I was thinking the same thing. I am in a very large family of pro vax. I was called unintelligent by my family. If I tried to say anything back, several of my idiot family members would scream disinformation. I left the family group now. Maybe I am just smarter than they are. I always got better grades than they did. I guess my better grades didn't just mean I could pass standard test. It meant I could think at higher levels than they could in different subjects.
I Am Used To Being Smarter
Than Everyone Else.
But I Never HAD To Be.
Now That We Have To Be:
I've Owned Pets Smarter Than Most Of These "People" .
Including Some Of The Smartest
Idiots We Could Have Ever Met.
I was thinking the same thing. I am in a very large family of pro vax. I was called unintelligent by my family. If I tried to say anything back, several of my idiot family members would scream disinformation. I left the family group now. Maybe I am just smarter than they are. I always got better grades than they did. I guess my better grades didn't just mean I could pass standard test. It meant I could think at higher levels than they could in different subjects.