Honest debate is not only for the benefit of those on different sides of an issue but also for those participating as observers. Over and over I have heard RFK say on many occasions and in so many words ‘Show me where I’m wrong and I’ll change my mind.’ What the Hotezes and other consensus thinkers of the ‘scientific’ community are saying is: we’re right, you’re wrong, period, and there’s no point in talking about it because you’re a lunatic. That’s religious arrogance on full display and these scientists appear as gas-lighting ideologues. These are very dishonest people and they are doing great, if not irreparable, harm.

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You sir, are to kind. These folks want to gut us like a fish on the dock. They should be treated accordingly.

I now know over thirty people in my circle of family, friends, colleagues, and regular acquaintances who have died unexpectedly, dropped dead of heart failure, died quickly from multiple turbo cancers, miscarried babies, and have had Serious Adverse Events that include multiple heart attacks (age 26), Stage IV breast cancer (36 years old, two children), Stage III melanoma (34 years old, two children,) etc.

I do not know one single person who died of COVID. I am almost sixty-five years old. Not one.

Pfizer knew during the trial. Pfizer knew during the post-marketing study, and they know now. This is criminal. You sir are too kind.

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I think these things are dangerous. In my experience with my own fellow physicians who believe they are safe and effective as well as my interaction with those in the vax industry I don't, for an instant, think they want to "gut us like fish on the dock". They are simply uninformed and too arrogant/complacent to educate themselves.

There may be a few at the very top (or should I say very bottom) of this that advocated their use knowing the potential dangers and lack of efficacy. I am not defending anyone. I do think it is important to know who we are up against and what they are thinking. Ultimately vindication will come from us changing their minds. We must first understand how their minds work, and it is vital that we do this quickly for the thirty or more reasons you mentioned.

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Thank you for your note.

I omitted that I have a four month old grandchild who just received three vaccines. At six months is the COVID-19 one. My son and his wife are both jabbed and boosted.

I have reviewed the Pfizer clinical trial data, at least some of it. I have reviewed their 5.3.6 post marketing study in great detail. I have reviewed excess mortality and disability numbers.

I am out of time. More importantly, prior to this disaster, I stared down evil. Once I became acutely aware there is evil, a peace overcame me. If there is indeed evil, there must be goodness.

There is no more to understand than that. I don’t have time to get in the mind of those who are directly involved or the abettors.

Keep in mind we do not know where this is headed. Evidence suggests it will be worse tomorrow. See 5.3.6, it is in Pfizer’s own words.

Thanks for your efforts, every voice helps. God bless you. God bless us.

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He is too kind... so well articulated , but u have no patience for these folks.... they are obviously hiding and making a toxic situation worse. But shows how well of intelligent points of view are just not acknowledged.

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So sorry for your losses! This is horrific. I am waiting for my colleagues to get hit, but so far none have succumbed. One family member gave in to the pressure because the hospital where she had just been hired for her *first real job* after graduation demanded it; she lost her entire colon to ulcerative colitis (at 23!!) a few months later, one of the 770 "adverse events". I am grateful she did not die but she is struggling mightily with the effects of this. Blessings to you and everyone who has lost so many.

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Excuse me, Sandy. This is a very important piece of information you are sharing with us. I'm confused by your comment. Are you saying your family member- is she a doctor?- was forced by the hospital where she was to undertake her first job to get the vaccine and after she agreed and got the shot(s), she had to undergo a total colectomy for UC at the age of 23? Thank yo and please accept my sincere best wishes for her and your family.

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That’s a tragic list.

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As always, you exhibit commendable tact and make absolute sense, and maintain optimism that reason will prevail--like a true scientist. Well spoken, sir, and if this message doesn't hit its mark with these bloggers, perhaps at least someone reading the comments will be a bit more enlightened as a result.

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Yes. The target here is not the authors, it is the audience. They ultimately decide who "wins". The reason why Bobby is so dangerous to them is because he is a gentleman AND incredibly knowledgeable and articulate. He is setting an example for all of us to follow if we are truly interested in ending this.

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One of the observations I've made while studying cults recently is that one of the best attributes by which to identify cults is the unpersoning of the others by refusal to engage in ordinary communication as if part of a community.

I don't think that all of the vaccine partisans are cultists, but that there are people pressuring cult-like behaviors. Regardless of how any debate unfolds, the breaking of that pressure will relieve a lot of tension, and allow for science to continue onward with progression. Hopefully, we will not be stuck too long in this moment. Thank you for being one of the ones breaking the ice here and there.

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"I don't think that all of the vaccine partisans are cultists, but that there are people pressuring cult-like behaviors."

Yes. Totally. We must bank on the fact that there are a lot of reasonable people on the other side. It is not easy to break from the group to join a lone dissenter. However once two publicly dissent there must come a breakthrough as it is much easier to switch groups than it is to stand alone. Sometimes that is all that is needed.

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Great observation.

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Sadly you are seeking logic and rationality from illogical and irrational people. They’ve not had to defend their reasoning on their views on covid or the vaccines since the onset, and have enjoyed the censorship of dissenting views regardless of factual evidence behind them, as well as all forms of media claiming them as experts with no factual data or documentation behind it, of course Big Pharma and government payments hasn’t hurt either.

Bottom line is he/they won’t risk giving ammunition against their cause and validating those they want deemed as disinformation spreaders that need to be silenced. To me it means they’re culpable in crimes against humanity.

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Well said

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Thank you, but not as well said as Madhava Setty's article, and we do need open and fair debates, which we haven't had for most of my life. We still can't give up on overcoming tptb, it's just hard with them controlling the platforms and media that the uninformed, indoctrinated, and those that are ideologically attached to for their news and beliefs.

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Three cheers for Dr. Madhava Setty. Yet another great post.

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Dr Setty, once again I see (as do many others) that the level of denial and resistance is astronomically high in these folks who will NEVER admit in any way, shape or form that they have been in error. There's is a form of cognitive dissonance that can likely never be remedied.

Your pleas of decency and equanimity are falling on the willfully deaf ears of those who refuse to listen to any but their own voices. Who stick to their own positions- unyielding.

Although I am merely an observer, I suggest you give this up and do your honest, meaningful work of informing those who will listen and wish to learn. There are many of us. Many. I would be willing to bet that 'they' didn't read one word you wrote. Don't give them that satisfaction. When people are cornered, like mad dogs, they only know to strike out.

Dr. Hotez is not going to debate anyone. He doesn't have to. He leaves that for his toadies and groupies. And let's not forget the powerful, fawning talking heads in the media who have deified the pathetic doctor.

RFK Jr can take care of himself!

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I agree that there is little hope that the authors of YLE will ever change their mind. My goal is not to get them admit where they have been wrong. My hope is that those who are witness to the exchange will start to reconsider where they stand when they hear a coherent counterargument.

This is a battle for public opinion. If there were no conflicts of interest these jabs would have never made it into the arms of human beings. To upend the system of control we must have a majority that refuses to comply with their terms.

In this situation we aren't debating "the science". I am challenging them on different grounds. If the public won't trust the medical establishment again, what's the point of having marvelous therapies available? What rational person who is trying to decide who is right will go with the crowd that refuses to be questioned?

Truth be told, if Hotez refuses to debate it could do more harm to the pro vax side than if he shows up and gets hammered. I'm hoping to get some people to change teams as they make sense of what is going on.

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I totally understand your position on this- I do- but I also recognize the cultish, mob-like behavior of the 'other side'. Your courage and willingness to stick your neck out professionally and otherwise is truly commendable and I hope (and pray) your goals are met!

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One thing that the Hotez defenders miss is that Hotez brought this on himself when he slammed both Rogan and Kennedy and called them dangerous for spreading misinformation. Pete himself has been on numerous corporate media shows lying about how good the jabs are and of course the media won’t ask him hard questions.

If Hotez continues to slander them without debate and say things that aren’t true then his defenders have lost their credibility too.

This tweet needs to go viral because it shows that at the beginning of Covid, Pete was against giving vaccines and then he suddenly switched and got on the pro vaccine bandwagon. First it was only 2 jabs and done, then 3 and then booster 1 and 2 and now it’s 5. So who is really spreading misinformation?


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The only people who don’t know Hotez is a clown at this point are in the rapidly dwindling audience of CNN et al.

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The "old, tired vaccine rumors" are coming from that part of the so-called medical profession that continues to deny that pharmaceutical products of all kinds are now doing "more harm than good" on an epic scale. This recent vaccine debacle is yet another chapter in that story and those crying otherwise need to be stripped of their status just as they have already stripped away all self-respect in the name of their greedy death cult.

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What I think I understand from looking at the dismissal of Brooke Jackson's case against Pfizer is that Pfizer was not required to do any trials or testing as the Covid vaccines were "demo's" for the Dept. of Defense who hired Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, etc. to make these prototypes - they are military prototypes (demo's) not subject to Good Manufacturing Practices and other regulatory scrutiny. The judge dismissed her case saying Pfizer was just following their contract with the DOD. I think any trials they did were for Pfizer's, et al, own benefit to hopefully use mRNA technology in the future for other products and applications.

I've been following Sasha Latypova discuss all this for quite a while. Her recent interview for Epoch Times (normally behind a paywall but uploaded to bitchute) is a good overview of what she is researching and talking about. If you haven't seen it - I think it is a worthwhile angle to this whole discussion: https://www.bitchute.com/video/UwS0XRKEESfs/

This is a shorter presentation she did in Sweden with more focus on the slides that fly by on the above Epoch Times discussion: https://rumble.com/v28x6zk-sasha-latypova-msc.-nsa-team-enigma-covid-19-countermeasures-evidence-of-th.html

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Dr Setty, you raise three good points. So why won't Panthagani, Hotez et al engage? I suggest it is because their world view is profoundly distorted. We could even say they are hypnotised. I explore how this happens in my book: https://www.hughwillbourn.com/book Thank you for your work.

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By the way, the 34 year old woman with Stage III turbo cancer and two children is an employee of the Baylor hospital system. She was mandated to get the shots or lose her job. Mandated. Peter Hotez doesn't seem to care about the people he is killing.

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Sorry to say this but both your alma mater behaved shamefully during Covid.

I sat through an MIT engineering school presentation earlier this year where professors and students all wore masks, which clearly signaled that they don’t believe in the physics they claim to be good at. I am referring to the effectiveness of masks and the size of the viral particles. MIT also published a paper in March 2021 where they did simulations, I think, and argued masks don’t work. Also, CDC had published in June 2022 that masks don’t work.

I know Baylor (Houston) crowd as well as educated engineers and doctors in Dallas. Most of them turned dense overnight and they’d take everything Hotez said as gospel with zero critical thought.

What Covid did was to separate opportunists pretending to be scientists from the true ones. Sadly MIT and Baylor failed the test of mask and vaccine enforcement. But they’re in good company of Stanford, CalTech, CMU, and Berkeley. Georgia Tech, AFAIK, came through without the vaccine requirement.

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You are quite right. Academic institutions are an irreplaceable part of a system that validates the positions of big money. We are at a time right now where those who wear their degrees as badges are being separated from those who actually learned something while in attendance. It's only been six years since I realized how much the former outnumbered the latter.

The public is in the tough position of determining who has it right. I am optimistic. I believe that clarity is achievable for everyone if that is what they truly desire. One has to know how to tap into their intuition. Hence the name of this substack.

The mask thing is a topic where one can see that the CDC is spreading propaganda. They claimed an "association" between mandates and a drop in the growth of cases in March 2021. Upon inspection of their methodology it becomes clear that they were hand-waving. They knew that they could get away with it because, sadly, few people know enough to untangle the distortions they used to prove their case. All that is required is a solid understanding of basic calculus, something that few possess anymore, sadly.


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Guido, did you read my book? I ripped those Universities, including my much-beloved alma mater, a new one. I didn't know Caltech fell into this too. I'll have to change my Last Will And Testament again. Oh well... I worked hard during my life to earn that money. I don't want them to take my gift and endow a chair for DEI. I definitely worked way too hard for that.

If you haven't read my book, I will reprint this section here for you to read. Just to clarify, I went to MIT, not Caltech. I know this comment is a little confusing on that score.

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Peter Hotez, Anthony Fauci, and others are the T.D. Lysenkos of our time. At this point, those who abet them are simple Kapos, no more, no less. But it is of their choosing.

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You Know That The Liberal Kibbutz

Is In Deep Shit

When The Beef In Their School Lunches

Comes From Cows

With Higher IQ's.


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