Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023Liked by Madhava Setty

There's a new film out today, Four Died Trying by John Kirby, about the assassinations of MLK, JFK, RFK, and Malcolm. https://www.fourdiedtrying.com/


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Thanks for the tip, I'll definitely check it out!

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Recently, my son wanted me to see the new Leonardo DiCaprio film with him. Tremendously high budget, box office blockbuster film.

Me: Naw.

Him: "It's a SCORSESE movie mum."

I declined again. Told him I'm boycotting any production that.Santa Klaus's WEF boy Leonardo is involved in.

I'd rather put my little bit of disposable hard earned cash where my mouth is, and support this Indie, no budget "science fiction" film:

The Gods Of Their Own Religion


I made him watch "Idiocracy" when he was probably too young to "get it".

Perhaps he gets it now, so no harm no foul eh? 😉 Sent him the trailer above. Just in case...

PS: Canadian Thanksgiving was over a month ago.

My son was out of town. My fully jabbed sister and the rest of my thoroughly hypnotized extended clan members attended her dinner, however I had to decline the invitation because my motto is now:

"If you can't say something nice, just zip it and skip it."

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I loved idiocracy too

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Gods of their Own Film School Symbolism

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Looks to me like they defied the odds.

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IMO you are the furthest thing from a ‘paranoid tinfoil hat-wearing nut job’! Your posts are always very intelligent, thought-provoking and well researched. 👍🏻👍🏻

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Thank you!

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Madhava Setty

If you feel like you're being backed into a corner on purpose, it would be wise to ask yourself the question "why would anyone want to back me into a corner on purpose."

If you feel like everything that you are experiencing has been played out in a movie with evil villains that looks strikingly similar to Klaus Schwab, and millionaires like Bill Gates then you should ask yourself if what you are experiencing is really a show.

Doesn't all of this show, from forced injections of a deadly toxin to evil villain tyrants that want to control humanity, just seem to be a little bit beyond reality?

They have an are creating the chaos. "Order out of chaos". Shove so much evil and chaos down the throats of decent humans so that when presented with a savior that restores, justice, peace, tranquility, and the ability for humans to thrive they can only see this person as the antithesis to everything that they've been presented with over the last few decades.

The antichrist of the Holy Scriptures is never presented as an evil dictator. He will be a savior and a hero. We are being primed to receive such a hero who will unite humanity and make us one. The thriving and oneness come with a great price. This is called the great deception.

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Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 23, 2023Liked by Madhava Setty

I watched V is for Vendetta 3 years ago for the second time. The first time (a few years after it was released), I pretty much felt the way you described (another grim story, etc). But watching it the second time, I too was amazed at how brilliantly it captured what was happening to us in 2020 and where things would eventually lead.

Other films I recommend in this vein: They Live by John Carpenter

Zeitgeist was eye-opening!

"What kind of movie would you make if you could?" Funny you should ask, I am currently making a documentary with my collaborator, Arjun. It is about the purpose of our Government. In it we cover 9/11, the assassination of JFK and many other evils the US government has perpetrated on its people. Would love to share with you if you are able to organize a private screening once it's done.

In the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving!

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PS Here's a micro-fillum about making our film: https://sanefrancisco.substack.com/p/roger-the-cat-baby

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Cute cat. Let me know when your film drops!

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Another great post by Dr. Setty.

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I liked the note about doctors moving from a deeper patient interaction and storytelling experience to one that is now more distraction based and disconnected. I went to the doctor recently and found the experience to be not what I remembered. I hadn't been in almost 20 years. They doctor had an iPad and was typing away all I was saying, looking away from me 90% of the time. The overall experience didn't seem warm and inviting, but like I was a number waiting to be removed from the office so the next number could enter. I get that in Canada our health care system is a bit overwhelmed, but how hard is it to be a human? *rhetorical question*

Zeitgiest was one of the first films that inspired me. Then I went on a journey of watching about 100 more that explored alternative views of society lol. This was back in 2007. By 2010 I launched my own documentary inspired by that film. Then another in 2011 and one in 2012. I cringe watching them now as they were made in my 20's and I had very little budget for them lol. Nonetheless they were viewed by millions of people and certainly helped my career.

I can't say I have seen too many films in more modern times that really moved me the way they did back then. I think this is mainly because I became somewhat jaded to the content, and was myself producing it and IN IT everyday for the last 15 years.

I have been moved by something recently though. A TV show called The Man Who Fell To Earth. It was adapted from a book and film made decades prior. It's highly relevant to our current time and I highly reccomend people check it out. To be sure, it's this one: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10758074/

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Perhaps it's time for you to make another movie, Joe. It seems that there are a great many more people that are where you were 15 years ago. What kind of movie would be effective for them at this time given all that has transpired since you made your first flick?

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Thanks for sharing. I haven't heard of The Man Who Fell To Earth. I will check it out

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A wise friend (Dr Setty, in fact 😊) once suggested to me that perhaps movies were the means to, subtly and without direct engagement, acquire our consent for much of the depravity we’ve experienced from our ruling bodies. The idea, I believe, was that consent... agency... is so essential to the experience of being human that they could not have accomplished these heinous acts without it. Through this lens the medium is powerful indeed.

Rewatched V after seeing this and agree... a masterpiece. Prescient beyond measure. Likewise Zeitgeist, which I saw around the time it was released, struck my much younger self as entirely plausible and worthy of consideration. I had been in construction for awhile by that point and knew in my body that buildings do not and cannot fall like the towers did without assistance. It was so obvious. At that time I kind of shrugged. I knew about peak oil then and thought “welp, Empire needs oil to keep empiring... and they have it in Iraq... so a false flag makes total sense.” Little did I know that, apparently, I had a the makings of a globalist oligarch in me too! Just empire solving problems... now back to work. What a young fool!

Great share. Will be (re)watching all of these. 🙏

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Excellent point Brian. If there is some unshakeable law of the universe that dictates that the masses must be informed of what is being done to them, who is to say that this condition is not being met through Hollywood's creations and not through official statements and PSAs?

Film is a powerful medium and can likewise be used to open minds as well.

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thank you again for laying this out so clearly, as always. it is a very somber day for me. the opposite of the fourth of july, which was my favorite holiday as a child. born in Boston, the spirit of the american revolution and birth of our democracy ran strong in my veins. but today marks the end of american sovereignty. the day we were conquered by a international cabal that had spread into the US in the post war period like a malignant cancer. i switched my focus from psychedelics to political consciousness after i really watched the Zapruder film in 1985. i remain astonished that the official story, like 9/11, is so obviously false, yet, significant proportions of the citizens here fall for it. why they do is really very easy to understand. the truth is those who believe the official story are in an altered state of consciousness brought on by slick propaganda that has weaponized psychological research to serve their agenda. and they still do. look at this , today's Newsweek. they've colluded with the assassins from day 1. funny they didn't mention that actually the US Congress concluded, in the 1978 Select Committee on Assassination, that Oswald did not act alone. Yes, according the latest investigation by the federal government, it was "probably" (their words) a conspiracy that took him, and american democracy, to the grave. https://www.newsweek.com/jfk-assassination-conspiracy-viewed-completely-differently-gen-z-1844979

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Yes. Not surprisingly Newsweek is helping to diffuse the outrage around this tragedy. Even the title of the article is misleading. The poll (of which there is no good reason to trust in the first place) still shows more Gen Zers think the JFK assassination was a conspiracy. And you are correct, the '78 Select Committee on Assassination was conveniently left out of the discussion.

Then they quote an expert who says that evidence suggests that the popularity of conspiracy theories drops over time. What planet is this guy on?

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Here's a movie I'd love to see--a dramatization of actual events as experienced by first-hand witnesses at various locations on 9/11. Just off the top of my head: the janitor William Rodriguez in one of the towers after it was hit, helping people escape while hearing loud explosions in the floors underneath the ground; the firefighters who ran up the stairs and made it all the way to where the plane hit, and saw the fires almost all out already; the scene in the air traffic controller rooms as they tried to track the planes amidst all the other decoys from the simulation exercises going on; the first people on the scene in Shanksville, puzzling over the lack of a plane at the supposed crash site; the first responders to the Pentagon attack, inspecting the rather small damage to the building, finding no fuselage anywhere, wondering where the "plane" went; the scene in the White House bunker when an aide told Cheney the plane was approaching the Pentagon, and did the orders still stand; the firefighters outside the towers, hearing the pop pop pop of multiple explosions; the scene in Bldg 7 when the occupants were told to evacuate, the phone call with Larry Silverstein where he said to "pull it". One could go and on...Maybe end it with the BBC reporter reporting the collapse of Bldg 7 while the building was still visible out the window.

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Yes. There is something about dramatization that triggers something in the mind of the audience. Perhaps because it allows some flexibility and opportunity for things to stew. It might be a better way to plant seeds

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Just like a movie, we “identify” with the characters. We put ourselves in their place, and experience the event, as if we were actually experiencing the real event. For example, what if you could stand right in front of the hole in the pentagon right after the damage happened. You would never believe that a Boeing 767 caused that damage, especially when you could find no evidence of a plane. A Virtual reality environment would be cool too. Imagine touring the flowing rivers of molten steel under the towers a month after they came down. It would be hard to imagine that the weight of the buildings coming down caused that.

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Great post, thank you

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