Great comment. I admire your work. I intend to comment at a DC Council Hearing on June 22.

I took it upon myself to write a few consent forms, with the fantasy that they could be put in people's hands, especially parents, before jabbing their kids.

Since there were no consent forms for children,

1. For parents, Informed Consent on Behalf of Children - November, 2021 - scroll to bottom for "TRULY INFORMED CONSENT CHECKLIST"


2. For "informed collusion" for enabling hosts of pop up vaccine clinics, like those in which 3 of my 7 grandchildren were jabbed, and

3. For Informed Coercion, for those who force people to get the shots. "Truly, Fully, Informed Coercion Checklist on Behalf of Children" https://coronawise.substack.com/p/truly-informed-coercion-addendum

We also need another one for the bivalent boosters, informing people that they were not tested on humans, only 8 mice who were killed without autopsies.

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Thank you, thank you very much for doing this. Those DC Council members need an earful. I hope you will provide a transcript.

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Dr Setty - your dedication to truth is impressive and we can only hope that more doctors or other professionals will break out of this terrible spell that threatens those who trust them with their very lives. Keep up the good work.

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Thank you so much Dr, I really appreciate you being in this battle. I was fired for refusing the jab and my former employer ignored a letter from a doctor who told them my natural immunity was sufficient (I recovered from Covid). You give me hope in 4 minutes!

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You will be vindicated. May it be soon!

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Thank you

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Great Job!

As a nurse, I can attest that there truly was NO informed consent. I am amazed at the lack of outrage.

When will people stand up?

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Thank you Dr. Setty for standing for truth, for medical freedom and for caring about your patients and the people. I will be sharing this information as widely as I can, and know that you have my very warmest wishes.

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Related to the issue of informed consent:

Video clip: https://twitter.com/i/status/1600747817697280000

Clip shows Dr. Renata Moon, MD, testifying in the roundtable discussion, COVID-19 Vaccines: What they Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries hosted by US Senator Ron Johnson. Washington DC, December 7, 2022


DR. RENATA MOON, MD: So a few months ago I looked at the package insert. I pulled it from the box of mRNA product. And you know it was sealed just like showing you here, I unsealed the box that the entire thing came in and then I pulled this out. And this is what it looks like.

So I'd like to show this to you. [opens the large piece of paper, about the size of an opened newspaper, in so doing, bumps the microphone] Sorry about that. [holding up the large sheet of paper with both hands] It's um, it's blank.

DR. DAVID GORTLER: Boom. There is is.

DR. RENATA MOON, MD: It says intentionally blank on it.

DR. DAVID GORTLER: That's the data that pharmacists and physicians are basing on giving the injections outside of mainstream media recommendations. There it is right there. Here's a good question. Why didn't they just print that on a piece of paper the size of a postage stamp? Why all the theater of folding it up into a great big piece of paper like that? Why?

DR. RENATA MOON, MD: [inaudible] good question.

SENATOR RON JOHNSON: That's what's passing for informed consent.

DR. RENATA MOON, MD: Right. So how I am to give informed consent to parents when I have, this is what I have. I have a government that's telling me that I have to say safe and effective, and if I don't my license is at threat. How am I to give informed consent to patients? We're seeing an uptick in myocarditis, we're seeing an uptick in adverse reactions. We have trusted these regulatory agencies, I have, for my entire career up until now. Something is extremely wrong.


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Dr. Renata Moon, MD "Dr. Renata Moon is board certified by the American Board of Pediatrics in both General Pediatrics and Pediatric Hospital Medicine. Dr. Moon has over twenty years of experience as a pediatrician and currently belongs to a Spokane clinic at Kaiser Permanente Washington where she enjoys taking care of children in both inpatient and outpatient settings. She has an extensive past history of involvement with medical education and enjoys working with residents and medical students. Dr. Moon is currently a faculty member for the APM course at the WSU College of Medicine." SOURCE: https://medicine.wsu.edu/overview/faculty-and-staff/renata-moon-m-d/

More information about Senator Ron Johnson's roundtable discussion at:


See also:

Highlights from the Ron Johnson COVID Vax Meeting

by Steve Kirsch

December 9, 2022


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Would vaccine mandates be morally permissible if the vaccines did prevent transmission and killed only one person in the whole world? I argue that safety and efficacy of the medical intervention are irrelevant to this moral question. https://michaelkowalik.substack.com/p/submission-to-the-inquiry-into-covid

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I agree

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Integrity shines brighter than hypocrisy wherever the two reside.

Well Done!

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Wu flu poison death shot mandates are unconstitutional.

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You were awesome! Thank you!

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Really enjoyed this concise delivery. I would love to be a fly on the wall in the minds or even offices of those who listened. Did they learn something they didn't know? Do they realize the gravity of what you presented? Or did they just pretend to listen as most politicians and political reps do these days?

Either way, this speech and its dissemination will make waves. Thank you!

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It's unclear. The committee was in session for over five hours and heard public testimony on a number of different bills. I don't imagine they were able to consider what was said adequately. There were a number of powerful testimonies from the vaccine injured that might have hit home.

The format was much like the hour of public commentary allowed by the advisory panel of the FDA at each of their meetings. Testimony from the vaccine injured, the non-compliers who have lost their livelihoods, scientists who disagree with the FDA's interpretation of the data are simply ignored. The FDA's advisory panel are fixated in their idea that they cannot be wrong. However these legislators are probably more open to hearing from their constituencies.

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Came across this website


Haven't had a good look through yet but it looks interesting

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For cheer-- a few brief transcripts of state legislators standing for freedom-- they ARE out there:

From the April 20, 2022 press conference in which Minnesota Representative Glenn Gruenhagen Introduces HF2348 - A resolution to create a COVID-19 vaccine bill of rights.

Posted April 29, 2022


HF2348 Press Conference 4-20-22 - Representative Eric Lucero

Published May 1, 2022


ERIC LUCERO: I have the privilege of serving as state representative for the Albertville, St. Michael, Otsego, Hanover, and Dayton area. I want to thank Patti,* Wayne,** and Vaccine Safety Council for all the work they've been doing for many years even pre-covid on the very important topics of informed consent and medical freedom.

I want to thank all the survivors who've come out today to share your stories, to come out of the shadows and to share with us your truths. It's also very important to recognize all of those who were not able to be with us today across Minnesota and across the country who have very similar, tragic stories.

Our objective as legislators should be to promote the truth, to promote transparency, to promote accountability and that's what we continue to push to do, regardless and despite the concerted efforts of the government-corporate media-big pharma medical complex to relegate our voices to the shadows. We will continue to fight for the truth and stand for your voices.

And I'm so thankful for Representative Gruenhagen*** for the legislators that are here and again, for those who are not able to be here today, the Minnesota legislators who are continuing to fight, again, for the constitutional republic reality that individual liberty is what each of us is empowered with to make our own medical decisions that are best for ourselves and our families, not for any government official or bureaucrat who thinks they know better than our individual choices.

So thank you again everybody and thank you for this very important [inaudible].


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Eric Lucero https://www.ericlucero.com/

*Patti Carrol is director of Vaccine Safety Council Minnesota


**Wayne Rohde is the author of The Vaccine Court


Rohde also spoke at this same press conference


***Minnesota Rep. Glenn Gruenhagen


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HF2348 Press Conference 4-20-22 - Representative Shane Mekeland

Vaccine Safety Council of Minnesota


Published April 29, 2022



SHANE MEKELAND: Thank you everyone. So this has been an interesting journey for me for the last two years [now speaking extremely rapidly] I have no medical background, I give no medical advice nor legal advice, I have no legal background.


I have to tell it to every constituent I talk to so nobody can ever say I gave medical advice.

I have personally had well over 500 constituents who have reached out to me, deathly ill, terrified, and they could not get any help at a hospital. I have contacts in other states with other doctors

that will do a tele-help and prescribe therapeutics. Not a single one has gone to a hospital yet. Not one.

On the other side of this equation I have talked to well over 500 nurses and respiratory therapists. I have three of those that I've talked to, one literally fell apart emotionally on the phone screaming and crying, swearing, this guy never swears, of how bad it is and what's going on in these hospitals. That many of these supposed covid patients are actually covid vaccine-injured patients. The stories that Mark told about the ventilators, very true. I have gotten to know a couple of these doctors— 17,000 doctors are screaming from the rooftops, this thing, this program has got to stop. And yet we press on.

If the media would just do some digging. If I can find 500 nurses, RNs, LPNs, whatever they all are, that will tell me personal stories of all that what they're seeing I don't know why somebody else can't.

Now many of them came to me, but I'm sure they're reaching out to others. There was a nurse of 20 years for the Mayo Clinic, husband is self-employed, she has a choice, she was denied an exemption, so she got a choice, either take this damn jab or lose your job. Two kids in college. What do you do? She suddenly began to just completely fell apart crying, I couldn't understand anything for 10 minutes. She took it and she is now paralyzed. Her daughters had to come from school to take care of her, to get her back and forth to the bathroom, to feed her, clean her, all of it. Bad choice.

These are not rare stories. These are not the few. There are so many of them.

My father had mild melanoma for the last ten years. He takes the stupid shot and now his body is fully blown full of cancer in one month. His sister got the booster shot. The following day she was hemorrhaging internally, they couldn't figure out where, they just

kept pumping her full of blood til they could get inside her and figure it out. I actually looked at my dad and said, When do your red flags go up? Because mine went up many, many months ago.

I strongly suggest for those who that want to have some research look into what Dr. Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, and particularly Ryan Cole who is a wonderful, decent man, if you have not met this guy he's an amazing man. And then ask yourself a question, when these people are dying because why will nobody do an autopsy in Minnesota? Why did I have to contact Ryan Cole to come here and do one for a family?

There's something that's not right.

So with that I will thank you.



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Shane Mekeland's personal website is https://shanemekeland.com

His official page as a representative in the Minnesota Legislature is:


Vaccine Safety Council of Minnesota's webpage is


(That webpage offers a PDF "Tools for Standing Up Against Attempted Vaccine Mandates"

https://vaccinesafetycouncilminnesota.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/VSCM-Tools-for-Standing-Up-Against-Vaccine-Mandates-2.pdf )

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Another, this one from PN:

Live Medical Freedom Rally

Posted Nov 8, 2021, Front Capitol Steps, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania




PENNSYLVANIA STATE REPRESENTATIVE STEPHANIE BOROWICZ: So last year it was the shut down. We all remember that, right? This year it's mandates. So it's just tyranny in another form, isn't it?

It's a sad day that we have to stand here and fight for our medical freedom in America. I saw a perfect sign yesterday, other than the one back there that I love, the new one we joined in, I saw a perfect sign that said,

We aren't forcing you, we are just taking away everything else until you consent.

Does that sum it up or what? Well, we will not comply.


WOMAN'S VOICE: We will not comply!

STEPHANIE BOROWICZ: We will not be forced in America. Our healthcare workers who last year were heroes are now losing their jobs. At no time in history, and I repeat, no time in history, have the people that have been forcing others into compliance been the good guys. It's the truth. Those that are using coercion and force are never the ones on the right side of history. As [inaudible] always says, are you on the right side of history? It's never been on the right side of history. The city where the Statue of Liberty stands, those that are unvaccinated cannot go get a hamburger without showing papers? Does something not seem right? And—

[cheering, clapping]

We still have bills in the state house that need to be run. I just met with the Health Caucus team. We're going to be running hopefully Russ Diamond's* Medical Constitution Freedom amendment. That will be huge. We just passed out of the senate yesterday Senator Mastriano's** Medical Freedom Act.

[cheering, clapping]

We must run these bills. I have said over and time and time again, it is time to get in the fight. We are not, we need to be in this fight for medical freedom.

I have one story to share with you guys and then I'm done. A constituent, a lady that lives in my district, that I've been working with her to try to save her job, for her to file a medical exemption. And I have her story, if that's OK for me to read real quick.

[Reading from paper]: After an 11 year career at a prominent health care system my career came to an end

on November 5th 2021 due to refusing getting a covid vaccine. On July 8, 2021 my husband and I found out

we were expecting a new addition to our baby, to our family, a baby, number 4. A few weeks later, on August 25th 2021 the health care system informed us that by November 1st we were required to receive the covid vaccine. After prayerful consideration, research, and speaking with my OB GYN, we decided that we would wait until after I had the baby to get the vaccine. I reached out to the Employee Health to see if I could wait until after I had my baby to get the vaccine. I received a response from them that it would be OK to wait but I had to file for an exemption, and I would need to go the medical exemption route since my main concern was my baby, taking care of our baby. After being denied that medical exemption time and time again, I turned in my badge and walked out on November 5th after receiving an email from the system stating I was noncompliant, and did not comply with their policy.

I think that pretty much sums it up. So a healthcare worker who last year was our hero is now fired because she's just trying to protect her baby because she doesn't want to take the risk that there's a chance that that could harm her child.

So continue to stand. Continue to fight. Continue to be a voice of truth and reason in the times that we're living in. I'm proud to stand alongside you and Senator Mastriano and everyone else that's standing here today. So thank you for having me.

[cheering, clapping]



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Stephanie Borowicz, Republican representative for District 76.


*Russ Diamond, Republican representative for District 102.


** Senator Doug Mastriano's website is https://senatormastriano.com

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Last one-- but I have lots more-- my point: there ARE legislators who stand for medical freedom-- may there be more--

Live Medical Freedom Rally

Posted Nov 8, 2021, Front Capitol Steps, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania




SENATOR DOUG MASTRIANO: You'll notice the arguments on the other side are emotion based, they're not based in reason, logic, or fact. And they're inconsistent with their policies and things they say they stand for. So we stand for reason and your right to choose. This is America. I can't believe we're having this debate here, that your livelihood, your jobs, your family to put being put at risk because of a mandate from something that you have a 99% recovery for. It's not even reasonable. So it's my honor next to introduce my friend from the 30th senate district and a and a fighter and a champion of freedom, also a nurse, by the way, Senator Judy Ward.

[cheers, applause]


SENATOR JUDY WARD: Good morning everyone. As he said, I'm state senator Judy Ward. I represent Blair County, Fulton County, and parts of Huntington, Cumberland, and Franklin Counties. Today I join with all of you and my senate colleagues in making yet another stand against government overreach at the state and federal levels.

If historians write an accurate account of the pandemic in the years ahead they will record that personal choice was trampled continually by authoritarian leaders who valued their own executive powers more than the voice of the people. These mandates will cripple many industries, especially our healthcare workers and nursing home industries. Our country will be in crisis.

If your job is threatened by a vaccine mandate, I want you to know that I empathize with your situation. I have consistently advocated for personal choice in matters relating to mass and the vaccine and I will continue to do so. Personally, I agree with the majority of Pennsylvanians that the most effective way to preserve public health is to encourage decisions locally. Communities throughout our state and country are facing different covid 19 challenges and act as if all challenges are the same. That does everyone a disservice. Decisions that are made should be calculated and thoughtful instead of all encompassing.

I've heard from an overwhelming number of constituents that I represent on the desire to have medical freedom. That is why I stand with you today to be a voice against medical tyranny.

[cheers, applause]


We, we are not telling people not to get the vaccine, but we encourage people to make whatever choice makes them feel most comfortable and is the right fit for their situations. It's a personal decision that no one, and I mean no one, should be forced into for any reason, including keeping their job, or receiving basic workplace protections that are afforded to everyone else. We must take serious action to reaffirm that that everyone still has the basic human right of deciding what goes into their bodies. I will continue to fight with you and for you. Thank you.




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Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano's website is https://senatormastriano.com/2021/11/08/110921/

Pennsylvania State Senator Judy Ward's website is https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/member_information/Senate_bio.cfm?id=1683

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