What really happened during the Pandemic: The Covid Dossier
This is a MUST READ for anyone who is interested in connecting the dots. Kudos to Sasha Latypova and Debbie Lerman.
Connecting the Dots
What are the dots I am referring to? These are the heretofore inexplicable aspects of how our authorities and health agencies responded to the spread of SARS-COV2 beginning in the winter and early spring of 2020. Very little of it made sense to me from the jump:
How could an intimate encounter between a human being and an animal in a wet market in China lead to a “global pandemic” in a matter of weeks?
Why was the notorious “Proximal Origins” paper accepted as fact despite the obvious flawed logic used by the renowned virologist authors?
The sensitivity and specificity of PCR testing that was widely used was questionable (and variable) yet it was being used as the gold standard for diagnosing Covid cases and deaths. Widespread testing of asymptomatic people with such a diagnostic test will overestimate the prevalence of the disease. It’s a mathematical certainty. Why would we do this?
Very early on our own health authorities (take for example Illinois Director of Public Health Dr. Ngozi Ezike) told us that if a person died with a positive test they would be counted as a Covid death, even if they died of completely unrelated causes. To make it absolutely clear, Ezike went so far as to give us an example: people in hospice who died from their incurable disease would be a Covid death in the eyes of the DPH, if they happened to test positive. This undoubtedly exaggerated the case fatality rate, total deaths from Covid and the public’s perception of the threat.
Why was there such an attack on doctors who were trying to treat Covid-19 with repurposed drugs when no other treatment was available?
Why did we abandon long held strategies to deal with infectious disease outbreaks (quarantine the ill, protect the vulnerable and allow the rest of us to work and develop natural immunity) and instead restrict the activity of the entire world? When such a strategy was offered (Great Barrington Declaration) it was not just ignored, it was rebuffed. (The public found out much later that Drs. Fauci and Collins engineered a swift takedown of the proposal).
Why were mask mandates imposed on asymptomatic people…outdoors?
Why did the medical establishment uniformly support a yet to be tested “vaccine” which used an entirely different mechanism for imparting “immunity”, before any trial results were published? We could excuse the public for being hopeful but doctors should have insisted on rigorous testing before using any product on healthy people.
The CDC’s recommendation to vaccinate everyone, including those who were naturally immune from prior exposure, ran against basic tenets of immunology.
Why were these shots mandated for everyone despite the enormous difference in benefit vs risk based on age and co-morbidities?
Within a few months of the world-wide vaccination campaign tens of thousands of people reported serious adverse events into the CDC’s reporting systems. These reports were not just ignored, the people who were injured were vilified.
Why did all four major vaccine manufacturers (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and Astra-Zeneca) target the same antigen on the virus, the spike protein? If these companies were truly in competition with each other surely one would have tried to target a different viral protein than the spike. Not only would that have led to similar efficacy outcomes, it would also have offered some synergy, especially when a RNA virus like SARS-COV2 mutates in response to a population whose immune systems have been primed to recognize the spike only. It seemed like a no-brainer to me. None of them thought of this?
The initial Pfizer trial results with respect to preventing infection were astonishingly high, unless you considered the fact that they tested only 1 in 20 people who developed symptoms. Why did the FDA, who knew about this, authorize them anyway?
This unsubstantiated efficacy was used to inoculate everyone in their trial making it impossible to know if there were any long-term safety risks associated with the “vaccine”. Why would the FDA allow Pfizer to do this, given the fact that the threat of the disease from Pfizer’s own data was minuscule?
When examined closely, the published trial results of the Pfizer vaccine hinted at the fact that the investigators were unblinded. This was fraud and would have invalidated the results. Whistleblower Brook Jackson came forward making that exact claim but her case was thrown out. Why?
Though it was well understood that the shots could not stop infection or transmission the public continued to be urged to get jabbed as part of a social contract to protect the vulnerable.
The shots were soon sold as a symptom reliever. With symptoms suppressed, a vaccinated, infectious person would have no reason to believe they could transmit Covid to others. We could have predicted that using these vaccines would do very little beyond creating a population of asymptomatic spreaders.
How could so many countries get it wrong? Did they all independently come up with the same asinine plan and messaging? Or was this being coordinated at a higher level?
At the beginning of 2020 I had hospital privileges at two different facilities near my home in Massachusetts. One was swamped with very sick Covid-19 patients. The other was empty. Conversations with other doctors matched what I observed. Why was the public being told that ALL hospitals were being overrun? Excellent research by my friend, John Beaudoin Sr. proved that weekly mortalities in our state had returned to pre-pandemic levels by July, 2020. Why were we being told that deaths were through the roof for the rest of the year when official death certificates proved that there were no excess deaths during the second half of the year?
There were undoubtedly other “peculiar” elements to the response. I am only listing those that I was aware of at the time. The biggest question I had was why weren’t doctors asking questions about this?
Those initial months exposed some concerning things about how medical professionals process information. I once thought that the medical establishment was comprised of knowledgeable people who would independently arrive at the same basic conclusions, and if and when opposing opinions arose they would be discussed collegially on their merits.
Instead we demonstrated that as a whole we doctors are susceptible to group think and tribalism too. But from where did these unsubstantiated and stupid strategies come from?
This is the question that the Covid Dossier answers.
What really happened and why
None of what happened makes any sense. It almost seems like there was a top-down, global directive to do the wrong things. It turns out that there is ample proof that this is, in fact, what happened.
Covid wasn’t what most of the public think it was. It was a military intelligence/biodefense operation which requires the cooperation of the Secretary of HHS. This is why this information is so crucial. There is more at stake right now than most people realize.
Independent researchers Sasha Latypova and Debbie Lerman have done all the heavy lifting for us. What follows is their Executive Summary which includes two stunning facts:
On February 4, 2020 a declaration of a public emergency that has significant potential to affect national security was made and the Secretary of HHS authorized Emergency Use of countermeasures (EUA) and the PREP Act, which indemnified all parties involved in the design and distribution of such countermeasures (in this case what would eventually be the Covid “vaccines”) from any damage caused by such countermeasures were instituted.
While it may seem reasonable that in a WMD attack (the definition of which had been expanded to include a biological threat) nobody should be sued if there was some collateral damage from countermeasures, there wasn’t any known threat at the time. There were no known deaths from Covid in the United States on 2/4/2020.
There is only two ways to explain the rationale for declaring a national emergency at the time.
The HHS secretary must have known before anyone else that the SARS-COV2 virus was extremely pathogenic and transmissible, or, there really was no national emergency and this was an engineered event designed to test whether new, emergency powers could effectively shut down the world until sanctioned countermeasures (mRNA vaccines) could be deployed. In any case, this declaration was made behind the scenes. If national security was threatened why wouldn’t the public be informed of it?
At the end of this article is a link to Sasha’s post that ties together their articles on the matter. Their research is diligent, detailed and includes extensive references.
As always, it is up to each of us to decide what is valid and what isn’t. Latypova and Lerman have offered the most sensible way to connect the dots I have ever read.
Please consider sharing their work widely.
The Covid Dossier is a compilation of the evidence we have amassed over the last three years supporting the following claim:
Covid was not a public health event, although it was presented as such to the world’s population. It was a global operation, coordinated through public-private intelligence and military alliances and invoking laws designed for CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) weapons attacks.
The Dossier contains information regarding the military/intelligence coordination of the Covid biodefense response in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, and Italy. For some countries we have extensively documented information. For others, we have some documentation of military/intelligence involvement, but not all the details. For as many countries as possible, we list the military/intelligence agencies in charge of their country’s Covid response; dates on which emergency declarations were made in each country; military/intelligence-related agencies and bodies in charge of censorship/propaganda; and top people with military/intelligence jobs who were known or reported to hold leadership positions in the response. We also list connections to global governing bodies, including the EU and UN/WHO, through which the response was coordinated. In the final section, we provide a list of military/intelligence/biodefense alliances that provide multinational frameworks for responding to a bioterror/bioweapons attack.
By providing all of this information in one place, we hope to dispel the notion that Covid was a public health event, managed independently by each country’s public health agencies, with some limited, logistically focused military involvement. We also hope to drive home the shocking realization that not only were military and intelligence agencies in charge of Covid in all of these countries, but the response to what was represented as a public health crisis was coordinated through military alliances, including NATO.
This should be the subject of front-page news everywhere.
We are calling on investigators, whistleblowers, and anyone with information related to this topic to contact us and/or publish the information so that we can continue to construct the full picture of what happened to the world starting in early 2020 and continuing to this day.
Exactly five years ago, on February 4th, 2020, two things happened that almost nobody knows about, but that played an important role in the course of recent world history:
1) Two declarations for CBRN (weapons of mass destruction) emergencies – EUA and PREP Act – made by the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, were registered on this date. [ref][ref]
EUA stands for Emergency Use Authorization. Legally, EUA powers are intended for situations of grave, immediate emergencies involving weapons of mass destruction. They allow for the use of countermeasures against CBRN (chemical, biological, nuclear or radiological) agents without the regulatory oversight intended to ensure safety and efficacy, because the immediate threat of a CBRN attack is deemed so much greater than any potential risks caused by the countermeasures.[ref] The PREP Act is the legal indemnity granted to anyone involved in using an EUA countermeasure, because if a weapon of mass destruction is involved, the risk of the CBRN attack is so great that no one should face legal consequences for potential collateral damage caused by using unregulated countermeasures.
In order to activate EUA, the law requires “A determination by the Secretary of HHS that there is a public health emergency… that involves a CBRN agent or agents, or a disease or condition that may be attributable to such agent(s). [ref] So when the EUA was officially activated on February 4, 2020, it was in essence a declaration of a state of emergency involving weapon(s) of mass destruction.
2) A pharmaceutical executive was caught on tape saying that the U.S. Department of Defense called to inform him “that the newly discovered Sars-2 virus posed a national security threat.” [ref]
It is important to note that on February 4, 2020, there were fewer than a dozen confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus disease (later called Covid-19) in the US, and zero deaths. Worldwide, the death count was fewer than 500. There was nothing about the virus, at least as it was presented publicly, that would make anyone believe it posed a threat to national security.
These two events are remarkable for several reasons:
They indicate that the beginnings of Covid were rooted in national security machinations, not public health considerations.
They also strongly suggest that the deployment of the EUA “medical countermeasures” under Public Health Emergency declaration was officially launched at a time when an emergency, much less a national or a global one, could not possibly be determined. No public health parameters justifying that a novel virus posed a “threat to national security” existed at the time of the EUA and PREP Act declarations.
Thus, on this day five years ago, a military CBRN countermeasure deployment campaign was officially launched against a poorly defined illness that was alleged to have killed a few hundred people worldwide.
Within six weeks of this date, in order to ensure a market for the countermeasures (among other aims), the lockdown-until-vaccine response – which is a military/counterterrorism plan and has nothing to do with public health [ref] – went into effect all over the world.
It is crucially important to understand that Covid was a globally coordinated response, based on legal frameworks intended for biodefense/biowarfare situations. The attack that initiated the global Covid response could have been real, perceived or invented – regardless of the trigger, the lockdown-until-vaccine paradigm originated in the military/intelligence biodefense playbook, not in any scientifically based or epidemiologically established public health plan.[ref]
This means that nothing about the response – masking, distancing, lockdowns, vaccines – was part of a public health plan to respond to a disease outbreak. Rather, every aspect of the response was intended to induce public panic in order to gain compliance with biodefense operations, culminating with the injection of unregulated mRNA products, which were legally treated as biodefense military countermeasures (MCMs), into billions of human beings.
Who ordered and directed these operations? Who benefited from them? Who was and still is covering them up? We have been investigating these questions for the last several years, and we hope many who read this will join us moving forward.
Most journalists in both corporate and alternative spaces are either unaware or unwilling to cover the military/intelligence/biodefense/global coordination aspects of Covid. We need to change that.
Please help us shift the conversation to focus on the true nature of the Covid response and the existential questions raised by it.
What no one mentioned is the 19% increase in all-cause US deaths in 2020--6 times larger than any previous increase in the last century. Deaths in the NYC metro area exploded up to 550% for 8 weeks in Spring 2020, killing 50k extra people in 25 counties, then returned to normal--and the same spike occurred SIMULTANEOUSLY in several other countries. The data points like a beacon to intentional murder of millions by some means as yet unidentified--which no one is mentioning. The basic US mortality data is here, second half. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-kjl68
one more: why was fear ramped up when it is widely held practice to minimize fear