My coworkers wife was high up in HR at the local hospital and was involved in many high level meetings about COVID and vax mandates. She had had several severe vaccine reactions and asked her doctor to give her a medical exemption. Her Doc said she “couldn’t in good conscience do this”. The most shocking thing is that everyone at the hospital ALL knew at the time that the Comirnity vax approval (which was not available in the US at the time) was a total bait and switch to make people believe the vaccines were “FDA approved” to justify mandates, since the original vaccine was under EUA at the time and thus was experimental and could not be mandated. They knew about this fraud and went ahead and mandated it anyway. They should all be in prison. All of them.
I know exactly which group you elude to, as I was also once a member Funny enough, they had a legit psychotic moderator too. If you were to separate the die-hard pro-vaccine physicians from the "hey, wait a minute, there is a trail of injury and death from the vaccine that is more than coincidental, and other cheap established drugs besides this rushed corporate-govt get rich quick vaccine scheme can treat COVID, let's just think about this critically and discuss this. And why are we masking, it makes zero sense?" - you'll find a very stark difference in political philosophy.
Many of the outspoken awful female members are also concurrent physician mom group (PMG) members, which has been outed for a while on being a racist, bigoted entity against Jews, conservatives, and anyone who dares question their unhinged leadership. The physician cuck men have their own ridiculous groups. Evidence has been collected over the years by many who have slowly backed out of the crazy groups and left to create sane havens for medical and sometimes political and social discussion. It's exhausting when everything, from picking your kids up at school, to what materials you are using for your next craft project turns into a discussion about how racist you are.
The more time that passes, the more I question if whether this was truly a medical issue, or a govt experiment or psyop. Fauci is gone, and the rate of variants slowed to a crawl. He lied about GOF funding. Lies about Ukraine bioweapons labs. Did anyone really believe a Pangolin infected the world and not a Chinese population control op in Wuhan with GOF improvement after rioting?
These FB physician groups with leftist leaders are laughing stocks. They think they are leaders of society, but everywhere I go - meetings, conferences, friendly dinners during travels, there's disbelief that grown adults who are professionals think and act the way they do.
Dr. Setty did mention that HCQ and ivermectin were maybe derailed by ulterior motives. The whole deranged COVID-19 saga can be seen through such a lens. To me, China is the likely string puller then, but I guess it could be anyone's favorite villain.
This is amazing reportage. I read it last year when it was first published at CHD's the Defender. This is one of the two best articles I've read in the past week. The other was Dr. Setty's report on a recent corporate vaccine conference. If you haven't read that, you really should.
Your articles are so good. I lost my job due to my refusal to get jabbed. Lots of smart people commenting on the subject, and although I lost a job I loved I’d do it all over again. NEVER take these shots, the push was too heavy from every angle, never felt right. Critical thought went straight down the toilet.
Thank you once again, Madhava. This is an important view from the inside that helps us understand how the medical establishment took a wrong turn, and, by implication, what we might do to turn the community around.
The picture you paint of good doctors turning to a mob mentality is chilling, however it happened. Two questions come to my mind.
1) Is there something in the way doctors are educated which instills a trust in authority? Is it possible that from the moment they enter medical school, they are trained to memorize what is told to them rather than to make sense of a situation given all the available data?
There is a lot of medicine that must be performed predictably, by rote. But then there is diagnosis, which is as much an art as a science. Are doctors being trained to play detective, taking all available information into account, when they are in the diagnosis stage?
2) I have heard that a few voices, carefully planted, can turn a mob around. People who sound sure of themselves and ridicule anyone who disagrees are able to seed a positive feedback loop in which there is only one opinion that it is safe to express.
So my question is whether it is possible there are Pharma trolls paid to participate in the list serve that you describe, trolls who are expert in the art of creating an angry mob out of a disorganized group of people who are individually uncertain and confused?
These are good questions. Medical education is inadequate. Moreover it is based in unfounded confidence which gives rise to hubris. If we have to give a large group of people an experimental drug, say, and another large group a placebo to try and figure out if there is a benefit with regard to a few selective endpoints and never be able to explain the untoward effects of the drug completely, we should acknowledge that we are feeling around in the dark. Nevertheless, newly minted physicians hold unwavering confidence in "the science". The Science is what is in the literature. Never mind the fact that published papers carry bias and are funded by those who have the most to gain by proving "effect".
Given all the uncertainty, medicine and medical training should be offered and regarded as an emerging field where new ideas are explored and tenets are challenged. Quite the opposite is happening. Medical students are indoctrinated with the idea that they are learning things that cannot be overturned by any legitimate counter arguments, therefore there is little reason to give such challenges much heed.
With regard to your second question, there is no way to know if the group had been infiltrated by a small group of chaos agents to goad the group into mob mentality. Maybe. But either way, the group turned nasty and demonstrated very little self regulation.
The point that I had wished to make that may not have been conveyed adequately is that there was a silent minority, or perhaps even a small majority, that saw things differently from "the mob". We can criticize them for not speaking up. I am not here to pass judgement. I am more interested in pointing out the fact that things are not what they seem. I have forged friendships with several doctors that were in that group. They thought it was pointless to try to engage with that kind of group. What's the point of a rational argument if it falls upon an irrational mind?
This was my exact thought while reading the piece. It really did feel as if the group had been seeded with industry shills. Professionally trained and expert shills.
Another excellent piece, Dr. Setty. Sadly it does not surprise me. I am going to apologize up front for the very lengthy commentary that follows but I think it's worth sharing to illustrate the scope of what is going on with physicians across the U.S.
Although I don't belong to any MD chat groups - I am an RN Clinical Reviewer working within a large physicians association and I have witnessed this disassociation/denial and hostility to open debate - first hand. A major part of my role requires thorough review of patient electronic medical records. Suffice it to say that I have reviewed hundreds of charts in the last 3 years. The path from relative health to significant health declines - after receving the very first Covid "vaccine" - is laid bare within the patient's clinical documentation. The correlation is not only obvious - it is practically begging to be recognized for what it is. The rates of hospital re-admissions with this cohort of patients is..... astronomical. I have never seen anything like it. The clinical picture includes all the usual suspects - heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, etc - all of which have increased significantly since the "vaccine" roll out. But - there is so much more going on with these folks. The most common issues that I am observing are rapid declines in cognitive status - with or without prior history of dementia or cognitive impairments, weakness/syncope and - falls *with injury* are way up. But despite these very concerning trends - these same patients continue to get Covid "boosters" - and as far as I can tell, not a single physician caring for these patients - are making (or at least not documenting) a connection to the Covid vax and they are clearly not advising their patients to hold off from further injections.
Of all of these hundreds of charts that I have reviewed - I have only seen *one* instance where a physician documented a patient's covid vax status in relation to the current hospitalization. This physician was a Cardiology Resident - not a member of our IPA but who was doing his residency at one of our affliated (major) hospitals. The patient in question was someone who I had frequently interacted with and knew very well. After each of his 3 prior Covid vax doses - he suffered serious health declines which in turn landed him in the hospital. When he told me that he was planning on getting his 4th shot (2nd booster) - I tried in vain to dissaude him. I reached out to his primary care physician to share my concerns and to suggest that he might consider advising this patient not to get this 4th shot. Not only did that physician not acknowledge my concern - he ignored my message, but he has since stopped interacting with me altogether. To this day - in order to communicate patient issues/information and to ensure that he is receiving it - I now have to use an intermediary by way of one of his medical assistants. This reaction is almost more telling than if he had told me directly to my face that he thought I was a covid conspiracy theorist. To him - it's the 3rd rail and he is desperate to avoid it. Needless to say, this physician did not intercede and his patient went ahead and got the 2nd booster. I got a call from this gentleman shortly after he returned home from the Covid vax clinic. He told me that he was on the floor and that he had started feeling weak, short of breath and having chest pains during the cab ride home and required assistance from the driver to get into his apartment. I called 911 immediately and he was taken to this affliated hospital and subsequently diagnosed with having had a heart attack - and myocarditis. While reviewing the admission documentation, I saw an entry by the cardiology resident - a single sentence in reference to the covid jab - writing "patient reports that he had received his 2nd Covid booster approximately 2 hours prior to presenting at the ED". He clearly felt it necessary to document this information but at the same time, presented it in the most low key way possible. I had a fleeting moment of encouragement that the tide might be changing. That was almost one year ago - that ship has sailed....and sunk. This patient never returned home - having suffered significant health declines that he could no longer live independently.
I highlighted his particular situation as an extreme, but by no means isolated, case of what I have been observing within my organization. I have since talked to several physicians to share my observations and suspicions about health declines in their patients in relation to their Covid vax status - and although no other physician has ex-communicated me - not a single one has acknowledged my concerns. I have worked within this particular health system in several different capacities for the majority of my 32 year career and once held most of the phsyicians I worked with in high esteem. My disillusionment is complete and I have forced myself to stop trying to wrap my brain around the cognitive disconnect that these physicians continue to display because it was so negatively impacting my mental health. I don't hold myself up as some stellar intellect and certainly can't compare my education to that of an M.D. but you don't have to be a brain surgeon to have recognized the glaring red flags with the Covid "vaccines" - from day one. That so many physicians have so easily succombed to demagogury is.....surreal....
And of what use is an MDs 'education' if they are capable of acting in such a manner. It's high time the pharma-medical model collapses in its entirety. The only really useful stuff is emergency medicine which I have the highest regard for. As for the rest - when did we confuse the art of healing with the woo of suppressing symptoms (always at the expense of the deeper health of the physiology)?
First this post is too long and wide ranging to be constructive and debated on point but okay...
Second doctors who think the no mask docs who actually saved ppl using early at home treatment with cheap ole safe repurposed drugs and OTCs were victims of propaganda lack wisdom, discernment and common sense and must realize they were the ones who succumbed to propaganda. Easy targets, cowards, lovers of money, couldn’t even band together against their well financed and bribed corporations that don’t give a crap about the public. And they know it.
Third too bad they were traumatized, they were not trained to critically think nor hold morals to do no harm or stand for their patients rights on the fault of medical schools and docs who permit the current and recent nonsense in physician education.
Fourth I’m an old blond NP who quite successfully treated even frail elders with heart conditions or lung condition with IVM and sometimes just doxy and prednisone and loading vitamins without IVM! I used aaps or flccc protocols and added zyrtec for histamine blocking on those who crashed day 6-10.
Fifth it sickens me the demise of ethical medical care. I used to respect docs, now only a few worthy remain.
Sixth if docs don’t stand up now and reform medical schools this whole discussion and lessons from covid nonsense will soon repeat and protocols will kill and docs will cower and the state shall reign.
Seventh you shall know them by their fruit, their habit, their excuse, their disregard for the patient, the person, life. They love money and comfort. May they most definitely have a change of mind and heart and soul and direction of life, for others and for themselves.
And it is this refusal of doctors to stand up for what is right that has destroyed my life expectancy. Not covid. The day I need Western medicine to keep me alive is the day that I die. I can't trust people with such a lack of ethics to even give me a Band-Aid. Maybe I can find a primary care doctor outside of the hospital that can earn my trust and write me a prescription for an antibiotic, or set and cast a broken bone, but you never know what you're going to get in the hospital, even if it's a doctor that you trust that is admitting you. And I had decided in late 2019 that I would go with hospice before a hospital after years of seeing really awful care being administered to elderly and sick family members. The covid response just convinced me that I wasn't the only one seeing this huge lack of ethics on the part of the medical industrial complex.
I grieve with you. Thankful much of the public is demanding better. New patients often who are seeking freedom. And actual ‘care’. The huge hospital corps have to be deserted. Check out NHF and yeah seek the little solo guys, concierge or small practice.
"“the long-term cardiac effects from Covid” are very real..." Are they, though?
"The control cohort of 590,976 adults with at least one negative PCR and no positive PCR were age- and sex-matched. Since the Israeli vaccination program was initiated on 20 December 2020, the time-period matching of the control cohort was calculated backward from 15 December 2020. Nine post-COVID-19 patients developed myocarditis (0.0046%), and eleven patients were diagnosed with pericarditis (0.0056%). In the control cohort, 27 patients had myocarditis (0.0046%) and 52 had pericarditis (0.0088%). Age (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 0.96, 95% confidence interval [CI]; 0.93 to 1.00) and male sex (aHR 4.42; 95% CI, 1.64 to 11.96) were associated with myocarditis. Male sex (aHR 1.93; 95% CI 1.09 to 3.41) and peripheral vascular disease (aHR 4.20; 95% CI 1.50 to 11.72) were associated with pericarditis. Post COVID-19 infection was not associated with either myocarditis (aHR 1.08; 95% CI 0.45 to 2.56) or pericarditis (aHR 0.53; 95% CI 0.25 to 1.13). We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection."
That seems more solid than the conflicting evidence.
I asked four pediatricians the rate of myocarditis post illness vs post jab and zero, NONE of them would even answer except to say the jab benefit outweighs risk in small children. Parrots of cdc. That’s all. Shameful and this is how they advertised to public to jab kids last fall. Just sickening.
As a urgent care pediatrician I find that fascinating, as my experience ( and the data from my county, which I followed very carefully for the first two years of the pandemic) showed that for the vast majority of children, Covid was a cold, especially once omicron was the predominant version, which started in December of 2021. There was MISC in a small group with the original strain and the delta version, but this pretty much disappeared with omicron. As the vaccine was not studied for risk, prevention of hospitalization or severe illness, or even prevention of infection, but instead approved based on production of the same amount of antibodies considered protective for young adults, I'd say these cardiologists are basing their recommendations on wishful thinking, not on actual data.
So here's a contrary study which does claim an association. Critically, there appears to be no filter for "vaccination" status, which is an obvious confounding factor. All of the cases identified here could well be jab AE's.
Benjamin JR Buckley has received funding from Bristol‐Myers Squibb (BMS)/Pfizer. Stephanie L Harrison has received funding from BMS. Elnara Fazio‐Eynullayeva and Paula Underhill are employees of TriNetX LLC. Deirdre A Lane has received investigator‐initiated educational grants from BMS, has been a speaker for Boehringer Ingeheim and BMS/Pfizer and has consulted for BMS, Boehringer Ingelheim and Daiichi‐Sankyo. Gregory YH Lip: consultant for Bayer/Janssen, BMS/Pfizer, Medtronic, Boehringer Ingelheim, Novartis, Verseon and Daiichi‐Sankyo and speaker for Bayer, BMS/Pfizer, Medtronic, Boehringer Ingelheim and Daiichi‐Sankyo. No fees are directly received personally."
For comparison, here's that section from the above study finding no association:
"Conflict of interest statement
The authors declare no conflict of interest."
Spot the difference?
We've learned to scrutinize the study design and conflicts statements in order to identify industry propaganda. This is a skill most of your colleagues have not displayed over the past three years.
You have expressed my experience as well. I was a member of that group briefly, before I placed them on mute - because I felt like I was gaining absolutely nothing from the group, and there was little honest discussion, along with unbelievable responses to any one who dared to question the apparently preapproved narrative.. I am in Pediatrics, and it was early on evident that this virus posed no threat to the vast majority of my patients, there was not even any need for any kind of early treatment, yet that was not the way things were being portrayed. I spent much time calming the nerves of patients and their parents when I gave them the diagnosis of Covid 19. In my 2020 shifts in a busy pediatric urgent care, we sent one patient with Covid to the hospital, but not for covid, but for right lower quadrant abdominal pain. Did not even know she had Covid until she got tested at the ED. In 2021, no patients sent to the ED for Covid. Lots sent with RSV and other viruses. One in the fall with what turned out to be MISC, for unexplained tachycardia. But none for Covid. Anecdotal? Yes, but I was also following our county data, and hospital data. Few admissions, fewer serious cases, deaths only in kids with other co-morbidities. This was not what was apparently being seen in adult facilities. The summer of 2020 was the slowest summer I ever experienced.
When the vaccine came out they started vaccinating at my hospital in January of 21. I was 59, healthy and felt like I would be okay with if I caught it, and as the vaccine was a new technology, and did not go through the usual testing, I wanted to wait and see how the roll out went. Then in mid-February, my whole family caught Covid. Our three young adult children had colds (or less), my husband and I had my upper respiratory symptoms and fatigue. No fever, better within 10 days. At that point, I figured with natural immunity, I was better protected than if I had been vaccinated. To my surprise, all of the sudden the "experts" were denying what I had been taught since medical school, that natural immunity was superior to vaccinated immunity. They were insisting that everyone must be vaccinated, despite the fact that the vaccine was not studied in previously infected individuals. Then they approved the vaccine for kids based on the fact that they children studied produced the same amount of antibodies considered protective in young adults, in a study so small that there was no way to identify if there was significant side effects. With no long term follow up to see if there were any long term consequences to this new technology. For an infection that was not serious. I had never seen anything like this in my 30 years of being a pediatrician. And to see booster after booster encouraged, again with inadequate study was frustrating. Fortunately, I had another online group of physicians who were willing to look at all of the data and question the narrative, and discuss the issues (often in code, so the group would not be removed from the social media platform) that could not be discussed in other groups, or I might have thought I was crazy. Thank you for your article and your review of the response and the evolution into group think.
Beyond what you saw in that group, in addition to threatening the licenses and board certification of fellow physicians for questioning, I saw physicians who declared they would not treat the unvaccinated and wishing harm on those who were unvaccinated. The absolute certainty with which some seemed to approach the pandemic, that the only possible way out was to vaccinate everyone, the suggestion of force vaccinating, the blocking of young adults from college campuses unless willing to submit to an experimental vaccine, the denial of the possibility of injury from the vaccine, all was unprecedented in my career. Sadly, I do not feel I can trust the FDA or the CDC any more, especially based on the approval of the vaccines and boosters in children, with inadequate study, and their insistence that they could not have an nuanced approach, as that might be "confusing". I also read about your recent attendance at the vaccine conference, and your thoughtful questions, and the support from at least other members of the audience. Please continue fighting for an honest and transparent look at what has happened - we owe that to those who have placed their trust in physicians, that we are there to care for them and to do know harm.
I appreciate your input as a pediatric urgent care clinician. I spent 40 years in Biotech/pharma and couldn't believe that physicians appeared to not question any of the safety/efficacy data. It made me realize most did not read the registration trial studies. Everyone parroting 95% effective was pure insanity.
Yeah, anything advertised as 95% effective should be required to put out all their data publicly. Because it’s pretty much unbelievable. In my mind when I first looked at it there was no long term safety data and a brand new technology. I felt a wait and see approach for kids (and myself) was reasonable given the fact that disease was so mild in healthy individuals
Thank you so much for taking the time to give an inside look at this discourse, which is consistent with everything I experience with most people I know. I also appreciate your "belly of the beast" and our clarity and humor in speaking. I live in DC and applied to get into the WVC as press and was rejected - either because of my writing or Substack is not legitimate as press. As a psychologist I am intrigued and baffled by the degree of denial and what we call "poor reality testing" and the similarity of automatic reactions and lack of curiosity. You may be interested in my take on doctors like you,
In the Spring of 2020 I found they were doing trials of high dose IV Vitamin C in China and Italy and wondered why they didn't do them here. That's how I realized something was fishy. Btw, I didn't vaccinate my 3 children, born at time in the 1980s.
I'm not buying that there ever was a pandemic or "Covid" was the cause of disease. I am also not buying that the hospitals were uniformly filled to the brim at the beginning of this grand self-delusion. In the case where there was actual overcrowding that can be explained by numerous other reasons. For example people panicking and unnecessarily running to the hospital due to media reports designed to spread fear; pre-existing conditions--particularly old people; environmental poisoning such as air pollution in certain areas such as Wuhan, China and Northern Italy; PCR tests that measure nothing except blown up genetic fragments.
I also believe there were too many doctors twisting themselves into a pretzel trying to make the case that cases of "Covid" were all the same. If not for the bogus PCR they really couldn't distinguish one serious case of respiratory illness from another.
I know for a fact that not all hospitals were "uniformly filled to the brim..." as my husband had to be admitted to the hospital for an eye issue unrelated to Covid in April 2020. He needed an ophthalmologist and no regular office would see him as the doctors were terrified of Covid. We were sent by our insurance to Emory University Hospital in midtown Atlanta. This is a large teaching hospital with a giant parking deck. I figured we would have to park on the top level of the parking deck as it would be so full. I drove into the main level and there were a handful of cars. Otherwise empty. We walked down to the emergency room and a guard was stationed outside the doors. I wasn't allowed in so my husband went in by himself to an empty waiting room. There were 3 huge military tents set up outside the emergency room for overflow patients. The guard told me they were empty, had never been used and were to be taken down. My husband was in the hospital for several days. There were patients and staff on my husband's floor but the orderlies told him it was like a ghost town compared to the usual activity of a large teaching hospital. The local & national news was cycling 24/7 stories about overflowing crowded hospitals whilst one of the most important hospitals in the metro Atlanta area was practically empty. The whole experience was bizarre.
I called Elmhurst hospital a week after the NYT horror article ... I told them I had a kid with a sprained ankle but was concerned that it would take hours to be seen because the hospital was overrun with covid ...
The nightshift manager said the hospital was not very busy and my son would be seen quickly.
I asked about the story I read - he said oh ya - we were very busy for a couple of days last week but it's back to normal now.
Indeed they were not. I tracked cases hospital beds ICU beds and vents in VA and never ever were they full. PCR is a sham. Exactly. No flu in 20-21? Yeah right. Kari the inventor ought to know PCR inside and out. Geeeee why no PCR for all URIs before 2020??? What a total fraud waste of time nasal assault and tax dollars!
My county didn't have any pandemic for certain and hospitals were half empty. I learned it from the county data. Then they started manipulating bed count removing beds, firing personnel and labeling regular patients as covid. And requiring physicians to report "covid" deaths if this patient tested positive EVER. It was all right there on the county site, not a conspiracy theory.
Yet another important story here for people to get an inside look at what was going on in hospitals and behind the scenes with doctors. Really goes to show the power of group think, media, and governing institutions creating a narrative people can become swooped up in. I feel for some workers who had a tough time in the few hospitals that got hit harder than others, but I've heard too may stories of health care workers saying it was the rules that made things more chaotic and problematic than COVID, or that things died down rather quickly yet the 'idea' of pandemonium continued. If only the full story could be shared with the masses... I wonder if they would change their minds.
Once again, I thank you! Aparently, I am in my own echo chamber. My friends and I have been ostracized by our community because we have been going against the narrative from the very start and have continued to post the real data and articles such as yours on social media, but get nothing ... bupkis ... nada ... zip.
There has been so much pushback from friends, family, legacy, and social media and no one wants to have any discussion about the last 3 years. Over a year ago, I was vilified for posting a photograph of graffiti in the German language which translated to, "The unvaccinated into the gas." A former 'friend' (from Germany) said many horrible nasty things including this, "You deserve all the shit that's coming your way, but unlike the Jews in the Holocaust, you're bringing it on yourselves."
His sentiment was echoed by many of our so called 'friends'.
It concerns me greatly that another 'p(l)andemic' will arise and we will lose more of our humanity.
Hi Madhava, I’ve read your last two articles, and am most impressed. They’re not just right-minded but right-hearted too, which is at least as important. You do a great service to vaccine resisters by showing us compliant medical professionals as fallible humans rather than as limbs of the devil, as they are so often portrayed in oppositional commentary. Wonderfully written too, so clear and concise. Thank you!
I wonder to what extent the forum you refer to was deliberately seeded to produce this result. Key things like traumatic stories of COVID and threats to licenses, could be partially or wholly astroturfed and up voted etc to create a false consensus as in the Asch experiment. We know that billions were spent by the federal agencies to "fight misinformation", and the pharma industry was working overtime to destroy inconvenient science results. We also know now that this has been in part a military operation, and they have all sorts of tools for manipulating online spaces. So maybe this wasn't entirely organic.
Fear of COVID was seeded early on also in "grassroots" reporting from China, and there's lots of evidence of fake doctors on Twitter and other platforms telling tales of terrible death rates and overcrowded hospitals which were later established to be hoaxes. I'm really confused on what really happened here.
I was thinking the same thing! The initial comment from the doctor who removed his clothes in the garage and whose family had fled their home, just seemed overly dramatic to me. There was definitely an early movement to make the medical community fall in line with the rhetoric coming from the government funded “experts.”
Weird enough, I remember reading a story where a doctor removed clothes in the garage in 2020. Was it the same person or an intentionally spread, manufactured story? Although, it makes him sound like his head was completely messed up and he can't be objective anyway.
And 2 different "nurses" posting the same story at the same time on FB...
Now that you mention it, it’s quite possible that this “horrific story” was spread across multiple social media platforms to up the fear factor.
I lived in Florida from 2019-2022 and there was some dufus “reporter” who started creating stories about bodies piling up at a local hospital so they had to bring in refrigerated trucks to store them before burial. It was all fabricated but the AP wire actually picked up the story, without verification, and it started going national. What a clown show!
Hospitals were empty until after jab rollouts. Know ppl who work in hospitals across the country. The ambulance next to where I work used to pull out about twice a week but right after jab rollouts they began rolling out 3 to 6 times every single day. No people were not admitted to the hospital with Covid illness. How do I know this because I read the records and I saw them at hospital follow up visits and primary care. many many of them admitted with the very things the FDA new and enlisted in the October 20 20 at their own VRBPAC meeting. Others-- any kind of -itis. The jab is known well documented to be highly inflammatory. A danger to an already obese or ill population.
My coworkers wife was high up in HR at the local hospital and was involved in many high level meetings about COVID and vax mandates. She had had several severe vaccine reactions and asked her doctor to give her a medical exemption. Her Doc said she “couldn’t in good conscience do this”. The most shocking thing is that everyone at the hospital ALL knew at the time that the Comirnity vax approval (which was not available in the US at the time) was a total bait and switch to make people believe the vaccines were “FDA approved” to justify mandates, since the original vaccine was under EUA at the time and thus was experimental and could not be mandated. They knew about this fraud and went ahead and mandated it anyway. They should all be in prison. All of them.
I know exactly which group you elude to, as I was also once a member Funny enough, they had a legit psychotic moderator too. If you were to separate the die-hard pro-vaccine physicians from the "hey, wait a minute, there is a trail of injury and death from the vaccine that is more than coincidental, and other cheap established drugs besides this rushed corporate-govt get rich quick vaccine scheme can treat COVID, let's just think about this critically and discuss this. And why are we masking, it makes zero sense?" - you'll find a very stark difference in political philosophy.
Many of the outspoken awful female members are also concurrent physician mom group (PMG) members, which has been outed for a while on being a racist, bigoted entity against Jews, conservatives, and anyone who dares question their unhinged leadership. The physician cuck men have their own ridiculous groups. Evidence has been collected over the years by many who have slowly backed out of the crazy groups and left to create sane havens for medical and sometimes political and social discussion. It's exhausting when everything, from picking your kids up at school, to what materials you are using for your next craft project turns into a discussion about how racist you are.
The more time that passes, the more I question if whether this was truly a medical issue, or a govt experiment or psyop. Fauci is gone, and the rate of variants slowed to a crawl. He lied about GOF funding. Lies about Ukraine bioweapons labs. Did anyone really believe a Pangolin infected the world and not a Chinese population control op in Wuhan with GOF improvement after rioting?
These FB physician groups with leftist leaders are laughing stocks. They think they are leaders of society, but everywhere I go - meetings, conferences, friendly dinners during travels, there's disbelief that grown adults who are professionals think and act the way they do.
Dr. Setty did mention that HCQ and ivermectin were maybe derailed by ulterior motives. The whole deranged COVID-19 saga can be seen through such a lens. To me, China is the likely string puller then, but I guess it could be anyone's favorite villain.
This is amazing reportage. I read it last year when it was first published at CHD's the Defender. This is one of the two best articles I've read in the past week. The other was Dr. Setty's report on a recent corporate vaccine conference. If you haven't read that, you really should.
Absolutely agree! Truly eye-opening, hearing perspectives that one isn’t normally privy to.
Your articles are so good. I lost my job due to my refusal to get jabbed. Lots of smart people commenting on the subject, and although I lost a job I loved I’d do it all over again. NEVER take these shots, the push was too heavy from every angle, never felt right. Critical thought went straight down the toilet.
Thank you once again, Madhava. This is an important view from the inside that helps us understand how the medical establishment took a wrong turn, and, by implication, what we might do to turn the community around.
The picture you paint of good doctors turning to a mob mentality is chilling, however it happened. Two questions come to my mind.
1) Is there something in the way doctors are educated which instills a trust in authority? Is it possible that from the moment they enter medical school, they are trained to memorize what is told to them rather than to make sense of a situation given all the available data?
There is a lot of medicine that must be performed predictably, by rote. But then there is diagnosis, which is as much an art as a science. Are doctors being trained to play detective, taking all available information into account, when they are in the diagnosis stage?
2) I have heard that a few voices, carefully planted, can turn a mob around. People who sound sure of themselves and ridicule anyone who disagrees are able to seed a positive feedback loop in which there is only one opinion that it is safe to express.
So my question is whether it is possible there are Pharma trolls paid to participate in the list serve that you describe, trolls who are expert in the art of creating an angry mob out of a disorganized group of people who are individually uncertain and confused?
These are good questions. Medical education is inadequate. Moreover it is based in unfounded confidence which gives rise to hubris. If we have to give a large group of people an experimental drug, say, and another large group a placebo to try and figure out if there is a benefit with regard to a few selective endpoints and never be able to explain the untoward effects of the drug completely, we should acknowledge that we are feeling around in the dark. Nevertheless, newly minted physicians hold unwavering confidence in "the science". The Science is what is in the literature. Never mind the fact that published papers carry bias and are funded by those who have the most to gain by proving "effect".
Given all the uncertainty, medicine and medical training should be offered and regarded as an emerging field where new ideas are explored and tenets are challenged. Quite the opposite is happening. Medical students are indoctrinated with the idea that they are learning things that cannot be overturned by any legitimate counter arguments, therefore there is little reason to give such challenges much heed.
With regard to your second question, there is no way to know if the group had been infiltrated by a small group of chaos agents to goad the group into mob mentality. Maybe. But either way, the group turned nasty and demonstrated very little self regulation.
The point that I had wished to make that may not have been conveyed adequately is that there was a silent minority, or perhaps even a small majority, that saw things differently from "the mob". We can criticize them for not speaking up. I am not here to pass judgement. I am more interested in pointing out the fact that things are not what they seem. I have forged friendships with several doctors that were in that group. They thought it was pointless to try to engage with that kind of group. What's the point of a rational argument if it falls upon an irrational mind?
This was my exact thought while reading the piece. It really did feel as if the group had been seeded with industry shills. Professionally trained and expert shills.
Another excellent piece, Dr. Setty. Sadly it does not surprise me. I am going to apologize up front for the very lengthy commentary that follows but I think it's worth sharing to illustrate the scope of what is going on with physicians across the U.S.
Although I don't belong to any MD chat groups - I am an RN Clinical Reviewer working within a large physicians association and I have witnessed this disassociation/denial and hostility to open debate - first hand. A major part of my role requires thorough review of patient electronic medical records. Suffice it to say that I have reviewed hundreds of charts in the last 3 years. The path from relative health to significant health declines - after receving the very first Covid "vaccine" - is laid bare within the patient's clinical documentation. The correlation is not only obvious - it is practically begging to be recognized for what it is. The rates of hospital re-admissions with this cohort of patients is..... astronomical. I have never seen anything like it. The clinical picture includes all the usual suspects - heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, etc - all of which have increased significantly since the "vaccine" roll out. But - there is so much more going on with these folks. The most common issues that I am observing are rapid declines in cognitive status - with or without prior history of dementia or cognitive impairments, weakness/syncope and - falls *with injury* are way up. But despite these very concerning trends - these same patients continue to get Covid "boosters" - and as far as I can tell, not a single physician caring for these patients - are making (or at least not documenting) a connection to the Covid vax and they are clearly not advising their patients to hold off from further injections.
Of all of these hundreds of charts that I have reviewed - I have only seen *one* instance where a physician documented a patient's covid vax status in relation to the current hospitalization. This physician was a Cardiology Resident - not a member of our IPA but who was doing his residency at one of our affliated (major) hospitals. The patient in question was someone who I had frequently interacted with and knew very well. After each of his 3 prior Covid vax doses - he suffered serious health declines which in turn landed him in the hospital. When he told me that he was planning on getting his 4th shot (2nd booster) - I tried in vain to dissaude him. I reached out to his primary care physician to share my concerns and to suggest that he might consider advising this patient not to get this 4th shot. Not only did that physician not acknowledge my concern - he ignored my message, but he has since stopped interacting with me altogether. To this day - in order to communicate patient issues/information and to ensure that he is receiving it - I now have to use an intermediary by way of one of his medical assistants. This reaction is almost more telling than if he had told me directly to my face that he thought I was a covid conspiracy theorist. To him - it's the 3rd rail and he is desperate to avoid it. Needless to say, this physician did not intercede and his patient went ahead and got the 2nd booster. I got a call from this gentleman shortly after he returned home from the Covid vax clinic. He told me that he was on the floor and that he had started feeling weak, short of breath and having chest pains during the cab ride home and required assistance from the driver to get into his apartment. I called 911 immediately and he was taken to this affliated hospital and subsequently diagnosed with having had a heart attack - and myocarditis. While reviewing the admission documentation, I saw an entry by the cardiology resident - a single sentence in reference to the covid jab - writing "patient reports that he had received his 2nd Covid booster approximately 2 hours prior to presenting at the ED". He clearly felt it necessary to document this information but at the same time, presented it in the most low key way possible. I had a fleeting moment of encouragement that the tide might be changing. That was almost one year ago - that ship has sailed....and sunk. This patient never returned home - having suffered significant health declines that he could no longer live independently.
I highlighted his particular situation as an extreme, but by no means isolated, case of what I have been observing within my organization. I have since talked to several physicians to share my observations and suspicions about health declines in their patients in relation to their Covid vax status - and although no other physician has ex-communicated me - not a single one has acknowledged my concerns. I have worked within this particular health system in several different capacities for the majority of my 32 year career and once held most of the phsyicians I worked with in high esteem. My disillusionment is complete and I have forced myself to stop trying to wrap my brain around the cognitive disconnect that these physicians continue to display because it was so negatively impacting my mental health. I don't hold myself up as some stellar intellect and certainly can't compare my education to that of an M.D. but you don't have to be a brain surgeon to have recognized the glaring red flags with the Covid "vaccines" - from day one. That so many physicians have so easily succombed to demagogury is.....surreal....
Wow. Thank you for sharing that.
Surreal as you say.
And of what use is an MDs 'education' if they are capable of acting in such a manner. It's high time the pharma-medical model collapses in its entirety. The only really useful stuff is emergency medicine which I have the highest regard for. As for the rest - when did we confuse the art of healing with the woo of suppressing symptoms (always at the expense of the deeper health of the physiology)?
First this post is too long and wide ranging to be constructive and debated on point but okay...
Second doctors who think the no mask docs who actually saved ppl using early at home treatment with cheap ole safe repurposed drugs and OTCs were victims of propaganda lack wisdom, discernment and common sense and must realize they were the ones who succumbed to propaganda. Easy targets, cowards, lovers of money, couldn’t even band together against their well financed and bribed corporations that don’t give a crap about the public. And they know it.
Third too bad they were traumatized, they were not trained to critically think nor hold morals to do no harm or stand for their patients rights on the fault of medical schools and docs who permit the current and recent nonsense in physician education.
Fourth I’m an old blond NP who quite successfully treated even frail elders with heart conditions or lung condition with IVM and sometimes just doxy and prednisone and loading vitamins without IVM! I used aaps or flccc protocols and added zyrtec for histamine blocking on those who crashed day 6-10.
Fifth it sickens me the demise of ethical medical care. I used to respect docs, now only a few worthy remain.
Sixth if docs don’t stand up now and reform medical schools this whole discussion and lessons from covid nonsense will soon repeat and protocols will kill and docs will cower and the state shall reign.
Seventh you shall know them by their fruit, their habit, their excuse, their disregard for the patient, the person, life. They love money and comfort. May they most definitely have a change of mind and heart and soul and direction of life, for others and for themselves.
And it is this refusal of doctors to stand up for what is right that has destroyed my life expectancy. Not covid. The day I need Western medicine to keep me alive is the day that I die. I can't trust people with such a lack of ethics to even give me a Band-Aid. Maybe I can find a primary care doctor outside of the hospital that can earn my trust and write me a prescription for an antibiotic, or set and cast a broken bone, but you never know what you're going to get in the hospital, even if it's a doctor that you trust that is admitting you. And I had decided in late 2019 that I would go with hospice before a hospital after years of seeing really awful care being administered to elderly and sick family members. The covid response just convinced me that I wasn't the only one seeing this huge lack of ethics on the part of the medical industrial complex.
I grieve with you. Thankful much of the public is demanding better. New patients often who are seeking freedom. And actual ‘care’. The huge hospital corps have to be deserted. Check out NHF and yeah seek the little solo guys, concierge or small practice.
"“the long-term cardiac effects from Covid” are very real..." Are they, though?
"The control cohort of 590,976 adults with at least one negative PCR and no positive PCR were age- and sex-matched. Since the Israeli vaccination program was initiated on 20 December 2020, the time-period matching of the control cohort was calculated backward from 15 December 2020. Nine post-COVID-19 patients developed myocarditis (0.0046%), and eleven patients were diagnosed with pericarditis (0.0056%). In the control cohort, 27 patients had myocarditis (0.0046%) and 52 had pericarditis (0.0088%). Age (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 0.96, 95% confidence interval [CI]; 0.93 to 1.00) and male sex (aHR 4.42; 95% CI, 1.64 to 11.96) were associated with myocarditis. Male sex (aHR 1.93; 95% CI 1.09 to 3.41) and peripheral vascular disease (aHR 4.20; 95% CI 1.50 to 11.72) were associated with pericarditis. Post COVID-19 infection was not associated with either myocarditis (aHR 1.08; 95% CI 0.45 to 2.56) or pericarditis (aHR 0.53; 95% CI 0.25 to 1.13). We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection."
That seems more solid than the conflicting evidence.
Very good points. I was writing from the perspective of the pediatric cardiologist who believed he was seeing long Covid heart issues.
I asked four pediatricians the rate of myocarditis post illness vs post jab and zero, NONE of them would even answer except to say the jab benefit outweighs risk in small children. Parrots of cdc. That’s all. Shameful and this is how they advertised to public to jab kids last fall. Just sickening.
As a urgent care pediatrician I find that fascinating, as my experience ( and the data from my county, which I followed very carefully for the first two years of the pandemic) showed that for the vast majority of children, Covid was a cold, especially once omicron was the predominant version, which started in December of 2021. There was MISC in a small group with the original strain and the delta version, but this pretty much disappeared with omicron. As the vaccine was not studied for risk, prevention of hospitalization or severe illness, or even prevention of infection, but instead approved based on production of the same amount of antibodies considered protective for young adults, I'd say these cardiologists are basing their recommendations on wishful thinking, not on actual data.
So here's a contrary study which does claim an association. Critically, there appears to be no filter for "vaccination" status, which is an obvious confounding factor. All of the cases identified here could well be jab AE's.
"Conflict of interest statement
Benjamin JR Buckley has received funding from Bristol‐Myers Squibb (BMS)/Pfizer. Stephanie L Harrison has received funding from BMS. Elnara Fazio‐Eynullayeva and Paula Underhill are employees of TriNetX LLC. Deirdre A Lane has received investigator‐initiated educational grants from BMS, has been a speaker for Boehringer Ingeheim and BMS/Pfizer and has consulted for BMS, Boehringer Ingelheim and Daiichi‐Sankyo. Gregory YH Lip: consultant for Bayer/Janssen, BMS/Pfizer, Medtronic, Boehringer Ingelheim, Novartis, Verseon and Daiichi‐Sankyo and speaker for Bayer, BMS/Pfizer, Medtronic, Boehringer Ingelheim and Daiichi‐Sankyo. No fees are directly received personally."
For comparison, here's that section from the above study finding no association:
"Conflict of interest statement
The authors declare no conflict of interest."
Spot the difference?
We've learned to scrutinize the study design and conflicts statements in order to identify industry propaganda. This is a skill most of your colleagues have not displayed over the past three years.
You have expressed my experience as well. I was a member of that group briefly, before I placed them on mute - because I felt like I was gaining absolutely nothing from the group, and there was little honest discussion, along with unbelievable responses to any one who dared to question the apparently preapproved narrative.. I am in Pediatrics, and it was early on evident that this virus posed no threat to the vast majority of my patients, there was not even any need for any kind of early treatment, yet that was not the way things were being portrayed. I spent much time calming the nerves of patients and their parents when I gave them the diagnosis of Covid 19. In my 2020 shifts in a busy pediatric urgent care, we sent one patient with Covid to the hospital, but not for covid, but for right lower quadrant abdominal pain. Did not even know she had Covid until she got tested at the ED. In 2021, no patients sent to the ED for Covid. Lots sent with RSV and other viruses. One in the fall with what turned out to be MISC, for unexplained tachycardia. But none for Covid. Anecdotal? Yes, but I was also following our county data, and hospital data. Few admissions, fewer serious cases, deaths only in kids with other co-morbidities. This was not what was apparently being seen in adult facilities. The summer of 2020 was the slowest summer I ever experienced.
When the vaccine came out they started vaccinating at my hospital in January of 21. I was 59, healthy and felt like I would be okay with if I caught it, and as the vaccine was a new technology, and did not go through the usual testing, I wanted to wait and see how the roll out went. Then in mid-February, my whole family caught Covid. Our three young adult children had colds (or less), my husband and I had my upper respiratory symptoms and fatigue. No fever, better within 10 days. At that point, I figured with natural immunity, I was better protected than if I had been vaccinated. To my surprise, all of the sudden the "experts" were denying what I had been taught since medical school, that natural immunity was superior to vaccinated immunity. They were insisting that everyone must be vaccinated, despite the fact that the vaccine was not studied in previously infected individuals. Then they approved the vaccine for kids based on the fact that they children studied produced the same amount of antibodies considered protective in young adults, in a study so small that there was no way to identify if there was significant side effects. With no long term follow up to see if there were any long term consequences to this new technology. For an infection that was not serious. I had never seen anything like this in my 30 years of being a pediatrician. And to see booster after booster encouraged, again with inadequate study was frustrating. Fortunately, I had another online group of physicians who were willing to look at all of the data and question the narrative, and discuss the issues (often in code, so the group would not be removed from the social media platform) that could not be discussed in other groups, or I might have thought I was crazy. Thank you for your article and your review of the response and the evolution into group think.
Beyond what you saw in that group, in addition to threatening the licenses and board certification of fellow physicians for questioning, I saw physicians who declared they would not treat the unvaccinated and wishing harm on those who were unvaccinated. The absolute certainty with which some seemed to approach the pandemic, that the only possible way out was to vaccinate everyone, the suggestion of force vaccinating, the blocking of young adults from college campuses unless willing to submit to an experimental vaccine, the denial of the possibility of injury from the vaccine, all was unprecedented in my career. Sadly, I do not feel I can trust the FDA or the CDC any more, especially based on the approval of the vaccines and boosters in children, with inadequate study, and their insistence that they could not have an nuanced approach, as that might be "confusing". I also read about your recent attendance at the vaccine conference, and your thoughtful questions, and the support from at least other members of the audience. Please continue fighting for an honest and transparent look at what has happened - we owe that to those who have placed their trust in physicians, that we are there to care for them and to do know harm.
I appreciate your input as a pediatric urgent care clinician. I spent 40 years in Biotech/pharma and couldn't believe that physicians appeared to not question any of the safety/efficacy data. It made me realize most did not read the registration trial studies. Everyone parroting 95% effective was pure insanity.
Yeah, anything advertised as 95% effective should be required to put out all their data publicly. Because it’s pretty much unbelievable. In my mind when I first looked at it there was no long term safety data and a brand new technology. I felt a wait and see approach for kids (and myself) was reasonable given the fact that disease was so mild in healthy individuals
Thanks for these reports. They are very important for the historical record.
Thank you so much for taking the time to give an inside look at this discourse, which is consistent with everything I experience with most people I know. I also appreciate your "belly of the beast" and our clarity and humor in speaking. I live in DC and applied to get into the WVC as press and was rejected - either because of my writing or Substack is not legitimate as press. As a psychologist I am intrigued and baffled by the degree of denial and what we call "poor reality testing" and the similarity of automatic reactions and lack of curiosity. You may be interested in my take on doctors like you,
In the Spring of 2020 I found they were doing trials of high dose IV Vitamin C in China and Italy and wondered why they didn't do them here. That's how I realized something was fishy. Btw, I didn't vaccinate my 3 children, born at time in the 1980s.
I'm not buying that there ever was a pandemic or "Covid" was the cause of disease. I am also not buying that the hospitals were uniformly filled to the brim at the beginning of this grand self-delusion. In the case where there was actual overcrowding that can be explained by numerous other reasons. For example people panicking and unnecessarily running to the hospital due to media reports designed to spread fear; pre-existing conditions--particularly old people; environmental poisoning such as air pollution in certain areas such as Wuhan, China and Northern Italy; PCR tests that measure nothing except blown up genetic fragments.
I also believe there were too many doctors twisting themselves into a pretzel trying to make the case that cases of "Covid" were all the same. If not for the bogus PCR they really couldn't distinguish one serious case of respiratory illness from another.
One of my favorite blogs is this one by Jon Rappoport. The Pandemic Pattern--How the Illusion is Built.
I know for a fact that not all hospitals were "uniformly filled to the brim..." as my husband had to be admitted to the hospital for an eye issue unrelated to Covid in April 2020. He needed an ophthalmologist and no regular office would see him as the doctors were terrified of Covid. We were sent by our insurance to Emory University Hospital in midtown Atlanta. This is a large teaching hospital with a giant parking deck. I figured we would have to park on the top level of the parking deck as it would be so full. I drove into the main level and there were a handful of cars. Otherwise empty. We walked down to the emergency room and a guard was stationed outside the doors. I wasn't allowed in so my husband went in by himself to an empty waiting room. There were 3 huge military tents set up outside the emergency room for overflow patients. The guard told me they were empty, had never been used and were to be taken down. My husband was in the hospital for several days. There were patients and staff on my husband's floor but the orderlies told him it was like a ghost town compared to the usual activity of a large teaching hospital. The local & national news was cycling 24/7 stories about overflowing crowded hospitals whilst one of the most important hospitals in the metro Atlanta area was practically empty. The whole experience was bizarre.
There is no question that the MSM selectively reported on this topic.
I called Elmhurst hospital a week after the NYT horror article ... I told them I had a kid with a sprained ankle but was concerned that it would take hours to be seen because the hospital was overrun with covid ...
The nightshift manager said the hospital was not very busy and my son would be seen quickly.
I asked about the story I read - he said oh ya - we were very busy for a couple of days last week but it's back to normal now.
Indeed they were not. I tracked cases hospital beds ICU beds and vents in VA and never ever were they full. PCR is a sham. Exactly. No flu in 20-21? Yeah right. Kari the inventor ought to know PCR inside and out. Geeeee why no PCR for all URIs before 2020??? What a total fraud waste of time nasal assault and tax dollars!
My county didn't have any pandemic for certain and hospitals were half empty. I learned it from the county data. Then they started manipulating bed count removing beds, firing personnel and labeling regular patients as covid. And requiring physicians to report "covid" deaths if this patient tested positive EVER. It was all right there on the county site, not a conspiracy theory.
Yet another important story here for people to get an inside look at what was going on in hospitals and behind the scenes with doctors. Really goes to show the power of group think, media, and governing institutions creating a narrative people can become swooped up in. I feel for some workers who had a tough time in the few hospitals that got hit harder than others, but I've heard too may stories of health care workers saying it was the rules that made things more chaotic and problematic than COVID, or that things died down rather quickly yet the 'idea' of pandemonium continued. If only the full story could be shared with the masses... I wonder if they would change their minds.
Once again, I thank you! Aparently, I am in my own echo chamber. My friends and I have been ostracized by our community because we have been going against the narrative from the very start and have continued to post the real data and articles such as yours on social media, but get nothing ... bupkis ... nada ... zip.
There has been so much pushback from friends, family, legacy, and social media and no one wants to have any discussion about the last 3 years. Over a year ago, I was vilified for posting a photograph of graffiti in the German language which translated to, "The unvaccinated into the gas." A former 'friend' (from Germany) said many horrible nasty things including this, "You deserve all the shit that's coming your way, but unlike the Jews in the Holocaust, you're bringing it on yourselves."
His sentiment was echoed by many of our so called 'friends'.
It concerns me greatly that another 'p(l)andemic' will arise and we will lose more of our humanity.
Thank you again for speaking out!
Hi Madhava, I’ve read your last two articles, and am most impressed. They’re not just right-minded but right-hearted too, which is at least as important. You do a great service to vaccine resisters by showing us compliant medical professionals as fallible humans rather than as limbs of the devil, as they are so often portrayed in oppositional commentary. Wonderfully written too, so clear and concise. Thank you!
I wonder to what extent the forum you refer to was deliberately seeded to produce this result. Key things like traumatic stories of COVID and threats to licenses, could be partially or wholly astroturfed and up voted etc to create a false consensus as in the Asch experiment. We know that billions were spent by the federal agencies to "fight misinformation", and the pharma industry was working overtime to destroy inconvenient science results. We also know now that this has been in part a military operation, and they have all sorts of tools for manipulating online spaces. So maybe this wasn't entirely organic.
Fear of COVID was seeded early on also in "grassroots" reporting from China, and there's lots of evidence of fake doctors on Twitter and other platforms telling tales of terrible death rates and overcrowded hospitals which were later established to be hoaxes. I'm really confused on what really happened here.
I was thinking the same thing! The initial comment from the doctor who removed his clothes in the garage and whose family had fled their home, just seemed overly dramatic to me. There was definitely an early movement to make the medical community fall in line with the rhetoric coming from the government funded “experts.”
Weird enough, I remember reading a story where a doctor removed clothes in the garage in 2020. Was it the same person or an intentionally spread, manufactured story? Although, it makes him sound like his head was completely messed up and he can't be objective anyway.
And 2 different "nurses" posting the same story at the same time on FB...
Now that you mention it, it’s quite possible that this “horrific story” was spread across multiple social media platforms to up the fear factor.
I lived in Florida from 2019-2022 and there was some dufus “reporter” who started creating stories about bodies piling up at a local hospital so they had to bring in refrigerated trucks to store them before burial. It was all fabricated but the AP wire actually picked up the story, without verification, and it started going national. What a clown show!
Hospitals were empty until after jab rollouts. Know ppl who work in hospitals across the country. The ambulance next to where I work used to pull out about twice a week but right after jab rollouts they began rolling out 3 to 6 times every single day. No people were not admitted to the hospital with Covid illness. How do I know this because I read the records and I saw them at hospital follow up visits and primary care. many many of them admitted with the very things the FDA new and enlisted in the October 20 20 at their own VRBPAC meeting. Others-- any kind of -itis. The jab is known well documented to be highly inflammatory. A danger to an already obese or ill population.
Just read this post, another documented case of the "full ICU" psyop.. and many other horrible things