Why would a continually reincarnating human remember only one past life if, presumably, there have been many others? For the same reason that a human might not remember that HE IS--and will always be at different times-in part and in some unconscious way--EVERYBODY WHO HAS EVER EXISTED, but only several of whose awareness he occasionally taps into, in part and to varying degrees of consciousness.

NDE experiencers have often spoken about other lives which they become aware of experiencing concurrently, as a different version of themselves, amongst many of the same people from their current life -but in different relationship with each other. That begs a closer investigation of 'chanelling' (being privy to someone's thoughts) in comparison with 'remembering everything about a so-called past life' (being privy to someone's memories.)

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Great article, I couldn't help but think of the documentary about David Bohm I recently watched


“The essential quality of the infinite is its subtlety, its intangibility. This quality is conveyed in the word spirit, whose root meaning is ‘wind or breath.’ That which is truly alive is the energy of spirit, and this is never born and never dies.”

– David Bohm

David Bohm stated, There exists a hidden regime of reality where everything is interconnected, no person can access that domain, mystical traditions teach us, we must be humble in front of reality, that there will always be domains of reality that will remain beyond science.

If the self were really there, then perhaps it would be correct to centre on the self because the self would be important. But if the self is a kind of illusion, at least the self as we know it, then to centre our thought on something illusory which is assumed to have importance is going to disrupt the whole PROCESS and it will not only make thought about yourself wrong, it will make thought about everything wrong so that it becomes a dangerous and destructive instrument all around.

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Well put. I do believe that our species has built a society upon the basic distortion that you are pointing out

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Madhava Setty

Yes, who would we be and how different would our world be if we lived the truth that we are spiritual beings having a material experience.?

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So glad I found your Stack … I loved your take on the vaccines but this post is on a whole other level!

Based on this article I have to ask if you’ve looked into Scientology and the work of L. Ron Hubbard. He certainly has his haters (what innovative thinker doesn’t). But he’s done more than probably anyone else in the past 2500 years to figure out the continuity of awareness during “unconsciousness” and death. And he proposes practical, testable ways to rehabilitate the non-physical part of a human being.

I’d encourage you to take a look. Whatever ideas you have about Hubbard’s work, it mirrors what you talked about very closely. He addresses how people would operate if they knew they are not one-life beings (“fearless” is exactly right!). And he even proposes who is “forcibly and insidiously” trying to keep us in the Dark Ages as you put it - and *why*.

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Really? I know nothing of Scientology. Thank you for pointing this out

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Hi Madhava, yes I think you’d be amazed how much it aligns with what you’re looking at. You can check out https://www.scientology.org/what-is-scientology/ or there’s a ton of amazing video and real life stories on Scientology.tv. I used to be a huge skeptic on all spiritual things because I found the religion I grew up in to be very impractical in solving real life problems. Scientology is a lot more hands-on and applicable to today’s world in my opinion.

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Thank you for the link

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This is quite the mind-f. and I love it!! SO much to think about. Thanks to The Pulse for the recommendation. I'm doing a little happy dance. ;)

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When I first Fox Mulder’s poster, “I WANT TO BELIEVE,” I thought it was an expression of credulousness. But it’s just the opposite. It’s a challenge to anyone who would presume to use metaphysics as an explanation. In this spirit, I play the devil’s advocate.

—What would Joseph Campbell say about NDEs? “The Power of Myth” and “Hero’s Journey” both describe universal human narratives. Are the similarities among NDEs merely another example of this?

—Regarding child testimonies of past lives, see “Did Your Mom Help You Remember?: An Examination of Attorneys’ Subtle Questioning About Suggestive Influence to Children Testifying About Child Sexual Abuse.” Also the story of Clever Hans the Horse, who seemed to be able to do math, is worth considering in this context.

—Mentalists and sleight of hand artists can perform seemingly miraculous feats.

I truly want to believe in reincarnation and the soul, in past lives and the power of joy. It is only through rigorous scrutiny that I might someday get there.

On a positive note… One of the strongest arguments I have in favor or reincarnation is my appreciation for Buddhism’s teachings. I don’t consider myself a Buddhist, but it’s the most accurate term I would use to describe my beliefs. Everything I learn about it resonates with me, so the philosophy has garnered a lot of credibility for me. Thus, in spite of a dearth of “evidence,” I am inclined to believe.

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One doesn’t even have to believe. All one must do is accept the fact that one cannot know. The real question is about how to regard life and how to live it. What working theory makes more sense for the individual and society?

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