As this country approaches the new year excitement and trepidation are in the air, depending on how you view the status quo. This is a call for action without anger.
Thank you for this, Madhava. For about eight years now, my understanding that I don't actually *know* anything has been unfolding, so this essay really resonated for me. All of my supposed knowledge is based upon in experts or other authority figures (which aren't necessarily individuals) or trust in my own senses. Am I sitting down now? Yes, I *know* that I am because I can see it, feel the chair, etc. But that knowledge comes only through the trust I have in my own senses. I had not thought until now about my awareness as the one knowable thing. I'll have to ponder that.
You make the point that we are entering into an age where individuals not only have the means to discern truth for themselves, but will be forced to do so, as trusted sources of information become less trusted, and even perhaps less available. You also make the point that we are entering a transition to a time when the division between "us" and "them" will diminish and, eventually, dissolve. Taken together, those two ideas seem to imply that individuals will come to an identical, or at least very similar, understanding of truth. At least it seems to me that would be a prerequisite for the type of unification you're predicting (and for which I'm hoping!). I'm not sure that's true, though. We already know that different people, presented with the same set of facts, will understand and interpret them differently. The very fact that humans are individuals, and not a hive mind type of species, seems to me to imply that, inevitably, we will understand and respond to things differently.
For what it's worth, though, I do believe that we are all one on a very deep, primal level. That all is indeed one. Actually, I *know* that as much as I know anything, thanks to an experience (no drugs involved!) I had more than seven years ago. So I remain hopeful.
Thank you for the thoughtful comment, Ram. Your are hinting at some profound ideas. The most immediately practical is the idea of coming to a common understanding. I do believe that if we were to all identify our biases and the uncertainty in our positions there would be very little, if anything, that we would completely disagree about. We may have differences in the certainty we have about certain things, based on our own experience and acquired knowledge, however we would be able to acknowledge that our differences will ultimately be reconcilable as time goes by. In other words, our understanding as a collective will eventually converge. I believe this is a massive first step in the evolution of an intelligent species.
It seems self-evident that everything is connected, If you wish to know everything about a particular species of plant, for example, you would have to know about its requirements for nutrition and sunlight, climate, insects required for pollination. Now we have to know everything about all of those things. It won't take long before we are investigating how certain elements form in the core of stars.
It's my belief that awareness itself, which is present in different states in all that we see is what ties it all together, ultimately. An open investigation into myself leads me to conclude that awareness is primary. It's not such a big step to say that this may very well be true for the entire universe too.
Thanks for the response, Madhava. I agree that convergence is in process (and probably always has been...whatever "always" means in this context). And I do like the idea of everything being, in some way, aware, and that awareness ties all together. This verges on Pantheism...and I'm good with that. I've been moved to tears by touching a tree or a rock at times, by the sacred feeling in certain things, whether alive or "dead."
I have had a lot of the same ideas as you, especially since covid. I remember arguing with a friend about consciousness. I told him I wasn't afraid to die. He said everyone fears death. Not if you understand it I said. Just like when I told my work mates (all of which got the shot) This body will incarnate before I get injected. I started working there during covid and I told them when they require everyone to get "vaccinated" I would be leaving. When you know you are not the material "you", then you understand that death means very little. It's just time to leave this body/mind, your consciousness lives on. We are all part of one consciousness.
I met David Ray Griffin back in the day when we (Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society) brought him to Vancouver to speak. The Wuhan Institute of Virology is the new WTC 7 - the lynch pin upon which the official Covid narrative crumbles to dust. 9/11 has never been more relevant. Thank you for keeping this conversation alive.
Excellent article, Dr. I am delighted to read that someone as well spoken and educated as you are is talking about these subjects in the open. I am one of the people who has learned the truth of 9/11, but I learned it from a detailed reading of Dr. Judy Wolf's book, "Where did the towers go - Proof of Directed Energy Weapons." I also have read many books on near death experiences and fully believe in reincarnation. I also fully believe in galactic civilizations that came before us on this planet - during the first civilization of communities and are watching us closely today. I wrote a book in 2012 because I was so excited about all the fantastic things I was learning - BUT NO ONE believed anything I said. So, I have had to be silent and alone since then. I am 80 now with chronic pain and find great hope in your voice - keep it up, please!
Tell us more details about directed energy weapons. It seems as though Dr. Wolf's books point the blame toward Mos sad when you read the final chapter. I mean we have pictures of the Israeli intelligence agency standing next to boxes of fuses for demolition and they were the only ones that had access to all three buildings. Check out this link that truly connects the dots. t(dot)ly/hET0u
"our real adversary is a distortion in our collective cognition. In other words, ultimately, we have to change the way people think about things at a very profound level before any enduring change is possible" Yes, very much yes, indeed. And what precisely causes that distortion? A major component is ancient and extremely surprising: // Also available on Amazon - with reviews.
A very interesting article- lots of food for thought, some things I hadn't thought of or heard, others I have. I love seeing such optimistic writing, it's nice to see recognition that while change does not happen overnight, it does indeed happen and we can be architects of a positive future if we are brave enough to try.
Fucking fantastic, just fantastic work. You absolutely summed up my views on everything in reality within one article, well done sir. Believe only that which you can verify personally, anything else is relying on someone else’s judgement, if you want to be truly sovereign you form your own beliefs.
The best lecture or sermon I’ve ever heard. Share widely! This explains what we need to do or how we should think about the Deep State. I will have to follow the 9/11 Center for International Justice group that brought this great speaker to their tribute to #DavidRayGriffin. First I will have to remember his name and how to spell it! I see it now @Madhavasetty Thank you!
Many comments here already expressed my thoughts about your great article. I would add this :
After a lifetime of experiences and reflections, I can say that I have been searching the whole time and that I still am.
I do « beleive » most of what you are suggesting here is truthfull.
You offer us your reflections so humbly and courageously, as they risk disturbing and offending many.
To me it is not yet the majority that is ready to take this path of questionning and reflection, or to accept that doubt can be the beginning of extraordinary discoveries. But more and more can, and you, with many others, contribute to this awakening.
So. Thank you for what you do. Thank you for being there.
Thanks so much for this. Your ideas resonate with many elements of my life's work and a few Substack articles I have been working on (very slowly due to mold neurotoxicity). I find your idea of collective reincarnation appealing and plausible. In addition, complementary and not contradictory, I think in terms of conscious evolution, for which we are actively raising consciousness. Also demystification from psychological manipulation. As truth is coming out of the woodwork, I include concepts like "enantiodromia" - Jung referred to Heraclitis's idea that things go far to one extreme and then turn to their opposites, as ell as Prigoene's Theory of Dissipative Structures, Nobel Prize in chemistry, that change is not linear but systems break down before reorganizing at a higher level. I do not exactly agree about unilateral forgiveness, it has to be earned with apology. I have written about this. From a perspective of evolutionary psychology, and the trauma literature, and Jewish practice of teshuva/atonement, necessary for healing, it is not adaptive to forgive someone who is still a danger and has not transformed or apologized, which requires recognition, remorse and restitution, but without this, one might find ways to let go and move on without forgiving an unrepentant perpetrator. I am also writing about thinking for oneself and how to know whom to believe and seeking direct experience.
I have a warm spot in my heart for the idealism of the past, especially the 80s and revolution of consciousness and strive to cultivate it's return now
Diane, I am certainly not advocating for allowing people who are still a danger to others to continue with acts of violence against others. I acknowledge that there are psychopaths out there. But most who are working for interests that do not serve to expand our consciousness or prosperity act out of their own ignorance. There would be no reason for them to apologize unless their understanding changes. Obviously the first step in their reformation would be education not a demand for an apology.
I like Heraclitis's idea. It seems all phenomena are cyclic. We breathe in and out. There may very well be a contractionary phase of the universe billions of years in the future too.
Understood. Of course you are not advocating that. Forgiveness has a specific meaning. I have written about this elsewhere. In my former psychotherapy practice I had a specialty in psychoneuroimmunology (as well as Jung, family therapy, etc) and worked with people with cancer. During New Age cultural phenomena people used to torment themselves and believed they gave themselves cancer because they could not forgive their father, and the culture was pressuring people to forgive when it was not earned or warranted which ads insult to injury and is harmful. Also during the Truth and Reconciliation TRC in South Africa, with Bishop Tutu whim I admire, emphasized forgiveness from a perspective of Christianity. Unlike Christianity and New Age, the trauma literature says you don't have to forgive and Judaism emphasizes atonement, which includes apology - not that most actually practice it, especially between Rosh Ha Shana and Yom Kippur when you are required to clear the slate with people in your lives before asking for forgiveness for oneself on Yom Kippur. This fits with conscious evolution and release for both the victim and the former perpetrator - it liberates 2 for the price of one. Asking a victim for forgiveness reverses the power dynamic and give the victim the power. To apologize requires psychological maturity. As you say, most perps don't apologize. Victims deserve to be released and society needs to support them with other strategies like justice, symbolic forgiveness, apology by others after, like Tuskeegee, recognition, etc but no one should feel pressure to forgive someone who didn't earn it. I don't disagree and I hope to reincarnate with you to witness the contractionary phase of the universe, but hope to meet you sometime in this lifetime.
I would love to meet you too (sooner than later ;-))
I see the danger in demanding forgiveness that you are alluding to. I actually think that forgiveness is very tricky. It's very easy to say the words and not mean it. In that sense, it can be a way of bypassing trauma.
In my opinion true forgiveness cannot be enduring without gratitude. If you can be grateful to your tormentor for the lessons you have learned from their actions, for example teaching you that you are indestructible and that the damage they have done to you is surmountable and has made you a beacon of light and love that would have not been possible if not for the suffering you endured at their hands, then you have truly transcended.
Of course I am not suggesting that that should be a "goal" for people who have been victimized. I am merely suggesting that if it were possible, there would be no chance of bypassing.
Forgiveness is for the "victim" to be free. I see forgiveness and resentment as 2 sides of one coin. Am I able to flip the coin over and turn my resentment to graditude? Every experience has made me who I am today and necessary lessons. I did a workshop with Collin Tippings, Radical Forgiveness, to get to this place. In this workshop was able to fully express my anger and get to the other side. I am an eternal being and nothing has actually affected my true Self. Also through being a 20 year student of A Course in Miracles I have come to understand the difference between "forgiveness to destroy" and true forgiveness. And maybe I was a perpetrator in a past life. " let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me"
I agree, and it's for witnesses to support victims in what you describe also known as post traumatic growth. I live in DC, often in Phila to see kids and grandkids, also friend of Josh whom I co-grandparent with, and Meryl. Let me know if you are in town.
Boy, this was long and quite the journey. I will have to digest it more and probably need to re-read a time or two. You make good points but I think some of this might need different thought.
If I may only ask one question from you; Are you a Christian? This isn't a flippant question at all, btw. Thank you for your article and I look forward to thinking on this.
Thanks for gutting it out, Loretta! This was actually a top level summary of a book I wrote four years ago.
I have been careful to not attach any religious position to this perspective. There is very good reason for this. Religion can be extremely triggering. It can draw as many people in as it excludes. It's my hope that people will consider what I have offered and take what works for them, ponder on other things and reject what doesn't resonate with their inner heart.
If your definition of "Christian" is someone who accepts that Jesus Christ is their savior and offers them the only path to salvation, then the answer is no.
I have been endowed with a certain combination of logic, gumption and intelligence as well as obstinance and short-sightedness which is neither superior or inferior to anyone else's. Given the tools I possess, this model of Christianity does not resonate with me at this time as it leads to possibilities that do not make sense to me.
On the other hand, I believe that for all practical reasons, the essence of Jesus' story can be boiled down to what he uttered on the cross. To me Jesus demonstrated to all how far we need to go to forgive one another. If we all could do that we would arguably have a heaven on Earth.
Just like the idea of reincarnation, we don't need to *know* that that is how it works in order to reap the benefits of that world view, we just have to believe it. Similarly, we don't have to know that Jesus lived and died on this planet to realize that his basic message, when taken to heart, is what will ultimately liberate us.
All the other details lead to differences of opinion, arguments and division.
I have a very dear friend who identifies as Christian. He has taught me a lot about the Bible and the Christian world view. However, when it got right down to it, when I asked him if he would rather see a world where everyone strived to emulate, the best that they could, Christ's desire to forgive, or a world where everyone accepted Jesus as their savior, he chose the latter. I would choose the former.
I know that not all Christians would agree with him (I have asked many of them). However to him, this makes me a "non-Christian". Other Christians who agree with me accept me as one of them. So I guess it's all very complicated...
Where/why do you give your friend the either or? Jesus says to try to emulate him, but we will always be imperfect. Yes forgiveness is in the Bible to emulate as well.
All of what you gave for his 'choice' is already from Jesus. Not you.
It makes no difference what other Christians agree with as they will not be the judge who allows you everlasting life.
So really, if someone ever asks if you are a Christian, you might just say not a true believer in Christ. In fact it sounds new age Christianity. That is not a religion. Actually, Christianity is not a religion. Religion is an interpretation of what parts of the Bible one wants to believe. It is not complicated.
Just because you gave him the choices you gave, they are in the Bible already, for us all to be doing. There is no either or any of what you gave your Christian friend a 'would you want this or that'. We are already supposed to try to have all of that. You are not (nor anybody) the one who gives us choices. Every individual person is to choose to either follow the Bible and Gods commands or face that consequence of their own doing.
It sounds like you were giving him a choice. You can't be the one asking him to choose those 3 choices. We all can have it all if we are Bible believing and following.
I don't know how to explain that you seemed to have thought you have the power to give your friend the choices you gave. I only wished your Christian friend had not been caught up in the 'either - or' of your question.
"If he would rather see a world where everyone strived to emulate, the best that they could, Christ's desire to forgive, or a world where everyone accepted Jesus as their savior? If God is our Savior, then all of this is already possible.
Recent photos of Trump have raised eyebrows, particularly given his former doctor, Ronny Jackson's statements. The medical practitioner had previously stated that a bullet had severely damaged the ex-president's ear during the assassination attempt.
Despite Jackson's claims that the bullet had blown off part of Trump's ear, the new images of Trump meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu show no visible scarring or damage.
Perhaps I was looking for something along the path you took to your conclusion regarding the events of 9/11, but was taken on a journey of self-checking sanity or knowing vs believing and how fragile (or self-deceptive) they could be.
Hopefully in the future you'll share more of your position (of courage) instead of 3rd person stories of moments of sanity connected by threads of consciousness. Perhaps this is your breaking out of your shell (but questioning yourself all the way out the door).
And yes, there are MANY who also believe this was an operation to further erode our rights. I mean, who broadcasts on TV that a building is coming down BEFORE it has come down? (indeed, it was standing in the background while they said it). I have heard enough to question whether Steven Jones is an insider who is drawing people away from the truth.
There are other unexplained phenomena to question whether there were other weapons or techniques in play at that time.
I'm of the belief that those who have perpetuated this disaster will someday be held accountable before Jesus. Nobody is going to be able to lie to him. I know, having met him. Indeed, the awfulness of their deeds will consume them, and they will seek refuge from Him, because of their shame and guilt.
For those who are wanting to learn more about how to understand or determine whether we are being exposed to a psyop and to engender critical thinking skills, may I suggest looking at this video? (it's using the current drone reporting as a basis to explain the techniques to employ for critical thinking of ANY story)
Thank you for this, Madhava. For about eight years now, my understanding that I don't actually *know* anything has been unfolding, so this essay really resonated for me. All of my supposed knowledge is based upon in experts or other authority figures (which aren't necessarily individuals) or trust in my own senses. Am I sitting down now? Yes, I *know* that I am because I can see it, feel the chair, etc. But that knowledge comes only through the trust I have in my own senses. I had not thought until now about my awareness as the one knowable thing. I'll have to ponder that.
You make the point that we are entering into an age where individuals not only have the means to discern truth for themselves, but will be forced to do so, as trusted sources of information become less trusted, and even perhaps less available. You also make the point that we are entering a transition to a time when the division between "us" and "them" will diminish and, eventually, dissolve. Taken together, those two ideas seem to imply that individuals will come to an identical, or at least very similar, understanding of truth. At least it seems to me that would be a prerequisite for the type of unification you're predicting (and for which I'm hoping!). I'm not sure that's true, though. We already know that different people, presented with the same set of facts, will understand and interpret them differently. The very fact that humans are individuals, and not a hive mind type of species, seems to me to imply that, inevitably, we will understand and respond to things differently.
For what it's worth, though, I do believe that we are all one on a very deep, primal level. That all is indeed one. Actually, I *know* that as much as I know anything, thanks to an experience (no drugs involved!) I had more than seven years ago. So I remain hopeful.
Thank you again for this most excellent essay.
Thank you for the thoughtful comment, Ram. Your are hinting at some profound ideas. The most immediately practical is the idea of coming to a common understanding. I do believe that if we were to all identify our biases and the uncertainty in our positions there would be very little, if anything, that we would completely disagree about. We may have differences in the certainty we have about certain things, based on our own experience and acquired knowledge, however we would be able to acknowledge that our differences will ultimately be reconcilable as time goes by. In other words, our understanding as a collective will eventually converge. I believe this is a massive first step in the evolution of an intelligent species.
It seems self-evident that everything is connected, If you wish to know everything about a particular species of plant, for example, you would have to know about its requirements for nutrition and sunlight, climate, insects required for pollination. Now we have to know everything about all of those things. It won't take long before we are investigating how certain elements form in the core of stars.
It's my belief that awareness itself, which is present in different states in all that we see is what ties it all together, ultimately. An open investigation into myself leads me to conclude that awareness is primary. It's not such a big step to say that this may very well be true for the entire universe too.
Thanks for the response, Madhava. I agree that convergence is in process (and probably always has been...whatever "always" means in this context). And I do like the idea of everything being, in some way, aware, and that awareness ties all together. This verges on Pantheism...and I'm good with that. I've been moved to tears by touching a tree or a rock at times, by the sacred feeling in certain things, whether alive or "dead."
I have had a lot of the same ideas as you, especially since covid. I remember arguing with a friend about consciousness. I told him I wasn't afraid to die. He said everyone fears death. Not if you understand it I said. Just like when I told my work mates (all of which got the shot) This body will incarnate before I get injected. I started working there during covid and I told them when they require everyone to get "vaccinated" I would be leaving. When you know you are not the material "you", then you understand that death means very little. It's just time to leave this body/mind, your consciousness lives on. We are all part of one consciousness.
Wonderful thoughtful essay and love that you brought in reincarnation and astrology.
I met David Ray Griffin back in the day when we (Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society) brought him to Vancouver to speak. The Wuhan Institute of Virology is the new WTC 7 - the lynch pin upon which the official Covid narrative crumbles to dust. 9/11 has never been more relevant. Thank you for keeping this conversation alive.
Excellent article, Dr. I am delighted to read that someone as well spoken and educated as you are is talking about these subjects in the open. I am one of the people who has learned the truth of 9/11, but I learned it from a detailed reading of Dr. Judy Wolf's book, "Where did the towers go - Proof of Directed Energy Weapons." I also have read many books on near death experiences and fully believe in reincarnation. I also fully believe in galactic civilizations that came before us on this planet - during the first civilization of communities and are watching us closely today. I wrote a book in 2012 because I was so excited about all the fantastic things I was learning - BUT NO ONE believed anything I said. So, I have had to be silent and alone since then. I am 80 now with chronic pain and find great hope in your voice - keep it up, please!
Yes. It will take more than one voice to change the world. Things have changed!
I am not 80 (yet) but I can totally relate to your comment
Tell us more details about directed energy weapons. It seems as though Dr. Wolf's books point the blame toward Mos sad when you read the final chapter. I mean we have pictures of the Israeli intelligence agency standing next to boxes of fuses for demolition and they were the only ones that had access to all three buildings. Check out this link that truly connects the dots. t(dot)ly/hET0u
"our real adversary is a distortion in our collective cognition. In other words, ultimately, we have to change the way people think about things at a very profound level before any enduring change is possible" Yes, very much yes, indeed. And what precisely causes that distortion? A major component is ancient and extremely surprising: // Also available on Amazon - with reviews.
A very interesting article- lots of food for thought, some things I hadn't thought of or heard, others I have. I love seeing such optimistic writing, it's nice to see recognition that while change does not happen overnight, it does indeed happen and we can be architects of a positive future if we are brave enough to try.
Fucking fantastic, just fantastic work. You absolutely summed up my views on everything in reality within one article, well done sir. Believe only that which you can verify personally, anything else is relying on someone else’s judgement, if you want to be truly sovereign you form your own beliefs.
The best lecture or sermon I’ve ever heard. Share widely! This explains what we need to do or how we should think about the Deep State. I will have to follow the 9/11 Center for International Justice group that brought this great speaker to their tribute to #DavidRayGriffin. First I will have to remember his name and how to spell it! I see it now @Madhavasetty Thank you!
Many comments here already expressed my thoughts about your great article. I would add this :
After a lifetime of experiences and reflections, I can say that I have been searching the whole time and that I still am.
I do « beleive » most of what you are suggesting here is truthfull.
You offer us your reflections so humbly and courageously, as they risk disturbing and offending many.
To me it is not yet the majority that is ready to take this path of questionning and reflection, or to accept that doubt can be the beginning of extraordinary discoveries. But more and more can, and you, with many others, contribute to this awakening.
So. Thank you for what you do. Thank you for being there.
I watched the Second Annual David Ray Griffin Lecture: Dr. Madhava Setty. Was very interesting from all on round table.
Thanks for tuning in!
Thanks so much for this. Your ideas resonate with many elements of my life's work and a few Substack articles I have been working on (very slowly due to mold neurotoxicity). I find your idea of collective reincarnation appealing and plausible. In addition, complementary and not contradictory, I think in terms of conscious evolution, for which we are actively raising consciousness. Also demystification from psychological manipulation. As truth is coming out of the woodwork, I include concepts like "enantiodromia" - Jung referred to Heraclitis's idea that things go far to one extreme and then turn to their opposites, as ell as Prigoene's Theory of Dissipative Structures, Nobel Prize in chemistry, that change is not linear but systems break down before reorganizing at a higher level. I do not exactly agree about unilateral forgiveness, it has to be earned with apology. I have written about this. From a perspective of evolutionary psychology, and the trauma literature, and Jewish practice of teshuva/atonement, necessary for healing, it is not adaptive to forgive someone who is still a danger and has not transformed or apologized, which requires recognition, remorse and restitution, but without this, one might find ways to let go and move on without forgiving an unrepentant perpetrator. I am also writing about thinking for oneself and how to know whom to believe and seeking direct experience.
I have a warm spot in my heart for the idealism of the past, especially the 80s and revolution of consciousness and strive to cultivate it's return now
Sneak preview - I will end my article with this song.
Diane, I am certainly not advocating for allowing people who are still a danger to others to continue with acts of violence against others. I acknowledge that there are psychopaths out there. But most who are working for interests that do not serve to expand our consciousness or prosperity act out of their own ignorance. There would be no reason for them to apologize unless their understanding changes. Obviously the first step in their reformation would be education not a demand for an apology.
I like Heraclitis's idea. It seems all phenomena are cyclic. We breathe in and out. There may very well be a contractionary phase of the universe billions of years in the future too.
Understood. Of course you are not advocating that. Forgiveness has a specific meaning. I have written about this elsewhere. In my former psychotherapy practice I had a specialty in psychoneuroimmunology (as well as Jung, family therapy, etc) and worked with people with cancer. During New Age cultural phenomena people used to torment themselves and believed they gave themselves cancer because they could not forgive their father, and the culture was pressuring people to forgive when it was not earned or warranted which ads insult to injury and is harmful. Also during the Truth and Reconciliation TRC in South Africa, with Bishop Tutu whim I admire, emphasized forgiveness from a perspective of Christianity. Unlike Christianity and New Age, the trauma literature says you don't have to forgive and Judaism emphasizes atonement, which includes apology - not that most actually practice it, especially between Rosh Ha Shana and Yom Kippur when you are required to clear the slate with people in your lives before asking for forgiveness for oneself on Yom Kippur. This fits with conscious evolution and release for both the victim and the former perpetrator - it liberates 2 for the price of one. Asking a victim for forgiveness reverses the power dynamic and give the victim the power. To apologize requires psychological maturity. As you say, most perps don't apologize. Victims deserve to be released and society needs to support them with other strategies like justice, symbolic forgiveness, apology by others after, like Tuskeegee, recognition, etc but no one should feel pressure to forgive someone who didn't earn it. I don't disagree and I hope to reincarnate with you to witness the contractionary phase of the universe, but hope to meet you sometime in this lifetime.
I would love to meet you too (sooner than later ;-))
I see the danger in demanding forgiveness that you are alluding to. I actually think that forgiveness is very tricky. It's very easy to say the words and not mean it. In that sense, it can be a way of bypassing trauma.
In my opinion true forgiveness cannot be enduring without gratitude. If you can be grateful to your tormentor for the lessons you have learned from their actions, for example teaching you that you are indestructible and that the damage they have done to you is surmountable and has made you a beacon of light and love that would have not been possible if not for the suffering you endured at their hands, then you have truly transcended.
Of course I am not suggesting that that should be a "goal" for people who have been victimized. I am merely suggesting that if it were possible, there would be no chance of bypassing.
Forgiveness is for the "victim" to be free. I see forgiveness and resentment as 2 sides of one coin. Am I able to flip the coin over and turn my resentment to graditude? Every experience has made me who I am today and necessary lessons. I did a workshop with Collin Tippings, Radical Forgiveness, to get to this place. In this workshop was able to fully express my anger and get to the other side. I am an eternal being and nothing has actually affected my true Self. Also through being a 20 year student of A Course in Miracles I have come to understand the difference between "forgiveness to destroy" and true forgiveness. And maybe I was a perpetrator in a past life. " let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me"
I agree, and it's for witnesses to support victims in what you describe also known as post traumatic growth. I live in DC, often in Phila to see kids and grandkids, also friend of Josh whom I co-grandparent with, and Meryl. Let me know if you are in town.
Boy, this was long and quite the journey. I will have to digest it more and probably need to re-read a time or two. You make good points but I think some of this might need different thought.
If I may only ask one question from you; Are you a Christian? This isn't a flippant question at all, btw. Thank you for your article and I look forward to thinking on this.
Thanks for gutting it out, Loretta! This was actually a top level summary of a book I wrote four years ago.
I have been careful to not attach any religious position to this perspective. There is very good reason for this. Religion can be extremely triggering. It can draw as many people in as it excludes. It's my hope that people will consider what I have offered and take what works for them, ponder on other things and reject what doesn't resonate with their inner heart.
If your definition of "Christian" is someone who accepts that Jesus Christ is their savior and offers them the only path to salvation, then the answer is no.
I have been endowed with a certain combination of logic, gumption and intelligence as well as obstinance and short-sightedness which is neither superior or inferior to anyone else's. Given the tools I possess, this model of Christianity does not resonate with me at this time as it leads to possibilities that do not make sense to me.
On the other hand, I believe that for all practical reasons, the essence of Jesus' story can be boiled down to what he uttered on the cross. To me Jesus demonstrated to all how far we need to go to forgive one another. If we all could do that we would arguably have a heaven on Earth.
Just like the idea of reincarnation, we don't need to *know* that that is how it works in order to reap the benefits of that world view, we just have to believe it. Similarly, we don't have to know that Jesus lived and died on this planet to realize that his basic message, when taken to heart, is what will ultimately liberate us.
All the other details lead to differences of opinion, arguments and division.
I have a very dear friend who identifies as Christian. He has taught me a lot about the Bible and the Christian world view. However, when it got right down to it, when I asked him if he would rather see a world where everyone strived to emulate, the best that they could, Christ's desire to forgive, or a world where everyone accepted Jesus as their savior, he chose the latter. I would choose the former.
I know that not all Christians would agree with him (I have asked many of them). However to him, this makes me a "non-Christian". Other Christians who agree with me accept me as one of them. So I guess it's all very complicated...
Thank you for your explanation.
If you will;
Why is Jesus on that cross?
Where/why do you give your friend the either or? Jesus says to try to emulate him, but we will always be imperfect. Yes forgiveness is in the Bible to emulate as well.
All of what you gave for his 'choice' is already from Jesus. Not you.
It makes no difference what other Christians agree with as they will not be the judge who allows you everlasting life.
So really, if someone ever asks if you are a Christian, you might just say not a true believer in Christ. In fact it sounds new age Christianity. That is not a religion. Actually, Christianity is not a religion. Religion is an interpretation of what parts of the Bible one wants to believe. It is not complicated.
Thank you.
"All of what you gave for his 'choice' is already from Jesus. Not you."
Can you explain what you mean by this a little more?
Just because you gave him the choices you gave, they are in the Bible already, for us all to be doing. There is no either or any of what you gave your Christian friend a 'would you want this or that'. We are already supposed to try to have all of that. You are not (nor anybody) the one who gives us choices. Every individual person is to choose to either follow the Bible and Gods commands or face that consequence of their own doing.
It sounds like you were giving him a choice. You can't be the one asking him to choose those 3 choices. We all can have it all if we are Bible believing and following.
I don't know how to explain that you seemed to have thought you have the power to give your friend the choices you gave. I only wished your Christian friend had not been caught up in the 'either - or' of your question.
"If he would rather see a world where everyone strived to emulate, the best that they could, Christ's desire to forgive, or a world where everyone accepted Jesus as their savior? If God is our Savior, then all of this is already possible.
Rex 84, Ruby Ridge, Waco, OK City, Secret Medical Experimentation, there's a long list before one even gets to 9-11.
Recent photos of Trump have raised eyebrows, particularly given his former doctor, Ronny Jackson's statements. The medical practitioner had previously stated that a bullet had severely damaged the ex-president's ear during the assassination attempt.
Despite Jackson's claims that the bullet had blown off part of Trump's ear, the new images of Trump meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu show no visible scarring or damage.
Fast Eddy i have passed your article with video on as other good but not so discerning friends believed the senario of Butler County.
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yes this one
Perhaps I was looking for something along the path you took to your conclusion regarding the events of 9/11, but was taken on a journey of self-checking sanity or knowing vs believing and how fragile (or self-deceptive) they could be.
Hopefully in the future you'll share more of your position (of courage) instead of 3rd person stories of moments of sanity connected by threads of consciousness. Perhaps this is your breaking out of your shell (but questioning yourself all the way out the door).
And yes, there are MANY who also believe this was an operation to further erode our rights. I mean, who broadcasts on TV that a building is coming down BEFORE it has come down? (indeed, it was standing in the background while they said it). I have heard enough to question whether Steven Jones is an insider who is drawing people away from the truth.
There are other unexplained phenomena to question whether there were other weapons or techniques in play at that time.
I'm of the belief that those who have perpetuated this disaster will someday be held accountable before Jesus. Nobody is going to be able to lie to him. I know, having met him. Indeed, the awfulness of their deeds will consume them, and they will seek refuge from Him, because of their shame and guilt.
For those who are wanting to learn more about how to understand or determine whether we are being exposed to a psyop and to engender critical thinking skills, may I suggest looking at this video? (it's using the current drone reporting as a basis to explain the techniques to employ for critical thinking of ANY story)
I think this would be a very good video to study, as it covers the effort by government to expand its reach - one of three purposes for psy-ops:
1. Distraction (from other newsworthy stories or scandals)
2. Using fear as a tool to convince people to perceive a threat and unite behind a "solution".
3. Testing the waters for acclimation/advancement of further encroachment via new or expanded laws/control on our lives.