I am sorry to say that I know more people than I can count who think like YLE, which is to say, they don't think. They have a credo. They know how many angels dance on the head of a pin (as it were, as per CDC guidance, I guess), and if you don't agree with them, you heretic, be damned to the fires of Hell! Or, at least, the grey precincts of Purgatory.
Your strategy of paying for a subscription to YLE and there leaving ample and thoughtful comments is a most original one, and, I think, a very good one. My own strategy has been to make transcripts of censored and shadow-banned videos. What I mean to say is, aside from writing books and blog posts, and making videos and podcasts, there are many other ways, some a bit unusual, to work with the power of words. I thank you for your efforts.
Intelligence has been bred out of doctors of medicine.
The field attracts conformists.
The process rewards those who bow to authority.
Their educations are nothing more really than a standardized process yielding standardized dullards.
Any decent lawyer could take a look at the mountains of research that the field is based upon, and with a little sunlight, expose what, in the end, is, well,
Intelligence has been bred out of doctors of medicine and the good ones leave. I have noticed a trend of increasing numbers of PA’s in every field. My in laws just came back from a neurosurgery appointment & were quite impressed with the doctor that went over the MRI & explained in detail my mother in laws situation. And then I found out she was a PA. I’m sure this woman did a fine job of explaining everything her pharmaceutical funded education taught her & she repeated it with authority. The corrupt medical industry/pharma realized they don’t need to bother with or pay critical thinking independent doctors when they just need high achieving memorizers of information to carry out their corrupt care plans.
Btw she was told she couldn’t have surgery in which they would utilize screws & staples until her osteoporosis improved. They now have her taking a new Rx - fomax, & told her to lift weights to help strengthen her bones. She is 81 years old! The entire appointment, new prescription etc was a charade & money grab. I know this because I DIDN’T attend PA school!
More like a medical mafia. As I have stated elsewhere we have to be our own advocates in the health arena. Autocratic and profit driven stewards of the medical administrative state have forced most educated patients to know the utterly unethical and compliant nature of most in the health care(sickness revenue stream) business. Do no harm has been torched.
It is just such a pity that RFK, in order to achieve something positive for health has to become a shill for Zionist genocide in Palestine. To be working to save people on the one hand, albeit Americans, and working to murder people on the other, albeit Palestinians and non-Jews, is just wrong.
Yes, I understand why he is playing the game because he believes the real game in regard to health is the more important one. But is it? And can one work to save lives while actively supporting the taking of life on a scale which ranks as one of the biggest in modern warfare. More so because the Israelis now hold the infamous record of murdering, intentionally, more children than ever before in recorded history.
Can we really sell our soul to the devil for any cause and remain at peace?
I agree. There is no appetite in our entire government to call out the genocide. I don't believe we ever will be able to examine the state of Israel properly until we have an independent investigation of the events of 9/11.
And I doubt there will ever be an independent investigation of 9/11. I gather though that the waste was sent to China. That may or may not be true, but, if it were you can bet the Chinese would go over it with a fine tooth comb for evidence. So, the truth may come out from other sources anyway.
Yes, I feel that too but it also shows how extremely tightly AIPAC controlsr US government and public figures and institutions and it is not a good look.
The control of the US Government and President by Zionists and Jews in the name of a foreign State, Israel, is the worst kind of treason. Astonishing it is allowed.
Since I abhor what the Biden admin has done for Israel and against the Palestinians and I’ll abhor what the Trump admin is likely to do for Israel - kill more Palestinians, I made a pact, but not with the devil. I voted strategically. If Trump can wind down the Ukraine war, there will be less dead people from war. Maybe a deal will be struck with Israel to stop killing innocents in Gaza- I can hope. But to have Bobby at HHS, well, like I said, I voted strategically. Bobby had been removed from my ballot in South Carolina. So I did what Bobby asked of his supporters. Let’s hope some great good comes out of it. All administrations appear to be pro-Israel at every single turn. I’m not sure there is hope for that to change.
Understand all that. Just a pity the American system is so corrupt and inefficient there is no other way. Let's hope Americans can get their country back. If Muslims or Hindus, or any other State had the power in the US and used it as Jews and Israelis, do it would be called treason.
100%, Roslyn. I often wish I had the money to live abroad, where exactly, I don’t know, but our system is set in concrete and it’s very dismaying. Cheers and best of luck to us all. Xo, mel
I know your country fairly well having read a lot and spent a lot of time there with friends and family, over many years.
Can Americans save themselves? Not without a great deal of pain. One hopes that they can because a powerful State in decline becomes dangerous to everyone including itself.
From my humble and very layperson experience, I think the major mistakes the US has made are, and not in order:
1. not having universal quality education to bring out the best of the brightest.
2. having a corrupt political system which legalises lobbying, which is corruption, and which allows the rich to rule regardless.
3. having the Presidential system which is simply an 18th century variation on the theme of monarchy, albeit limited to two four year terms.
4. being founded on delusional myths of greatness and god-given authority.
5. taking far too many unskilled migrants to boost the population, chasing China.
6. destroying the unions and dooming Americans to the poorest quality of life, on average, in the developed world and the least worker rights and benefits.
7. Creating a system where capitalism American style is the least regulated in the developed world and means the rich rule regardless and money is the only power.
8. Brainwashing Americans to believe they are exceptional and meant to rule the world. Ironic since they barely rule themselves.
The list could be longer but in general they are the main ones and all made worse by the US having natural gifts and resources which have enabled it to create wealth without great effort.
And none of it would matter except all factors contributed to Americans feeling they had not just a right but an obligation to strut the world stage telling everyone else what to do and destroying those who challenged them.
As John Mearsheimer said, if US allies do not do what they are told they will be treated like an enemy and ultimately destroyed or at least, severely punished. One thing is certain, human nature has changed very little and while power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Fortunately humans do seem to muddle through the worst of themselves and we can only hope Americans do the same. Take care.
I am deeply troubled by same. There have been some utterances from the incoming administration about the need for peace in the Middle East, but what else is new? And support for Israel is the third rail of US politics at this point--folks bend over backwards to prove just how pro-Israel they are *no matter what it does* no matter what. This forward movement at home is better than nothing, but yea man, I agree with you.
@ Roslyn Ross - There appears to be some serious conflating in your statements, making the clarity or validity of them questionable at best.
Here in the US we, and we alone (pre CV19 period), have medical GNP and chronic disease like no other country. The disability and illness among children , and now young adults, is observable when you just look around. (unless you don't know what normal functioning is or are just blind.) Comparing to Canada for further example, we proportionally have many times the rate of adult disability; and in the CV19 death tabulations the US exceeded all other countries despite all our free tests and shots and "stimulus" handouts and hospital incentives.
While many believe this is not just greed but intentional - and a new type of warfare - the US has been a target (based on a preponderance of overwhelming evidence.) So comparing this horrifying situation to military hot wars it is still about like comparing apples to pool balls. Who is doing this to America and how they are getting away with it? Kennedy just so happens, as a scientifically literate person and a lawyer, to have expertise that can possibly help illuminate and rectify this certain parts of these attacks.
That is why Kennedy was big enough to step down and work under DJT & also why DJT was wide enough to, on some level, acknowledge anything could be improved compared to his 45th presidency.nn(Also probably how the election landslide was ever even remotely possible.)
International and proxy wars are not logically nor even morally conflate-able with the institutional threats to life and livelihood the US has run out of time to ignore.
Conflating actually harms efforts at change, in my view. Afterall, why couldn't Ukraine or Israel go into their own debt (or print their own inflationary money) instead of us? The USA obviously don't have discretionary funds and we are ailing under the national debt. Especially as inflation is directly related to quantum easing (printing more money with the same amount of goods and services.)
Around 1986 some young people toured through my university and testified personally to the extent that Israeli citizens and their governmental system would murder and steal. Note that Kennedy himself has CLEARLY stated that were Israel currently committing war crimes, that Israel should be face prosecution for that.
I think it's strange that public opinion is suddenly been turned against this long-time international ally only just now, after trillions in funding over a half century. This sudden turn seems no different from the manner in which public opinion was well-groomed to originally fund Ukraine in war (against a major super-power no-less.) That is, "activism", using lots of emotional TV "news" plus social pressure like 'Pray for Ukraine' on city marquees. Yet add on the weird legal legislation literally violating free speech (for being critical of Israel ) - all making American discourse all the more un-timely right now in terms of contribution to the many pressures and problems our US is teetering around.
So, why is the Israel-Palestine war characterized repeatedly as "genocide"? Are we to believe that the gene pool making up Israeli's intends to eliminate the gene pool that makes up Palestinians? (Meaning something mathematically like 1 individual Hebrew expects to destroy several million Arabs, each? ) Or is "genocide" just a hot nomenclature with our all-time high racial -framed divisions in the US?
Can anyone answer this simple question: If the people of Gaza are NOT pawns for some geo-political entity (that likely has received billions in financial aid though Gazans continually seem impoverished) then why don't Gazan's surrender to create a permanent cease fire?
If the people in Gaza do not represent themselves, then who is responsible for sacrificing millions of civilians instead of surrendering to the escalation of Oct 7th??
Lastly I know there's a lot of hype about "jews" masterminding 9/11 in the US.....so....since all the evidence points that the US government has been utterly complicit is obscuring from the public what exactly caused the 9/11 destruction...then what does any Jew of any nationality have to do with it?? The US government is implicitly complicit in all scenarios ! We know it wasn't caused by box-cutters.
Again - back to (apparently supra-national) influences NOT in the interest of We The People or any country, likely. Don't sell your soul to propaganda. And the supra-national propagandists trade in arrogance as much as they prey on fear.
I am sorry if you find a lack of clarity. If you want to be clear about what lacks clarity I will address it.
You said: Can anyone answer this simple question: then why don't Gazan's surrender to create a permanent cease fire?
Because Israel has no intention of having a permanent cease fire. The Palestinians even in the Gaza concentration camp have tried peaceful resistance and been murdered in the doing.
The only permanent Israel wants is the removal of every non-Jew in Palestine.
You said: If the people in Gaza do not represent themselves, then who is responsible for sacrificing millions of civilians instead of surrendering to the escalation of Oct 7th??
Israel is totally responsible. There is no surrender because the only policy Israel has is extermination. Either Palestinians die on their knees or die on their feet fighting their oppressors. What would you do?
You said: Lastly I know there's a lot of hype about "jews" masterminding 9/11 in the US.....so....since all the evidence points that the US government has been utterly complicit is obscuring from the public what exactly caused the 9/11 destruction...then what does any Jew of any nationality have to do with it?? The US government is implicitly complicit in all scenarios ! We know it wasn't caused by box-cutters.
Agree. And no-one is saying because some Jews committed crimes or atrocities that all Jews are responsible. The fanatics of any religion and the Mossads, CIA’s and MI5’s do not make all citizens accountable.
I plan to email as many senators as I can, esp those in my state, and ask that they confirm this brilliant man RFKJ. I don’t know what else I can do. Fight, fight, fight.
Thank you for persistently reaching out to Katelyn in a collegial way.
Where I live, the county public health department has practically no diversity of opinions on their local citizens' advisory committees. Maternal, Child & Adolescent Health Advisory Committee and the Health Council both are solidly packed with doctors and staff at NGO that receive ample county monies to stay in operation. There’s nary a naturopath or organic farmer in their midst.
As a volunteer chapter coordinator for the Weston A. Price Foundation, I have been attending the MCAH meetings for a year, and recently added the Health Council to my schedule. They are courteous, of course, but none of the info I share with them, full of citations, makes a dent in their Vaccines For Every Ailment approach to health.
The articles I send to the committee participants via my Substack may be too long, since I never hear any feedback. So yesterday a tried a super short article, just a few sentences and some photos of school lunch trays from 12 countries, and a graph showing lifespans and per capita cost of medical care (https://laurenayers.substack.com/p/12-pictures-and-a-graph). It takes 1-2 minutes to read. We'll see if that gets anywhere!
It's thrilling for grassroots activists like me that, after years of futile advocacy for making school cafeteria food nutrient-dense, toxin-free, the November election is bringing Bobby Kennedy Jr. into government to finally address public health’s decades-long negligence of the "invisible" problem of malnutrition.
As part of my work on this, I signed up to have a table at the Dia de Muertos (Day of the Dead) community celebration at a local clinic for low-income families. But when I arrived, they said I was banned from participation.
Why? Because the national website for the Price Foundation (WestonAPrice.org) posts articles from our quarterly journal, Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and the Healing Arts. A few of those articles concern the lack of efficacy of vaccines, in particular the mRNA shots, and lists hazards from various ingredients in the vaccines on the CDC schedule for children. I was prohibited from having that table even though I had no literature about vaccines with me.
My goal at this event was simply to gather signatures on a survey in support of a pilot program of all organic breakfasts and lunches at one school for 1-2 years, to be financed by private funding that we are confident would result from a crowd-sourced appeal to natural foods folks around the country.
The working name for this is OK-SMiLE (organic, kid-friendly school meals in local education).
In response to the clinic's patronizing attitude, I sent the County Counsel a question: Isn't it unconstitutional for a government agency or NGO receiving tax dollars (in the millions!) to ban free speech?
Now that folks long-censored will have a strong voice at the federal level, and, even in liberal California, at both the state and local level, it's time for public health professionals to listen to ALL of their constituents, not just the experts in the Pharma silo. Your voice, and that of all the other courageous dissenters from the Pharma model, have provided the data to show why we must always Question Authority (i.e. challenge corporate profiteering).
What Katelyn doesn’t realize is that experts all around her are back pedaling. The New York Times finally had an article about the thousands of people harmed by the mRNA shots. And the former head of the CDC, Dr. Robert Redfield, says Kennedy is the “right man for the job” of dealing with chronic childhood disease. She should start listening and join the dialog, or she’ll lose all credibility.
I have some hopes that if RFK, JR makes into the administration that he will make public the CDC datasets regarding vaccine adverse events. To allow independent statisticians, such as myself, access to that data will allow for alternative narratives theories regarding vaccines and autism to be tested using retrospective datasets. While that won't conclusively show causal connections, it could provide convincing evidence that we need to look into from a different perspective.
Yes. He has publicly said in the past that even if he doesn't get appointed he will release the data, i.e. immunization and health records of tens of millions of people for all to see and independently mine for correlations. The fact that they have been sitting on these datasets for so long without doing the analysis is unforgivable.
The current crop, and those recently retired-Collins and fauci, had decades and billions in funding to make an overall improvement in American’s health. What have we gotten from their efforts ? Three quarters of us are fat and increasingly diabetic, over half our children have one or more chronic health problems, a high percentage of us take psychiatric medication, including children, medical error is our third leading cause of mortality. Thank goodness they didn’t have more time and funding or they could finished us off entirely. Their record speaks for itself. Time to try something different. As far as childhood vaccines, I propose a thought experiment- let it be a given that they are all as effective as they have claimed, which they are not. But that they also have some probability of causing a chronic health problem for your child- autism, some other neurological disorders, allergies, including life threatening ones, asthma, weight gain, micro biome disruption, autoimmune disease and decreased hardiness. So for instance you might be trading no measles for a peanut allergy. Is that a good trade off and would you as a parent make it? Given the current state of affairs, this is a question that deserves investigation and an honest and informed answer rather than their safe and effective mantra. Forty years ago when my children were getting vaccinated, I read the package inserts because I had administered medication and was instructed that I needed to know their effects. I questioned why live poliovirus vaccine was still being used when all of the domestically acquired cases for years resulted from the vaccine. But it was several more years before they stopped using it and bringing it up to the local health department did no good. Things are ignored to further the narrative, preserve reputations and the status quo to the detriment of our well being and that is unconscionable
I first came across YLE when she was spreading disinformation on FB in 2020 or 2021. Basically, manipulating logic and numbers to mislead her readers into certain conclusions. Nothing to do with science. I also wondered how she was an epidemiologist if all her publications were some sort of social studies https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=t3nqdNQAAAAJ&hl=en . But doing this sort of research, perhaps, helps better manipulation of the public opinion.
Bobby Kennedy isn't a scientist but a lawyer specializing in toxic environmental exposures, including food and pharmaceutical products. His job is to weed out corruption in the government agencies, not to prove his knowledge of science. So, why is Katelyn Jetelina sad about weeding out corruption in the government agencies?
No group of people beclowned themselves more during Covid than epidemiologists. Fearful, illogical, and irrationally obedient to discredited measures. Morons across the board.
I am also a subscriber on her Substack. She is a modern day Tokyo Rose propagandist for our highly corrupt public health agencies. If I want to know the party line Baghdad Bob BS, I read her Substack.
Awesome contribution to rationalised and thoughtful discussion on LYE. It seems that many of her subscribers are afraid, they seek the reassurance that there is good snd evil, black and white and that science provides a bipolar view of truth or lies. A true scientist understands that science only provides a truth or rationale until it is superseded and so many facets of life are onion skins, only true until peeled away and a new truth exposed. Mathematics, physics, religion all demonstrate this.
Much of dogma comes from simplistic mantra from government agencies designed for the unthinking masses. Seatbelts save lives (they sometimes kill), smoking causes cancer (improves inflammatory bowel disease, light is a waveform (photoelectric effect). The more we understand, the less we know!
Really impressed with how you answered and addressed the comments to your response to Katelyn. It's interesting how people attack the messenger when they have no wish to address the content in the message being given.
Thanks. There is a bit of distortion going on. Paying subscribers can leave comments but they comprise only a fraction of readers. Those who pay are either very supportive of her or, as some suggest, people who are engaged in a disinformation campaign. I would imagine that most of her non paying subscribers are able to see that the responses are emotive and without any substance.
It's a very simple strategy to manipulate people. All you need to do is make people pay to voice their opinion and you get an echo chamber. However it can be fragile. I don't think it would take more than a dozen informed people who engage calmly to blow the whole thing open. But few wish to support her substack in order to leave a comment. Personally, I think it is a tiny price to pay to expose their game.
Scientists cannot be said to normatively display "skepticism of ...own position." In fact, they often become attached to their positions and if takes decades to change their minds. Just to add something of worth to this dicussion topic, what occurs to me is they would perhaps need TWO things. There are benefits from both of these. They would need both confidence in their own position and an ability to listen to criticism.l But science is very intuitive and when a scientist gets a strong feeling that he or she is right in what he or she is doing, that feeling of confidence is very, very important. Otherwise, the strong tendencies of OTHER scientists to resist a new "scientific revolution" will never be overcome. I cannot imagine a scientist BOTH being confident enough to make a win for real "science" and, at the same time, maintain "scepticism." Especially when I cannot even spell it! (It's either a "c" or a "k")
Yes. That's fair. I should have been more clear. Scientists are generally very critical, not skeptical of their own findings before attempting to publish.
Inviting criticism is extremely important, especially with regard to public health. This is where things have completely gone off the rails.
Um, actually, researchers attempt to make their initial assumption what they wish to disprove. The initial assumption is termed the null hypothesis in statistical tests, with the alternative hypotheses it’s opposite. The null hypothesis (H0) is assumed true for all statistical tests of this nature. I think this supports the claim that skepticism of one's own position is the normative approach in science.
I am sorry to say that I know more people than I can count who think like YLE, which is to say, they don't think. They have a credo. They know how many angels dance on the head of a pin (as it were, as per CDC guidance, I guess), and if you don't agree with them, you heretic, be damned to the fires of Hell! Or, at least, the grey precincts of Purgatory.
Your strategy of paying for a subscription to YLE and there leaving ample and thoughtful comments is a most original one, and, I think, a very good one. My own strategy has been to make transcripts of censored and shadow-banned videos. What I mean to say is, aside from writing books and blog posts, and making videos and podcasts, there are many other ways, some a bit unusual, to work with the power of words. I thank you for your efforts.
Good. Thank you
I think she wants paid subscriptions as so much is a money scam.
Intelligence has been bred out of doctors of medicine.
The field attracts conformists.
The process rewards those who bow to authority.
Their educations are nothing more really than a standardized process yielding standardized dullards.
Any decent lawyer could take a look at the mountains of research that the field is based upon, and with a little sunlight, expose what, in the end, is, well,
Medical Madness.
Indeed, it's always the lawyers that find the arguments to debunk the expert witness in court.
Intelligence has been bred out of doctors of medicine and the good ones leave. I have noticed a trend of increasing numbers of PA’s in every field. My in laws just came back from a neurosurgery appointment & were quite impressed with the doctor that went over the MRI & explained in detail my mother in laws situation. And then I found out she was a PA. I’m sure this woman did a fine job of explaining everything her pharmaceutical funded education taught her & she repeated it with authority. The corrupt medical industry/pharma realized they don’t need to bother with or pay critical thinking independent doctors when they just need high achieving memorizers of information to carry out their corrupt care plans.
Btw she was told she couldn’t have surgery in which they would utilize screws & staples until her osteoporosis improved. They now have her taking a new Rx - fomax, & told her to lift weights to help strengthen her bones. She is 81 years old! The entire appointment, new prescription etc was a charade & money grab. I know this because I DIDN’T attend PA school!
So could a decent car mechanic.
No shale.
More like a medical mafia. As I have stated elsewhere we have to be our own advocates in the health arena. Autocratic and profit driven stewards of the medical administrative state have forced most educated patients to know the utterly unethical and compliant nature of most in the health care(sickness revenue stream) business. Do no harm has been torched.
'ie coded conformist' is one anagram of 'doctors of medicine' so yes.
Bring it on
It is just such a pity that RFK, in order to achieve something positive for health has to become a shill for Zionist genocide in Palestine. To be working to save people on the one hand, albeit Americans, and working to murder people on the other, albeit Palestinians and non-Jews, is just wrong.
Yes, I understand why he is playing the game because he believes the real game in regard to health is the more important one. But is it? And can one work to save lives while actively supporting the taking of life on a scale which ranks as one of the biggest in modern warfare. More so because the Israelis now hold the infamous record of murdering, intentionally, more children than ever before in recorded history.
Can we really sell our soul to the devil for any cause and remain at peace?
I agree. There is no appetite in our entire government to call out the genocide. I don't believe we ever will be able to examine the state of Israel properly until we have an independent investigation of the events of 9/11.
And I doubt there will ever be an independent investigation of 9/11. I gather though that the waste was sent to China. That may or may not be true, but, if it were you can bet the Chinese would go over it with a fine tooth comb for evidence. So, the truth may come out from other sources anyway.
Yes, I feel that too but it also shows how extremely tightly AIPAC controlsr US government and public figures and institutions and it is not a good look.
The control of the US Government and President by Zionists and Jews in the name of a foreign State, Israel, is the worst kind of treason. Astonishing it is allowed.
Check out Dr Judy Wood (engineer, not MD) work, Where Did the Towers Go?
I have long read engineers and architects, but thanks, will do so.
Since I abhor what the Biden admin has done for Israel and against the Palestinians and I’ll abhor what the Trump admin is likely to do for Israel - kill more Palestinians, I made a pact, but not with the devil. I voted strategically. If Trump can wind down the Ukraine war, there will be less dead people from war. Maybe a deal will be struck with Israel to stop killing innocents in Gaza- I can hope. But to have Bobby at HHS, well, like I said, I voted strategically. Bobby had been removed from my ballot in South Carolina. So I did what Bobby asked of his supporters. Let’s hope some great good comes out of it. All administrations appear to be pro-Israel at every single turn. I’m not sure there is hope for that to change.
Understand all that. Just a pity the American system is so corrupt and inefficient there is no other way. Let's hope Americans can get their country back. If Muslims or Hindus, or any other State had the power in the US and used it as Jews and Israelis, do it would be called treason.
100%, Roslyn. I often wish I had the money to live abroad, where exactly, I don’t know, but our system is set in concrete and it’s very dismaying. Cheers and best of luck to us all. Xo, mel
I know your country fairly well having read a lot and spent a lot of time there with friends and family, over many years.
Can Americans save themselves? Not without a great deal of pain. One hopes that they can because a powerful State in decline becomes dangerous to everyone including itself.
From my humble and very layperson experience, I think the major mistakes the US has made are, and not in order:
1. not having universal quality education to bring out the best of the brightest.
2. having a corrupt political system which legalises lobbying, which is corruption, and which allows the rich to rule regardless.
3. having the Presidential system which is simply an 18th century variation on the theme of monarchy, albeit limited to two four year terms.
4. being founded on delusional myths of greatness and god-given authority.
5. taking far too many unskilled migrants to boost the population, chasing China.
6. destroying the unions and dooming Americans to the poorest quality of life, on average, in the developed world and the least worker rights and benefits.
7. Creating a system where capitalism American style is the least regulated in the developed world and means the rich rule regardless and money is the only power.
8. Brainwashing Americans to believe they are exceptional and meant to rule the world. Ironic since they barely rule themselves.
The list could be longer but in general they are the main ones and all made worse by the US having natural gifts and resources which have enabled it to create wealth without great effort.
And none of it would matter except all factors contributed to Americans feeling they had not just a right but an obligation to strut the world stage telling everyone else what to do and destroying those who challenged them.
As John Mearsheimer said, if US allies do not do what they are told they will be treated like an enemy and ultimately destroyed or at least, severely punished. One thing is certain, human nature has changed very little and while power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Fortunately humans do seem to muddle through the worst of themselves and we can only hope Americans do the same. Take care.
I am deeply troubled by same. There have been some utterances from the incoming administration about the need for peace in the Middle East, but what else is new? And support for Israel is the third rail of US politics at this point--folks bend over backwards to prove just how pro-Israel they are *no matter what it does* no matter what. This forward movement at home is better than nothing, but yea man, I agree with you.
Roslyn I sadly agree with you
@ Roslyn Ross - There appears to be some serious conflating in your statements, making the clarity or validity of them questionable at best.
Here in the US we, and we alone (pre CV19 period), have medical GNP and chronic disease like no other country. The disability and illness among children , and now young adults, is observable when you just look around. (unless you don't know what normal functioning is or are just blind.) Comparing to Canada for further example, we proportionally have many times the rate of adult disability; and in the CV19 death tabulations the US exceeded all other countries despite all our free tests and shots and "stimulus" handouts and hospital incentives.
While many believe this is not just greed but intentional - and a new type of warfare - the US has been a target (based on a preponderance of overwhelming evidence.) So comparing this horrifying situation to military hot wars it is still about like comparing apples to pool balls. Who is doing this to America and how they are getting away with it? Kennedy just so happens, as a scientifically literate person and a lawyer, to have expertise that can possibly help illuminate and rectify this certain parts of these attacks.
That is why Kennedy was big enough to step down and work under DJT & also why DJT was wide enough to, on some level, acknowledge anything could be improved compared to his 45th presidency.nn(Also probably how the election landslide was ever even remotely possible.)
International and proxy wars are not logically nor even morally conflate-able with the institutional threats to life and livelihood the US has run out of time to ignore.
Conflating actually harms efforts at change, in my view. Afterall, why couldn't Ukraine or Israel go into their own debt (or print their own inflationary money) instead of us? The USA obviously don't have discretionary funds and we are ailing under the national debt. Especially as inflation is directly related to quantum easing (printing more money with the same amount of goods and services.)
Around 1986 some young people toured through my university and testified personally to the extent that Israeli citizens and their governmental system would murder and steal. Note that Kennedy himself has CLEARLY stated that were Israel currently committing war crimes, that Israel should be face prosecution for that.
I think it's strange that public opinion is suddenly been turned against this long-time international ally only just now, after trillions in funding over a half century. This sudden turn seems no different from the manner in which public opinion was well-groomed to originally fund Ukraine in war (against a major super-power no-less.) That is, "activism", using lots of emotional TV "news" plus social pressure like 'Pray for Ukraine' on city marquees. Yet add on the weird legal legislation literally violating free speech (for being critical of Israel ) - all making American discourse all the more un-timely right now in terms of contribution to the many pressures and problems our US is teetering around.
So, why is the Israel-Palestine war characterized repeatedly as "genocide"? Are we to believe that the gene pool making up Israeli's intends to eliminate the gene pool that makes up Palestinians? (Meaning something mathematically like 1 individual Hebrew expects to destroy several million Arabs, each? ) Or is "genocide" just a hot nomenclature with our all-time high racial -framed divisions in the US?
Can anyone answer this simple question: If the people of Gaza are NOT pawns for some geo-political entity (that likely has received billions in financial aid though Gazans continually seem impoverished) then why don't Gazan's surrender to create a permanent cease fire?
If the people in Gaza do not represent themselves, then who is responsible for sacrificing millions of civilians instead of surrendering to the escalation of Oct 7th??
Lastly I know there's a lot of hype about "jews" masterminding 9/11 in the US.....so....since all the evidence points that the US government has been utterly complicit is obscuring from the public what exactly caused the 9/11 destruction...then what does any Jew of any nationality have to do with it?? The US government is implicitly complicit in all scenarios ! We know it wasn't caused by box-cutters.
Again - back to (apparently supra-national) influences NOT in the interest of We The People or any country, likely. Don't sell your soul to propaganda. And the supra-national propagandists trade in arrogance as much as they prey on fear.
I am sorry if you find a lack of clarity. If you want to be clear about what lacks clarity I will address it.
You said: Can anyone answer this simple question: then why don't Gazan's surrender to create a permanent cease fire?
Because Israel has no intention of having a permanent cease fire. The Palestinians even in the Gaza concentration camp have tried peaceful resistance and been murdered in the doing.
The only permanent Israel wants is the removal of every non-Jew in Palestine.
You said: If the people in Gaza do not represent themselves, then who is responsible for sacrificing millions of civilians instead of surrendering to the escalation of Oct 7th??
Israel is totally responsible. There is no surrender because the only policy Israel has is extermination. Either Palestinians die on their knees or die on their feet fighting their oppressors. What would you do?
You said: Lastly I know there's a lot of hype about "jews" masterminding 9/11 in the US.....so....since all the evidence points that the US government has been utterly complicit is obscuring from the public what exactly caused the 9/11 destruction...then what does any Jew of any nationality have to do with it?? The US government is implicitly complicit in all scenarios ! We know it wasn't caused by box-cutters.
Agree. And no-one is saying because some Jews committed crimes or atrocities that all Jews are responsible. The fanatics of any religion and the Mossads, CIA’s and MI5’s do not make all citizens accountable.
I plan to email as many senators as I can, esp those in my state, and ask that they confirm this brilliant man RFKJ. I don’t know what else I can do. Fight, fight, fight.
Thank you for persistently reaching out to Katelyn in a collegial way.
Where I live, the county public health department has practically no diversity of opinions on their local citizens' advisory committees. Maternal, Child & Adolescent Health Advisory Committee and the Health Council both are solidly packed with doctors and staff at NGO that receive ample county monies to stay in operation. There’s nary a naturopath or organic farmer in their midst.
As a volunteer chapter coordinator for the Weston A. Price Foundation, I have been attending the MCAH meetings for a year, and recently added the Health Council to my schedule. They are courteous, of course, but none of the info I share with them, full of citations, makes a dent in their Vaccines For Every Ailment approach to health.
The articles I send to the committee participants via my Substack may be too long, since I never hear any feedback. So yesterday a tried a super short article, just a few sentences and some photos of school lunch trays from 12 countries, and a graph showing lifespans and per capita cost of medical care (https://laurenayers.substack.com/p/12-pictures-and-a-graph). It takes 1-2 minutes to read. We'll see if that gets anywhere!
It's thrilling for grassroots activists like me that, after years of futile advocacy for making school cafeteria food nutrient-dense, toxin-free, the November election is bringing Bobby Kennedy Jr. into government to finally address public health’s decades-long negligence of the "invisible" problem of malnutrition.
As part of my work on this, I signed up to have a table at the Dia de Muertos (Day of the Dead) community celebration at a local clinic for low-income families. But when I arrived, they said I was banned from participation.
Why? Because the national website for the Price Foundation (WestonAPrice.org) posts articles from our quarterly journal, Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and the Healing Arts. A few of those articles concern the lack of efficacy of vaccines, in particular the mRNA shots, and lists hazards from various ingredients in the vaccines on the CDC schedule for children. I was prohibited from having that table even though I had no literature about vaccines with me.
My goal at this event was simply to gather signatures on a survey in support of a pilot program of all organic breakfasts and lunches at one school for 1-2 years, to be financed by private funding that we are confident would result from a crowd-sourced appeal to natural foods folks around the country.
The working name for this is OK-SMiLE (organic, kid-friendly school meals in local education).
In response to the clinic's patronizing attitude, I sent the County Counsel a question: Isn't it unconstitutional for a government agency or NGO receiving tax dollars (in the millions!) to ban free speech?
Now that folks long-censored will have a strong voice at the federal level, and, even in liberal California, at both the state and local level, it's time for public health professionals to listen to ALL of their constituents, not just the experts in the Pharma silo. Your voice, and that of all the other courageous dissenters from the Pharma model, have provided the data to show why we must always Question Authority (i.e. challenge corporate profiteering).
What Katelyn doesn’t realize is that experts all around her are back pedaling. The New York Times finally had an article about the thousands of people harmed by the mRNA shots. And the former head of the CDC, Dr. Robert Redfield, says Kennedy is the “right man for the job” of dealing with chronic childhood disease. She should start listening and join the dialog, or she’ll lose all credibility.
Great work, Lauren!
I have some hopes that if RFK, JR makes into the administration that he will make public the CDC datasets regarding vaccine adverse events. To allow independent statisticians, such as myself, access to that data will allow for alternative narratives theories regarding vaccines and autism to be tested using retrospective datasets. While that won't conclusively show causal connections, it could provide convincing evidence that we need to look into from a different perspective.
Yes. He has publicly said in the past that even if he doesn't get appointed he will release the data, i.e. immunization and health records of tens of millions of people for all to see and independently mine for correlations. The fact that they have been sitting on these datasets for so long without doing the analysis is unforgivable.
The current crop, and those recently retired-Collins and fauci, had decades and billions in funding to make an overall improvement in American’s health. What have we gotten from their efforts ? Three quarters of us are fat and increasingly diabetic, over half our children have one or more chronic health problems, a high percentage of us take psychiatric medication, including children, medical error is our third leading cause of mortality. Thank goodness they didn’t have more time and funding or they could finished us off entirely. Their record speaks for itself. Time to try something different. As far as childhood vaccines, I propose a thought experiment- let it be a given that they are all as effective as they have claimed, which they are not. But that they also have some probability of causing a chronic health problem for your child- autism, some other neurological disorders, allergies, including life threatening ones, asthma, weight gain, micro biome disruption, autoimmune disease and decreased hardiness. So for instance you might be trading no measles for a peanut allergy. Is that a good trade off and would you as a parent make it? Given the current state of affairs, this is a question that deserves investigation and an honest and informed answer rather than their safe and effective mantra. Forty years ago when my children were getting vaccinated, I read the package inserts because I had administered medication and was instructed that I needed to know their effects. I questioned why live poliovirus vaccine was still being used when all of the domestically acquired cases for years resulted from the vaccine. But it was several more years before they stopped using it and bringing it up to the local health department did no good. Things are ignored to further the narrative, preserve reputations and the status quo to the detriment of our well being and that is unconscionable
I first came across YLE when she was spreading disinformation on FB in 2020 or 2021. Basically, manipulating logic and numbers to mislead her readers into certain conclusions. Nothing to do with science. I also wondered how she was an epidemiologist if all her publications were some sort of social studies https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=t3nqdNQAAAAJ&hl=en . But doing this sort of research, perhaps, helps better manipulation of the public opinion.
Bobby Kennedy isn't a scientist but a lawyer specializing in toxic environmental exposures, including food and pharmaceutical products. His job is to weed out corruption in the government agencies, not to prove his knowledge of science. So, why is Katelyn Jetelina sad about weeding out corruption in the government agencies?
She is on the list of weeds? Unless of course she is being used to draw out the other idiot epidemiologists.
No group of people beclowned themselves more during Covid than epidemiologists. Fearful, illogical, and irrationally obedient to discredited measures. Morons across the board.
MPH careerists were another cabal of fear porn apparatchiks!
'Epidemiologists' anagrams to 'ego simple idiots'. the word itself explains. :)
I am also a subscriber on her Substack. She is a modern day Tokyo Rose propagandist for our highly corrupt public health agencies. If I want to know the party line Baghdad Bob BS, I read her Substack.
Please call your senator’s office tomorrow and ask that Kennedy be confirmed.
Awesome contribution to rationalised and thoughtful discussion on LYE. It seems that many of her subscribers are afraid, they seek the reassurance that there is good snd evil, black and white and that science provides a bipolar view of truth or lies. A true scientist understands that science only provides a truth or rationale until it is superseded and so many facets of life are onion skins, only true until peeled away and a new truth exposed. Mathematics, physics, religion all demonstrate this.
Much of dogma comes from simplistic mantra from government agencies designed for the unthinking masses. Seatbelts save lives (they sometimes kill), smoking causes cancer (improves inflammatory bowel disease, light is a waveform (photoelectric effect). The more we understand, the less we know!
Keep up the good work 🙏
Really impressed with how you answered and addressed the comments to your response to Katelyn. It's interesting how people attack the messenger when they have no wish to address the content in the message being given.
Thanks. There is a bit of distortion going on. Paying subscribers can leave comments but they comprise only a fraction of readers. Those who pay are either very supportive of her or, as some suggest, people who are engaged in a disinformation campaign. I would imagine that most of her non paying subscribers are able to see that the responses are emotive and without any substance.
It's a very simple strategy to manipulate people. All you need to do is make people pay to voice their opinion and you get an echo chamber. However it can be fragile. I don't think it would take more than a dozen informed people who engage calmly to blow the whole thing open. But few wish to support her substack in order to leave a comment. Personally, I think it is a tiny price to pay to expose their game.
Scientists cannot be said to normatively display "skepticism of ...own position." In fact, they often become attached to their positions and if takes decades to change their minds. Just to add something of worth to this dicussion topic, what occurs to me is they would perhaps need TWO things. There are benefits from both of these. They would need both confidence in their own position and an ability to listen to criticism.l But science is very intuitive and when a scientist gets a strong feeling that he or she is right in what he or she is doing, that feeling of confidence is very, very important. Otherwise, the strong tendencies of OTHER scientists to resist a new "scientific revolution" will never be overcome. I cannot imagine a scientist BOTH being confident enough to make a win for real "science" and, at the same time, maintain "scepticism." Especially when I cannot even spell it! (It's either a "c" or a "k")
Yes. That's fair. I should have been more clear. Scientists are generally very critical, not skeptical of their own findings before attempting to publish.
Inviting criticism is extremely important, especially with regard to public health. This is where things have completely gone off the rails.
Um, actually, researchers attempt to make their initial assumption what they wish to disprove. The initial assumption is termed the null hypothesis in statistical tests, with the alternative hypotheses it’s opposite. The null hypothesis (H0) is assumed true for all statistical tests of this nature. I think this supports the claim that skepticism of one's own position is the normative approach in science.
Except r/o HO is not the norm in published research. That's just not practical reality.
She’s undoubtedly out of touch with the Reality she pretends to be referring to 🙃
YLE seems to be running a religious blog. That's fine, but should be labelled as such.