I’d be willing to bet that it was this very topic which ABC News chose to censor out of their recent interview with RFK Jr. There are two points of discussion that turn the tables on Pharma’s “Experts all agree” final say - the liability free pass they get when pushing vaccines and this damning reality that they are never properly tested for safety which would require a true random placebo trial. Delivering this argument of both in the same breath gives RFK or anyone else a knockout punch and is something the controllers and enforcers of the narrative are hoping will never see the light of day.

We can only hope that RFK Jr continues using a full court press which will destroy much of the vaccine religion’s stranglehold on the stage of public opinion. While I hope he can win the primaries and general election which is still a long shot, bringing this truth which is quite obvious to the surface will be a victory in itself. It’s something the liars and thieves in white coats dread the most.

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Well summarized. These unequivocal facts upend the narrative. I do believe you are right about ABC. With that kind of censorship in play it becomes vitally important that we share this understanding as widely as possible. The highest court in the land is the court of public opinion. That is what we must win.

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Wonderful comment

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They have no choice but to make themselves look like fools, because the real science has caught up with them, overtaken them and turned round and bitten them on the butt.

They dont know it yet, but they have created millions and millions of "for life" antivaxxers.

Although rather than "antivaxxer" I prefer "vaccine educated"

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Streisand effect

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All doctors and scientists in general know about placebo trials being the basic test of a product. None of them seem to know that vaccine products are not subject to the same basic test. They assume they have been. They should now be outraged; instead they are mainly just stunned or in denial, with a few exceptions of course.

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That is the crux of the controversy now. They say vaccines are fully tested, but then they say "to be fully tested, they must be tested against a placebo group." They admit pure placebos were not used, but that somehow was okay--they can still claim they were fully tested.

Reminds me whey they said "Avoid large groups at all cost--inside or outside." But then the BLM protests started and they said, "It's okay to go out in THESE large groups!" Fighting racism is too important you know.

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After sitting through all 17 hours of Aaron Siri's depositions of Stanley Plotkin and Kathryn Edwards, the final nail has been driven into the vaccine coffin. Insufferable, arrogant, self-serving, soulless, heartless... their delusions and voodoo mumbo jumbo have victimized billions. Kathryn Edwards in particular, caught flat out lying throughout the deposition, was soundly humiliated in the subsequent trial and her slack-jawed expression of shock registered the realization of her complete defeat. These are the people Paul Offit keeps company with. These are the people Offit holds in high esteem... the ones he emulates. These aren't healers. These aren't physicians. These people are complete frauds!

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Everyone should watch those depositions. They are awesome. Better than any episode of Law & Order. Siri is on fire in them and even gets a few chances to showcase his sharp wit.

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Well said!

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re "Drink enough water and it will cause a seizure. Salt can also be toxic.”

Use enough pencils with sharpened points, like maybe 20,000, and you can kill an elephant. Decomposing elephant carcasses can also be toxic.

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I’ve actually been in the ER from over-hydrating. It’s fairly common, particularly in athletes in the heat. But you’d never find me citing that as a reason not to use saline as a placebo! What an absurd notion. I can’t believe he had the nerve to offer that as a reason.

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And how do we get that kind of info out to the "normies" of our population? Too many people still walking around with no clue.

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I don't know... It's not an experience I recommend. It's pretty frightening. I tell people all the time because it seems like the most common unsolicited advice out there is "drink more water".

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I have even heard of people drowning in water. Maybe when Paulie goes to jail for what he has done, he never be given access to water, or any liquid. Too dangerous for him to have.

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I tried to use Dr. Offit as a tether/offset when reading Turtles all the Way Down. I had to tap out of the his book, Autism's False Prophets, when he decided to chide the scientist who pushed to remove thimerosol from vaccines and explain why by commenting on the amount of law suits around breast implants. He never explicitly said it but implied that because Americans look to sue too much scientists need to keep some information to themselves. Never mind the principle of informed consent. The argumentation was so condescending, elitist, and paternalistic I had to quit. Glad he's continuing to make foolish arguments so I don't feel bad not listening to him. If he is the best the vaccine industry has this has been a one sided case for awhile and it turns out the vaccine skeptics have been right all along. This may surprise some at first but really it shouldn't. When mothers/parents claim they know something has hurt their child, until we have hard proof it didn't, they should be listened to.

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100%. Confusion arises when vaccine proponents assume that we, the vaccine skeptics, claim that every case of autism was due to vaccination. That of course is untrue. To really understand the claim one has to listen to the families who are convinced that a series of shots caused the condition. Very often the change was immediate, rapid and profound. These are the stories that cannot be buried. It's astounding to me that so many doctors are unwilling to listen to the testimonies of parents who have stories like these. One of the first things we learn in medical school is to listen to your patients with an open mind. Very often the diagnosis can be made from the story alone.

I also have heard similar arguments coming from highly educated people about the liability immunity issue. "If people thought they were open to litigation from harm they might get the idea that these products weren't safe!"

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There was an episode of Doogie Howser that has always stuck with me that drives home this very point and I can't help but share it. In the episode Doogie is obsessed with seeing how many patients he can get through in a day. So he goes quickly room to room figuring out the tests needed only paying token attention to what the patients are saying. One patient he can't figure out as all the tests come in keeps going on about some fancy plates she uses. When he finally slows down and listens he realizes the plates are tainted with lead. I do think our sub-conscious has a way of figuring out things that hurt us and when we talk to others it can come out very much like a confession.

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no one in their reight mind thinks injecting tiny qantities of sodium cloride or H20 would have any biological effect. Paul is making shit up

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So so happy that this is all coming out. Finally.

Now can we talk about food dyes. How freaking M&Ms and Skittles has red dye and other toxic dyes THAT IS ILLEGAL IN OTHER COUNTRIES but okay for Americans to eat. What about preservatives? What about a list of foods that Americans routinely buy in a grocery store that is illegal in other countries cause they put a load of toxic crap in it and no one says anything.

Sorry getting ahead of myself here. I know I should just be happy over that tiny win.

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I Am Used To Being Smarter

Than Everyone Else.

But I Never HAD To Be.

Now That We Have To Be:


I've Owned Pets Smarter Than Most Of These "People" .

Including Some Of The Smartest

Idiots We Could Have Ever Met.


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I was thinking the same thing. I am in a very large family of pro vax. I was called unintelligent by my family. If I tried to say anything back, several of my idiot family members would scream disinformation. I left the family group now. Maybe I am just smarter than they are. I always got better grades than they did. I guess my better grades didn't just mean I could pass standard test. It meant I could think at higher levels than they could in different subjects.

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Thank you. Keeping stacks brief and concise make them much mire shareable with those who are not paying attention.

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FYI - the 3 dots to the right of the reply button are an edit button if you need it. It comes in handy for me!

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I learned about hyponatremia in Wilderness First Responder training. Is it possible that I know more about over-hydration than the esteemed Dr Paul Offit?

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I learned about when I was sick with it in the ER about 15 years ago and on a few occasions since then. Turns out I border on hyponatremic always. But what he said is stupid & irrelevant. You don’t get hyponatremia from a saline placebo! 😂

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Thanks for being a voice of reason in a sea of insanity. We need a lot more like you!

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Why do “experts” exist? Because of us. WE (think we) need authority figures.

The education system is teaching only one key model of life: if you want to become somewhat significant in life, you have to climb the ladder. If you don’t prove yourself to be worthy of “PhD” or any other sign of being “special”, you are nothing.

You must digest more and more knowledge to become an unspecified paragon of... what really? We are not told that. Ethics? Morality? Righteousness? Honesty? In the society in which getting away with a successful record of broken laws is worshipped? They don’t define the purpose of education. Instead, they give you a series of small rewards, encouraging you to stay in the rut.

No wonder that even brilliant minds let themselves to have their spine broken and start to live by the “obey” rule. They obey the enforced model and in return are elevated to the position of “authority”, ornamented with financial and other incentives. Once they have invested a lot, including their own “respect”, they can come clean and start being human beings. Otherwise they have to twist the meanings of their own small worlds. Not really to manipulate us, but mostly to silence their own conscience.

When this process starts, they discover infiniteness. Truth is like a full stop, ending the statement. Lies multiply and expand and multiply again, in a sense being a creative process - which is why public relations and advertising (propaganda) is so effective. It’s all a fake world. They know it, and we know it. Yet, despite all this, we listen to them, we read their texts, we comment their statements, some of us even compulsively would like to debate them. WE create this monster from our own unfulfilled need to be a master to oneself. Instead of pursuing this call, we become a flock around fake experts. They are no authority. They simply have some piece of knowledge that we do not have. And they are being promoted as special messengers, which we buy so easily.

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Lovely and powerful. I agree. Though I am fortunate to have studied in some institutions that bestow legitimacy to my opinion, true wisdom is available to all. That is my intention behind this substack. Connecting with inner wisdom. Our intuition. It’s the only way if nobody can be trusted

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All limitations set aside, I understand that all knowledge can only be transferred in a cascade system, where the basics are taught by teachers with basic understanding, advanced aspects are presented by teachers of corresponding capacity, and most profound issues are naturally reserved for those who can cross lower-tier limits. All knowledge is transferred in this way, from building structures with blocks at age 4, to driving a vehicle, to practical surgery, to spiritual initiations.

We only need honest thirst for growth accompanied by direct requests for explanations, and neutral criticism when teachers space out and lose touch with their students.

And, as you are well aware, knowledge can be taught, but wisdom can only be encouraged. Present-day “experts” apparently transcended this natural order :-)

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The thing is by the time we "grow" up and figure this all out, we may be in debt with mortgage and kids to feed. We are then locked in to the system.

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That's the whole point of the system.

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Wow, reading your articles is such an education. Thank you

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It's even worse with so called "AIDS Drugs." They're not only trialed against other drugs rather than true placebos, but they're evaluated on the basis of surrogate markers that fail to validate. It's a scam going back to AZT where they started out with the most toxic possible, and every few years or so trial a new drug against the previous drug and then slightly lower the dose. The term "racketeering" is used for a crime that repeats itself, and that's exactly what the racket is.

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In 2014, Malaysian Fight MH-17 was carrying 298 passengers, many of which were scientists and researchers (who probably had better ideas to treat HIV other than Fauci's toxic AZT) were on their way to an AID's conference in Australia, and it was shot down in Ukraine( Ukraine being a country that the U.S. seems to control). But the Russians did it? Do you know who was safe and sound? Who wasn't on that plane years ago? Fauci and Birx. Here is Fauci being so sad about the whole thing. https://www.nbcnews.com/video/remembering-aids-researchers-lost-in-mh17-crash-309287491819

and Fauci almost gets upset in this video. Well no, not at all. https://www.hiv.gov/blog/dr-fauci-reflects-on-hiv-colleagues-lost-in-mh-17-crash/

Other videos regarding MH-17 crash:






So do we still talk about this? Nah, not so much. Pretty much forgotten about.

Does it matter to the elite that 100s of people die in a plane crash? I don't think so.

So anyone want to talk about Seal Team 6 or World Trade Building number 7 ?

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Perhaps this was sarcasm: "I am only an anesthesiologist & engineer". I too am a lowly engineer, self taught in many other fields than my chosen degree & therefore not enshrined by the fallacious belief that things are so simply because I was taught they are. I actually think for myself & have eviscerated much of what has passed for cellular "fact" when I could find no actual evidence, just supposition. There's a saying tow truck drivers have for off roading: "the farther off road you go the farther off road you'll be when you need a tow". I apply this logic to all specialty trades as it demonstrates that the "specialists" will have significantly more difficulty disavowing themselves of their dogma than the "generalists" (or, God forbid, engineers). Good article, by the way.


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