her ability to see that something was awry the moment the twin towers disintegrated.

I certainly cannot discount the possibility of a DEW being deployed. It very well may have been. My focus has not been to identify what really happened; it is to argue for what didn't happen. This leads directly to the unavoidable reality that there was a conspiracy in play which at the very least includes the media and elements of the USG and military intelligence.

I would be happy to purchase and read your book.

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Dr. Setty, thanks for your reply.

I understand your approach to focus on aspects that can be most easily defended. Especially in this case, the facts are so fantastic that most folks just can’t begin to really see what happened. It is amazing to view the photos in Dr. Woods’ book on the types of damage and even the weather manipulation; almost beyond belief, which makes it difficult to discuss logically with folks. There are parts that certainly point to very advanced weaponry.

I agree also that “what didn’t happen” is primary but quite a ride down the rabbit hole! Ha!

I will order your book, WOKE, via our local bookshop. If you find time to read my book, ALCHEMICAL TANTRIC ASTROLOGY, we could potentially have quite a rewarding discussion. I took about 50 years following that thread into finished book.

Very best wishes, Rico

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Very good analysis and bravo for the courage to denounce and try to open people's eyes. The world needs people like you.

I applaud what Trump and DOGE are doing right now. But I fear for Kennedy's "mission" and also for his survival. Keeping hope and a positive outlook is essential. But the Goliath he sets out to fight is gigantic and I believe very dangerous. It will not give up without attacking.

So I will pray.

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Madhava, Great piece but one thing surprises me. As both a physician and a businessman, the parallels between your arguments about exposure leading to truth (that is assuming we get the facts which is probably unlikely) and "following the money", which is exposing truth in financial operations are profound. They are really the both thing -- but the substrates are different so they need different tools.

The government has shown that virtually all government people, both elected and bureaucrats, are involved self-servingly in the grift and many are involved in outright graft. (Stacy Abrams and the last minute "gift" in the final few days of Biden of TWO BILLION DOLLARS to her hastily formed "charity" that, up until that point, had $100 in assets is a fine example...but that's just news from today.)

It takes an outside auditor to find and fix the rot. Who cares if it is Musk? He has shown he can do it in the private sector where people also often try to hide the ball. So your reservations about DOGE but not about Kennedy make no sense. They are both doing the same thing in different domains. Frankly, I expect DOGE to be more successful, but I hope they are both wildly so.

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Perhaps I wasn't clear. I feel the same way you do about Musk. My only point was that I could see how others would be apprehensive about it.

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One element regarding 911 , and one that is still difficult to accept even for those who know 911 is not what we were told, is that no planes hit anything that day. There was no wreckage at any of the sites. Remember what mainstream media was reporting....Peter Jennings describing the video of an airliner " going in one side of the tower and coming out the other "...the video showed for a moment the perfect outline of the nose of the aircraft emerging from building before , of course it blew up...lol...The idea that an airliner could pass through a steel and concrete structure is patently impossible. Just google airliner bird strike and see the damage that does...

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They were drone aircraft, it would take extraordinary skills to manually pilot an aircraft on the path those took. Either the impact points were prewired with cutting charges or the drones were hardened to penetrate steel and/or had military shaped charges on them that can easily cut through steel.

You can see the standard Air Force issue remote control pod on the bottom of the plane hitting WTC2. Obviously since a regular aircraft would just splatter in a big fireball against the heavy steel outer columns of the building, the drones had shaped charges in their nose and wings, which is an elementary technique of cutting through heavy steel.


9/11 PODs and Remote Control Plane Theory:


9/11 PODs and Remote Control Plane Theory - video Dailymotion WTC2 video, Flight 175, Boeing 767-222/ER:


Gallery | 9/11 Anomalies Plane Boeing 767 crash into WTC2 pictures, remote control pod


"....First off, all serious researchers aside from Morgan Reynolds (a former Bush economist) agree that planes actually hit the towers, however the planes that hit the towers had no windows and extra equipment attached (PODs) and are believed to be remote control drone aircraft. In fact, a similar plan was devised in 1962 by Robert McNamara called OPERATION NORTHWOODS which detailed flying an aircraft filled with FBI agents (allegedly college students on vacation) in flight the plane would switch transponder signals with a drone aircraft which would then be shot down over Cuba. The FBI agents on the plane would then land safely and resume new covert identities. There is evidence that a similar plot was hatched on 9/11:

Thomas Deatherage, Former Airline Captain B- 747-400 and B- 737-300: "After viewing many posted videos on "Youtube" I can tell you without hesitation that clearly aircraft # 2 B-767 - was radio controlled into the building Tower 2. The "pod" mounted on the bottom of the aircraft, is manufactured by "Martin Marietta" Corporation in Los Angeles. The pod has been used extensively by the USAF for outfitting drone aircraft for over 22 years, and you can clearly see it in (4) of the amateur videos- just before impact, with tower # 2. Also, I would like to find an insider A and P mechanic at both United and America to cross reference the A/C serial number of flight 77 and 93. I guarantee that they change the N issued tail number. However, one could trace and find this original A/C, from an insider employee, at these companies- leading to the smoking gun these aircraft were not destroyed."

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Assuming what you are saying is plausible, and I dont think it is, what happened to the engine cores? There is also raw footage of the explosions sans aircraft. No airplanes hit anything that day. The buildings were wired to blow weeks/months before including building 7. The video of aircraft "appearing" to fly into the buildings is fake. Remember also that just days before 911 Boeing, United and American Airlines stock had more put orders (shorting/betting the stock will drop in value) than ever before historically.

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There are many witnesses & videos of the planes flying towards and hitting the two buildings as well as radar data of the same. Absurd to claim that was all faked. The engines would be shredded by the impact/explosion. And then pulverized by the collapsing towers. It is indeed entirely doable, and almost certainly was done. As well as Westover airbase being strangely evacuated that morning and witnesses testifying to passenger aircraft flying to it at the correct time that morning

We all know that the demolition charges were placed well before the drone impacts. And of various put orders before the event. That's all explained by that well established scenario.

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Regarding the engines....they actually wouldnt be shredded even in the extreme environment of a collapsing building. Inconel is a very hard alloy which is what the compressor blades are made of....there would be something left . There always is....look at photos of that China airlines 737 that went straight in almost 90 degrees into the ground, which is difficult to do btw..there was easily recognizable wreckage and engine cores...even after a 300 plus mph impact..

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Sure they would survive like millions of other things survived. The problem is they all got widely spreaded and mixed up with thousands of tons of grey, gypsum & concrete dust along with thousands of tons of steel. Combined with the authorities doing their damnedest to truck all that stuff out to China as fast as they dug it up, and showed ZERO interest in ANY forensic examination. There were even pictures taken of those giant steel beams with nice clean 45deg cuts in them, just what are done by demolition cutting charges, ho-hum, who cares. And you think anyone would give a damn about finding engine compressor blades?

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The planes did land at Westover..Im familiar with this. I still am certain no planes.

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I have heard there were witnesses to at least one plane landing there. What is your source on this?

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A friend of mine who I grew up with in Concord was in the Airforce and based there at the time. He related years later that leave was given to most of the base personnel for a few days starting 9/10 ...He was not given leave and on the base 9/11 and heard from a colleague that an AA airliner had landed and parked inside one of the hangars. Westover is base to C5s..the biggest cargo jets we have ..the hangars are massive. He didnt see it himself so I cant say with metaphysical certitude that its true , but I have heard about other witnesses seeing a United flight going in there that day as well and a cadre of other compelling arguments ...such as the cell phone calls...which couldnt have been made in the air at that time...the theory is they were made on the ground ie in the hangar at Westover...We know our govt has no issues dispatching people en masse...most cant believe unfortunately...

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This author has mentioned interviewing and sworn affidavit from at least one witness:


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Pretty hard to fake all those dozens of videos from dozens of locations by dozens of people all demonstrating very realistic shock at seeing the plane hitting building #2. And many of those videos came out the first day of the event.

What you did see at the Pentagon is just one pathetically fake few frames of video of a plane hitting it after being released by the FBI months after the event. What you did see is the FBI aggressively confiscating some 85 videos of the Pentagon event within an hour of the event and NEVER releasing any. That's what you would expect if they went that route.

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Crisis actors and clever editing....it isnt difficult to create a narrative ..especially where mainstream media involved...Covid is a good example of wholesale lying ,trauma based mind control event as 911 was, too many bought it and still do...

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Spot on (except for the smallpox vaccine reference which may have been intentionally humourous or is it yet another truth that many are "not ready for"? 🤔). However, looking around me today, I am less optimistic as to how more "woke" (awake in your sense) the general populus has become when I see ongoing proactive "euthanasia" in care homes, mask wearers and people demanding bivalent flu/COVID jabs)...

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I was referring to the Jenner smallpox vaccine near the turn of the 18th century. I believe that was the first attempt to artificially teach our immune systems how to recognize a threat.

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A challenge for you 😁 Read "Vaccination against smallpox" by Edward Jenner himself (available in 1996 paperback) and decide whether you would give his work any credibility whatsoever, much less use it as a bedrock for "vaccinating" billions of humans. As a side note to my other comment, allegedly he never wanted to vaccinate his second child after the first suffered all his life before dying at age 21...

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Oh I know what you meant but seriously? Jenner? Why not Pasteur while you're at it?! You cannot be ignorant of the Jenner/horse grease fakery and the fact that his own "vaccinated" son and the poor (allegedly 20x vaxxed) guinea pig James Phipps both remained sickly and died by age 21 "of TB". To borrow from John McEnroe, "you cannot be serious" 😳

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I am not sure why you believe that my statement is in support of Jenner's vaccine. We are dealing with ideas and challenging them. The idea of a vaccine challenged the foundational idea around infectious disease. Just like the idea of self-governance challenged the idea that a people could only be ruled from the top down. That's it. No more.

And now, those ideas that challenged other ideas are on the chopping block. That's all I am trying to convey.

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Apologies for having misconstrued your post and thanks for all you've done and are continuing to do 🙏

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I’m sorry to say it, but the most likely outcome is a limited hangout or misdirection - a la “the Saudi Connection” to 9/11 and some fake reason to bomb them for dropping the dollar.

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I agree. But I would guess that that is how it unfolds. We move towards hard truths incrementally. However the science behind the WTC destruction leads directly to highly energetic explosives (or something else) which must have been planted ahead of time. There isn't a whole lot of ways to explain this without USG involvement at some level.

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Hi Madhava, you ask the question that many of us have been asking this past 5 years "why intelligent people can't see what's going on?" And you have given some valid reasons. I think a big one that we need to consider is that many humans are simply incapable of accepting that these kind of evils (9/11, Covid, etc) can be perpetrated. There is the saying "that all that is needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing". This is true, but it goes deeper than that. The good men simply can't accept that this kind of evil is even possible. I suspect that for many, when the truth finally comes 'crashing in', it could either be liberating...or crushing. If I may ask Madhava, what was your emotional reaction when you eventually came to the truth of 9/11?

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It was fear. It was like seeing a malevolent spirit in front of me which was apparently invisible to everyone else.

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We are ready, but the ruling class / conspiracy never will be.

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The key is, Lloyd, to get the people between us and the ruling class ready. That's where a revolution in attitude can occur

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Speaking to HHS employees, RFKj said: "Across 204 countries and territories, the United States had the highest age-standardized incidence rate of cancer in 2021, nearly double the next-highest rate."

Yet, if we trust Wikipedia and WCRF, the US has lower age-adjusted cancer rates than Australia and Denmark, and depending on your definition also lower than several other countries. Certainly not "nearly double the next-highest rate." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_cancer_rate

This does not mean his priorities are wrong.

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No, but it likely means Wikipedia is wrong. They are wrong about anything that involves an assault on Democrat politics -- virtually no exceptions.

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"Wrong" is too kind. Totally controlled misinformation would perhaps be more accurate!

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Before posting, I searched for other sources. The only one I found was WCRF, which is Wikipedia's source. If you know of a more reliable source I would appreciate being directed to it.

Wikipedia is sometimes correct.

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I beleive only official data on cancer can bring light on this matter.

But as you did I searched for how many NEW cases of cancer ex. in 2023 in Canada's population and what percentage in general population. Did it increase over the years or not? I was unable to find that precise information. It is almost impossible to find the clear numbers, as all statistics are "treated" to show only what they want you to see and what is truly more alarming: total cumulative rates (all years) in all population and by categories, ex. among women/men, or by age, bu type of cancer, etc. I had to take several sources and try to do the calculations myself...

So I beleive that with CANCER, an Omerta is in force here

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Is the medical establishment feeding the Goliath? See the letter (link below) :

From Coffee and Covid Substack : « the CDC indefinitely suspended its 19-member, tri-annual “panel” of vaccine advisors, the so-called Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), which during the pandemic rubber-stamped every new covid shot, whether for infants, pregnant women, or people who don’t want shots. (…) News of the canceled meeting drew swift fury. More than 50 “medical experts and organizations” dispatched a strongly-worded letter to Secretary Kennedy, Senator Bill Cassidy (R-La.), who’d pushed Kennedy to agree not to change the current vaccine system, and CDC’s acting director, Susan Monarez, demanding they keep the panel’s current meeting and agenda. »

Link : https://www.fightinfectiousdisease.org/post/sign-on-letter-to-preserve-acip-meeting

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Thats why Musk has suggested Wikipedia changes its name to Dickipedia

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Open minds are great but occasionally cause brains to fall out. Good luck to you

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