Neil DeGrasse Tyson has got himself into a pickle. Thank you for having empathy while also inviting him to admit his mistakes.

I agree, he gets credit for doing what no one at the FDA or CDC has done: discuss these issues in public with an 'anti-vaxxer' in a civil way.

If he grasps the honorable way to correct his mistake, he could be one of MOST helpful examples for the millions who also went along but who are still resisting their obligation to admit their mistake and make amends where possible.

The cost of the vaccine mania was very high for lives lost, health wrecked, and all the losses of homes, businesses, jobs, education, civil rights denied, and so much more. Let’s remember that our relatives, neighbors and friends who called vax refuseniks names, and worse, are NOT our enemies. They were conned by expert manipulators. We NEED them if we want our nation to limit the vast, unelected powers of corporations that nearly cost us the Bill of Rights.

Every era has a "never again" moment. Most wars boil down to that, as well as uninvestigated assassinations and false flag tragedies. Have we learned, AGAIN, that censorship pretending to be fact checking interferes with the essential debates of important issues in a representative democracy?

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Great article. I love how you tied the historical allegory of Galileo into a discussion of modeling, with the punchline that a new model (Newton's gravity) was the linchpin that resolved the dispute between the earth- and sun-centered models. I hadn't considered that before, and it's a great insight.

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This is a wonderful article. Very happy to be a new (free for now) subscriber. My thanks to you for listening to the long and sometimes 'tedious' Del Bigtree interview and then summarizing it so nicely with your observations to share. Really good.

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Brilliant, biting, and well-reasoned article. Glad I found your stack.

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Great article, I recently came across these two articles



They go a long way in explaining "Neil DeGrasse Tyson's Precipitous fall from the Heavens"

From the article,

"I do not mean that all modern beliefs are false. The earth is indeed round. Instead, I mean that all of our structures of knowledge are plagued by errors, at all levels, from the trivial to the profound, periphery to the fundamental. Nothing that you’ve been taught can be believed because you were taught it. Nothing can be believed because others believe it. No idea is trustworthy because it’s written in a textbook."

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Thanks for the articles. Reading them now. Intriguing ...

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Thank you for another excellent article! I remember learning about Alfred Wegener, a meteorologist and a polar researcher long ago. In 1915, he published "The Origin of Continents and Oceans" and proposed the the theory of Continental Drift including "Pangaea". Since his observations were outside his expertise, he was vilified by geologists. Unfortunately, he could not explain the mechanism or force of how this 'drifting' happened. It wasn't until 50 years later (after his death) when Harry Hammond Hess, a geologist discovered the oceans were spreading and realized the earths crust was moving away from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, otherwise known as seafloor spreading. Eventually this became known as Plate Tectonics.

It is just insane and absolutely unscientific to censor different ideas.

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Thank you for this fantastic write-up of an extremely important issue. This should be it’s own article in a major publication such as Nature or Science or the Wall Street Journal. Maybe someday they will get around to it! The problem with Tyson is that he is a (either witting or not) propagandist for oligarchs. I applaud him for being willing to speak to Del. But he waved bye bye to real science a long time ago and is now a prostelytizer for the cult of THE SCIENCE (blessings be upon it).

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I've had more than one acquaintance comment to me: "I don't understand... I took [the jabs] and wore a mask consistently. And yet, I still caught covid." My response has been "If you start with the premise that The Government lied---and include the many people who's livelihood depends on the government perpetuated the lie---you may find a path to understanding."

The simple metric in Tyson's case is "who funds him?" If his sources of income are predominantly from the government and/or government entities (NSF, NPR, etc.), then his non-scientific public statements in his role as a 'paid actor' makes sense.

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Admitting you've been played is hard for anyone. Admission means you're vulnerable and fallible. But it's really hard for people who win a seat at the table, and instead of calling out the crooked dealer, they blame the other players who were smart enough to walk away when they saw something didn't add up.

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Indeed. Getting to the truth requires a lot of humility.

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I really loved both versions of “Cosmos.” Of particular interest is de Grasse’s episode 7, “The Clean Room” in which he details Clair Patterson’s decades-long struggle to get lead out of gasoline. You can guess where the consensus was for most of that struggle. Tyson definitely gets credit for going on Del’s show, so I reserve judgment. I imagine he must be stewing over that interview, as he was so visibly uncomfortable throughout most of it. Will he forsake the accolades, titles, and other cloaks of dignity bestowed upon him by the Paradigm?

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What an empty man he proved himself to be. People who follow and respect him would expect he would do people the courtesy of looking at what he is promoting. Anyone who can read could have read about mRna "vaccines" and if they possessed one iota of common sense would have immediately heard alarm bells going off in their own minds. All the people promoting it however seemed to know nothing about what they were promoting, (let alone the manipulative dishonesty of the pharmaceutical industry and its absolute hegemony in health-care and the media). That a so-called scientist with a large following should be one of those people is gross.

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Excellent work, so well written. And what about those who have acquired/natural immunity? These fools somehow claimed you still needed a shot. Terrible

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Great read! I've wondered when Tysons chickens 😄 would come home to roost. It's not about intellectual rigor anymore. Now it's more akin to forcing German citizens to walk past piles of dead bodies in the camps after the war to show them what "safe and effective" smells like.

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Whoa. Your last sentence here is powerful!

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Tyson is a classic intelligence asset - a fake manufactured persona who is put out there by the intelligence agencies for propaganda purposes. His entire career is dependent on pushing the talking points of his handlers. It should be obvious to anyone that 'covid' is an intelligence operation - a psyop - and that vaccine-propaganda for global depopulation purposes is the goal. It was an all-hands-on-deck-operation and they called in their "science assets." Intelligence agencies need to push physics education in order to build up engineering knowledge to benefit the military industrial complex and spy satellites. The intel agencies find a floundering guy at a failed department at UT who can speak in public, make him a deal, give him a phony degree at Columbia (just like they did Obama) for which his dissertation was written by a ghostwriter, coach him for a few years, and then emplace him with a job requiring no technical knowledge and make him successful by passing through grants from a bunch of CIA-front-foundations. The CIA then uses their Hollywood assets to get Tyson cameos on "3rd rock from the Sun" and a place at the table with the other fake spooks on Bill Maher's show. Tyson is not an astrophysicist and not a scientist - he is a spy and intelligence asset manufactured for propaganda purposes. 70% of what the intelligence agencies do is control domestic media and put out propaganda. So - why would Tyson appear on BigTree's show? To SPY on him and his staff. You have pharmaceutical insider whistleblowers who leak The Highwire documents - the Intel agencies want to monitor what's coming in, who's doing what, who is not towing the line, and for that matter The Highwire even serves as a honey pot. If they get foreknowledge some Pharma Executive is going to go public, they can go through their files and pull out a Jeffrey Epstein sex tape on that Exec and shut him up before he spills the beans.

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No doubt that these intelligence assets exist and Tyson would be a likely candidate. Zdenek Bazant, the civil engineering professor from Northwestern who put forth an absurd mathematical model that attempts to explain the collapse sequence of the twin towers is another.

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Here are some comments from a pair of alleged doctors over the past few days.

(MD, MPH) made claims about the quantity of "unvaccinated" at his hospital. 95% of COVID admits were "unvaccinated" and died at 10x the rate. Dave Waite came to his aide, with a similar claim.

After challenging this and asking for the hospital in question, was treated to comments like this:

"Exactly why is it important? If you ignore the amount of data I've posted from multiple academic medical centers, why would I suspect that you would believe anything I quote without graphic data? Totally beside the point. Obviously you seem to believe that when a hospital publishes its data, or if a journal like JAMA publishes data, that makes it "MSM"? That's pretty telling; you aren't interested in data that conflicts with your agenda. If you want, feel free to find some similar health centers during 2021 that showed anything any different. You won't, because you won't find any. We all had the same experience. I work at an academic medical center, just like those I linked to. "

"You just demonstrated why your opinion about anything to do with Covid is of no value. If you actually think that every major academic institution in the US is making things up, then you clearly have an agenda that is not based in reality. And no, you don't have "abundance of statistics" that show that in 2021 the vast majority of inpatients weren't unvaccinated....because that's a lie. They were, and every doctor who actually took care of Covid patients on this substack would agree with that. A million people dead, and you think everyone's making that up. Really, you aren't worth the bandwidth. "

"Frankly, I could care less what you think about the quality of medical research, because that's really not what we've been talking about. We've been talking about DATA, not opinions. But I will say that I have been training physicians to critically read research articles, so they can determine for themselves when sample sizes are too small, or there are problems with multiple comparisons, they will recognize them. I've been doing that for decades. You're not a physician, clearly have no knowledge of research methodology, and if you distrust actual practicing physicians who take care of patients, then I'd suggest you avoid physicians in the future. There's this thing known as scientific consensus. You should read up on that. It appears you need to read up on a lot. Science may not always be perfect, but it's way better than ignorance and conspiracy theories."

When it was pointed out that the term used in all their statistics is "not fully vaccinated", and that this includes partially vaccinated individuals, and that the statistics are confounded by this:

Dave Waite

Apr 28

Your theoretical mumbling about possible limitations of the data is pretty pathetic. Continue to ignore the actual fact: if someone didn't receive the recommended two-shot series of vaccinations, they were at a huge risk of dying or hospitalization from Covid. Period. This is not rocket science. I'll be looking forward to any data from a hospital that shows that fully vaccinated people have the same risk for admission or death as those who didn't meet the definition of fully vaccinated. No need to distract with hypothetical statements; the numbers are clear. https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/dashboards/covid-19-vaccine/breakthrough-dashboard"

So then we shared some other statistics. "This is from an analysis of the first 250 fatalities reported to VAERS. They reviewed these reports, and found that all of them, yes ALL of them, had been reported as COVID fatalities..."unvaccinated", of course."



Apr 28

Hah. Of course it's VAERS, a database that is misused constantly by yahoos that have no knowledge about how it's used in practice. Anyone that complains about data being confounded and uses VAERS for any serious analysis without having national incidence data (which is how it's supposed to be used) just shows how little they understand.https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2022/what-vaers-is-and-isnt

And so on. They never answered any of these points, but continued to insult, engage in crass credentialism, and science denial. We have doubts about the authenticity of these Substack trolls, but this is what happens when you challenge the MEANING of these statistics.


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Ouch. I find that MDs are reasonably good at assessing data and studies in their own field. When it comes to statistical analysis and challenging conclusions, they are woefully ill-equipped. It's not their fault entirely. They are too busy to look harder. They aren't trained to critically assess large data sets. They also get slapped around brutally in their training when they don't "do the right thing".

However they should be inviting discussion, not suppressing it. There's no excuse for that.

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I have to disagree with you here, Dr. Setty. As a group, medical doctors ... I'll be nice for once... Medical doctors are not the most mathematical people in the world. I would put them second from the bottom. Only lawyers are worse.

Their ability to draw conclusions from datasets and representations in graphic form is very, very limited. I figured all of this out from first principles - I didn't need to see the data except to verify that I was right- and, as far as I can tell, I'm the only person who has been right on everything from the beginning. I was first on 16 major corrections of the "experts" and only on 4. You've never heard of me because I was severely censored. I produced 100 hours of video and 200 written essays. I wrote a book: https://www.amazon.com/Heroes-Villains-COVID-19-Book-Lists/dp/B0BKHQ7CWN/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1680878680&sr=8-1

I had a big advantage over other doctors.

I was a physics major at MIT. I was an instructor in physics at a major University before medical school. (I taught Electricity and Magnetism at USC . I was only 21 years old at the time. About 1/3 of the students were older than me.). I have so much to say about this excellent post of yours. and will write my comment within another day. I just subscribed and have seen only the one where you attended the conference and this one. Both were absolutely fabulous. There are some errors in this one. I will humbly point them out for everyone's edification. Neil deGrasse Tyson has been wrong on everything. He shouldn't be called a scientist. He might have been one at one time, perhaps when he was in school, but no longer. He is a popularizer. I'm not surprised that he did not understand the virus, disease, vaccine, and various treatments of C-19. Clearly, even the physics of this disease escaped him.

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Thank you for your comments. I agree, MDs as a whole are no better than the layperson at math. They know this which is why they don’t question conclusions around epidemiology. They simply don’t have the capacity or interest. This has put them in a difficult position. They have become used to trusting the authors. They think that they are being discerning by checking if a study has been peer reviewed and in a journal that they have heard of. That’s it. If someone challenges a study that meets their criteria for validity it is challenging their entire world view. That’s why they respond so irrationally.

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Yes, Dr. Setty. You described the problem very well I can prove lockdowns didn't slow the spread or reduce cases vs time or deaths vs time in 5 seconds in a way that you would immediately understand and might admire the simplicity of, but when I try to explain it to an MD from the Narrative side particularly, they will reject it not on its merits but because the CDC said, "lockdowns will flatten the curve and slow the spread". People very early on asked me why they should believe me over the CDC. I answered, "Because I've been right on everything so far and they've been wrong." Honestly, I was shocked to learn the CDC and its Directors were so severely lacking in their command of the principles of medical science.

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The reality is that we are dealing with a group of people (the MDs who support the narrative) that are not able to know who to believe, for the reasons we both gave. They go with the CDC by default because it is far safer for them.

Your point about the lockdowns is similar to the their blind belief in the safe and effective mantra. The FDA and CDC both confirmed that the trials proved this. For them, this is an irrevocable truth. There's no point in looking any further.

I've put together a presentation that I have given a half dozen times in several states. It's basically an explanation of why we know, beyond any reasonable doubt that the investigators of the original Pfizer trial were unblinded and they hid adverse events of their product. I've yet to hear any counter argument that can refute it. I've been asked to give the presentation in an abbreviated form to MA state senators this month.

This is part 1 of a four part essay series on my stack. It's written for an audience that needs some hand-holding to understand data (i.e. most MDs):


Happy to receive any feedback. When were you at MIT? I was there '84-'88.

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Dr. Setty, I'm so pleased to hear you went to MIT also! What did you major in? and whst kind of doctor are you now? I finished MIT in 1978. I taught physics for one year at USC , during which time I decided to be a doctor. I went back to Harvard to take pre med requirements I hadn't taken as a physics major. Are you living in MA now? My email is Rsheftall@alum.mit.edu. Your posts are outstanding. I have recommended your Substack to my subscribers at DrReidSheftall.substack.com I hope we can stay in touch and collaborate in the future. I got so severely censored by YouTube (even though there were no mistakes in my videos) that I stopped making videos. I'm doing the second printing of my first book now and will add your name. Then I 'm writing my "magnum opus".

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With apologies, after engaging with a number of such individuals, it appears that there is a depth of inquiry which most are not willing to undertake. Worse, they can't spot a valid point directly in front of them. It's pretty clear that there is a critical difference between "unvaccinated" and "not fully vaccinated". It's also clear that a majority of C-19 hospitalizations are "incidental".

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Absolutely correct as well

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Another useful idiot

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