While we investigate and collate the eyewitness accounts, we might send a message to Israel that targeting children and families is terrorism no matter who is doing it. Any military response that Israel raises should be limited to military targets. No bombing of Gaza, where a million children are walled in and unable to escape. No destruction of hospitals or mosques or schools or apartment buildings. Whether or not it was Hamas that first killed civilians, it is an atrocity layered on atrocity if Israel does so.

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Israel has a history of nearly a century of atrocities and war crimes. The Jewish terrorist gangs, Stern and Irgun, were committing atrocities to lay the groundwork for the Zionist invasion of Palestine in 1947 when more atrocities were committed with close to a million people driven out, hundreds of thousands massacred and 530 Palestinian towns and villages wiped from the face of the earth, but not British Mandate maps.

Israel has continued its bloodthirsty campaign ever since. It has regularly bombed the Gaza prison to test its weapons, knowing that nearly half of those imprisoned are children. We have seen the bodies of eviscerated babies and toddlers after such previous attacks by Israel. Hypocrisy is the foundation of the Israeli State, that and terror.

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Helmer has a great article on how the Jews were always going to get all of Palestine.

''Roosevelt had preceded the meeting with the assurance to his Jewish advisers at the White House that “Palestine should be for the Jews and no Arab should be in it.” He also told one of them he “could do anything that needed to be done with [the king] with a few million dollars.”


Check out his homepage and see his other work. Lots of great information.

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“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther



“I fear the Jewish bankers with their craftiness and torturous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos so that the earth should become their inheritance.” ― Otto Von Bismark



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I must urge everyone to read Alexander Durgin’s book “The Great Awakening vs. The Great Reset.” This brave Russian philosopher intimately understands the situation the world is in and his solution is to spread awareness of the Great Awakening. He argues many people across the world are against the Great Reset and progressive liberalism, and our best chance to defeat our elite masters is to make the Great Awakening a serious movement. He makes many profound points and presents an interesting history of liberalism. The book takes an hour or so to read.

The book is only available from the publisher in both print and digital form for $4.95. It has been banned elsewhere, of course.

It is not merely enough to oppose the Great Reset. We must, with great passion, unite together and find common ground to defeat our enemies with others in the world. Time is running short, however. Spreading the word is imperative.

Here is the link to purchase the book.


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Here's a reading from Alexander Dugin - "US Hegemony and its Perils"

37 minute podcast


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We must become solution orientated. To date, no one has made any suggestions in the resistance movement to take action. We are running out of time. We are, by default, teaching passivity.

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Few have made suggestions! Like Catherine Austin Fitts.


Teresa Coraggio: How to Dismantle an Empire

Just to mention two.

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Israel is only targeting the military.....it told Hamas to get the innocents out.....but Hamas is blocking the roads....Egypt which has a huge wall to prevent the Palestinians from coming through does not want them....the Palestinians are being used as political pawns and have been for decades....if you start with an antisemitic premise you will undoubtedly end up with a conclusion that Israel is to blame....it just wants the military out but Hamas uses its women and children as human shields.....this has been happening for years....children suicide bombers....women suicide bombers.....i disagree obviously with you.....and in the end actually both sides were pawns..

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I'm Jewish, as are other members of JVP. That doesn't stop Israel's vast propaganda machine from accusing us of antisemitism. Remember that Netanyahu created and funded Hamas. Hospitals and mosques have already been bombed. Blockades are preventing food and water from reaching Gaza. The claim of "only military targets" has no credibility. Read about the Dahiya Doctrine, a deliberate policy of targeting civilians. Read Amnesty International report: https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/

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Netanyahu did NOT create Hamas! As WaPo in a nearly decade-old article wrote, after the '67 war, Israel allowed a paraplegic Sheikh Ahmed Yassin to form the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya, which was originally recognized by Israel as a charity, then seen as a counterweight of Arafat's PLO in Judea/Samaria. As things happen in the militant world of Islamic fundamentalism, that charity evolved into Hamas, a terrorist group that in 2007 - two years after Sharon forced Israeli settlers out of Gaza - was voted in by Gazans as their official government. A terrorist entity was given the mandate to govern Gaza. Netanyahu has nothing to do with that, so stop claiming he created and funded Hamas.

Gazans chose their destiny - to be governed by a terrorist organization whose known mission statement was the destruction of the State of Israel. Now Gazans must pay the price for that choice! Incidentally, it is Hamas - not Israel - that has roadblocked the two roads to South Gaza Israel has provided Gazans as their means to escape the routing of Hamas from North Gaza.

Hamas is using its constituents as cannon fodder - HUMAN SHIELDS - so that in the next few days people like you and the mainstream press will condemn Israel for the slaughter of 'innocents.'

Just remember these words before you reflexively again blame Israel and Netanyahu for its 9/11!

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What Bibi referred to in that quote is called "Divide and Conquer..." a strategy with which you as a leftist ought to be most intimately acquainted!

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My deepest wish is that this analysis will convey to the general public who the real enemy is. Not Palestine, not Israel. The real culprits are embedded in the governments and secret agencies of these states, sacrificing their own citizens for a globalist political agenda. As you point out the similarities to 9/11, we must also recognize that the same psychological barriers to seeing them exist here. The media's sympathy and support of Israel as victims makes it even harder to perceive that their intelligence apparatus is involved in these atrocities. I do wish you'd mentioned US support of Hamas via Iran....

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I certainly agree with the analysis, but how do we convey it to the brainwashed general public? Thank God some of us are being awakened to these horrors, but "general public" awareness and action is necessary for change. Unfortunately it is this majority that is kept in the dark as the biggest weapon of evil. Thanks to all who attempt to turn on the lights.

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Propaganda. Don't fall for that BS.

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Please read the books by the Israelis Miko Peled and Ilan Pape. They have videos too if you prefer.

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Why should I do that? My reading list is long already.

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Thanks for looking into this, Madhava. There are indeed interesting parallels, as you point out. In terms of 9/11, the cui bono is clear--the neocons got the green light to have their way in the Middle East and of course the military contractors feasted. It's not so clear yet who on the Israeli side benefits from this. Kevin Barrett, a longtime 9/11 analyst and sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, actually argues against the idea that the Israelis "let it happen". (https://www.unz.com/kbarrett/did-israel-just-experience-a-9-11-style-intelligence-failure/) While I find his arguments reasonable, I have to say my intuition is that there is something deeper at play than mere incompetence. It's just not clear yet what the deeper game is. I watched the Dark Horse podcast as well and my intuition aligns with the comments Efrat made.

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It's too early for anyone to know for sure. Efrat's commentary is compelling and sensical and she has little to gain for being deceptive. She was also very careful to only go so far as she could without getting into speculation. 9/11 was a MIHOP, a make it happen on purpose event. This smells more like a LIHOP, a let it happen on purpose.

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“What if Hamas has been created either by Israel directly, or rather by the US-UK-Israel Secret Services for the “benefit” of Israel, for precisely the reason they (Hamas) are used today: to justify Israel’s all-out war for wiping out Palestine, for extending her territory, absorbing over time about as much as a third or half of the current Middle East – into Greater Israel? “

Peter Koenig

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You provide extraordinary detail, analysis and questions. It would be a revelation if factions within Israel stood by or helped facilitate the success of Hamas to justify a larger counter attack. In any case there are atrocities on both sides, and atrocities are no justification for further atrocities. It would also be a revelation if parity existed in the media coverage of Palestinians and Israelis.

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The warmonger's stock portfolios skyrocketed yesterday.

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Which is the whole point of course. The same with the vaccines, they are all weapons of war.

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great analysis. the author may be accused of not "standing with Israel" lol. Hamas has no capability of pulling off this attack just as Al Queda had no capability. These attacks were organized by professional intelligence services probably western although you cannot rule out Russia and China.

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I agree that Al Qaeda didn't have the capability. That was an incredibly sophisticated operation. I do think that Hamas has the wherewithal to launch rockets and massacre undefended civilians. The questions are really about how they planned and trained for this undetected and why their incursion did not result in an immediate response.

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and the degree to which Al Queda and Hamas are infiltrated by other intelligence services which is to the level of basically being co-opted

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Personally I do not believe AQ had any material participation in 9/11 but served as a useful patsy. It's much more likely that Hamas has been infiltrated or serves a darker agenda.

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whether or not or what the level of Al Queda's involvement was in 911, obviously their organization was initially created and funded by the CIA so I would say either way they would be heavily infiltrated if not outright co-opted much in the same way the NSDAP would have been infiltrated and controlled by the Freikorps and the industrialist clubs before they came to power

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Iran's got some intel capabilities too. And they're pretty good with the cyber attacks.

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lol, do you condemn? you are not condemning hard enough. why wont you condemn? It is important to us that you make this about condemnation

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: )

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Thank you so much, Madhava.

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Maybe go look at the video on X released by the Israeli Prime Minister today showing the murdered infants full of bullet holes and burned beyond recognition. Call evil what it is and stop making excuses for the savagery of Jew-haters.

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Can you point out where I was making excuses for Hamas in the article?

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Do you know how easy it is to fabricate photos? Israel has lied since it was invented. A land without people they said...... to attract the European colonists. OOOps, got that wrong. Oh well, let's just kill and drive them out. So began Israel.

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My intuition says the same thing as yours, Madhava. But we shouldn't be relying on intuition. Who has the resources and the skills to do a thorough investigation that could tell us whether this is an Israeli false flag?

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I don't suggest throwing away our curiosity and due diligence as we wade through what is being reported. Ultimately, we each decide what we believe to be true or likely to be true. If no source can be trusted 100%, that decision must ultimately be based in our own body of knowledge, personal experience and intuition. What else do we have to rely on in these times?

Let us say that some insider comes forward with evidence that it was a false flag. On what grounds would we believe them or the evidence they might have? Pictures, videos, documents can all be forged. This is about connecting the dots to see the patterns that emerge.

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I had the same thought but the Israelis would never allow their military to be depicted as fools so this attack by the Palestinian Resistance is likely to be the result of the prisoners in Gaza in particular and all Palestinians that they prefer to die on their feet than on their knees at the feet of their murderous occupiers and colonisers.

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Yet another highly suspicious event that points to something much bigger at play.

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Das Kapital abstractly, and those who have benefitted from Neo-Colonialism under the Hegemony of Das Kapital.

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Is a dead child killed by a bioweapon in the form of a so called vaccine any less dead than one that has been killed by a bullet? People need to WTFU and realise that we are in a spiritual war not a flesh and blood war. There is only good or evil.

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Madhava thank you for putting into words the intuition I had about the Hamas attack. Behind all wars are the international bankers. A chance to capture or destroy Iran seems the motivation. People are barely seen even as collateral damage. Just chess pieces. So shocking but after the last 3 years shock is not working on us anymore. Follow the money and the power trail.

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