Just for the few people who read this substack who are not already acquainted with the basic reasoning of the 9/11 truth movement, I'd like to spell it out.

The way that the 3 WTC buildings fell was not the way a building topples over when it is damaged by fire. The collapse was rapid and symmetric. Every support structre of each building failed at the same time. This kind of collapse cannot occur naturally, but it is routinely engineered by careful placement of precision-timed explosive charges.

Engineering of controlled demolition requires expert engineers, and crews working with full access to the buildings weeks in advance.

Therefore, whoever was responsible for the 9/11 attacks must have had millions of dollars to hire a demolition engineering firm, and workers must have been granted access to the support structures within all three buildings for extended periods in advance of September, 2001.

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"Therefore, whoever was responsible for the 9/11 attacks must have had millions of dollars to hire a demolition engineering firm, and workers must have been granted access to the support structures within all three buildings for extended periods in advance of September, 2001."

To say nothing of the power it takes to cover all this up for twenty years and counting...

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Well, this is just it. While it may be possible to maintain the secrecy of small conspiracies for a while, one involving dozens or hundreds of people stretches the imagination.

I'll also say that while the videos presented are persuasive, I'll also admit that I know approximately zip about building demolitions. So I don't really trust the conclusions I'm supposed to draw.

So color me a skeptic.

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Yup. That's pretty much it in a hundred words or less.

I think it's time for the two freedom movements to unite under a common vision and purpose. Any thoughts on this?

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Correct. 9/11 was an inside job to fuel support for more American wars.

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Covid opened my eyes to the possibilities of evil. I don’t immediately believe anything on the media anymore.

I am skeptical of everything said especially when the government says that’s what happened.

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Yes. That's a reliable way to know what didn't happen

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Same here. If AI can soon produce deep fake everything then we are in further trouble.

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Wow, thank you for the deeper connections on the story of Majid Khan. It’s painful to know how much evil is being perpetrated. Voices like yours are so important to educate us & impassion the many good to turn the tide.

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Ah yes, the fabrication of stories to instil fear in the people to justify going to war. It’s a tale as old as time itself and will continue to be repeated until we wake up to the truth.

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Thank you Madhava. Your piece and the information in it is so important for us to take in. It’s painful to read and look at, but critically important, and ultimately hard to deny with open eyes and mind. Thank you for putting it together and putting it out there. You are a beautiful, brave, smart soul. The structure of the piece gave me strength and cover to share it to FB. Something that’s not working. I’ll keep trying. I’m curious to know who will ‘read to the end’.

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You're welcome Doug. Would love to know how the piece is received among your community. Thank you for sharing it.

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Everything you say in this post is so important. I hope everyone can breathe deeply and take it in.

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Indeed. We need deep breaths now more than ever.

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Great piece, loved the bit about how the media could have very easily handled journalism around this event. Unfortunately all we have is a media who failed at the time, and continues to fail, to do basic journalism on the subject.

Real pleased about you throwing that license pic in there as well! lol Didn't recognize you at first but I was like "why is this guy so familiar?!?" lol

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American hysteria to 9/11 is just an excuse for more atrocities committed in the name of the Great American Way. Guantanamo Bay is a travesty of civilized behaviour, democracy, human rights and common human decency. Americans wonder why so many people around the world were pleased to see with 9/11, the same sorts of things happening in the US which the US inflicts constantly on others.

No, that doesn't make such sentiments right but until the Americans stop rampaging around the world destroying other countries and lives in the millions in the name of their own hegemony, they are going to get little sympathy.

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Despite the seemingly obvious lessons of 9/11, e.g., don't create so many foreign enemies, we seem to be still doing that, only faster and harder than we were pre-9/11. And now the current administration seems to have pushed our two biggest enemies -- China and Russia -- into each others arms. Add the increasing chilliness from the Saudis, increasing doubts from the Europeans, and you have a recipe for an increasingly isolated and threatened USA, which badly needs the rest of the world's money to keep funding its eternal twin deficits. All this seems like a recipe for a genuine disaster. I'm not looking forward to it.

It wasn't supposed to be this way.

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"Gregory (Scotland Yard detective): Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?

Holmes: To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.

Gregory: The dog did nothing in the night-time.

Holmes: That was the curious incident."

It was the "curious" incidents related to the 9/11 attacks--in my case, the first being the lack of air force response to the hijacked planes-- that alerted me to the many inconsistencies and even outright absurdities of the "official" 9/11 version. So I was primed to notice the earmarks of a "story" being concocted around Covid. The same things were happening--highly credentialed voices marginalized, ridiculed, censored when they didn't follow the officially approved narrative--even though their arguments seemed sound to me. The curious suppression of all treatments for Covid infections, even before the vaccine rollout--i.e., why weren't any promising treatments welcomed with open arms? The curious difference between actual lethality of the virus as the data came in and the hysterical worldwide fear campaign. And so on. I can imagine that without the example of 9/11, it would be hard for the average person to believe a massive and yet obviously flimsy lie could be enforced so thoroughly--not to mention believed so stubbornly.

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Good summary. I do think that exposing 9/11 will be the lynchpin that will lead to radical change for the better. Although people have been content to go along with what they have been told for centuries, the lies around 9/11 and the pandemic are too blatant to take seriously.

It's a matter of dissolving our trust in trusted institutions and having the courage to think for ourselves. Of the two, I think the former is the bigger challenge.

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I would agree that a true understanding of 9/11 would bring the whole house down (and thanks for your service in this domain). The Covid op has gone a long way in "dissolving our trust in trusted institutions" and that's only going to continue--Sen. Ron Johnson is reading books like Turtles All the Way Down, which is very encouraging. When Joe Rogan gets someone like Richard Gage on his show, we'll know that the tide is turning. I'm kind of reluctant to say it, but it might be up to the younger generations who are less invested in the official story to bring it to light in a way that will make the difference? I've been a 9/11 dissident for over 20 years now, and it's hard to see much movement toward the light of reason on this issue. Maybe it will take the collapse of the Empire for a final reckoning.

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Unfortunately, dissolving the trust in these institutions will be the catalyst for bringing in THEIR replacement for these "corrupt and evil" institutions. The institutions are not evil. The men that control the people in control are evil and these men are not seen. They have funded all wars and have created 80% of human suffering. They do this to consolidate power and control. Key words: "Order out of chaos" and Hegelian Dialectic.

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Thank your for the article. We live in a world of fabrications and seeing through the lies requires asking the right questions and not stopping short of reaching conclusions that are supported with boat loads evidence. This type of inquiry should always be accompanied by thorough documentation so that the label of conspiracy theorist cannot easily stick or will be recognized for what it truly is.

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When your eyes finally open, it is true freedom for the mind but you can never go back. Rebekahroth.com The Methodical Series is a quick way to see how they did it.

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Very informative treatise here revealing the effect of having immoral undereducated beings in charge of powerful orgs. I think this article would be better if made shorter & thus emphasizing the personal nature of the story. Footnotes referring people unfamiliar with the true background of the Bush Senior directed Traitorous Event would steer ppl in the correct direction if unfamiliar with background of the Towers Tragedy. I take this opportunity to encourage ppl to watch the video of Bush Senior memorial service where envelopes were handed to certain guilty parties . Those letters informed them that Bush Sr. made his final resolution to Ask Jesus Into His Life & Fully Reveal ALL info on his past evil actions ! Those attending the service whom received those envelopes were being informed the jig was up and White Hats in service to God & Nation had received the treasure trove of Bush Sr.'s documents telling of all of their deeds and how most of them were done ! " They have everything ! " was Bush Sr.'s main point ; telling the recipients of the notes , their goose was cooked ........ https://youtu.be/TLIJ69rVtqM Nick, NavyBlueSmoke , LST -1195

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