That's a clear-cut copyright violation, right up to an obvious intention to cause confusion via the book cover design. Sure as hell would be in branding questions, at any rate. The author of the first book should consult a lawyer; could be looking at a big payout not just for damages, but from malicious intent as well. And to get an immediate cease and desist order; that too. It's worth the price of at least one consult, for sure.

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I believe that removing the Mira Holden book from circulation would be a mistake. It should be left out there for as long as possible to draw attention to the kinds of ploys they use to manipulate the public. My guess is that they will come to that themselves and take it down.

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No, because people will be confused, and will miss the original book. Take lots of screen shots of the fraud, publicize that, include it in a new edition of the original "Turtles," but don't leave it to create confusion. Sue the heck out of whoever is behind the fraud, and publicize the litigation.

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People need to learn to use their own discernment.

Sadly lacking these days.

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By design. They spent over a century planning the downfall of humanity. BUT, they VASTLY UNDERESTIMATED the Power of GOOD PEOPLE that KNOW GOD! The evil ones cannot fathom people CARING for each other--they are missing the caring gene...or sociopathy cancels it!

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I looked just now on Amazon it has been taken down “currently unavailable “

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Good, that is clearly an attempt to steal a living.

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And now we have another reason to KNOW that amazon is a satanic entity...as if we needed more proof. These satanists are GOING DOWN! God's got this and His Children are declaring and decreeing that evil will be BANISHED FROM THE EARTH!

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It is. My guess is it is a deliberate, and desperate, attempt to smoke out the anonymous authors.

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I thought the same thing. Trying to get the author(s) to reveal themselves.

I'm no law expert, but it seems like the publisher could spearhead a lawsuit if that is even a desired goal.

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Mary Holland (MH) Mira Holden (MH). Clearly want to cause confusion. Also Mira is Hebrew name and I read that Mary had translated the original book from Hebrew. I actually got confused- I was

thinking, Mira must be Mary’s Hebrew name.

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Exactly what I thought.

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The author(s) are anonymous for 5 years by their own decision. If they sue then they will expose their identity.

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The lawsuit can be brought by the publishing company

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But the discovery process would raise the issue of the writers' identities. Even if it were not publicly disclosed it would be revealed to the court. And unfortunately these days courts leak like sieves.

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Yes. Perhaps settling before discovery would be optimal. They should at least issue Cease and Desist to see where it goes. It is obviously a book meant to confuse the public.

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Not if the identities weren’t known to the publisher. And even if they were, this is like the “John Doe” cases , whistleblower cases. What matters is accurate data and analysis, not identity of informants. the book is the ‘property’ of the publishing company, and the original work qualifies as reporting, not just writing, so sources are protected. [IIRC]

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Those cases just hide the identities from the public or in the case of indictments of an unidentified offender to bring a charge within the statute of limitations. But if a case proceeds to court the litigants know the identity of the parties. In this case you could never prove by evidence admissible in a US court that author 2 was different from author 1 without testimony from author 1 that she wrote the book. Which is why I said my instinct is that book 2 was published to smoke out author 1.

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Btw, what you’ve just described justifies bringing charges of criminal nuisance against the publisher of book 2, and then a subsequent suit of tortious interference.

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Ok, so what are your/our options? I would recommend violence, but that’s out of fashion. Given the courts will be stacked in favour of Book 2 offenders, how would you address this?

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The marks are not understanding properly. Only they don't call them "marks" because that is con-an language and this is expert language. It is (I fear) the exact same thing. A pro con-man psychologically has made the necessary excuses. He does think he has every right to do it. (also, on this comment: I did not really see any copr-ight issues as the most serious part of the whole matter!)

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They'll be clever enough to cover their tracks = leading to a 'dead-end' as far as a real person to sue! Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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I think it's got to be possible to set up fake companies to sell stuff on Amazon because I bought professionally manufactured Black market DVDs. Including the mandalorian and stranger things. My point being that it might not be possible to track down who published that book to try and sue them. Are these laws even international? Because you might not be able to hold some Chinese LLC accountable especially if you can't figure out who owns it

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Absolutely, that is highly illegal.

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Good reason for it to dissappear..

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“Without a saline placebo as comparison, no claim can be made about a vaccine’s safety profile. Sorry Dr. Wharton, you are wrong and one doesn’t need a medical degree or a masters degree in public health to know this. If this isn’t obvious, why then are medicines trialed against saline placebos if it isn’t necessary to establish a safety profile? Could it be because vaccine manufacturers are not liable for damages caused by their vaccines but are liable if their medicines cause harm?”

Thank you greatly for sharing this important, most important and most valuable medical information, for “Morons”’like me!

I say that honestly too. Because I am no expert whatsoever, I am not a scientist or doctor, I am a simple Grandfather struggling with my Grandson taking, “NOT ONE MORE SHOT!”

None, done, finished!

The problem is mandated shots now somewhere in the vicinity of 77 shots by 18 years old? AYKM?

It’s no wonder our kids are so sick, loaded with layers upon layers of emotional issues to downright autistic!

The Pharma Industry coupled with the three letter government agencies have been deliberately ignoring, misleading, flat out LYING ABOUT everything!

I thank you in advance for sharing this vital information.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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If you don't already have a copy of the 'real' book, I'll send you one (e-version) free. I'm in the same boat as you.

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Honestly Walking the Dog I could elaborate on how much evil has taken over the world. So much so that today, we don’t have to read between the lines. Evil is telling us what they are going to do. We must take them at their word now. 10 years ago people laughed at me for saying and or thinking what was once not so clear.

Once the Covid scams / lockdowns started, I knew this was the beginning of the end. There’s so many indicators that point towards an epic battle of “Good vs Evil

Which is where I learned, this is way above my level of expertise. Only Jesus can fight this battle. We must be dedicated servants, period for the mortals have overtaken all “Good & Decent” people. To error is human. We must as mortals repent our souls our ways and follow closely, the only path to salvation, which is by Jesus’s side!

Thank you for your input’s,

Walking the Dog. I do appreciate your help and I most certainly pray more prayers from all walks of life beginning en masse happen and happen now.


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I do Walking the Dog. Thank you so much for asking. It’s true what I believe you’re referring to.

This is IMO, part of the end times. The battle between “Good vs Evil.”

Although I’m not well versed, I am well aware and a deep believer in our Lord Jesus.

Simply put, I fear not what I can’t control myself for myself. What I believe wholeheartedly is helping others understand what is happening “real world now” so to speak.

I appreciate your offer Walking the Dog. Hopefully more and more people wake up to the. “ills of their ways” something I do pray for every day.


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I bought the hardback from Jeremy R. Hammond at his site. That way I was able to support him and his work as well as supporting the authors and publisher all while not supporting Amazon. Just one way to go.

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I don't have children (grown or otherwise) nor grandkids. I am always so sobered when parents have no influence on their children and are doing everything they can to reach out and show them that it just is NOT as we are all being told to believe.

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You’re so right T’ree. The other day I had a conversation with a client who doesn’t have any children or grandchildren and she said to, I don’t have any grandchildren so why bother?

All I could say to her in response was “What about all of those children whose parents don’t understand?”

Her response was,they’re not my responsibility. I thought, how selfish? I’m not saying she should or anyone should take on the world, but maybe instead of being so “self centered”‘she could think about the power in numbers, if nothing else?

So I understand exactly how you feel T’ree. IMO, it doesn’t matter if or if not, we’re all human beings and I believe it’s time to stop this madness of me, me, me kind of society. Maybe this is why everything is happening? Maybe in one sense, the “Great Reset” is solely about people helping people. The way it use to be.

Thank you T’ree. I appreciate your sharing.


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AJR - I don't have any children or grandchildren either, but I have made it my mission in life to educate as many people as I can about the harms of vaccinations. My friend who will soon be a grandmother has gotten her son and DIL to agree to watch the Vaxxed I documentary. I pray it is shown to them in time for the birth of their daughter in January.

You may already be a subscriber, but I write about the harms of the Covid shots with regards to the clots embalmers have been finding. Please share with anyone willing to read. Seeing the photos will certainly create vaccine hesitancy if not make them into ex-vaxxers like me (like Steve, I also got two Covid shots).

My first post from May of this year;


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Perfect Laura and exactly what we all need to be doing. We each can learn from one another which is so critical today. So much information has been deleted or misaligned it’s difficult to find the truth.

Helping those who don’t know the dangers, about vaccines and understand how dangerous vaccines are.

Obviously if someone isn’t interested, there isn’t much anyone can do.

One of the first things I learned when lockdown started was clotting issues and inflammatory reactions. Two weeks into lockdown i learned this. I’m not a doctor or scientist, I’m a network technician. If I was able to find out how dangerous mRNA is and why this technology was shelved in the 80’s so to all doctors. This is one reason I knew we were being manipulated. How infuriating and downright evil!

Also, Fauci stated numerous times that he was concerned about “ADE” or Antibody Dependent Enhancement.

When I looked into this, good God these people are more evil than I thought. Embalmers across the world were reporting that they have never seen white fibrous clots before. All from Bioweapon Injected people.

Thank you Laura for sharing your thoughts and for your commitment to helping others understand.


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What an informative article. Unfortunately, the people that I know that should read it won’t. As they are of the mind set that can’t even fathom any other possibility other than vaccines are “safe and effective”. I bought the book for my niece, had it delivered to her house and she just made excuses on why she couldn’t read it. The harm these parents do to their children is horrific.

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Good on you for trying

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You can lead a horse to water... as they say

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L.L. Horn, you are so right. The people that should read it won't.

A couple years ago I sent RFK Jr.'s book _The Real Anthony Fauci_ to two people. Both have refused to read it.

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I am on my 3rd copy of Turtles. Got the first, April '23, having read so much buzz about it in Substack comments. Left that book, Oct. '23, with daughter, in vax-centric Canada. Ordered a new copy, then gave it to visiting brother when I opened his eyes on this matter. So, had to order a third for husband and self. How long will I manage to hold on to it?

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Ha! It's not a book to hold on to! It's a book to give away. I suggest getting the kindle version so that you will always be able to link the citations with a click of the mouse.

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Read Forrest Maready’s book The Moth In the Iron Lung. It is a deep dive into the history of polio - where it came from & why it disappeared in the 1950s. The history of polio & smallpox & their accompanying miracle vaccines are similar to along the same vein as the covid narrative we just lived through…it’s a house of cards.

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THANKS SO MUCH for the heads up, and your good work!

I noticed a similar phenom w Pierre Korey's Ivermectin book and Dr Mercola's CV19 bok too. Only slightly less blatant Amazon "banned" another author altogether without warning, just to have to put him back and act like nothing happened but disrupting and prop leaving an internet trail of pemanent misinformation about it . And Kennedy's wasn't allowed to even have a seller-rating. Graduate level Globalists' propaganda techniques. The net is sooooooo NOT neutral.

I bet it's like those "computer generated" phone numbers that rip-off agencies use to call you from a phone number that shares the locale of the area your phone is in. That is, you'd think it would obviously be illegal to steal a phone number (however momentarily) for the purposes of deciet...yet it keeps going on & on.

I'm so glad the tide is welling up against all this...

Do NOT despair, every day you are alive you are sticking it to a Globalist !!!! : D hahaha

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I just ordered a copy of the REAL VERSION. And the false, non scientific version of this is out of stock on Amazon. Thanks for writing up this important article for all to read.

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Dr. Setty,

Another OUTSTANDING article discussing a most necessary topic.

There are simply too many things to add to your presentation.

I'll limit them to this:

1- First, is the CDC a private company or a government agency? Answer: Yes. It is both as it profits from annual flu and collaborated vaccine sales at the tune of over $4.1 Billion (yes, Billion) per year. The CDC government piece is under HHS. The CDC 'private' piece is under the CDC's Foundation (501-c-3) which allows anyone including corporations to make donations. I've never heard of a 100% government agency also having a Foundation that captures Billions annually (if there's another one, please, let's name them). Expecting CDC's 100% to ONLY the public's interest would be impossible as Billions of $$ annually have significant INFLUENCE by outside organizations.

2- Does placebo vs. non-placebo data exist (Pharma and the CDC say it simply doesn't)? Bull Roar. Every Healthcare Insurance agency around the world could easily run a health profile comparison between children vax'd vs. those that have not. Can you say 'collusion'?? There are also significant quantities of religious and lifestyle groups (take the Amish as an example) that already can easily provide data of Dr's visits and chronic illness profile comparisons (this might explain why the Amish are so heavily 'observed' by such groups as the CIA and the FBI (what might they be busy 'observing'?).

3- Once new HHS and CMS Administration is in place, a simple reaching out to Healthcare Insurance providers ("say Insurance CEO, nice little business you have here. We'd like some health comparison data between children who've been CDC schedule jabbed vs. those that have not, to help determine if there are chronic illness differences. If you're unwilling to comply, we have Biden's extra 87,000 IRS agents that we're looking to shift towards your business to ensure there were no payment request and billing of CMS related invoices".) should clear up the matter without even needing to (at this point) get Pharma/Public Health/Pediatric Medical Associations involved.

You're the best. Keep up the great work.

PS: I too strongly recommend the Myths and Science version of the book, as I read it cover to cover as a simply lay person. Excellent reading and well worth one's educational journey into the Med Indust Complex (MIC).

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Yes. The whole thing can be easily exposed with the right leadership. That's why they are freaking out and using these desperate attempts to mislead people.

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Very good post! I've had "Turtles" on my Kindle for a while now, but never got around to reading it. My interest is really piqued now-will most definitely read it soon.

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I strongly recommend reading it as it will equip you with the references you need to dismantle any pro-vax argument. We need ambassadors of fact and reason right now.

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It’s a slow read!! Just like kennedys Dr Fauci book which is another must read and Dr Mary’s Monkey The poisoned Needle And sooo many more We have been duped!!

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I made it through the Fauci book, but pretty slowly, like you said. Thanks for the heads-up on Turtles.

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The Indoctrinated Brain by Michael Nehls is another great book.

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Calling the COVID injection a vaccine should become a grammatical and recognized as a factual error. It and other mRNA injections are gene therapies and need to be called that. The term vaccine applied to the injection was used just to increase acceptance. Stop doing that!

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Agree. But I would go further and not call them "Therapies" because that word implies an intervention undertaken to improve health. I can't see these experimental products as intended to improve the health of the recipient

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If the medical community had red the book before the pandemic... what pandemic??? Are you talking about the military grade mind fuck initiated March 11 2020??? There is no such thing as a pandemic, never has been, never will be. Start right there, because once you accept a fiction, you get what we got, global takedown based on total fraud!

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PsyWar tactic 101…Every Government in world history, with the help of their private soldiers of fortune, have nefariously applied the use of fear and propaganda to control the citizens.

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What makes me curious is that doctors do not question the theories which underpin vaccinology. To a lay person, the entire concept seems to be a contradiction and counter-intuitive, even without going into the fact that the immune response is about far more than antibodies or Titer levels, which is the holy grail of vaccinology.

The pathogen is weakened or dead and so will not and should not trigger an immune response and that is why an adjuvant is used, something toxic, which will trigger an immune response, where, it is hoped, in the confusion a response will also be mounted to the harmless pathogen.

In simple terms that amounts to confusing and tricking the immune system into doing something it should not do. How can that be a good thing? The human organism is replete with brilliance and never more so than immune function. Anyone who thinks such trickery simply goes unnoticed is deluding themselves.

If we consistently tricked/deceived a child mentally, more than 50 times in the first five years of life and at last count nearly 90 times before they turned 18, how mentally healthy would that child be? Not very. And would such trickery not be deemed child abuse? So how can a child so heavily vaccinated ever develop optimal immune function?

And while vaccines can make sense based on Homeopathic principles, where, a little bit of something can do you good, they are so artificial and unnatural that it would seem impossible for them to do any good at all. Our bodies have evolved over millennia and cannot be easily deceived, nor reworked in centuries, let alone decades.

No disease in nature enters the human body via a needle, avoiding the first lines of immune response, skin and mucosal membranes, for quick uptake by the bloodstream.

Neither in nature does anyone succumb to two diseases at exactly the same moment, as the vaccine would have the body believe, let alone three, four, five, six or even more. Such an onslaught to the body, particularly that of a baby or child, must be physiologically traumatic. At least that is what common sense would say.

Or do I have it all wrong?

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What is completely overlooked is that by the time vaccines were invented there was no need for them. The biggest contribution to improved health and lower mortality rates came from engineers: clean water, sanitation, water in homes and also critical, refrigeration which prevented food going off as easily as it once did. In a world where people could easily keep themselves and their homes clean and their food safe, there is better health and less disease.

The chlorine and fluoride in water was and is a counter to health but they fall into the same cult realms as vaccines. Someone thought it was a good idea, someone made money out of it and that, as they say, is history.

There was a time when they sprayed children with DDT and now they dose them with fluoride and worse. Having said that, it is wise to understand the resilience of the human organism and its capacity to adapt.

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Indeed. This is why having a copy of the Turtles book is so great, especially if you have it on kindle. The authors have compiled all the studies and data that back these statements up.

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Yes, it is an excellent overview.

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You don't even need saline. Just compare vaccinated to unvaccinated children to see the risk/benefit balance of a vaccine.

A few such studies have been done, and the results are so radioactive that Big Pharma has pressured the retract the articles. Read Vax-Unvax by Hooker & Kennedy or https://tinyurl.com/DrPaul-Lyons

The idea of a "placebo" was introduced to allow for the fact that part of a drug's effectiveness comes from the patient's expectations. Placebos are especially important for evaluating the benefits of psychiatric medications; but even cancer medicines benefit from the placebo effect, and placebo testing is appropriate for testing the EFFECTIVENESS of all medications.

OTOH, there is no need for placebos in testing drug SAFETY. And the only reason that pharma companies have used placebos is to mask some of the side effects of their drugs by rigging the "placebo" such that many patients in the placebo arm also have similar side effects.

Placebos should always be used in testing effectiveness, never in testing safety.


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How then would you propose doing an RCT that could demonstrate efficacy without using a placebo? Something has to be injected into the arms of the control group. Whatever it is it has to have the least risk of adverse events. Saline is the best that we can do. Anything else will potentially hide risk.

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Let's separate RANDOMIZED from PLACEBO. You can have a randomized vaccine trial in which subjects are selected to have the some demographic mix, then randomized, with half of them getting the vaccine and the other half untreated. You can compare their health outcomes for months or years afterward.

What you miss by this method is the "double blind" property. Both the subjects and the doctors know who are the "controls". I would argue that there has been so much misuse of placebo trials and unblinding in practice in order to intentionally skew results that this is a small price to pay in SAFETY TRIALS only, not efficacy.

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Using this approach in a safety (not efficacy) trial will not account for the nocebo effect. The influence of the mind is a big factor. I argue that this necessitates the need for a double blinded study.

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I don't think you read the comment you're replying to properly.

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Thank you so much. I agree with you about the Saline. Turtles was an excellent book - easy to read and understand. And you don’t have to be an MD - or as long as you don’t have willful blindness.

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Without a placebo you don't have a randomized controlled trial. You have a retrospective study which aren't a good way of getting at the truth. In pharma's hands they can easily manipulate those to show the results they want.

I think the part you're missing is without the placebo you don't have the randomized part or the trial. You've got groups of people that have different susceptibilities. You can't directly compare them without making a bunch of assumptions.

While you might be able to spot safety signals from a retrospective study like you describe you certainly can't PROVE anything at all

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I am so simple. Maybe DD? I literally act from my guts. Vaccines may be fine for you. They are

worthless to me. I cannot approach the ordeal of dickering over it. You all have at it....

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I understand your point and agree with you one million percent.

My problem isn’t with me or you Elaine or anyone else, my problem is my Grandson, my family members who’s young kids are forced to take something that at worst case,

Kill them.

It is sickening to me this entire situation. Covid Fraud and death surrounded by these “Bioweapon Injections”

So I have to battle back against this and what they’re doing to all young kids across America and around the world.

I am no expert whatsoever. I have learned more in the last few years, mainly about humanity, than I ever have learned in my entire life.

All I wanted to say is, I hear you loud and clear. Hopefully one day we can all breathe a sigh of relief. Hopefully.

Thank you Elaine. I appreciate your sharing.


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Yes, kids are being sucked into the Big Pharma sickness enforcement. Thankfully I never had any kids. I see that I'm living among the dumbed-down and have no where to go. Wherever I go, there I am, and certainly it saddens me to see lives blunted and shortened for nothing. I spent some years with a living Master and one of his book titles was: *Meditation, The First and the Last FREEDOM*.

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Hi Elaine. I hear what you are saying.

I do feel the need to interject a counterpoint about having or not having kids.

For me having my children has been the greatest blessing of my life. Also the greatest challenge. The totality of enrichment they have brought me is something I never ever could have anticipated until they were here and I was completely responsible for them. The birth of a child immediately changes you. It expands you and humbles you. Obviously you are their first and most important teacher and you louse it all up in so many ways unintentionally. But they are also profound teachers to you. Parenting is no easy task and is certainly not for everyone. As for me... I am a better person for having dived into the deep and murky waters of parenting my children. And I hope and pray that they bring their voices, their thoughts and individual spirits into all these tough discussions. Without a next generation reared and taught to protect our rights and to fight where will we be?

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Well stated. I feel likewise and now the blessings are multiplied with grandchildren. I cannot imagine my life without these blessings. My biggest regret is I listened to the world’s teaching and only had two children. I am a little envious when I see friends with large families with dozens of grandchildren.

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John, I never knew if I would have any children. I was 38 when my eldest was born. Had just become a RN 2 years prior. When our second was born I was 41. Thought that was it for me. Two healthy, amazing children. Life seemed full and good. But my wife kept being visited in her dream-time by another spirit asking when we would open up the door and let her in. I resisted for 8 years while my wife felt certain we weren't done. Finally I stepped out of the way and we tried for a third. Boom! She came right away... had waited just about long enough!

I can't claim to know what magic is hiding around corners or in fog or shadows, but that little girl has been such a blessing! I was 50 when she was born and my worries have long since melted away. She's 12 now and the only one still living at home.

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What’s worse is, parents have only one choice in some states, inject your kid or lose your kid! With something that has never been proven beneficial.

Thank you Elaine.


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When I said NO to it, no kidding I lost all my friends. I was shocked. I was blamed for give them Covid...what a can of worms....but I never got it.

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I am right there with you Elaine. I never had kids either which is likely a blessing (considering what families are facing these days). I also never trusted pharmaceuticals (much less this latest scourge they call Covid vaccines) and I never got Covid either. My gut told me “absolutely not!” from day 1 and I too, I was shunned and ostracized..not even allowed to attend the funeral of a friend who died of a vaccine related heart attack because I wasn’t vaccinated.

I also watched my brother die of “turbo cancer”; it was clearly vaccine induced bc after his third booster he declined rapidly.

I’ve spent a lot of time being angry and disgusted by the widespread “naïveté” about these poisons, a denial which has wreaked absolute havoc in our societies and has destroyed lives. But I have not been able to convince anyone

so I keep my thoughts to myself and marvel at all the people that still somehow refuse to see through this deception.

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I am so sad about your brother. Other meds are also causing turbo cancers; I have a friend who has one now, and I have had two pets who died this way.

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What’s so sad is, recently an NIH Director / Figure Head openly stated that “COVID”

Was all made up!

I learned very early on no major national health department such as the CDC, had “Isolated & Purified” the strains we were being lied to, was prevalent.

So how could any type of injection work? It couldn’t and wouldn’t work. Sort of like making a cup of tea without water. Not the best analogy but you know what I mean.

It is so sad. 7 people died in my circle of friends and associates. 2 close friends and 5 associates! Needlessly they died, as have millions more around the world!

Covid was all about depopulating to control a “New World Order!”

What’s also so sad is what happened in your situation. Why people who are supposed to be your friends would do something so terrible? That tells me they weren’t true friends. Plain and simple.

Thanks again Elaine.


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I'm so sorry that your friends died. I know scores of people who got COVID and only two who died; given the details of their situations, I'm convinced that they did not die of COVID but of the treatments for it.

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I lost many, too. But many new friends are out here for you. A very nice thing happened to me - I reconnected to a very old, very special friend who thinks as I do, just by chance.

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You are heard. I get it.

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I think Dr. Paul Thomas out of Oregon did a study of non vaccinated vs. vaccinated children. The Oregon board of medicine yanked his medical license for his trouble

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