What no one mentioned is the 19% increase in all-cause US deaths in 2020--6 times larger than any previous increase in the last century. Deaths in the NYC metro area exploded up to 550% for 8 weeks in Spring 2020, killing 50k extra people in 25 counties, then returned to normal--and the same spike occurred SIMULTANEOUSLY in several other countries. The data points like a beacon to intentional murder of millions by some means as yet unidentified--which no one is mentioning. The basic US mortality data is here, second half. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-kjl68

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Without reading it, I'm sure it was the "approved" protocols that did most of that damage, along with the mandated inclusion of infected people into nursing homes. Once intubated and injected with remdesivir, there was an 85%+ chance of dying.

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Basically, the mortality data points like a flashing beacon to the possibility of intentional mass-murder, by some means as yet unidentified. So you should read about it, since it's likely a depopulation operation just happened right under our noses, while we were busy talking about anything except democide.

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While deaths in nursing homes were extraordinarily high during the NYC mass casualty event of Spring 2020, they were also high during the other 5 subsequent death surges elsewhere in the US. The data about places of death is here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/1/18/us-death-waves-2020-2021-places-of-death

That said, I've showed why toxic medical treatments and/or stress from bad Covid policies could not possibly have caused the NYC mass casualty event: https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/7/28/researchers-discover-reason-for-31-million-excess-deaths-worldwide-mistakes-were-made-l2any-j8egn

You'll have to figure out how that explanation accounts for the series of localized "death waves" in the US in 2020-2022 (i.e., why they began and ended where and when they did).

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Hi Virginia! I just took a peek at your website and have not had time to study it. One thing about New York City statistics that I have read somewhere (I do not remember where) is that the Mass Casualty Event for NYC was 911. Not the reported 3000 people killed in the buildings but the subsequent cancer victims due to the radiation cloud around NYC.


Some theorize that the Covid deaths in NYC were really cancer victims to "flatten the curve" from the 911 event. I guess you could say an actuarial bookkeeping entry to tidy up excess death statistics.

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Not sure I get what you are saying here, but...by far the largest anomaly in deaths in NYC were the 50k deaths in 25 counties over 8 weeks in Spring 2020. It dwarfed anything else seen in the last 100 history--and it occurred in multiple countries at the same exact time.

It is definitely possible to tweak causes of death--depending on what coroners decide. Each death has one underlying cause listed, and up to 20 multiple causes said to have contributed. As far as this happening as a large scale fraud--I don't think so. The data is collected from death certs and is stored redundantly such as in a state database, as well as the federal one--lots of people look at this data and save it and use it every day, so changes and inconsistencies and strangeness are easily noticed. Any falsification of death stats would be complex and risky.

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Virginia have you seen Craig-Paardekooper's bitchute channel?

"Red States have up to19 x the number of deaths per 100,000 vaccinated" https://www.bitchute.com/video/AdIvdbx1CxDc

"The Speed of Death" https://www.bitchute.com/video/fY0X98tTeHl3

"Gender Differences in the Effects of the Vaccine" https://www.bitchute.com/video/xbtNAMlczhDM

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In April 2021, just 4 months after the vaccines started, I exposed the massive increase in reports of serious injury and death reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) from the Covid shots--including how the CDC researchers were brazenly ignoring it--along with all the media. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2021/4/19/death-and-the-covid-19-vaccines

I mainly write about pre-vax excess deaths, which were huge. And nothing in particular about the death data (a series of localized death waves) indicates pre-vax and post-vax deaths were fundamentally different. Obviously deaths from Cause 1 did not just magically stop when Cause 2 entered the scene to take over blame.

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one more: why was fear ramped up when it is widely held practice to minimize fear

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Variations on “be afraid” are my first clue that someone is bullshitting me.

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I think fear of death has been their best weapon to coerce people And it worked for many!

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great list of questions. It would be fun to try to answer them from multiple perspectives.

Add to this: why were the recenlty infected mandated to get the vaccine?

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Great analysis! They still want us to do "all the wrong things" with the next pandemic. To close down earlier and harder, to panic and make vaccines for new pathogens and mass vaccinate people in the middle of the pandemic instead of treating people with convalescent plasma and monoclonal antibodies.

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When the phantasmagorical and thoroughly falsified obligate intracellular parasite is erased from societal conditioning then we'll be truly making progress, as much against corporate and medical tyranny, as against the terrifying and preposterous machinations of the WEF/WHO/BMGF.

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Have you ever found a scientific proof of existence of COVID virus? YOU HAVE NOT!!!

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I'm not an expert, but here's the thing: I have to admit that I can't help but doubt the "reality" of these viruses, despite the apparent (and unanimous?) conviction of the medical world.

Isn't it true that a virus has never been observed in vivo?

Also, a certain expert speech that I am sure I have heard repeatedly during the "pandemic" and that has always left me in great confusion: "the virus is NOT alive, it becomes alive (and virulent) only when it finds a living being" AND at the same time "the virus can "survive" on a sheet of paper for x days and therefore continue to present a threat". After he dies? Alive or not alive? This defies my logic

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Following Del Bigtree and Joe Mercola throughout the plandemic, I feel like I was kept well-abreast of these issues as they unfolded. Del reported on the chimeric virus theory in late February 2020.

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Ed Dowd did a lot of research on the all cause mortality rates which spiked upon the rollout of the "vaccines"...and yes the mainstream media ws telling us hospitals were overrun with covid cases....one had only to go to any of the boston and metro hospitals to know that was patently wrong...I actually did that in march of 2020...drove into Boston went to 5 of the major hospitals...and found nothing. I even heard on am radio as driving in "lookout for traffic jams on rt 2 in Concord due to covid testing at Emerson hospital" i stopped in at the emerson emergency room on way home , no trafic issues btw, and asked the nurse if they were testing for covid...she said no.

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"They knew they (NIAID) they were participating in a program that the World Health Organization Global Preparedness Monitoring Board in September of 2019, stated was going to be the

accidental or intentional release of a "LETHAL" respiratory pathogen,

Ladies and Gentlemen, not 'Any' respiratory pathogen,

they used the word 'LETHAL'.

And you know what that means?

That means this was premeditated murder;

that's what it means.

(And) We need to start treating it for what it is. It was in fact premeditated murder. you do not use the word "release of a lethal respiratory pathogen"

if you don't mean to kill people.

(And) That needs to be as chilling as it sounds,

this was never about a 'Public Health Emergency'

it was always about premeditated murder; using a biological weapon they paid for."

-Dr. David Martin, statement before Oklahoma State Legislature, Oct,

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Thanks for your great preface to spreading the dossier and the research of Latypova and Lerman. We will not forget the obvious deceptions and harms deliberately inflicted during POTUS 45.

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I ask again, but why? why was this done? May be too early to tell as this could have been an early move to set up what is to come….

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Our local "public health" employed the playbook developed in 2001, lockdowns against bioterrorism. My early theory was that were were having an undeclared war with China.

And more questions to be added to the list. 1. The declaration says "the health and security of US citizens living abroad", why did they declare a health emergency inside the country? (well, unless it's just an excuse). 2. As the reality didn't match the models as early as April 2020 and during the past 5 years it became abandonly clear that there is no deadly threat, why are we still in emergency over a mild cold virus? If it ends on Dec 31 2029, it would be living under emergency for almost 10 years.

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Citizens Offered Various / Virulent Infectious Diseases; COVID X-20, Y-21, and Z- ad infinitum. And let’s redefine the term ‘Pandemic’ while we’re

“At It”.

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Aren’t you glad Trump won?

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Regarding your query on other countries, unfortunately many public health actors worldwide take the guidance of US FDA and US CDC as gospel unaware of their corruption. Also, in some prat sof the world, many doctors receiving training in the west and also have research collaborations which make them want to keep up with their colleagues.

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I applaud your patient optimism that one of the many revelations of facts will be the final nail in the coffin of belief in the "official version" of this event. I'm trying to share that optimism, while at the same time remembering how many times I felt that way about the many loose threads of the 9/11 story, any one of which should have been enough to unravel the illusion. May it be so this time!

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