I'm a pediatrician. If RFK Jr. Is confirmed, I will make sure to drag you and this article for all the pediatric deaths that will happen from the return of vaccine preventable diseases.
The other day in her video newsletter Dr. Pam Popper said (as best I can recall) "the people who are educatable have already been educated-- we need to focus on tangible deliverables" (lawsuits and legislation, etc.) I take it that means that at this late date the people who believe the smears about RFK Jr and who still believe that all vaccines are blameless Holy Wonders of Modernity, let them bluster. I would agree with Pam Popper on this. And I also say: They should have their free speech, too. That's the price of free speech: we have to listen to a lot of annoying ignorant rot.
I maintain hope that there are many more educatable who have not been exposed to the right message. I take Every opportunity to ask doctors if they know that vax manufacturers are not liable for harm caused by their products. Most of them are unaware. That usually shocks them into a place where they are willing to challenge their beliefs.
Dear Madhava Setty, I appreciate your efforts very much. I should have clarified, I agree with Dr Popper in that, as this has been my experience in my circles, that the educatable are already educated, that and therefore as a practical matter, I adopt this view, that it's best for me to focus on things I can actually do (in my case that would be making transcripts and also supporting medical freedom organizations that bring lawsuits and lobby legislators).
My circles do not include a lot of doctors. The ones I know socially are all in on the jabs, and they've made it clear that they disdain anyone who questions them. Disdain is too a mild word, actually.
Where I wholly agree with you is that it is good to maintain hope that, as you say, "there are many more educatable who have not been exposed to the right message." And it sounds to me like you are in fact making a lot of progress in this regard, and I sincerely both thank and salute you.
More generally speaking, I would say that if, as a practical matter, in my own life, I'm more focused now on "deliverables" rather than trying to educate the people around me, and that might be a good move for some other people as well, I do realize that my circles and my talents and inclinations are not the same as everyone else's. It's not a one-size-fit-all situation.
And also, most importantly, life has taught me that, while it's useful to have some "rules of thumb" in dealing with people, it is the nature of human beings that they can be surprising. They can always surprise me, they can surprise others, and they can surprise themsleves, too.
Physicians are the key players. Once enough of them wake up to their blindspots institutions like the CDC, NIH and FDA will no longer have sway over the medical community. Then the lay public will follow. In the hospital where I work there was 100% compliance with the mandates. I would guess that less than half would go along if there is a next time. This is big progress. If the medical community is evenly divided there is very little chance that this kind of thing will happen again.
“If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized... If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance - you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is NOT in your best interest."
Christopher Hickie MD PhD - one of the best pieces of advice I ever recd from family members back in 1985 was to NEVER trust the vile vaxxxcene industry & to quit going to the pediatrician. I followed that advice & have never regretted it. Once we have 3 generations free from the demonic death jabs & free from woeful, uninformed pediatricians - we will see a stellar return to healthy, active, alive children with healthy, normal lives.
Doc I will say what you are too polite to print about the vast majority of our colleagues. Earning my MD in the immediate pre-asteroids video era, I am likely a bit older than you, but my sad impression is that most living physicians today are pompous asses. They are loudly braying but cowardly pack animals who will learn and recite for their paymasters rather than risk humiliation and expulsion from their privileged group. I nurture the hope that the youngest crop of new MDs will be more aware and less timid than the profession has trained them to become. Fact checkers can go to blazes as should physicians who seek money and prestige before truth. Thanks for writing.
I hope you are right. It doesn't seem to be going that way. Medicine has become a series of guidelines that are contrived from large data sets gleaned from "evidence based medicine". It has become protocol driven. Doctors have grown dependent on their smart phones and not what their eyes are telling them.
I try to probe the minds of my physician colleagues. I have asked a dozen doctors that. work with regularly if they know that you cannot sue a vax manufacturer if your child is injured from a shot. Not one knew that. It's a good way to get them to start to understand how little they know of what is going on.
So true. All docs I’ve ever worked with- ICU, CSU, ER, primary care- not one ever even knew that nor knew of VAERS or even what a reaction can look like. Perhaps an influential doctor should educate them and work to educate young new grads, who like their older counterparts, cannot list ingredients nor carcinogenicity, infertility and other deadly and life disabling issues that are never tested for. Perhaps if as so many quickly rebuf without evidence, vaers is inadequate lol, (anything is when not honestly appraised) so consider those thousands who were trial participants who tried reporting as directed in middle of trials ignored, gaslit, and censored. JFK at it for decades zero movement other than (a third or maybe halfway) waking a few ppl and actually vax schedule skyrocketed.
The thing that blows my mind EVERY SINGLE TIME I think about it, is how doctors could possibly ever have thought it a good idea to get the human body to start manufacturing and expressing a foreign, alien VIRAL protein that has never, in all of human evolution, existed in the body, and which would obviously lead to guaranteed immune attack.
HOW could so many doctors have been THIS stupid??
It was the most insane thing medicine has ever done (& now may well integrate permanently into the genome and future generations).
I had read your article 2 years ago on this online physician community. Thank you for reminding us of this sad story, which is certainly not unique.
As for restoring « trust in a medical system that has failed the public », I think it will be very difficult to achieve, because it seems that today physicians are more concerned with money and prestige than with people's health.
But thank God there are exceptions. And RFK is a great hope for me.
About Zuckerberg, he might be dropping the censorship/fact-checkers on FB, but I am wondering about the multiple algorithms that filter or target the content presented to users, based on the content they have watched etc?
This systematic "filtration" of the content is also a manipulation of the information to which people have access and I very much doubt that this will change soon.
An anecdote: I quit FB a few years ago. But my spouse is still on it. I'm amazed that he is never exposed on FB to « hot news » that are all over alternative media... When I see something important I always ask him "have you heard about x..." and each time it's "No I did not" and I'm the one who informs him!!
Thank you. This post is an important contribution to the record.
It is abundantly clear to me that many medical workers and other people tried, tried desperately, to report the injuries and deaths they were seeing with the jabs rollout in 2021-22, but their voices were censored and otherwise suppressed, all apparently in order to quash "vaccine hesitancy." Therefore, many people, such as Pinchbeck, could continue to believe the utter nonsense the health authorities claimed about the jabs— and such people could even continue to this late day to blithely assume that any information to the contrary has to be coming from ignoramuses and malicious cranks.
Once removed from FaceBook, YouTube, and Twitter (pre-Musk), many of these videos about the deaths and injuries ended up on bitchute, Gettr, odysee, rumble, telegram & etc. — fortunately for those of us who care to look for them. Since 2021 I have posted numerous transcripts of experts (doctors, nurses, paramedics, and also scientists) and also the injured and bereaved, and I am still coming upon them as I search daily. In fact, this week I'm working on yet another transcript of a 2021 video about the tsunami of nursing home deaths and injuries following the jabs rolls out.
This is one from a healthcare worker in 2021. I stumbled onto it only some 2 years after it had been posted-- it really had been pushed down deep into the haystack.
James, Certified Nursing Assistant in a Nursing Home: "Listen to what I'm trying to tell you"
"when they take this vaccine, what I am seeing with my eyes is that they are dying right in front of us.... Hundred more CNAs, hundred more nurses, who are exactly thinking what I'm talking to you about right now. They know it. They just don't want to speak. They are afraid. They're confused. They just don't know how to confront this issue. I don't either. One thing I do know, we must say something."
Source video:
CNA Nursing Home Worker Says Seniors Dying “Like Flies” After COVID Injections
It is easy and relevant to both condemn and commend Zuckerberg for his kinda about face. He is two faced and he did not say he was sorry. He is complicit with massive mistakes and crimes, but let's not look the gift horse in the mouth. I doubt Facebook changes algorthims so it's a moot point.
But Madhava did get me to reread his CHD article and his earlier post and that helped refresh those dark days four years ago. We are still living them in so many ways.
The home and town my wife grew up in and where her parents lived for 50 years just burned to the ground. Yes, the Palisades Fire. Her home, school, drug store, hardware store, library, childhood friends' homes..... All gone.
So was it climate change or was it ineptitude of woke DEI? Good question. Does Ivermectin work or do we have to wait for a vaccine? Could we have prevented the fires by demanding and empowering people to be competent and act, or is it all so unavoidable because we have committed a huge sin and burned fossil fuels for 200 years.
If I say to certain friends that while climate change could be a factor, it is also true that we need hot shot humans working hard to make sure reservoirs are filled and budgets are robust and fire engines are drivable. If I suggest that human ingenuity and gumption could have been manifested better my climate disaster family and friends scream and shout, it is only climate, climate, climate. And they immediately exclaim that I am anti this and anti that.
The Santa Inez reservoir at the top of the Palisades was empty 15 hours after the fire started. Water pressure at hydrants by my wife's former family home were dry at the start of the fire. Climate enthusiasts say there was nothing to have been done. All is hopeless in the face of climate collapse. Repent and prepare to die.
This suggests a craziness world view not dissimilar to the craziness that welled up and cascaded right at the outset of the pandemic.
This springs from fear porn promotion of safety culture. From nudge units. We are being moved on, preyed on.
Novel viral infectious outbreaks, like natural disaster fires, are going to be a reality, no matter what the cause. Could we please focus on realistic responses derived from informed conversations that consider lots of possible evidence. That whole educated class of docs who self censored on that private Facebook forum are going to morph into a self censored climate group.
Doctors have been reporting serious vaccine damage and death from the Covid shots from the beginning, in unprecedented numbers, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Here is the story from back in April 2021. At first, the objection was raised everywhere, as if in chorus, that VAERS reports are not "verified"--implying it rendered the massive increase in VAERS reports meaningless. The absence of logic was striking, since VAERS reports have NEVER been verified, and nothing in the verification process had changed, so it didn't explain the massive increase in VAERS reports. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2021/4/19/death-and-the-covid-19-vaccines
How do you explain the massive increase and the fact that the system was unknown to 99.99% of americans before covid - and remains largely unknown today? I wonder how many people had/have issues with their bodies since the shots and still don't know that they are vax injured.
There is a general imperative to cover up all the official data--I suspect because it is a goldmine of info about what is really going on. They are doing the same thing re the mortality data as we speak--covering up what looks like mass murder in 2020-2022.
Absolutely. There is a researcher named Jessica Hackett on Substack. She's been trying for years now to get at the opaque data surrounding the alleged 27 thousand covid deaths in New York that began immediately after the official pandemic announcement, continued for about five or six weeks, then dipped to nothing. Very strange and unnatural things went on in NY. And there's no way to verify the causes of deaths or the deaths themselves. New Yorkers are supposed to just trust health officials.
There IS a way to verify causes of death--in all cases, in the mortality database, and in some places, both there and by looking at the death certs. There were 50k extra deaths in 25 adjacent counties in the NYC metro area--twice as many as Hockett claims. All death certs except the 5k counties in NYC proper can be obtained, I believe. A lot of people seem to think Hockett has proven something--she has not Read the second section of this article entitled "Recent fake death propaganda" to see Hockett's contributions to truth. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-bw8p7
at this point simple google scholar searches confirm so much death and disease from them too many cannot look at truth it shatters their safe zones and their paycheck depends on
perpetuity of falsehood
and Ed Dowds bestseller too among hundreds of others and
vaersaware and openvaers and did you look at all the demise and diseases on your homepage for the first few yrs..
Thank you for summarizing your article on this topic from April 2023 and for providing a link to that original article. I found it worth revisiting what happened and what has led us to where we find ourselves today.
I am a doctor, I saw the same mob mentality in my dr Facebook groups against “dissidents”. Doctors are the best rule followers sadly, the hierarchical structure that builds doctors selects for followers. I categorically now state that all vexines are toxic and there are no viri!!
It also seems kinda like the social incentives we've created for becoming a doctor (money, prestige), as well as needing to be moderately intellectually capable to be attracted to 8+ years of education selects for a lot of particularly arrogant, egotistical people. i kinda wish doctors were treated like equals to garbage men so they would have some humility.
Agree. I think they're targeted from the moment they sign up. They're told they're "the best of the best", "the cream of the crop" and "pillars of society", entrenching this mindset early, and expanding ego.
Just witness the absolutely cringe "Harvard MD" video from a year or two ago.
On graduating, they're bestowed with expensive gifts from Pharma (one doctor said it was leather briefcases and Mont Blanc pens) and thereafter wooed with dinners, holidays and speaking engagements.
The end result for a lot of doctors, of what seems to be an intentional program of psychological manipulation, is extreme hubris, arrogance, loyalty to Big Pharma and a propensity to bite if challenged.
When the whole group has developed these characteristics, it makes it next to impossible to get them to consider anything outside of the current prevailing narrative, and they'll attack any dissenting colleagues as "traitors".
Shame on the docs for being stymied by their profession - I don't sort of feel sorry for them being duped by the emperor without any clothes! Wouldn't it have been great if they had walked out en mass!? I know this would have taken a massive wake-up but if it happens again......and it hasn't even ended.
So are you saying when I went to my doctors office and sat in his waiting room with his tv screen telling me to go to snopes and factcheck.org to get my medical information, that was wrong?
ERRR! Made me want to run and scream out of that building and regret ever stepping foot in there to get any advice at all from those people.
I think this proved that doctors really are just human beings and can fall for psychological manipulations, though at this date if they are still falling for it, I question their over all intelligence to begin with.
HIgh level, I mean HIGH LEVEL people and the people who accepted money/fame to follow their orders need to be brought to justice for me to start trusting the "system" again. I doubt I will live to see that happen as we march toward a one world digital communist style government no matter who is our President.
I've lost so much respect for my colleagues over this COVID mRNA injection fiasco. When the chicken little "the sky is falling!" nonsense started I knew this was all hysteria. Masking? Really? Had they all forgotten their basic microbiology training from med school? Quarantine the HEALTHY? Really? Punish the "non-compliant" with denial of medical care? REALLY!!?? You have to get shot up and boosted with the great "vaccine" which would make you a "dead end to the virus" per Fauci -AND to protect the unjabbed. Huh?? Railroad all your colleagues who dared question whether the Earth were really at the center of the solar system? Absolute insanity.
Unfortunately this was not just constrained to medical/allopathic doctors.😐 There were similar groups within the alternative/complementary medicine fields, with the same level of echo chamber mentality.😐🤦♀️
I tell everyone that a private FB group saved me and my family from, at the very least, blackmail and possibly worse. A high school classmate who became a Naturopathic Doctor randomly added me to her group in March 2020 to share tips on improving general immunity. I had actually already been infected, so much of the information was too little too late by then (sadly as I had the worst bout in my family and was in bed for 10 days). But I found it a useful source of info and checked in often. Eventually, as the vaccine rollout gathered steam, I saw posts that validated questions I already had, most important being: why would I need a vaccine for a virus I already beat??? Would I have gone along without this external and expert perspective? It's entirely possible. I thank this woman often for her efforts to help everyone she possibly could with good information in a time of confusion and censorship. I don't trust Mark for a minute, but maybe we are moving forward. In any case, people are inventive. Even with censorship, I still find better information in FB groups than I have at my doctor's office. After the vaccine awakening came the awakening to the harms of hormonal birth control.... Whoa. Can open, worms everywhere.
The censorship also caused problems in other countries, including India. I believe Doctors sometimes missed vaccine injuries because they were told all the COVID19 vaccines were "completely safe" and desperately wanted to believe it.
Here is an example:
"Karunya was the eldest of 2 children, 20 years old, fit and healthy. The family had annual check-ups as part of their health insurance and she was always the healthiest of them.
Against a background of media coverage that everyone must get vaccinated, her parents, grandparents and other family before her had the Astra-Zeneca Covishield vaccine without harm. Vaccination was opened up to people 18 and up from May and she had the injection on June 8. She had a slight fever that night but went to work the next day.
A week later she developed a fever and a sore throat, so sore she couldn’t eat or drink or talk. Everyone thought she had Covid but a PCR was negative. A local doctor gave her treatment for a sore throat but this was no use and a day later she was admitted to hospital, where her inflammatory markers – C-Reactive Protein (CRP), ESR and d-Dimer results were very high, along with immune markers like white cell counts.
After 4 days without improvement she was transferred to a teaching hospital, where because of her immune markers it was assumed she had an infection and so antibiotics were the mainstay of treatment.
Anticoagulants and steroids were only introduced on July 4 and IVIg on July 7 but these has little impact at this point. She was transferred to ICU. At every stage of this, her family were confident that the next step in treatment was going to make a difference and restore her to normal.
Karunya died on July 10 to her parents bewilderment. They could not believe she would not be coming home.
The diagnosis on her medical record was Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS). This can be caused by Covid but repeated tests were negative. The push to get children vaccinated is because of this syndrome – called MIS-C (C for children). Covid is pretty harmless for children but we are told MIS-C can happen and can be lethal. MIS-C is real but vanishingly rare.
MIS leads to pleural and pericardial effusions among other things, all of which Karunya had.
There have now been several cases of MIS-V published, where clinical pictures like this develop against a background of Covid negative tests. This is the kind of case that early steroids, like dexamethasone, can help with. _With an early diagnosis she likely didn’t have to die_
While at every step of the way they expected their daughter to recover, after she entered hospital with a negative Covid test, Karunya’s parents began to think the vaccine was causing the problem. _Every time they raised this possibility, they were told no – this was not possible_
It was only after her death that the first entry in her medical record raised the possibility that the vaccine might have caused her suffering and death. The family had sensed by this point that the medical team did not have any protocols for treating someone who was having a vaccine induced problem."
Tens likely hundreds of thousands worldwide and this was listed as a working list adverse reaction in late 20. Still post boosters. Still so many inflamed- skyrocketed -itises abound. Scroll to page 16 to see their deadly working list just prior to jab rollouts. And this MSIS issue, absolutely not just kids, thats why millions have had one health problem after another since their jabs, some, even myo 2-3 yrs later. Millions treated with steroids- temp fix- and gee whiz, brand new high priced steroid inhalers and cancer drugs.
I'm a pediatrician. If RFK Jr. Is confirmed, I will make sure to drag you and this article for all the pediatric deaths that will happen from the return of vaccine preventable diseases.
Are you suggesting that I fabricated all the physicians’ reports of suspected vaccine harm they witnessed?
The other day in her video newsletter Dr. Pam Popper said (as best I can recall) "the people who are educatable have already been educated-- we need to focus on tangible deliverables" (lawsuits and legislation, etc.) I take it that means that at this late date the people who believe the smears about RFK Jr and who still believe that all vaccines are blameless Holy Wonders of Modernity, let them bluster. I would agree with Pam Popper on this. And I also say: They should have their free speech, too. That's the price of free speech: we have to listen to a lot of annoying ignorant rot.
I maintain hope that there are many more educatable who have not been exposed to the right message. I take Every opportunity to ask doctors if they know that vax manufacturers are not liable for harm caused by their products. Most of them are unaware. That usually shocks them into a place where they are willing to challenge their beliefs.
Dear Madhava Setty, I appreciate your efforts very much. I should have clarified, I agree with Dr Popper in that, as this has been my experience in my circles, that the educatable are already educated, that and therefore as a practical matter, I adopt this view, that it's best for me to focus on things I can actually do (in my case that would be making transcripts and also supporting medical freedom organizations that bring lawsuits and lobby legislators).
My circles do not include a lot of doctors. The ones I know socially are all in on the jabs, and they've made it clear that they disdain anyone who questions them. Disdain is too a mild word, actually.
Where I wholly agree with you is that it is good to maintain hope that, as you say, "there are many more educatable who have not been exposed to the right message." And it sounds to me like you are in fact making a lot of progress in this regard, and I sincerely both thank and salute you.
More generally speaking, I would say that if, as a practical matter, in my own life, I'm more focused now on "deliverables" rather than trying to educate the people around me, and that might be a good move for some other people as well, I do realize that my circles and my talents and inclinations are not the same as everyone else's. It's not a one-size-fit-all situation.
And also, most importantly, life has taught me that, while it's useful to have some "rules of thumb" in dealing with people, it is the nature of human beings that they can be surprising. They can always surprise me, they can surprise others, and they can surprise themsleves, too.
Physicians are the key players. Once enough of them wake up to their blindspots institutions like the CDC, NIH and FDA will no longer have sway over the medical community. Then the lay public will follow. In the hospital where I work there was 100% compliance with the mandates. I would guess that less than half would go along if there is a next time. This is big progress. If the medical community is evenly divided there is very little chance that this kind of thing will happen again.
https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download slide 16 wish doctors did a wee bit real - not msm- research.
Found this in very early ‘21. At this point so easy just a few mins on googlescholarfinds all these deadly AEs.
“If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized... If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance - you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is NOT in your best interest."
What does that mean? "I will make sure to drag you and this article..."?
Why would you attribute "pediatric deaths that will happen from the return of vaccine preventable diseases" to 1 person who wrote an article?
How does that make ANY sense??
And maybe it's typo's and poor grammar, but you don't sound like a paediatrician (or maybe you do. Lol).
Christopher Hickie MD PhD - one of the best pieces of advice I ever recd from family members back in 1985 was to NEVER trust the vile vaxxxcene industry & to quit going to the pediatrician. I followed that advice & have never regretted it. Once we have 3 generations free from the demonic death jabs & free from woeful, uninformed pediatricians - we will see a stellar return to healthy, active, alive children with healthy, normal lives.
Doc I will say what you are too polite to print about the vast majority of our colleagues. Earning my MD in the immediate pre-asteroids video era, I am likely a bit older than you, but my sad impression is that most living physicians today are pompous asses. They are loudly braying but cowardly pack animals who will learn and recite for their paymasters rather than risk humiliation and expulsion from their privileged group. I nurture the hope that the youngest crop of new MDs will be more aware and less timid than the profession has trained them to become. Fact checkers can go to blazes as should physicians who seek money and prestige before truth. Thanks for writing.
I hope you are right. It doesn't seem to be going that way. Medicine has become a series of guidelines that are contrived from large data sets gleaned from "evidence based medicine". It has become protocol driven. Doctors have grown dependent on their smart phones and not what their eyes are telling them.
I try to probe the minds of my physician colleagues. I have asked a dozen doctors that. work with regularly if they know that you cannot sue a vax manufacturer if your child is injured from a shot. Not one knew that. It's a good way to get them to start to understand how little they know of what is going on.
So true. All docs I’ve ever worked with- ICU, CSU, ER, primary care- not one ever even knew that nor knew of VAERS or even what a reaction can look like. Perhaps an influential doctor should educate them and work to educate young new grads, who like their older counterparts, cannot list ingredients nor carcinogenicity, infertility and other deadly and life disabling issues that are never tested for. Perhaps if as so many quickly rebuf without evidence, vaers is inadequate lol, (anything is when not honestly appraised) so consider those thousands who were trial participants who tried reporting as directed in middle of trials ignored, gaslit, and censored. JFK at it for decades zero movement other than (a third or maybe halfway) waking a few ppl and actually vax schedule skyrocketed.
The thing that blows my mind EVERY SINGLE TIME I think about it, is how doctors could possibly ever have thought it a good idea to get the human body to start manufacturing and expressing a foreign, alien VIRAL protein that has never, in all of human evolution, existed in the body, and which would obviously lead to guaranteed immune attack.
HOW could so many doctors have been THIS stupid??
It was the most insane thing medicine has ever done (& now may well integrate permanently into the genome and future generations).
No wonder public confidence collapsed.
I had read your article 2 years ago on this online physician community. Thank you for reminding us of this sad story, which is certainly not unique.
As for restoring « trust in a medical system that has failed the public », I think it will be very difficult to achieve, because it seems that today physicians are more concerned with money and prestige than with people's health.
But thank God there are exceptions. And RFK is a great hope for me.
About Zuckerberg, he might be dropping the censorship/fact-checkers on FB, but I am wondering about the multiple algorithms that filter or target the content presented to users, based on the content they have watched etc?
This systematic "filtration" of the content is also a manipulation of the information to which people have access and I very much doubt that this will change soon.
An anecdote: I quit FB a few years ago. But my spouse is still on it. I'm amazed that he is never exposed on FB to « hot news » that are all over alternative media... When I see something important I always ask him "have you heard about x..." and each time it's "No I did not" and I'm the one who informs him!!
Censorship alone or smart algorithms?
Thank you. This post is an important contribution to the record.
It is abundantly clear to me that many medical workers and other people tried, tried desperately, to report the injuries and deaths they were seeing with the jabs rollout in 2021-22, but their voices were censored and otherwise suppressed, all apparently in order to quash "vaccine hesitancy." Therefore, many people, such as Pinchbeck, could continue to believe the utter nonsense the health authorities claimed about the jabs— and such people could even continue to this late day to blithely assume that any information to the contrary has to be coming from ignoramuses and malicious cranks.
Once removed from FaceBook, YouTube, and Twitter (pre-Musk), many of these videos about the deaths and injuries ended up on bitchute, Gettr, odysee, rumble, telegram & etc. — fortunately for those of us who care to look for them. Since 2021 I have posted numerous transcripts of experts (doctors, nurses, paramedics, and also scientists) and also the injured and bereaved, and I am still coming upon them as I search daily. In fact, this week I'm working on yet another transcript of a 2021 video about the tsunami of nursing home deaths and injuries following the jabs rolls out.
This is one from a healthcare worker in 2021. I stumbled onto it only some 2 years after it had been posted-- it really had been pushed down deep into the haystack.
James, Certified Nursing Assistant in a Nursing Home: "Listen to what I'm trying to tell you"
"when they take this vaccine, what I am seeing with my eyes is that they are dying right in front of us.... Hundred more CNAs, hundred more nurses, who are exactly thinking what I'm talking to you about right now. They know it. They just don't want to speak. They are afraid. They're confused. They just don't know how to confront this issue. I don't either. One thing I do know, we must say something."
Source video:
CNA Nursing Home Worker Says Seniors Dying “Like Flies” After COVID Injections
Corona Virus News
Publius, January 29, 2021
see also
which has this same video from its rumble page:
and also (same video): HealthImpactNews, posted January 27, 2021
TRANSCRIPT: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/96091.html
Hi T B how are you? I too easily saw this video back then
Hi Deanna Kline, Thanks for your comment. I actually did not see this video when it came out, I found it much later. It's powerful. It's for the ages.
Many thanks to you for all you have been doing to raise awareness of the dangers of these jabs!!
It is easy and relevant to both condemn and commend Zuckerberg for his kinda about face. He is two faced and he did not say he was sorry. He is complicit with massive mistakes and crimes, but let's not look the gift horse in the mouth. I doubt Facebook changes algorthims so it's a moot point.
But Madhava did get me to reread his CHD article and his earlier post and that helped refresh those dark days four years ago. We are still living them in so many ways.
The home and town my wife grew up in and where her parents lived for 50 years just burned to the ground. Yes, the Palisades Fire. Her home, school, drug store, hardware store, library, childhood friends' homes..... All gone.
So was it climate change or was it ineptitude of woke DEI? Good question. Does Ivermectin work or do we have to wait for a vaccine? Could we have prevented the fires by demanding and empowering people to be competent and act, or is it all so unavoidable because we have committed a huge sin and burned fossil fuels for 200 years.
If I say to certain friends that while climate change could be a factor, it is also true that we need hot shot humans working hard to make sure reservoirs are filled and budgets are robust and fire engines are drivable. If I suggest that human ingenuity and gumption could have been manifested better my climate disaster family and friends scream and shout, it is only climate, climate, climate. And they immediately exclaim that I am anti this and anti that.
The Santa Inez reservoir at the top of the Palisades was empty 15 hours after the fire started. Water pressure at hydrants by my wife's former family home were dry at the start of the fire. Climate enthusiasts say there was nothing to have been done. All is hopeless in the face of climate collapse. Repent and prepare to die.
This suggests a craziness world view not dissimilar to the craziness that welled up and cascaded right at the outset of the pandemic.
This springs from fear porn promotion of safety culture. From nudge units. We are being moved on, preyed on.
Novel viral infectious outbreaks, like natural disaster fires, are going to be a reality, no matter what the cause. Could we please focus on realistic responses derived from informed conversations that consider lots of possible evidence. That whole educated class of docs who self censored on that private Facebook forum are going to morph into a self censored climate group.
Excellent comment
Doctors have been reporting serious vaccine damage and death from the Covid shots from the beginning, in unprecedented numbers, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Here is the story from back in April 2021. At first, the objection was raised everywhere, as if in chorus, that VAERS reports are not "verified"--implying it rendered the massive increase in VAERS reports meaningless. The absence of logic was striking, since VAERS reports have NEVER been verified, and nothing in the verification process had changed, so it didn't explain the massive increase in VAERS reports. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2021/4/19/death-and-the-covid-19-vaccines
How do you explain the massive increase and the fact that the system was unknown to 99.99% of americans before covid - and remains largely unknown today? I wonder how many people had/have issues with their bodies since the shots and still don't know that they are vax injured.
There is a general imperative to cover up all the official data--I suspect because it is a goldmine of info about what is really going on. They are doing the same thing re the mortality data as we speak--covering up what looks like mass murder in 2020-2022.
Absolutely. There is a researcher named Jessica Hackett on Substack. She's been trying for years now to get at the opaque data surrounding the alleged 27 thousand covid deaths in New York that began immediately after the official pandemic announcement, continued for about five or six weeks, then dipped to nothing. Very strange and unnatural things went on in NY. And there's no way to verify the causes of deaths or the deaths themselves. New Yorkers are supposed to just trust health officials.
As for the death spike being very "strange and unnatural" it most definitely was. It looks like mass-murder--a series of mass murders, actually. I've done a little research on the causes of death that increased the most in the US during the death peaks here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/2/3/us-death-peaks-2020-2021-multiple-causes-of-death
There IS a way to verify causes of death--in all cases, in the mortality database, and in some places, both there and by looking at the death certs. There were 50k extra deaths in 25 adjacent counties in the NYC metro area--twice as many as Hockett claims. All death certs except the 5k counties in NYC proper can be obtained, I believe. A lot of people seem to think Hockett has proven something--she has not Read the second section of this article entitled "Recent fake death propaganda" to see Hockett's contributions to truth. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-bw8p7
Interesting. I'm just a layman, a dude trying to understand these issues. I'll take a look at these links. Thanks.
Detailed injuries and death list post first 1-2 yrs sold
in 15 nations as we know worldwide. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BYMMW3QM/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.30kCnXRZCDv9DSGIx6XX3nR2d9ddMBm9yvY3NSMGiPOo-p6uEiYYXwUzuQX8M4Zi.GJIfpTsb8pCdjw6ZRhJ4Kx0BiNGaJL6xF4lGPCamr6c&qid=1737147045&sr=8-1
at this point simple google scholar searches confirm so much death and disease from them too many cannot look at truth it shatters their safe zones and their paycheck depends on
perpetuity of falsehood
and Ed Dowds bestseller too among hundreds of others and
vaersaware and openvaers and did you look at all the demise and diseases on your homepage for the first few yrs..
Thank you for summarizing your article on this topic from April 2023 and for providing a link to that original article. I found it worth revisiting what happened and what has led us to where we find ourselves today.
I am a doctor, I saw the same mob mentality in my dr Facebook groups against “dissidents”. Doctors are the best rule followers sadly, the hierarchical structure that builds doctors selects for followers. I categorically now state that all vexines are toxic and there are no viri!!
It also seems kinda like the social incentives we've created for becoming a doctor (money, prestige), as well as needing to be moderately intellectually capable to be attracted to 8+ years of education selects for a lot of particularly arrogant, egotistical people. i kinda wish doctors were treated like equals to garbage men so they would have some humility.
Agree. I think they're targeted from the moment they sign up. They're told they're "the best of the best", "the cream of the crop" and "pillars of society", entrenching this mindset early, and expanding ego.
Just witness the absolutely cringe "Harvard MD" video from a year or two ago.
On graduating, they're bestowed with expensive gifts from Pharma (one doctor said it was leather briefcases and Mont Blanc pens) and thereafter wooed with dinners, holidays and speaking engagements.
The end result for a lot of doctors, of what seems to be an intentional program of psychological manipulation, is extreme hubris, arrogance, loyalty to Big Pharma and a propensity to bite if challenged.
When the whole group has developed these characteristics, it makes it next to impossible to get them to consider anything outside of the current prevailing narrative, and they'll attack any dissenting colleagues as "traitors".
Shame on the docs for being stymied by their profession - I don't sort of feel sorry for them being duped by the emperor without any clothes! Wouldn't it have been great if they had walked out en mass!? I know this would have taken a massive wake-up but if it happens again......and it hasn't even ended.
So are you saying when I went to my doctors office and sat in his waiting room with his tv screen telling me to go to snopes and factcheck.org to get my medical information, that was wrong?
ERRR! Made me want to run and scream out of that building and regret ever stepping foot in there to get any advice at all from those people.
I think this proved that doctors really are just human beings and can fall for psychological manipulations, though at this date if they are still falling for it, I question their over all intelligence to begin with.
HIgh level, I mean HIGH LEVEL people and the people who accepted money/fame to follow their orders need to be brought to justice for me to start trusting the "system" again. I doubt I will live to see that happen as we march toward a one world digital communist style government no matter who is our President.
I've lost so much respect for my colleagues over this COVID mRNA injection fiasco. When the chicken little "the sky is falling!" nonsense started I knew this was all hysteria. Masking? Really? Had they all forgotten their basic microbiology training from med school? Quarantine the HEALTHY? Really? Punish the "non-compliant" with denial of medical care? REALLY!!?? You have to get shot up and boosted with the great "vaccine" which would make you a "dead end to the virus" per Fauci -AND to protect the unjabbed. Huh?? Railroad all your colleagues who dared question whether the Earth were really at the center of the solar system? Absolute insanity.
Unfortunately this was not just constrained to medical/allopathic doctors.😐 There were similar groups within the alternative/complementary medicine fields, with the same level of echo chamber mentality.😐🤦♀️
Ivermectin, routinely prescribed for visits to certain areas in the third world, yet denied when it might have helped fight C-19.
I tell everyone that a private FB group saved me and my family from, at the very least, blackmail and possibly worse. A high school classmate who became a Naturopathic Doctor randomly added me to her group in March 2020 to share tips on improving general immunity. I had actually already been infected, so much of the information was too little too late by then (sadly as I had the worst bout in my family and was in bed for 10 days). But I found it a useful source of info and checked in often. Eventually, as the vaccine rollout gathered steam, I saw posts that validated questions I already had, most important being: why would I need a vaccine for a virus I already beat??? Would I have gone along without this external and expert perspective? It's entirely possible. I thank this woman often for her efforts to help everyone she possibly could with good information in a time of confusion and censorship. I don't trust Mark for a minute, but maybe we are moving forward. In any case, people are inventive. Even with censorship, I still find better information in FB groups than I have at my doctor's office. After the vaccine awakening came the awakening to the harms of hormonal birth control.... Whoa. Can open, worms everywhere.
The censorship also caused problems in other countries, including India. I believe Doctors sometimes missed vaccine injuries because they were told all the COVID19 vaccines were "completely safe" and desperately wanted to believe it.
Here is an example:
"Karunya was the eldest of 2 children, 20 years old, fit and healthy. The family had annual check-ups as part of their health insurance and she was always the healthiest of them.
Against a background of media coverage that everyone must get vaccinated, her parents, grandparents and other family before her had the Astra-Zeneca Covishield vaccine without harm. Vaccination was opened up to people 18 and up from May and she had the injection on June 8. She had a slight fever that night but went to work the next day.
A week later she developed a fever and a sore throat, so sore she couldn’t eat or drink or talk. Everyone thought she had Covid but a PCR was negative. A local doctor gave her treatment for a sore throat but this was no use and a day later she was admitted to hospital, where her inflammatory markers – C-Reactive Protein (CRP), ESR and d-Dimer results were very high, along with immune markers like white cell counts.
After 4 days without improvement she was transferred to a teaching hospital, where because of her immune markers it was assumed she had an infection and so antibiotics were the mainstay of treatment.
Anticoagulants and steroids were only introduced on July 4 and IVIg on July 7 but these has little impact at this point. She was transferred to ICU. At every stage of this, her family were confident that the next step in treatment was going to make a difference and restore her to normal.
Karunya died on July 10 to her parents bewilderment. They could not believe she would not be coming home.
The diagnosis on her medical record was Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS). This can be caused by Covid but repeated tests were negative. The push to get children vaccinated is because of this syndrome – called MIS-C (C for children). Covid is pretty harmless for children but we are told MIS-C can happen and can be lethal. MIS-C is real but vanishingly rare.
MIS leads to pleural and pericardial effusions among other things, all of which Karunya had.
There have now been several cases of MIS-V published, where clinical pictures like this develop against a background of Covid negative tests. This is the kind of case that early steroids, like dexamethasone, can help with. _With an early diagnosis she likely didn’t have to die_
While at every step of the way they expected their daughter to recover, after she entered hospital with a negative Covid test, Karunya’s parents began to think the vaccine was causing the problem. _Every time they raised this possibility, they were told no – this was not possible_
It was only after her death that the first entry in her medical record raised the possibility that the vaccine might have caused her suffering and death. The family had sensed by this point that the medical team did not have any protocols for treating someone who was having a vaccine induced problem."
I wonder if there could have been an early diagnosis in Karunya'a case if not for the censorship. We will never know.
this is so tragic
Tens likely hundreds of thousands worldwide and this was listed as a working list adverse reaction in late 20. Still post boosters. Still so many inflamed- skyrocketed -itises abound. Scroll to page 16 to see their deadly working list just prior to jab rollouts. And this MSIS issue, absolutely not just kids, thats why millions have had one health problem after another since their jabs, some, even myo 2-3 yrs later. Millions treated with steroids- temp fix- and gee whiz, brand new high priced steroid inhalers and cancer drugs.
My favorite parts of Covid:
All I see are people that gave up on themselves and forfeited their minds.