Check out the comments on NYTimes Instagram post on this article. 12,000 "likes". The most popular comments are those that chastise the Times for giving fodder to antivax extremists. Their readers are more afraid of the spread of misinformation than anything else. How ironic...

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This article was picked up by the Children's Health Defense website yesterday and claimed as a victory. But I tend to agree with you, Madhava -- 3 years of stonewalling the issue has proved ineffective, and it's now time for the Grey Lady to sound reasonable and sympathetic to those very few, very rare cases in which a wonderfully effective, life-saving vaccine had inevitable rare (did I mention they were rare) side effects. I commented below the Times article that "rare" can mean a few cases per million, typical of the safest previous vaccines. But in this case, injuries are more than 1 in a hundred.

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The NYT article was an insult and a slap in the face to anyone who is vaccine injured or has lost a loved one due to the Covid vaccine. They will continue telling "half-truths" and denying any sort of responsibility for what they've done these past four years. These people are serpents filled with lies and deceit.

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Be not deceived, the Times and their apparatchik writers are never truthful, they always follow the agenda placed in front of them.

Great comments doc. Thank you as always for the valuable insight from inside the belly of the industrial machine beast formally known as the US healthcare system.

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It’s a “limited hang out”—a well-worn Deep State strategy for controlling damage as a false official narrative collapses

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Growing up in a small town in the South, it was a weekly thrill when the Sunday NYT was delivered to our home thanks to my mom, a homesick native New York who reveled in the glory of its updates on culture, its liberal tone along with all the news that’s fit to print. I loved the Sports section where I could follow stories of my beloved Yankees. Having it around somehow made us feel special and privileged.

But it was five years ago that I learned that the paper had run an article written by its chief Science editor claiming that all the concerns and warnings about the dangers of 5G EMF radiation were nothing more than conspiracy theory nonsense fed by Russian misinformation. I was shocked that they placed something so ignorant right on the front page until I saw several full page ads about a partnership between the Times and Verizon promoting the wonders of 5G in the Brave New World. It’s so sad that all I can do is chuckle when I visit my sister and brother in law and see their daily dose arriving on their doorstep. The way they see it, it’s the best defense against propaganda they have. It is after all the voice of truth justifies and democracy.

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Wow. I know that article on 5G. I wrote about it four years ago when I started to see what the times was capable of:


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All great points, Madhava. I saw the article yesterday and due to the fact I no longer subscribe to the NYT (after decades, btw), I was pleasantly surprised to see the article picked up in lots of places. Isn't that funny. I guess it strive to be an (un) limited hangout. Here's what's kinda interesting along the side.... In the USA Today reprint I scrolled thru the comments. Majority were panning the NYT and Mandavilli. Anyone looked at the comments in the Times. At USA Today not so many were buying the "woe is me" positioning. They are seeing thru. They are rising to the surface!

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That's good news Sam. Somewhat of a different response on IG. The comments criticize the Times for giving the vaccine injured airtime as it will spread antivax sentiment.

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I quit my subscription to the Times too and also the Washington Post, Vanity Fair, Esquire, The Atlantic, and several others first due to their negative reporting on Bernie Sanders and even worse Robert Kennedy, Jr., then during covid the mainstream (I refuse to call them legacy) news media’s blatant censorship, false accusations of conspiracy theories and spreading disinformation whenever inconvenient facts threatened their ongoing disinformation campaign. The ongoing ridicule, name calling, and revoking medical licenses and firing from universities of doctors, esteemed scientists, and other experts who questioned or publicly disagreed with the government false narratives and destructive actions disgusted me. I found it enlightening, however, that one of the WEF’s public relations people lamented the fact than so many people were turning to alternative media for information which was having a major impact on people‘s views of the WEF and WHO.

Stopping my subscriptions and informing them why was a way to let major publications know this progressive Democrat knew exactly how they are being controlled by the government and corporate America.

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Apoorva Mandavilli is ranked #1 in my List of "Worst Covid Journalists" in both "Heroes and Villains: The COVID-19 Book of Lists" and my upcoming "SANCTIONED: The COVID Murders" and she deserves it. She got caught falsifying pediatric data twice.

This lady is so beholden to her woke ideology, she can’t report the facts accurately. She once reported that 900,000 children had been hospitalized with COVID-19 when the actual number was 63,000 (and, of course, this number is wildly exaggerated for the reasons you have read and will read in this book). She told her readers 4000 children had died of multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) when 4,000 had been diagnosed and only 68 had died.

If her errors were rare and not always in favor of the woke narrative on Covid you could write this off as incompetence, but that is not at all the case. She continues to do it on purpose, perhaps to convince more parents to get their children vaccinated.

She also downplayed the loss of a year-and-a-half of in-person schooling. Studies show those children are more likely to drop out of school, live in poverty, earn less and die sooner than they would have if their schooling had not been interrupted; an unmitigated disaster for those kids.

She told us anyone who supported the lab leak theory is taking a racist position, figuring that somehow, it is more racist to argue that the virus got out of a research laboratory- a fairly common occurrence- than for it to have come from a filthy wet market where animals like pangolins and bats are purchased for human consumption.

A partial list of things she got wrong in writing includes the IFR which she had 30x too high, and the claim that Ebola was more transmissible than coronaviruses. The latter claim shows a profound lack of understanding of how viruses get transmitted. With Ebola, transmission requires coming in contact with an infected person’s body fluids. Corona viruses are transmitted “through the air” as aerosols.

“Ebola virus floods every part of the body”, she wrote, “so the risk of transmission, even after death, is far greater than that posed in theory by the coronavirus.”

This is below the threshold of stupidity/incompetence. She is doing this deliberately.

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Reid, don't you think that she is just doing what her editors are telling her to do? Then they give her a Pulitzer. She's obviously not a good journalist. A very "useful idiot". If she didn't write what she wrote the Times would have found another young writer who thinks they can write about topics way over their head by simply quoting their goto experts.

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Certainly, the editor is responsible to some degree. They were both putting the lives of children in danger in an attempt to score political points. The whole world should come down on them. That means never buying or reading the New York Times and putting their advertisers on notice.

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In a sane world, the public in the grassroots would organize boycotts of all the mainstream news organizations that censor free speech and spike real journalism.

Instead, all the big companies that spend billions on advertising ... boycott the few sites or journalists who are trying to report the truth. This is such a tell that reveals how all of the important organizations are completely captured - and all work in (coordinated?) lock-step.

The evidence of group think is everywhere.

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I wish.

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Well said .... and someone needed to say that. Thanks.

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Good job debunking this article. I just wrote the same type piece at my newsletter and reached the same conclusions as you did.

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I never trust their motives, and whatever they may be, they are ALWAYS ulterior ones. Thanks for this simple dissection of their usual bs, Dr. Setty.

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My guess is that the intention is to placate, move on and make room for the next manufactured crisis which will require vast printing of money and reduction of rights for the little people to resolve.

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The intent is to slowly, like years type slowly, release the truth in tiny pieces so that the public eventually (after most people are dead) will see the huge terrible experiment that has been forced on them.

If they released this is one massive amount there would be panic, lawsuits, fear and chaos. People then would realize that this whole pandemic was an evil plan which it is.

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What kind of “doctor” would promote a drug that injured him? An indoctrinated one who is also being incentivized by big pharma. That is a great definition of insanity. Get injured like me so you might not catch a cold (which by the way everyone did so did he forget that part?)

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Poland, like Paul Offit, have egos that have been energized by a system that has strengthened them over decades. They will never admit that they could be wrong. No evidence. No injury. They will find a way to convince themselves that they have got it right. Certainty and wisdom cannot coexist.

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As he said “wtf?!”

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They are desperately trying to sweep this under the rug. Will we let them? Keep up the great work, Dr. Setty!

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Great job, as always Madhava !!

Chris Cuomo is now questioning the vax.....dare I have HOPE that others will awaken ?


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The NYT article is a limited hangout. They're trying to look like they're practicing responsible journalism by raising some meek questions. Setting up a narrative to sidestep any accountability for their part in the Covid debacle and the catastrophic negative impact of the Covid vaccine.

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Great article Dr. Setty!! I passed it along to the host & producer of The Robert Scott Bell Show earlier this week. I think it influenced their coverage on May 7th ( https://rumble.com/v4trrlt-fortune-teller-vaccine.html ) although the host had a similar initial critical analysis back on 05-06-24 ( https://rumble.com/v4tkexh-vaccine-injuries-ignored.html ).

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Thank you for passing it on

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Thank you for writing such a timely and informative piece. Keep up the great work!!

P.S. I also look forward to reading my copy of your book "Woke: An Anesthesiologist's View" very soon.

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