What bothers me the most is when you said most of your medical colleagues, believe that the scamdemic was handled well, and that it’s the sceptics that caused the problems. I had so much trust in the medical system and doctors, and that’s gone now. I’m praying for Dr. Nass And many others like her.
Yes. This is disquieting but offers some insight into what we are up against. Interestingly I find that my doctor friends deeply stuck in their dogmatic thinking. The mid-level providers are much more open. My experience only...
Countries are giving up their sovereignty to the WHO Director, who is not directly elected by the member States! (check my analysis, there's a section on that), and not even a medical doctor.
It is important to make clear that the WHO declared pandemics (PHEIC) many instances that weren't: SARS-COV-1, Monkeypox, etc.:
That's my analysis, including the Abortion and Gender Ideology issues, and definition changes (no one else is talking about that).
Finally, it's important to make clear that "One health" involves controlling poultry and cattle production and culling hundreds of millions for nothing:
It's so obvious that they want to starve the world, that in Canada, they wanted to introduce a bill banning backyard poultry, only allowing large commercial facilities!
You might be interested in this as well, which shows some of the WHO blunders with respect to the COVID crisis:
Yes, that’s the one thing these past three years have showed me. I have friends who are doctors and most of them are sleeping and only one of them is awake.
I have a friend who was an ER doc but retired recently , a bit early, and (1.5 years ago). He did work during most of covid. He pretty much refuses to discuss it much. He did say “people were very sick” from covid, so I got the impression he was a bit traumatized by what he saw! Although, he wasn’t ever giving covid shots. He took Hydroxychloroquine while practicing and never got covid. He took two covid shots and his arm was damaged for a while which he did seem very alarmed & annoyed about. Its almost as if he had been brainwashed from a lifetime of ignoring medical malfeasance in the industry. Maybe from years of having to keep quiet to survive the increasing corruption in the medical world which he and fellow Docs began to notice before barely out of med school!
What a horrible thing to complete med school to first discover the corruption & then to witness it increasing over the years, and having to work around it to survive in your career. Worn torn & burnt out I think is something that comes to mind. He wasn’t as strong as Dr. Nass and other warriors.
I don't know how anyone could watch the 8-hour deposition of Stanley Plotkin, the 8-hour deposition of Kathryn Edwards and her subsequent self-humiliation during court testimony, without comprehending the self-evident FACT that the vaccine religion is the cornerstone of across-the-board blatant fraud that underpins the myth of modern medicine.
Any doctor that does not have the guts to face the farce of modern medicine, and refuses to discuss the harms of predatory medical practice is simply not a healer, but a dishonest, moral and intellectually bankrupt coward. Is it any wonder that medical doctors are number one in rates of suicide of all professions, living with the knowledge that what they do is commit harms against innocent, trusting, and often desperate patients? Injecting one-day old babies with a Hep-B vaccine that was developed for drug addicts and trialed for 5 days? Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do. Like HELL they don't!
The truth is, the obsession with vaccination stretching back 220 years is an endemic fraud and always has been just like Edward Jenner who passed himself off as a doctor when in fact he never was one.
The horror of being had by a system that is total and complete and has been in charge of our minds for 1000s of years??? This is true for ALL of us, not just Docs.
Getting red pilled in recent years has been an eye opener! Not that I was totally shocked because intuitively for many many years, I have been distrustful of much medical. Never taking any pills or even aspirins. It always felt too much like drs were more concerned with writing scripts and hurrying through the visit which I know they were somewhat forced to do. Felt too predatory and less about the person.
Look for my comment. There are 45 of them so you may otherwise miss it. This was a great article, by the way. If you find it, what you see is that I say that America used to be special, or we thought it was, which is what you are saying. The people who still believe America has that luster or perfection it once did are the ones who also think it is fine to have a crackhead visiting dad in the WH! Hunter is a truly great artist, though. Many jailbirds also do good work. Not for two hundred grand but they do great stuff in there, they really do.
I am a fan of yours. Thanks for this piece - an example of the law of opposites. By suspending Meryl's license they freed up her time to do this work and created a platform for them to embarrass themselves. I watched several of the hearings. I am working on the psychological dimensions - propaganda, manipulation of fear and demystification. I am recent friend of Meryl and old friend of Josh - whom I interviewed in 2004 and quoted in "Silence of the Scams: Psychological Resistance to Facing Election Fraud" - similar to psychological resistance to facing this betrayal. I reconnected with after I saw a piece he wrote on Meryl's analysis of HCQ. I cherish each of my allies on this incredible journey. I hope to cross paths with you some day. I am a clinical and political psychologist with a specialty in psychoneuroimmunology and Jungian training as well.
Excellent Diane. I learned a lot about the work he was doing in 2004 around election fraud. Seems like everything is an illusion. Your background sounds fascinating.
I am a retired Nurse Practitioner from Michigan. I was in Arizona in early 2020 and received an email from LARA the licensing and regulatory agency in Michigan informing physicians and mid level prescribers that (summarizing) they had seen an increase in prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for treatment of COVID-19 for ourselves, our families & friends and that it was not an approved treatment and that if this continues our license(s) would be sanctioned. I decided that well, it must work and I went to Mexico and purchased enough for our entire family if needed. This previously cheap, inexpensive medication now cost $70 per treatment at bid dosing for 7 days because it was not available in the States.
Yes, in 12/2020, I contracted COVID. I began feeling fatigued with a headache. 48 hours later, I awoke in the night with a 102.8° fever, pounding headache, fatigue and malaise. I took HCQ 200 mg, zinc 50 mg and azithromycin 500 mg. 6 hours later when I next awoke, all symptoms were improving and I was only symptomatic for fatigue for about 10 more days. I know that if used appropriately and early, it prevents worsening disease and hospitalization.
I was not as astute when it came to these vaccines, however. I took both initial doses of the Moderna mRNA vaccine. I have since developed a cardiac arrhythmia and have to take a beta blocker to control it. This leaves me with bradycardia but it at least controls the symptoms. I have been so frustrated trying to get a cardiac MRI and have been told the arrhythmia is probably related to my age. However, prior to the experimental vaccine, I have never had a cardiac problem. When the arrhythmia started I was experiencing chest pressure and tightness with a normal EKG, normal troponins and normal D-dimer. I’m positive I had myocarditis. I don’t know if I’m more upset with myself for believing the garbage about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines or the criminals who lied about them. I just know that my level of trust in the government & the medical community is gone. I will never have another vaccination, I will not wear a mask and I will not socially distance ever again. No one in my family will ever have another COVID vaccine. I have been following Dr. Nass since her license was first suspended. I appreciate her efforts to get valuable and life saving information out to the general public. I also appreciate her willingness to fight against medical tyranny.
I don’t understand why more people aren’t questioning why the government, licensing agencies and medical institutions are going after physicians who tried to save lives.
People are brainwashed or burnt out. The brainwashed believe whatever the TV tells them. Its very mind bending. Sorry for your health issues. A 66 yo friend died suddenly in April with afib. I know he had at least 2 moderna shots. At his funeral his best friend told me he thought the shots had done it to him. However, his brother said their dad had heart issues. My guess he he died pre-maturely and the shots are why.
I am very sorry to hear of your adverse reaction to the jab. Your mistrust of the medical community is thoroughly appropriate given the absolutely hypocritical and criminal behavior exhibited by the profession. At the end of the day nobody is coming to save us….we have to do our own research and collaborate with others to develop some type of parallel or alternative system. The Hippocratic oath has devolved to the hypocritic oath.
That's our Nass. Full of intelligence, wisdom, bravery, kindness , caring, energy and truth, and devoid of arrogance, hubris, greed and other undesirable agendas. God bless you Meryl!
Madhava, what an insightfully illuminating paean for Meryl, thank you. I sense you were animated by her spirit. Your inspired and inspiring words have the breath of life and prompted this praise and moral support for you both.
As an anesthesiologist, you certainly must be one of the most awake from the Nightmare of History, congratulations for braving the pain!
Concerning your angst as a doctor witnessing how most of your fellow practitioners have taken the Hypocrisy Oath (see “Hippocrasy: How doctors are betraying their oath” https://www.amazon.com.au/Hippocrasy-doctors-betraying-their-oath/dp/1742237355?presearch08f-20 ), I suggest you bite the stethoscope and accept that a majority of U.S. physicians did not have much autonomy (or humanity) to hold on to—witness Vinay Prasad and Zubin Damania, police dogs (ZDogg) for the CDC.
About that Trust Factor, begin with the U.S. government, add the experts, and heed Voluntaryist Robert Higg’s warning:
“The beginning of political wisdom is the realization that despite everything you’ve always been taught, the government is not really on your side; indeed, it is out to get you. The mass belief in the general beneficence of democracy represents a kind of Stockholm syndrome writ large. We shall never have real, lasting peace so long as we give our allegiance to the whole conglomeration of institutionalized exploiters and murderers we know as the state.”
And Yes, Meryl’s outlier voice is valuable and rare and it is good that sincere writer-friends like you have the talent and care enough to megaphone it to the world. So thank you, again. Meryl and you can take refuge in Kris Kristofferson’s lyrics:
“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose”
Finally, reading about Meryl, who she is, and getting a sense of her steadfast courage, towering integrity and unremitting responsibility for the real Hippocratic Oath and freedom, I was drawn to this favorite passage of the English translation of Stefan Zweig’s “Montaigne”. In a sense, you are a Zweig to her Montaigne.
I hope it speaks to and for her and those relatively few doctors such as you Who Do No Harm and Much Good.
“In such epochs where the highest values of life—our peace, our independence, our basic rights, all that makes our existence more pure, more beautiful, all that justifies it—are sacrificed to the demon inhbiting a dozen fanatics and ideologues, all the problems of the man who fears for his humanity come down to the same question: how to remain free? How to preserve the incorruptible lucidity of my spirit faced with all the threats and dangers of sectarian turmoil? How to keep humanity intact in the throes of bestiality? How to escape the tyrannical demands that the state and Church seek to impose on me? How to protect that unique part of my soul against enforced submission to rules and measures dictated from outside? How to safeguard the deepest region of my spirit and its matter which belongs to me alone, my body, my health, my thoughts, my feelings, from the danger of being sacrificed to the deranged prejudices of others, to serve interests which are not my own?
It is to this question and this question alone that Montaigne dedicated his life and his strength. It is for this love of liberty that he observes himself, watches over, experiences and criticizes every movement and every sensation. And this quest, which he undertakes to safeguard his soul, his liberty, at a moment of universal servility before ideologies and parties, makes him today a brother to us, more intimate than any other artist. If we love and honour him today more than any other, it is because he devoted himself more than any other to the most sublime art of living: “rester soi-même” [be yourself, remain yourself, be true to yourself].*” Montaigne by Stefan Zweig, p.24
Thank you for sharing such an inspiring report about Dr Nass who many of us have gotten to hear, read and follow over the last three years. She’s been fighting the battle for integrity and sanity for a long time but the fiasco I call Stupid 19 has been a wake up call that keeps growing louder. Perhaps the one thing that this all has brought to our attention is who are humanity’s true heroes. And Dr Meryl Nass is certainly one. May there be many more to follow.
Hi Madhava, I am an MD who would have liked to join you for dinner. I use this pseudonym on Substack to help alleviate my fear of losing my job for speaking my mind.
I am interested in trying to communicate with doctors and healthcare workers in a way that is accessible to them, but in my day to day at the clinic, everyone is so exhausted from the work of serving the poor. There is no available bandwidth for people to consider even greater horrors that I have been learning about on substack from authors like you and Meryl.
That recent JAMA paper highlights my fear of being persecuted for revealing my opinions publicly. On another level, I know that the real strength is in numbers. I am less afraid as more of my peers step up. But choosing to jeopardize my license should be consciously strategic and not vainly sacrificial. I’m speaking what I imagine other doctors may be thinking too.
I have a Kennedy sign in my yard and I am publicly pro-Kennedy on twitter where I use my real name. I participate in Charles Eisenstein’s online program and I’m doing what I can to find safe(ish) ways to steer people to truth and understanding.
Thanks to you and Meryl for your courage and leadership.
Hi Waterbird. Your presence and comments here are much appreciated and important. We are in a hyper polarized environment. The majority of laypersons view doctors as responsible or dangerous misinformation spreaders. Those who are here regard them as courageous truth speakers or spineless shills. We both know that there is a continuum.
Meryl is in a different position than most doctors who have crushing debt, children to take care of and decades more of doctoring in their career. A single complaint against a doctor, whether valid or not, makes the rest of their career very difficult when it comes to licensure, obtaining privileges, getting liability insurance, etc.
If you are here there must be many more like you. You have an important role to play in opening the eyes of your colleagues compassionately.
I suggest that speaking out against the vaccines and the FDA doesn't work with doctors who haven't bothered to check their biases. It usually backfires badly.
However, Meryl's battle with the Medical Board is one that should resonate with every doctor. Most of us have been increasingly frustrated with a system that monitors us, incentivizes actions that we don't think are that useful, makes it harder to bill insurance carriers. Dictating how a doctor treats a disease is an overreach that all of us should rebel against. This is could be something to float to your colleagues.
I also suggest finding others like you to support each other. Organize into a loose group that meets privately and invite others to discuss what they have seen over the last 3 years. It's much easier to jump from one group to another group than it is to leave the comfort of the herd to stand with a maverick.
When we have enough numbers we can change this. It's up to us. The CDC has no power if we vote no confidence.
Thank you for bringing Dr. Nass's story to light. Until there is a regime change in America, there is no way to combat the WHO or the for-profit health industry. So I urge everyone to vote with that in mind. Don't fall for the candidates whose financial ties are embedded in with pharma, weapons or tech. Period. They will not bite the hand that feeds them.
In addition, we each have a responsibility to keep speaking out against this tyranny and put your money behind the brave grassroots organizations supporting the movement toward sanity. Heaven help us if we lose our first amendment rights. We've already lost our privacy rights.
Yes. Doctors open their minds, albeit slightly, regularly, when they are listening to their patients. It is important to use those few minutes to maximum effect. Ask the right questions, don't lecture, don't use anecdotes.
It’s such an autocratic corrupted institution where the most unethical medical professionals populate the upper echelons of the industry. Combine that with the hideous inroads made by private equity firms into so called health care it looks very bleak.
YOU and Dr Nass are amazing. Thank you for being the critical thinkers and truth tellers that you are. I am a non-materialist scientist, & have never trusted the government in the first place but was quite rudely awakened further ten years ago by the WTF changes taking place in the medical field, in agriculture, etc....BUT these crazy last three years have brought us the gift of substack and the essays written by you and the others who see things clearly. This was a wonderful essay. Thank you!
David and Goliath. goD loves a nail-biter. Time for all the big strong men to stand with the brave sacred feminine warriors that are leading the way.
This is a call to: Become a street healer. Soul connector. Demon banisher. Christic oil triggerman. Anointer. Revelator. Self-healing reminder.
"We can all find Truth, because we all have the energetic gateways within ourselves that are necessary for accessing Truth.
And because psychic senses are predicated on self awareness, sovereignty, and personal responsibility, the only reason it seems incompatible with $cience is because $cience is not interested in fostering these qualities in the human population.
To acquire Gnosis is to invoke one’s intrinsic freedom to think, and to choose, for oneself — rather than passing this responsibility off to someone else, in the hopes that it will save one from embarrassment, disgrace, or that dreadful, ego-crushing feeling of being wrong."
I love your work, and some of the information you have written about (like 9/11 and ET beings) really blows my mind. But I have to respectfully disagree with you about a pharmacist not having to know the indication for a prescribed drug. I am a pharmacist in Australia (I lost my job because of the vaccine mandates and to this day I still cannot practice in the public hospital system in the state I live in), and here part of my job is absolutely knowing an indication for a medication prescribed for a patient (especially an antibiotic) so that I am able to determine if the dose prescribed is appropriate for that patient. It's not necessary to ask all the time, but for drugs that have different dosages for different indications, it is required to know that. And doctors can and do get it wrong I have to say. Maybe a pharmacist role is a bit different in the US, but my job is to ensure a drug is safe for a patient, we are the check point between the patient and doctor, and sometimes we can't do that without knowing an indication.
Thank you so much for your comment. And for cross checking what doctors do.
As an anesthesiologist, I don't write scripts regularly. I have never been asked to report a diagnosis to pharmacist, however. I usually leave voice mail for the pharmacist. The instructions for the doctor do not include leaving a diagnosis.
Do you also need to know about renal and hepatic insufficiency or other mitigating conditions to determine dosing?
No I can imagine you wouldn't have much to do with a pharmacist in your work. I worked in a hospital so had direct access to patient notes (and the doctors on the ward) so would get get the information from those sources, but working in a community pharmacy, if I needed to know the indication I would directly ask the patient, I would very rarely have to confirm with a doctor. And yes definitely need to know renal function for a lot of meds, liver function less so, and height and weight is also important for some medications. Community pharmacists don't have access to blood results, so this can be a bit more tricky.
Yes. Inpatient pharmacists have a much different role. As you said, they have access to the records, they know the admitting diagnoses, concurrent medications, etc.
We also have a system that immediately and automatically advises us of potential drug interactions and diagnoses that would require confirmation of dosages of new drug orders.
We had the same reaction to the Proximal Origins paper. It was immediately evident that the conclusion did not follow from the reasoning; it was a feeble straw-man debunk of the sort we've gotten very used to over the last several years.
Neither of us had a science education, and this was the first paper of this sort we'd examined, though spotting BS in such articles would become a full-time occupation, since it was the reason we were stuck in seclusion.
There's a LOT of really obvious faulty reasoning in these papers.
It boggles the mind that anyone would read this paper, having been "educated" in logic, reason, and the principles of composition, and come away with the impression that this hasty denial was honest science. Anyone who fell for this scam needs to reevaluate what they actually "learned" in those years of study, because it sure isn't critical thinking.
Yes. That paper opened my eyes. I began to see so many examples of published papers where the conclusions did not match the data. It made me wonder if the authors were trying to tell the world something, that they were being muzzled and that they were trying to show us the numbers not the conclusions.
Yeah, I have used "faulty reasoning" as a phrase myself. Perhaps you have a more arts or music background. I do. I too have found that I can read a scientific paper and get some of the sense without actually being a scientist. Probably a lot of persons do not know that. I just did a simple google search one time and the second item was a paper whose logic did not correspond to the one, consistent story in the media. It was a precise observation: new virus strains might mutate "around" the vaccines or the vaccines might encourage mutations that evade them. All right I won't analyze it in depth but I immediately saw that this study, the second result on a simple Google search was going against the standard narrative. And I asked: "why"? I have enjoyed reading famous Richard Feynman on how most of science is basically simple and should be explained simply.
Yes, that's an excellent guess...one would say intuition, or pattern recognition. A sense of non sequitur, and a familiarity with critique...these have brought many of us to these conclusions.
At the beginning of lockdown, we became part of a local group of musicians interested in organizing against it, trading information and backing each other in online disputes. These got very hairy, as some of us were burning down our networks and fan bases to speak out on our public pages. We learned to support each other in these circumstances, engaging the debate to take some of the pressure off...it is really rough when people turn on you for holding a minority opinion.
We became experts in those months, out of necessity. There wasn't a lot of info available, but we pooled it and held the line until our group was banned. Fun times.
Great post elucidating the truth about one (of many) true heroes left in this country being persecuted and censored for doing what is right. Ms Nass is fearlessly willing to speak the truth, from her experienced and knowledgeable perspective, much like her presidential candidate choice in 2024. Since virtually all of this nonsense in govt is beyond my (or anyone's) control, I'm only left praying for her and for change that RFK JR could bring to US politics .. and the future health of humanity
What bothers me the most is when you said most of your medical colleagues, believe that the scamdemic was handled well, and that it’s the sceptics that caused the problems. I had so much trust in the medical system and doctors, and that’s gone now. I’m praying for Dr. Nass And many others like her.
Yes. This is disquieting but offers some insight into what we are up against. Interestingly I find that my doctor friends deeply stuck in their dogmatic thinking. The mid-level providers are much more open. My experience only...
Some tips about the WHO treaty and IHRs:
Countries are giving up their sovereignty to the WHO Director, who is not directly elected by the member States! (check my analysis, there's a section on that), and not even a medical doctor.
It is important to make clear that the WHO declared pandemics (PHEIC) many instances that weren't: SARS-COV-1, Monkeypox, etc.:
That's my analysis, including the Abortion and Gender Ideology issues, and definition changes (no one else is talking about that).
Finally, it's important to make clear that "One health" involves controlling poultry and cattle production and culling hundreds of millions for nothing:
It's so obvious that they want to starve the world, that in Canada, they wanted to introduce a bill banning backyard poultry, only allowing large commercial facilities!
You might be interested in this as well, which shows some of the WHO blunders with respect to the COVID crisis:
How about a list of all the WHO mistakes so we could show how dangerous it could be to give them more power?
Just because someone wears a white coat doesn't mean they're all that smart.
Yes, that’s the one thing these past three years have showed me. I have friends who are doctors and most of them are sleeping and only one of them is awake.
I have a friend who was an ER doc but retired recently , a bit early, and (1.5 years ago). He did work during most of covid. He pretty much refuses to discuss it much. He did say “people were very sick” from covid, so I got the impression he was a bit traumatized by what he saw! Although, he wasn’t ever giving covid shots. He took Hydroxychloroquine while practicing and never got covid. He took two covid shots and his arm was damaged for a while which he did seem very alarmed & annoyed about. Its almost as if he had been brainwashed from a lifetime of ignoring medical malfeasance in the industry. Maybe from years of having to keep quiet to survive the increasing corruption in the medical world which he and fellow Docs began to notice before barely out of med school!
What a horrible thing to complete med school to first discover the corruption & then to witness it increasing over the years, and having to work around it to survive in your career. Worn torn & burnt out I think is something that comes to mind. He wasn’t as strong as Dr. Nass and other warriors.
I don't know how anyone could watch the 8-hour deposition of Stanley Plotkin, the 8-hour deposition of Kathryn Edwards and her subsequent self-humiliation during court testimony, without comprehending the self-evident FACT that the vaccine religion is the cornerstone of across-the-board blatant fraud that underpins the myth of modern medicine.
Any doctor that does not have the guts to face the farce of modern medicine, and refuses to discuss the harms of predatory medical practice is simply not a healer, but a dishonest, moral and intellectually bankrupt coward. Is it any wonder that medical doctors are number one in rates of suicide of all professions, living with the knowledge that what they do is commit harms against innocent, trusting, and often desperate patients? Injecting one-day old babies with a Hep-B vaccine that was developed for drug addicts and trialed for 5 days? Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do. Like HELL they don't!
The truth is, the obsession with vaccination stretching back 220 years is an endemic fraud and always has been just like Edward Jenner who passed himself off as a doctor when in fact he never was one.
The horror of being had by a system that is total and complete and has been in charge of our minds for 1000s of years??? This is true for ALL of us, not just Docs.
That is a truth all of us have to wake up to
Getting red pilled in recent years has been an eye opener! Not that I was totally shocked because intuitively for many many years, I have been distrustful of much medical. Never taking any pills or even aspirins. It always felt too much like drs were more concerned with writing scripts and hurrying through the visit which I know they were somewhat forced to do. Felt too predatory and less about the person.
I like what you have to say.
Look for my comment. There are 45 of them so you may otherwise miss it. This was a great article, by the way. If you find it, what you see is that I say that America used to be special, or we thought it was, which is what you are saying. The people who still believe America has that luster or perfection it once did are the ones who also think it is fine to have a crackhead visiting dad in the WH! Hunter is a truly great artist, though. Many jailbirds also do good work. Not for two hundred grand but they do great stuff in there, they really do.
Medical mafia
I am a fan of yours. Thanks for this piece - an example of the law of opposites. By suspending Meryl's license they freed up her time to do this work and created a platform for them to embarrass themselves. I watched several of the hearings. I am working on the psychological dimensions - propaganda, manipulation of fear and demystification. I am recent friend of Meryl and old friend of Josh - whom I interviewed in 2004 and quoted in "Silence of the Scams: Psychological Resistance to Facing Election Fraud" - similar to psychological resistance to facing this betrayal. I reconnected with after I saw a piece he wrote on Meryl's analysis of HCQ. I cherish each of my allies on this incredible journey. I hope to cross paths with you some day. I am a clinical and political psychologist with a specialty in psychoneuroimmunology and Jungian training as well.
Excellent Diane. I learned a lot about the work he was doing in 2004 around election fraud. Seems like everything is an illusion. Your background sounds fascinating.
I am a retired Nurse Practitioner from Michigan. I was in Arizona in early 2020 and received an email from LARA the licensing and regulatory agency in Michigan informing physicians and mid level prescribers that (summarizing) they had seen an increase in prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for treatment of COVID-19 for ourselves, our families & friends and that it was not an approved treatment and that if this continues our license(s) would be sanctioned. I decided that well, it must work and I went to Mexico and purchased enough for our entire family if needed. This previously cheap, inexpensive medication now cost $70 per treatment at bid dosing for 7 days because it was not available in the States.
Yes, in 12/2020, I contracted COVID. I began feeling fatigued with a headache. 48 hours later, I awoke in the night with a 102.8° fever, pounding headache, fatigue and malaise. I took HCQ 200 mg, zinc 50 mg and azithromycin 500 mg. 6 hours later when I next awoke, all symptoms were improving and I was only symptomatic for fatigue for about 10 more days. I know that if used appropriately and early, it prevents worsening disease and hospitalization.
I was not as astute when it came to these vaccines, however. I took both initial doses of the Moderna mRNA vaccine. I have since developed a cardiac arrhythmia and have to take a beta blocker to control it. This leaves me with bradycardia but it at least controls the symptoms. I have been so frustrated trying to get a cardiac MRI and have been told the arrhythmia is probably related to my age. However, prior to the experimental vaccine, I have never had a cardiac problem. When the arrhythmia started I was experiencing chest pressure and tightness with a normal EKG, normal troponins and normal D-dimer. I’m positive I had myocarditis. I don’t know if I’m more upset with myself for believing the garbage about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines or the criminals who lied about them. I just know that my level of trust in the government & the medical community is gone. I will never have another vaccination, I will not wear a mask and I will not socially distance ever again. No one in my family will ever have another COVID vaccine. I have been following Dr. Nass since her license was first suspended. I appreciate her efforts to get valuable and life saving information out to the general public. I also appreciate her willingness to fight against medical tyranny.
I don’t understand why more people aren’t questioning why the government, licensing agencies and medical institutions are going after physicians who tried to save lives.
June Stefanko
Thank you for sharing your story. Sending healing vibes...
People are brainwashed or burnt out. The brainwashed believe whatever the TV tells them. Its very mind bending. Sorry for your health issues. A 66 yo friend died suddenly in April with afib. I know he had at least 2 moderna shots. At his funeral his best friend told me he thought the shots had done it to him. However, his brother said their dad had heart issues. My guess he he died pre-maturely and the shots are why.
I am very sorry to hear of your adverse reaction to the jab. Your mistrust of the medical community is thoroughly appropriate given the absolutely hypocritical and criminal behavior exhibited by the profession. At the end of the day nobody is coming to save us….we have to do our own research and collaborate with others to develop some type of parallel or alternative system. The Hippocratic oath has devolved to the hypocritic oath.
That's our Nass. Full of intelligence, wisdom, bravery, kindness , caring, energy and truth, and devoid of arrogance, hubris, greed and other undesirable agendas. God bless you Meryl!
Madhava, what an insightfully illuminating paean for Meryl, thank you. I sense you were animated by her spirit. Your inspired and inspiring words have the breath of life and prompted this praise and moral support for you both.
As an anesthesiologist, you certainly must be one of the most awake from the Nightmare of History, congratulations for braving the pain!
Concerning your angst as a doctor witnessing how most of your fellow practitioners have taken the Hypocrisy Oath (see “Hippocrasy: How doctors are betraying their oath” https://www.amazon.com.au/Hippocrasy-doctors-betraying-their-oath/dp/1742237355?presearch08f-20 ), I suggest you bite the stethoscope and accept that a majority of U.S. physicians did not have much autonomy (or humanity) to hold on to—witness Vinay Prasad and Zubin Damania, police dogs (ZDogg) for the CDC.
About that Trust Factor, begin with the U.S. government, add the experts, and heed Voluntaryist Robert Higg’s warning:
“The beginning of political wisdom is the realization that despite everything you’ve always been taught, the government is not really on your side; indeed, it is out to get you. The mass belief in the general beneficence of democracy represents a kind of Stockholm syndrome writ large. We shall never have real, lasting peace so long as we give our allegiance to the whole conglomeration of institutionalized exploiters and murderers we know as the state.”
And Yes, Meryl’s outlier voice is valuable and rare and it is good that sincere writer-friends like you have the talent and care enough to megaphone it to the world. So thank you, again. Meryl and you can take refuge in Kris Kristofferson’s lyrics:
“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose”
Finally, reading about Meryl, who she is, and getting a sense of her steadfast courage, towering integrity and unremitting responsibility for the real Hippocratic Oath and freedom, I was drawn to this favorite passage of the English translation of Stefan Zweig’s “Montaigne”. In a sense, you are a Zweig to her Montaigne.
I hope it speaks to and for her and those relatively few doctors such as you Who Do No Harm and Much Good.
“In such epochs where the highest values of life—our peace, our independence, our basic rights, all that makes our existence more pure, more beautiful, all that justifies it—are sacrificed to the demon inhbiting a dozen fanatics and ideologues, all the problems of the man who fears for his humanity come down to the same question: how to remain free? How to preserve the incorruptible lucidity of my spirit faced with all the threats and dangers of sectarian turmoil? How to keep humanity intact in the throes of bestiality? How to escape the tyrannical demands that the state and Church seek to impose on me? How to protect that unique part of my soul against enforced submission to rules and measures dictated from outside? How to safeguard the deepest region of my spirit and its matter which belongs to me alone, my body, my health, my thoughts, my feelings, from the danger of being sacrificed to the deranged prejudices of others, to serve interests which are not my own?
It is to this question and this question alone that Montaigne dedicated his life and his strength. It is for this love of liberty that he observes himself, watches over, experiences and criticizes every movement and every sensation. And this quest, which he undertakes to safeguard his soul, his liberty, at a moment of universal servility before ideologies and parties, makes him today a brother to us, more intimate than any other artist. If we love and honour him today more than any other, it is because he devoted himself more than any other to the most sublime art of living: “rester soi-même” [be yourself, remain yourself, be true to yourself].*” Montaigne by Stefan Zweig, p.24
Get free, stay safe.
Thank you for sharing such an inspiring report about Dr Nass who many of us have gotten to hear, read and follow over the last three years. She’s been fighting the battle for integrity and sanity for a long time but the fiasco I call Stupid 19 has been a wake up call that keeps growing louder. Perhaps the one thing that this all has brought to our attention is who are humanity’s true heroes. And Dr Meryl Nass is certainly one. May there be many more to follow.
You are welcome. She is an inspiration to many.
Hi Madhava, I am an MD who would have liked to join you for dinner. I use this pseudonym on Substack to help alleviate my fear of losing my job for speaking my mind.
I am interested in trying to communicate with doctors and healthcare workers in a way that is accessible to them, but in my day to day at the clinic, everyone is so exhausted from the work of serving the poor. There is no available bandwidth for people to consider even greater horrors that I have been learning about on substack from authors like you and Meryl.
That recent JAMA paper highlights my fear of being persecuted for revealing my opinions publicly. On another level, I know that the real strength is in numbers. I am less afraid as more of my peers step up. But choosing to jeopardize my license should be consciously strategic and not vainly sacrificial. I’m speaking what I imagine other doctors may be thinking too.
I have a Kennedy sign in my yard and I am publicly pro-Kennedy on twitter where I use my real name. I participate in Charles Eisenstein’s online program and I’m doing what I can to find safe(ish) ways to steer people to truth and understanding.
Thanks to you and Meryl for your courage and leadership.
Hi Waterbird. Your presence and comments here are much appreciated and important. We are in a hyper polarized environment. The majority of laypersons view doctors as responsible or dangerous misinformation spreaders. Those who are here regard them as courageous truth speakers or spineless shills. We both know that there is a continuum.
Meryl is in a different position than most doctors who have crushing debt, children to take care of and decades more of doctoring in their career. A single complaint against a doctor, whether valid or not, makes the rest of their career very difficult when it comes to licensure, obtaining privileges, getting liability insurance, etc.
If you are here there must be many more like you. You have an important role to play in opening the eyes of your colleagues compassionately.
I suggest that speaking out against the vaccines and the FDA doesn't work with doctors who haven't bothered to check their biases. It usually backfires badly.
However, Meryl's battle with the Medical Board is one that should resonate with every doctor. Most of us have been increasingly frustrated with a system that monitors us, incentivizes actions that we don't think are that useful, makes it harder to bill insurance carriers. Dictating how a doctor treats a disease is an overreach that all of us should rebel against. This is could be something to float to your colleagues.
I also suggest finding others like you to support each other. Organize into a loose group that meets privately and invite others to discuss what they have seen over the last 3 years. It's much easier to jump from one group to another group than it is to leave the comfort of the herd to stand with a maverick.
When we have enough numbers we can change this. It's up to us. The CDC has no power if we vote no confidence.
Thank you for bringing Dr. Nass's story to light. Until there is a regime change in America, there is no way to combat the WHO or the for-profit health industry. So I urge everyone to vote with that in mind. Don't fall for the candidates whose financial ties are embedded in with pharma, weapons or tech. Period. They will not bite the hand that feeds them.
In addition, we each have a responsibility to keep speaking out against this tyranny and put your money behind the brave grassroots organizations supporting the movement toward sanity. Heaven help us if we lose our first amendment rights. We've already lost our privacy rights.
I believe that we must get through to physicians. There's only about a million of us in this country. All we need is a third to stand firm.
Definitely. As patients we can tell our doctors how we feel and question why they continue to support the protocols. I do.
Yes. Doctors open their minds, albeit slightly, regularly, when they are listening to their patients. It is important to use those few minutes to maximum effect. Ask the right questions, don't lecture, don't use anecdotes.
I spoke to Brian Hooker about this:
It’s such an autocratic corrupted institution where the most unethical medical professionals populate the upper echelons of the industry. Combine that with the hideous inroads made by private equity firms into so called health care it looks very bleak.
Once again, a very well-written, illuminating, and heartfelt essay. Thank you, sir.
Dear Dr Setty,
YOU and Dr Nass are amazing. Thank you for being the critical thinkers and truth tellers that you are. I am a non-materialist scientist, & have never trusted the government in the first place but was quite rudely awakened further ten years ago by the WTF changes taking place in the medical field, in agriculture, etc....BUT these crazy last three years have brought us the gift of substack and the essays written by you and the others who see things clearly. This was a wonderful essay. Thank you!
Thank you for the support!
David and Goliath. goD loves a nail-biter. Time for all the big strong men to stand with the brave sacred feminine warriors that are leading the way.
This is a call to: Become a street healer. Soul connector. Demon banisher. Christic oil triggerman. Anointer. Revelator. Self-healing reminder.
"We can all find Truth, because we all have the energetic gateways within ourselves that are necessary for accessing Truth.
And because psychic senses are predicated on self awareness, sovereignty, and personal responsibility, the only reason it seems incompatible with $cience is because $cience is not interested in fostering these qualities in the human population.
To acquire Gnosis is to invoke one’s intrinsic freedom to think, and to choose, for oneself — rather than passing this responsibility off to someone else, in the hopes that it will save one from embarrassment, disgrace, or that dreadful, ego-crushing feeling of being wrong."
I said what I said. - Alicen Grey
This is such a wonderful post! Thank you for sharing. Meryl's equanimity and fearlessness come through beautifully.
May God and his army of angels watch over her .
He is!
Hi Madhava,
I love your work, and some of the information you have written about (like 9/11 and ET beings) really blows my mind. But I have to respectfully disagree with you about a pharmacist not having to know the indication for a prescribed drug. I am a pharmacist in Australia (I lost my job because of the vaccine mandates and to this day I still cannot practice in the public hospital system in the state I live in), and here part of my job is absolutely knowing an indication for a medication prescribed for a patient (especially an antibiotic) so that I am able to determine if the dose prescribed is appropriate for that patient. It's not necessary to ask all the time, but for drugs that have different dosages for different indications, it is required to know that. And doctors can and do get it wrong I have to say. Maybe a pharmacist role is a bit different in the US, but my job is to ensure a drug is safe for a patient, we are the check point between the patient and doctor, and sometimes we can't do that without knowing an indication.
Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much for your comment. And for cross checking what doctors do.
As an anesthesiologist, I don't write scripts regularly. I have never been asked to report a diagnosis to pharmacist, however. I usually leave voice mail for the pharmacist. The instructions for the doctor do not include leaving a diagnosis.
Do you also need to know about renal and hepatic insufficiency or other mitigating conditions to determine dosing?
No I can imagine you wouldn't have much to do with a pharmacist in your work. I worked in a hospital so had direct access to patient notes (and the doctors on the ward) so would get get the information from those sources, but working in a community pharmacy, if I needed to know the indication I would directly ask the patient, I would very rarely have to confirm with a doctor. And yes definitely need to know renal function for a lot of meds, liver function less so, and height and weight is also important for some medications. Community pharmacists don't have access to blood results, so this can be a bit more tricky.
Yes. Inpatient pharmacists have a much different role. As you said, they have access to the records, they know the admitting diagnoses, concurrent medications, etc.
We also have a system that immediately and automatically advises us of potential drug interactions and diagnoses that would require confirmation of dosages of new drug orders.
We had the same reaction to the Proximal Origins paper. It was immediately evident that the conclusion did not follow from the reasoning; it was a feeble straw-man debunk of the sort we've gotten very used to over the last several years.
Neither of us had a science education, and this was the first paper of this sort we'd examined, though spotting BS in such articles would become a full-time occupation, since it was the reason we were stuck in seclusion.
There's a LOT of really obvious faulty reasoning in these papers.
It boggles the mind that anyone would read this paper, having been "educated" in logic, reason, and the principles of composition, and come away with the impression that this hasty denial was honest science. Anyone who fell for this scam needs to reevaluate what they actually "learned" in those years of study, because it sure isn't critical thinking.
Yes. That paper opened my eyes. I began to see so many examples of published papers where the conclusions did not match the data. It made me wonder if the authors were trying to tell the world something, that they were being muzzled and that they were trying to show us the numbers not the conclusions.
Yeah, I have used "faulty reasoning" as a phrase myself. Perhaps you have a more arts or music background. I do. I too have found that I can read a scientific paper and get some of the sense without actually being a scientist. Probably a lot of persons do not know that. I just did a simple google search one time and the second item was a paper whose logic did not correspond to the one, consistent story in the media. It was a precise observation: new virus strains might mutate "around" the vaccines or the vaccines might encourage mutations that evade them. All right I won't analyze it in depth but I immediately saw that this study, the second result on a simple Google search was going against the standard narrative. And I asked: "why"? I have enjoyed reading famous Richard Feynman on how most of science is basically simple and should be explained simply.
Yes, that's an excellent guess...one would say intuition, or pattern recognition. A sense of non sequitur, and a familiarity with critique...these have brought many of us to these conclusions.
At the beginning of lockdown, we became part of a local group of musicians interested in organizing against it, trading information and backing each other in online disputes. These got very hairy, as some of us were burning down our networks and fan bases to speak out on our public pages. We learned to support each other in these circumstances, engaging the debate to take some of the pressure off...it is really rough when people turn on you for holding a minority opinion.
We became experts in those months, out of necessity. There wasn't a lot of info available, but we pooled it and held the line until our group was banned. Fun times.
I played a bad note on my guitar once. Nobody gave a shit.
Great post elucidating the truth about one (of many) true heroes left in this country being persecuted and censored for doing what is right. Ms Nass is fearlessly willing to speak the truth, from her experienced and knowledgeable perspective, much like her presidential candidate choice in 2024. Since virtually all of this nonsense in govt is beyond my (or anyone's) control, I'm only left praying for her and for change that RFK JR could bring to US politics .. and the future health of humanity