Sir, you are a warrior. A sincere thank you for attending this event and placing yourself squarely in the crosshairs of those who would rather silence than debate you. The level of group think demonstrated by so many is beyond frightening. They all simply assume the data shows millions were saved, they’ve never questioned the narrative, not once. It sounds like you were surrounded by the best brains Pharma money could wash.
If you opened the eyes of only one or two with each encounter, and they reach the point they do the same in return… you’ve started the snowball down the hill. Job well done.
Thank you. Yes. You have hit the nail on the head. I think we should be looking to turn one or two minds at a time to get things moving rather than taking them all on at once.
It's a remarkable book. Just like 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘎𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘨 𝘈𝘳𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘱𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘨𝘰 it should be made required reading by about Grade 6... and 𝘛𝘳𝘪𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭, required viewing.
I blush to admit I've only watched portions of 𝘛𝘳𝘪𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭, I'll have to rectify that. But I recall a comment that "viewing it is an act of self-innoculation against mass marketing techniques."
You can get all kinds of formatting techniques by cut-and-pasting from It's a bit awkward, but worth it.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
The part about some unscrupulous noblemen, jailing some alchemist when they couldn't turn the metal into gold. INTERESTING ah? Thanks for posting that book.
Efter apokalypsen 1945 har som bekant en rad globala organisationer bildats med syfte att upprätthålla och expandera den totalitära liberalismen. En av de tidigaste organisationer som bildades i detta syfte var krigsalliansen ”Nordatlantiska fördragsorganisationen”, eller Nato, som kan ses som globalismens militära gren.
Förutom att försäkra att Washington alltid har internationellt stöd för sina militära kampanjer är Nato som institution uttalat antivit och uttryckligen dedikerad till ”raslig rättvisa” för rasfrämlingar som bor i vita länder. Redan 1999 författade Nato rapporter där man skyller en rad moderna problem på nationalister och varnar för nationalismens inflytande.
Under 2023 höll krigsalliansen ett toppmöte på högkvarteret i Bryssel om ras där krigsalliansens ledare bedyrade att bekämpa ”homogena attityder” och att man skulle använda Natos ”kollektiva underrättelseinformation” för ändamålet.
Faktum är att Nato är så dedikerat till sin antivita agenda att man öppet förespråkar att institutioner måste omformas för att bli ”inkluderande”, med andra ord omstruktureras för att bli mer antivita och bestå av färre vita anställda och chefer.
I think this story is being shared far and wide ... so you've flipped a lot more than one or two minds. I hope you get lots of new paid subscribers to reimburse you for your $1,000 conference fees!
You're kind. But it didn't really require any courage. So many of us have been aching for a chance to ask direct questions to those who are making the rules with impunity. I didn't expect any sensible responses, and I didn't get any. The people there seemed to see that. I remain encouraged.
Good point. I got into an email debate with our state's leading sports columnist. He had previously written pieces castigating Auburn's former head football coach for not getting vaccinated.
Once it became indisputable that the "vaccines" did not prevent infection or spread, I emailed him back and asked him if was going to apologize in writing to this coach. He had some snarky comment about electrodes in the vaccines and said he still supported them.
I then asked him if he had gotten his latest booster. If not, why not? You know, he didn't reply to my question.
Bill we share a state and although I know longer live there, I followed the Brian Harsin situation with interest. I had such respect for Harsin for refusing to play the game when asked by media about his vax status. And as for that particular columnist, smh.
I listen to Alabama sports radio quite a bit and as you probably know, there are PSAs (ie ads disguised as PSAs) advocating getting your boosters, your flu shots, etc running almost every spot break. It’s particularly sickening when I hear Alabama football play by play announcer Eli Gold (who was likely severely vax injured), basketball announcer Chris Stewart (who nearly died from a stroke just before the ‘pandemic’), and former Alabama football players (who are useful idiots) all still hawking the vax. ‘Protect yourselves and your family.’ As if.
And then there is the annoying ‘paid shill’ media personality KeKe Palmer pushing the vax in a manner I see as deliberately targeting black folk. (Alternatively she pushes Remy Martin.)
And then AL state department of public health ads/PSAs is still pushing ‘free shots’ to anyone twelve or older.
The fix was in on Harsin from that first press conference, imho.
Thanks, Cynthia. Boy, we think alike and pick up on things nobody else will talk about in public. I've also wondered about Eli Gold and others' health issues. Here's another possible example: Alabama's former great receiver John Metchie had to sit out his rookie year because he's been diagnosed with leukemia. He would have surely been vaccinated.
And the non-stop PSAs (and paid advertisements) are sickening (excuse the pun). I wrote a story on Pfizer becoming a "corporate sponsor" of the SEC. I'm the only journalist in America who did this.
Setty is now paid by chd. rfk knows contagion is a lie that virus are dead cell debris. this is what more are waking up to. www.VirusTruth.NET print the mini flyers on this site and start putting on cars at hospitals and nursing homes, mail to your favorite doc with a note and quote from Trump... Doc, Youre Fired.
Indeed! Fascinating! And confirms so much research being done on the misuse and abusive application of the Behavioral Sciences. That didn't just cross ethical guardrails in place to protect unwitting subjects of psychological manipulation and coercion, they've blown right through them.
Guardrails established after learning how powerful and dangerous applications of the field are from the work of Goebbels and many university psychological experiments, like Asch Conformity and Stanford Prison.
So now the Belly of the Beast intends to lean into the coercion and manipulation Behavioral Science campaigns even harder. Which explains the explosion in new Behavioral Health programs across the nation since 2020. State and local funding for them has grown exponentially.
"You must behave! Vee have vays of dealing vith people like you!!
Not coincidentally, the Council on Foreign Relations hosted a panel about how governments can impose policy with psychological manipulation, applied behavioral sciences:
The transcript acknowledges that they can’t speak freely on the record about how the behavioral sciences are being used by government to coerce and manipulate populations. They save those conversations for behind closed doors. Why might that be?
Behavioral Science is the tip of the spear on our collective minds. The Science (TM) of Totalitarianism. It's no coincidence there's a bellyful of practitioners and proponents of The Science (TM) inside the Belly of the Beast:
The first thing I keyed in on was the role of the behavioral scientists in amplifying the mania after reading NPR's April 3, 2020 story on masks. It raised every hair on my neck for its reference to masks being "honor badges."
Being a student of the history of WWII and the Holocaust those words meant something different to me than most. The yellow star Jews were forced to wear in Germany were adopted as a "badge of honor" by well-meaning Jews.
It was that term that raised the hairs up on my neck in early April, 2020 and directed me to research behaviorism. Which eventually led to other related and tangential subjects to research.
It wasn't right. None of it was right. And I didn't know why. I knew that knowledge is power and I didn't have enough of it to protect me and my mind. So I studied. And it's become a hobby horse of mine, that I try to share, to teach, so my loved ones, friends, and strangers alike can also become empowered. We share knowledge. Your insights empower, too.
The powers that be already have most of this knowledge we're having to catch up on. But they truly aren't very smart. And we will collectively catch up and then pass them, we already are. We know that people who aren't very smart will resort to bullying when they might be exposed. And these are some very sadistic, not smart bullies. But their Achilles Heal is always their arrogance. It's how they mess up. And how we prevail in the end. God wins over evil.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
Interestingly, both Mayo as well as the CDC said early on that “research has not yet shown” that people who have recovered from covid have any sort of reliable protection …” – yet this is the exact same Mayo that scrubbed references (and was caught in the act by an enterprising researcher, reported here at the American Inst for Economic Research author Jon Sanders wrote on June 4, 2021 to the longevity of the 1919 Spanish flu antibodies, and whose president attends the WEF/Davos confab as here. I personally called Mayo twice in Minnesota, and each time they blew me off. Quod erat demonstrandum. Here’s their number if you want to call and conduct a real life experiment yourself: 507-266-7416 or 800-588-2670 (toll free) Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m, mailing address RO WE 01 800K-R; 200 First St. SW; Rochester, MN 55905-0001; or website We’ll all be waiting breathlessly!
Thank you for this, indeed. What struck me most is that these people are responding to the loss of trust among us and particularly parents by... plotting more pathetic propaganda, sowing more distrust. They are the long term losers. I think what we see is peak-vaccine. It's downhill from here. And good riddance.
The panels were open to the public. Literally anyone could have attended and asked questions directly to the vaccine manufacturers. How is anyone being silenced here?
Perhaps you didn’t read the article all the way through…? Especially the bit about the presentation from the group doing censorship of “anti-vaxx” messaging on Twitter and other social media.
print mini flyers on this site and hand to masked sheep on grocery stores or leave on cars in hospitals. get creative to get word out virus are dead cell debris, all shots can only harm, never ever can be made safe. www.VirusTruth.NET/?ref=rfk
It is easy to be seduced by the common good fallacy. But it is too easily exploited and often leads to unspeakable evil. History is your friend on these topics.
Thanks fot the great work you are doing Madhava, I think the sections from your article are telling, "During the three full days of the conference, neither I nor Dr. Elizabeth Mumper, a Virginia-based pediatrician and strong advocate for vaccine safety, encountered another physician presently in clinical practice." "Attwell is not a physician or a medical scientist."
This is a great article from Robert Clancy and addresses a lot of what you found at the conference.
"Covid has laid bare a medical profession no longer with input into health policy. Financial interest influences decisions enacted by bureaucrats, driven by the pharmaceutical industry, and woven into political agendas. A cultural blindness to objectivity begins with medical journals failing to publish any article outside of the narrative."
"For pandemics prior to Covid, science eventually won with strong professional leadership, internationally significant research contributions and stronger public health and government institutions."
"Covid is not following that course—power structures outside of the traditional medical hierarchy control a self-seeking narrative that has failed to control the pandemic. Decisions fail to respect science."
"a failure to interrogate mRNA adverse events, and a failure to respect a medical profession faced with the management of Covid patients."
What can we do? Understanding the meme state of cognitive dissonance that has overwhelmed many in our profession in accepting without argument, the “Covid narrative” of pharma/politics, is too hard for me. In practice, we must take back control of our profession and regain roles we once had to influence our patient’s health, based on science not narrative.
If the medical profession fails to restore a competent transparent evidence-based system, our grandchildren choosing a career in medicine face a dystopian future run by bureaucrats for global interests driven by greed. Health decisions will become further removed from best practice principles we have taken for granted.
I like the phrase "The Illusion of Knowledge". I often say that knowledge is knowing where all the dots are. Wisdom is understanding how they are connected.
It comes from a quote by Daniel Boorstin, “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge” I take it to mean how we cease to look for further information if we believe that we already have all we need. A healthy dose if humility and curiosity is in order, in knowing that the knowledge we possess is far from perfect.
I can attest to that. A persistent attitude of skepticism and curiosity (instilled by my father) allowed me to move from acceptance of the first two doses of Moderna's mRNA jab (I'm 77) to a "hell no" response to all boosters. Learning is never done.
great quote and I read one of his books, The Discoverers. Unfortunately, I would hazard to guess in this current madness he would have jumped into the branch covidian cult and tried to shutdown scientific debate also. After all, he was an "academic".
In reading your outstanding synopsis of the conference, I'm reminded of that great quote by Upton Sinclair: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
Censorship is the beginning of totalitarianism. This is what's happening. Even the people promoting this censorship must begin to understand that they're on the wrong side of history, and that truth can stand the light of day. Only lies and half-truths and mistaken groupthink will resort to censorship to defend themselves.
it isn't science if your theory, opinion, conclusions aren't able and willing to stand up and be tested and debated by data and opinions of others. it is only a religion (cult) at that point. Science isn't a noun, it is a verb and is never "settled"; another key term that tells you it is a religion.
Thanks for pulling this together. I find far more critical thinkers in the vax-cautious crowd than the vax-zealot. It is chilling to me the lengths they will go to create profiles and tailor messaging to convert the undecided.
I think we're already in the dystopia, quite frankly. Signs abound. Everything is an absurdity and upside down, from our demented and incompetent President, to the celebration of grooming of children by sexual deviants, to just everyday little things like the huge inflation we've been facing.
Hear hear! I can't believe how many people are still wearing masks at my local Walmart! When these people are screaming, "Trust the science!" But ignore the science of biological sex, you know we are living in crazy times.
science on the ineffectiveness of masks was easily found at the very beginning of the scamdemic too, but nobody cared to look. Heck, imo the only time Fauci ever told the truth is when he said on 60 minutes that masks don't work and even chuckled when saying you don't need to wear them.
In all the hundreds of hours of COVID-related reading that I have done, this is the first piece I have read like this.
Thank you for asking the (seemingly) obvious questions and holding feet to the fire. Hopefully you generated more hesitancy, and therefore fewer adverse outcomes.
That was amazing to read, so well done. Jaw dropping too. You called them out for condescending and dismissive attitude towards the those of us with a critical thought. I lost my job over refusing the jab on religious grounds, and these evil, rotten people will NEVER GET ME TO TAKE ANY OF THEIR POISON. I have natural/acquired immunity, and they still insisted I get jabbed. EXCELLENT read.
Thank you for attending and reporting on this event. We all need to understand who are the footsoldiers in the war against us. The pastor with tinnitus is a compelling image. We need to be doing the kind of research that they are doing: What kinds of personalities are vulnerable to brainwashing? How can we intervene to de-program them and help them see their abusive cult for what it is?
Exactly. Our job should be much easier than theirs as it is based in facts and loads of evidence while they are trying to conjure truth from lies and omission. We are being less efficient when we demonize every person in that sphere and try to take them all down at once. We should be trying to get them to defect in small groups instead.
I could see what one of the big problems was. They have the money. They could pay for glitzy exhibitions and hand out expensive merch for free. How could they be wrong? THat's one of the biggest detractors from their curiosity.
I have to admit that after hearing Poland's opening homily followed by a couple hours of the bigwigs' assurances that the "science" was clear while thousands of people approved, I wondered if I was a bit too certain in MY position. I didn't remain in that state for very long. All it took was one simple question that couldn't be adequately answered and the illusion was dispelled. I can see why they are so careful to have everything scripted.
It's no mistake that a pastor was selected to open and close the symposium. Take away the science and you have a cult that preaches moral superiority and the need to deal with the heretics swiftly and resolutely.
The other problem is the magnitude of their error. They may be able to acknowledge that a few mistakes were made and that they could do better. The idea that they have unleashed an agent that may very well be taking more lives than the pathogen it was designed to defeat is too hard for them to comprehend. Thus, screaming "mass murderer!" to their faces will backfire and make them even more accepting of the indoctrination.
One of the biggest crimes in all this was their near total avoidance of looking at Ivermectin or other drugs that could have saved lives had they been employed. It was always about Pfizer making billions, which is totally unacceptable and just so downright unethical. Because the stupid EUA rules said they could only use their technology if no other therapeutics were available and so Ivermectin had to disappear, regardless of whether it worked or didn't work.
I talk to people about their experiences during the ‘madness.’ some laugh when I call the Covid years madness. Other people openly express the extreme fear and anxiety that they suffered until they had their shots. When I asked them about their feeling now, some stated that they were lied to, and went on to openly discuss the ‘safe and effective ‘ rhetoric as untrue. Many had examples of vaccine injury, their own and others.
People who ridiculed and shunned people like myself are now asking questions about why some if us weren't seduced by the mainstream rhetoric. These kinds of discussions are only a beginning but will bring results.
This is one of the very best paper I have read (on this topic) for the past three years. If not the best. I'm incredibly grateful. To say I am grateful is quite an understatement. And I admire your courage and wittiness. Going there. Confronting these people. I'm in awe...
They are not evil, they are victims of groupthink.
I agree with you, it is group think blinding the low level implementers but don’t ignore the far more sinister machinations afoot within the senior offices of the pharma overlords.
As it happens, I have some experience of the top executive world (for family reason). I've known quite a few executives from transnational corporations. Including the CEO of an infamous Big Food corporation that is responsible for millions and millions of infants deaths. Literally. Well I can assure you that the said CEO was by no mean a psychopath. He was just blind to facts. He could only see the RoI of his company. When the scandal broke loose he was only concerned with the PR and legals aspects of the problem. Otherwise "negative externalities" just bounced back on his brain.
I would say the CEO was, at the very least, unfit for the job. Negligent in his duties. It's not clear to me that his blindness to the facts around infant deaths wasn't due to a lack of empathy for others, which is a major characteristic of the psychopath.
Foster Gamble heir to Proctor and Gamble had his vision in 4th grade. Robbins heir to Baskin and Robbins saw the demise to land and miss treatment to animals.
Some are awakened earlier than others. It is all being revealed to what has been playing out, we just weren't awakened in the seeing.
Lynne Twist on the Soul of Money trying to get food to the hungry and how it didn't reach past the corrupt gov.
Yes and some of the more senior managers here knew what their orders were. Eg: “We cannot give any voice to the critic,” she told me. “Once the public sees them on equal footing with us they may believe what they are saying.”
We need to focus on our immediate world, our friends, family... People love to share and I've found that most vaxed people I know were frightened, sick or intimidated by the rhetoric. Asking them how they feel now can lead to surprising responses that lead into a genuine discussion.
Some were as you describe and others were straight up cultists - even in my own family. I know that isn't pleasant to contemplate, but it is true. I have found a few shot advocates with regrets, but not many....yet.
My wife's Democrat family turned on us in a heartbeat. I have no doubts they would have ratted out anyone hiding Jews back in the 40s. It's insane, but these people have zero bravery and zero sense.
Oh, some may very well be evil -- and wholly disconnected from it due to their own 𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚. What is the use of force -- physical and/or psychological -- used to coerce someone into undergoing a medical intervention but evil?
I've had a different experience with people since I shifted from trying to inform them to asking them about their experiences. This approach sometimes leads to a genuine sharing and an acceptance that a ‘one size fits all’ approach, doesn't work and can be dangerous.
What a great read, thank you. Subscribed. I am deep diving on Katie Atwell at the moment - much of her work is through my almer mater, the University of Western Australia. She has co-authored an entire paper on how best that governments can "coerce"populations into vaccination. I kid you not, the paper repeatedly uses the words "coerce" and "coercion." What Atwell is seeking to do is to reframe a medical procedure as a normative pro-social behaviour, and to frame refusal of said medical procedure therefore as an anti-social, subversive behaviour.
Regarding the dismissal of previously renowned experts who subsequently express skepticism about the Covid vaccines, it's the 'no true Scotsman' fallacy playing out. True Experts believe the Covid vaccines are safe and effective, therefore any dissenting expert must not be a True Expert.
And regarding the insistence that the vaccines are safe and effective in spite of record rates of injury reporting - in Western Australia in 2021, we had almost no Covid, but we had 90% vaccination for ages 12+. During this time, reported adverse events were 24x the normal rate per 100,000 doses. The report explains this away as being simply the product of increased publicity about side effects. Not even a moment's consideration that there might also be some causal link related to the product. It's the unwillingness to even consider the idea of causal linkage that gives me pause...
Seems to me the people who are behaving so illogically and with such disdain for valid concerns being voiced about these hideous injections have only power and control in mind.
And they already do ( and they know it).
n WA, a State of Emergency can be declared under the Emergency Management Act 2005 (WA). A Public Health State of Emergency can also be declared under the Public Health Act 2016 (WA).
These declarations allow for the exercise of certain emergency powers, such as:
order persons undergo medical observations or
directing or prohibiting the movement of persons;
entering, searching or taking control of any place;
closing any road, access route or area;
issuing directions to public authorities; and
directing owners/occupiers of places of business
to close to the public.
The Minister for Health must extend the Declaration every 14 days.
The architecture for what is happening was built many years ago; and those of us who are NOT interested in being forced to do anything, much less harmful medical procedures, are justifiably astonished both at what we have discovered, and that we are already at a significant disadvantage. Superb work Madhava! Many Thanks!
The same architecture was laid out in the US, too, following similar timelines, but even going back to 1948. The same is true of the UK and Canada. No one can tell me this wasn't a worldwide plan decades ago.
Those plans were in case of nuclear war. They were hacked, so to speak. We live amongst some seriously evil authoritarians who would happily take away all of our cherished rights and turn the entire West into Zimbabwe or East Germany, or pick your totalitarian hell-hole from the list.
I have been surprised how unaware almost everybody has been of lessons that I thought were learned from the twentieth century, especially WW2. I was surprised that anyone could publicly advocate mandatory vaccines without being laughed at or shouted down. But I was wrong. Everyone seems to have forgotten: "Never again" seems a lost aspiration.
Everyone should be able to explain what is wrong with the "The greater good for the greatest number" argument.
Both of my kids (12, 15) are homeschooled. My oldest one has decided he wants to try out school so next year will be his last year home. I told him that there are a few classes that he has to complete at home before he goes to school... government, US history, health, economics
Honestly, I'm betting he makes it one semester before he decides he wants to come home again.
That's very impressive: it takes a lot of commitment. I think the usual criticism, that they don't get socialised adequately is the reverse of reality.
The completed classes: is that so that you know he gets the right ideas first?
That's exactly the reason. I want my kids to know what I believe and why but I also want them to be exposed to a variety of different opinions. I don't believe the schools offer opposing viewpoints any longer.
To finish up US history and we are getting ready to listen to Howard Zinn's history book (A People's History of the United States). I haven't read it but it is apparently a marxist take and is used in many high schools. I'm sure I won't agree with much of it but should provoke good conversations after a year of reading history books that actually like and believe in America.
Thank you for this detailed report from inside the world of experts who don't realize how they have been fooled and don't realize how much harm their misinformation has caused and will cause in the future.
I already am familiar with your level-headed, logical, and caring responses to various aspects of the 3-year fear campaign that planned to get everyone vaccinated. There are many weak areas in that levy meant to keep facts and reality out of public discourse, so the flood of facts will be pouring through sooner or later, and reports like this will show all the strategies that Pharma used to make Covid-19 seem such a threat.
Just as we marveled, in retrospect, that the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities could have such feeble evidence for their accusations that wrecked lives, and just as even high school history books now admit that there was no justification for the Vietnam 'armed intervention' (it wasn't a "war"), so too, if reason prevails, these past 3 years of bad science and economic destruction will be a warning to all of us who survived, and a sad elegy for those who needlessly died, as well as inadequate vindication to those damaged by the cruel "science."
In a way, this was WWIII-- inflicted by our own government, using the stage set of public health, on our soil instead of abroad, and, it appears, it’s just the first of such schemes meant to control the populace 'for their own good.'
Most people I talk to we're scared and or had health problems. Getting them to open up about their Covid experience leads to the beginning of a genuine discussion. Sometimes there is even a desire to ask me questions like “How did you know, it where did you get your information from?” And the best one of all focused on disbelief that there were protocols people could have used to boost their immune systems rather than waiting for vaccines.
People are waking up and I feel it is our role to help them rather than share what happened to us.
I witnessed my "red state" become a totalitarian nightmare when my Republican Governor (Henry McMaster) made it a crime if we didn't wear masks or social distanced - suspending a MOU between LEOs and giving them the right to fine and/or arrest us if we didn't obey his repressive Executive Orders. For the first time since moving to the US, I felt the same fear and anger towards a Communist dictator that I experienced in my motherland. Governor McMaster forced many small businesses into bankruptcy while celebrating and encouraging the bioscience and biotech industries to flourish. But he goes to church on Sundays, so he thinks his abhorrent behavior is forgiven- it's not, he should never be forgiven for the destruction he caused to the already struggling underserved communities. Our Republican Attorney General is equally as horrible, controlled by big pharma, big science, big military contractors and China. Follow the money, always follow the money.
Like I said above: It as stunning how fast tyranny got a foothold under the cover of a health scare. You just whisper: "Killer virus" and you can take away everyone's rights.
My state used laws that were written in case there was a nuclear war and as soon as our statist Governor declared them, the legislature was nullified, and the courts just played along because they're already captured. Neighboring states around us were far less restrictive and had exactly the same outcomes. One state, Wisconsin, managed to blunt the tyranny via the courts, which, have since now been taken care of, at least in part.
This is tyranny folks. There's not a doubt in my mind what is coming.
Yes, I just wish more Americans would wake up and realize how close we are to being ruled/governed/dictated by tyrants. The tyrant's political party won't change the outcome - we need to stop these elitists, expose who they are - especially those who want to silence/punish us when we dare to speak up - follow the money. We can start with who owns Renée DiResta and who gave her the power to squash our speech.
How does a governor pass a "law?" No governor or President can make law, so what did this slimeball do that warranted obedience?
One needs to ask "law enforcement" about their willingness to follow orders -- orders based on that which might be "legal," but that which is wholly 𝒖𝒏𝒍𝒂𝒘𝒇𝒖𝒍. Any and all "law enforcement" should be made aware that if they enforced any of this garbage that they disgraced themselves and violated their oaths to the Constitution.
Massive non-compliance with the unlawful by the people never came. They folded...If a people fails to defend liberty in an "hour" of need, do they deserve it?
It wasn't a law, they were Executive Orders. The top "law enforcement" is the Attorney General - a Republican (Alan Wilson) who is just as corrupt as the Republican Governor (Henry McMaster). My State Represntative and Senator (both Republicans) refused to stop the Governor's overreach. I'm in a very very red state - my point is that the Republicans are just as corrupt, disgraceful and dictatorial as the Democrats. They only care about the money - we have absolutely no representation at the State Capitol. That's the ugly truth. The hospitals continue to kill the citizens by forcing Remdesivir and withholding HCQ and Ivermectin. It's horrendous.
My Dad refers to cops as having "blue brains"--basically statist, authoritarian tendencies to begin with. So it's easy for them, like it was easy for the Brownshirts or the SS to do what they did and still sleep well at night.
"Conservative" premiers here in Canada acted likewise. Sure it's ok if Conservative leaders go all totalitarian on our a***s. At least we forced our Alberta premier out at a leadership review.
"I asked her how she would address a physician who simply felt that authorizing a therapy where the double-blinded trial demonstrated a greater all-cause mortality than the placebo was not only unprecedented but illogical.
She stared at me blankly. “Is this from a new study?” she asked.
I told her that this was from the published interim results from the Pfizer/BioNTech trial, the trial that launched the worldwide vaccination campaign. She was not aware of the results. "
Most interesting article which clearly demonstrates the problems inherent in the stranglehold that still dominates all Covid related evidence.
I was particularly struck by Poland’s position that the vaccine-hesitant are irrational, “It’s crazy that they don’t get how great vaccines are,” he said. “I am past trying to argue with people who think that vaccines are not safe.”
As a retired doctor I am sadly now past trying to argue with people who think the vaccine is both safe and effective. I absolutely admire the tenacity of excellent scientists, medics, researchers etc who remain dedicated to exposing the almost universal deceit and the censorship of intelligent discussion and opposition. Very sadly I believe that the more gullible people remain and the more they accept multiple vaccinations the more likely we are to discover the truth.
I know personally of one sudden death from post vaccine pulmonary embolus in a young woman, one permanent heart damage from myocarditis, one auto immune hepatitis necessitating urgent transplantation and one young person whose death was accelerated following vaccination. Despite the advanced age and co -morbidities of friends and family I know of nobody who has been seriously ill from Covid. I have had three injections myself because of a respiratory problem and have had two infections - one asymptomatic and one with mild symptoms for 24 hours. I also have a peripheral neuropathy that was exacerbated by the vaccine.
I will personally not continue to participate in this global medical experiment but applaud the courage and confidence all those who are willing to do so. I massively applaud the considerable bravery of all those who have stood firm and continue to fight to expose the truth and open the discussion. May you have the strength and determination to continue your fight.
Covid is the 'flu re-branded to make more money for big pharma.
Vaccines have never ever been 'safe and effective', none of them at all. I used to think they were of some use but not for the 'flu as I saw people fall ill anyway. In 2020 I changed my mind.
Vaccines are poisons if they are not just saline, after all how can we tell what is in each vial. Poisoning oneself is not a good idea. The vaccines do not train the immune system as vaccine proponents say therefore they are useless at best.
Anybody who continues in this Great World-wide Vaccine Experiment is utterly insane. Obviously they like playing Russian roulette.
There is evidence that the smallpox vaccine worked to eradicate smallpox, albeit not without collateral damage. It is also my understanding that the Measles vaccine performed as a true vaccine as well. So perhaps not all vaccines are ineffective.
All vaccines are and were pointless. I have explained but here is something else to consider.
Germ/viral theory is fundamentally flawed and must be discarded otherwise the big pharma fraud will persist.
I know that vaccines are if anything other than saline (how do we know, we take it at trust what is in the vials), then they are poisons.
Poisons cause an immune response.
Once the poisons have been removed the immune system will settle down to its usual routine.
The great lie sold by big pharma and mainstream medical establishment is that poisoning the body 'trains' the immune system. It doesn't and that's that. A huge satanic lie, a whopper.
Poisoning the body reduces the resources of the body which must be then topped up to replace that which is lost.
Disease is dealing with a chemical imbalance, or more particularly, an electrical chemical imbalance. Vaccines being poisons upset the balance, that is all.
at any rate, the very fact that vaccines are given special exemption from liability is more than enough evidence that they should not be trusted or taken. I used to believe in most vaccines the same way you posit, except for the clownish flu vaccine, but the covid scam opened my eyes fully to the corruption of the entire medical community.
I won't be able to find it at the moment, but i read an article that discussed that these diseases were already waning due to other reasons of clean water, better health and nutrition, etc without those vaccines. It opined that effectiveness of those vaccines were mostly myth making similar to today.
“They are dangerous. In 2021, they received $4 million in donations. It is estimated that in 2022, more than $20 million have been funneled to their movement.”
It's always good for a giggle when they yammer on about the IMMENSE amount of money that supposedly motivates critics of "vaccines." Wow, twenty million whole dollars? To fight the most sweeping abrogation of human rights since WWII?
And how many billions did governments and pharma-aligned interests spend promoting the jabs?
How much free media did they benefit from?
We were outspent 1000:1, yet somehow the profiteers are the ones who cobbled together donations from a largely unemployed base, while the world's most profitable businesses enjoyed unlimited publicity contributions from celebrities and the media.
Yet, somehow, they can't get their point across. What is their point, exactly? We're not hesitant. We're adamant. Decent people give up when they've gotten a hard pass on their offer.
absolutely. but it's interesting that they're scared.
I saw Dr. Peter Hotez on Rogan's podcast lamenting that evil, anti-science, anti-vaxxers have millions of dollars to spread their false message on social media, and poor little me only has a single Twitter account to voluntarily spread the message of goodness and light on my own time.
how can anyone take such an over-funded whiner seriously?
You’ll notice the word “Grifters” shows up over and over just like “anti-vaxxers” and “baseless” “conspiracy theorists”. I guess they put a lot of time and thought into which terms would have the most impact in keeping the sheep compliant and asleep. After the dust settles and the whole truth one day finally prevails, this dark saga will be remembered as Stupid 19.
I’m not as nice. People and children I know are damaged. Good on you for sticking it out. Valuable information. I’m just a normal person. 74 and living my life the best I can and I know more than they do. I researched and dug. Then did more. By summer of 2020 I knew they were not for me. My functional medicine doc said I knew more about the science than she did. I hope they get their deep dark blinders off someday.
Good for you Janet. I personally believe if we want to be free it will require them to take off their blinders. It's the only way. Most of them are clueless
We must get them to see that if they do indeed have "the truth" then there's no need for censorship.
Perhaps many of them know that they don't have "the truth" but understand that they're working for global government, and this government is necessary because of the (false) theory of CO2 catastrophe. Therefore, they believe they're justified in promoting the views aligned with a one-world government (which include vaccines for everyone.)
I've said it before: the false theory of CO2 catastrophe underlies everything. The Great Reset is shot-through with this unquestioned premise. Many believe dictatorial powers are necessary to save the planet and this justification is transferred to vaccine mandates. Remember: emerging pathogens are supposedly due to a disrupted and warming world and it'll get worse.
Isn't the core piece of "misinformation" that the planet is completely safe from CO2 catastrophe? And wouldn't the belief in this catastrophe drive so much else, and especially provide the moral justification for actions and beliefs related to a one-world, vaccinated globe?
If you are adept at pattern recognition (that used to be part of IQ testing) you would have been instantly aware that the corona virus was created in a bioweapons laboratory, not necessarily in Wuhan. The so called unexplained vaping deaths in the US in September 2019 was the tip off that something was amiss.
In general the US government, the mainstream media, and international corporations have a proclivity to lie to the public, for example:
1) The Warren Commission magic bullet theory 1963
2) The Gulf of Tonkin non event 1964
3) The Iraq weapons of mass destruction expounded by Colin Powell 2003
4) The nein eleven disintegration of the twin towers 2001.
I think it will help them to take off their blinders, and lickety-split, if, to mix metaphors, if they find their bread isn't getting buttered as it has been.
PS I understand about the cluelessness. I have some old friends in this world.
I think that because there are so many, whether willfully ignorant or not, they have become a serious threat to open and free society. If it comes to blows, it will be heartbreaking, but they will have to be dealt with, just like after the US Civil War got going in earnest--it didn't really matter once the time for talk ended, it was just a campaign of scorched earth after that, and a bloody, brutal war of attrition. Same with WWI, for that matter. I'm not advocating for violence, only stating that there is a certain inevitability to the clash between the two worldviews--one is the top-down superiority complex, the other is the bottom-up, freedom-centric one.
These monsters are liars and deceivers and know perfectly well what they are doing. Just look at that snake who replied, with a smile, that he wasn't aware of the VAERS data. Bullshit he isn't. Good for you for going and thank you for sharing the experience. Vaccination is a barbaric practice and the last three years proved that beyond a shadow of any doubt. Time for another Simpsonwood conference wake up call, don't you think?
My child was vaccine injured 18 years ago. I saw it happen with my own two eyes. After her MMR jab she went from a happy sociable toddler to a withdrawn, sickly, self-harming child within weeks. She developed severe gut issues and had dark circles under her eyes. I cannot describe what I felt as a new mom seeing my child so miserable that she would bite herself until she bled, twisting her body and banging her head against solid furniture. I dove into the research all hours off the day and night looking for answers. The medical system, whitecoats, gas lit and ridiculed me telling me it was a 'developmental disorder'. Just like the 'experts' on this congress they had no idea of the solid body of research that existed even then, linking the jab to all sorts of diseases and disorders. They are woefully uninformed. Nah...the time for patience and understanding for these willfully ignorant, arrogant whitecoats has passed. They may not have engineered mass murder but they are complicit. The time has come that we choose; the modern medical system has dug it's own grave and they're going under. Unfortunately they're taking many with them but the people who are strong, smart, determined and lucky enough to live through the turbulent times to come, will build a new paradigm. And that does not include this greedy pharma funded, arrogant allopathic sick care system.
What a nightmarish initiation into all this. Were you able to heal your daughter, was she able to recover fully? You were paving ground - back then there were so few people aware of these issues. Huge props to you for keeping eyes open. I'm developing expertise on treating Spike & synthetic mRNA vx injury right now. I'm lucky there are so many more resources.
While my daughter definitely still has damage, she greatly recovered and enjoys life, is happy and sociable. At the same she regressed into autism, she developed severe gastro-intestinal issues we focused on restoring her gut through healing foods and supplements. We restored her microbiome that was in dysbiosis through fermented foods. (There's a great deal of research on the gut-brain connection and the reduced diversity in the guts of people with many neurological diseases. Most doctors have no clue about this research.) We did a great deal of testing through private labs and the results were a very helpful guide in what to do. We did other therapies but that's too much to discuss here. We avoided mainstream sickcare.
I am on a team reviewing the Pfizer clinical trial data, their 5.3.6 post marketing study, VAERS data, excess mortality and disability data, etc. Did you know 2.9% of the 42k in the post marketing study died? Pfizer can not or will not say what happened to the other 97%. The ~35 page report has none pages of adverse events listed. None were provided for informed consent.
I have lost 14 friends, family and acquaintances within my personal circle. Currently one a month since October due to acute, aggressive cancers. All died about fifteen or more years before their life expectancy. The other was six years below.
A 26 year old friend of my son has had two heart attacks. My nephew spent three days in the ICU with heart issues - he is in his early 30’s and was an Army Ranger, his sister, my niece has had two miscarriages.
My grandfather, father, two uncles (all) and three of my four brothers have had a heart attack. Only one dropped dead. That was my brother in 2020. People until now have ever dropped dead unexpectedly.
The rock in my back yard understands something is terribly wrong with our institutions and medical community. Trust is gone.
At 64 years old living in a large urban market, I do not know one person who died of COVID.
To my knowledge 100% of the people I know have had COVID, many more than once.
Thank you for punching back. The fact they are not interested in dialogue demonstrates they cannot defend their position. The ad hominem attacks demonstrate they are criminals. It us willful.
While I appreciate your approach, I am past playing nice with those who are unwittingly or not trying to kill me, my children and grandchildren. By the way, their advanced and well funded efforts are paying off. All of my family including me have been vaxxed. Presumably my grand daughter is next.
Sadly it appears the only way forward is for those who are all-in to learn the old-fashioned way. Through experience. Through having a loved one close to them drop dead or die from an unexpected acute cancer.
I attended a men's bible study this a.m. after writing this post. Not one but two people asked for prayers. Why? One had a friend (50's) who died "unexpectedly" from an acute aggressive cancer. The other had a friend who died "unexpectedly" (cause unknown). We are living in a medical/health catastrophe. Forget why - for now - and help get those who are not paying attention to pay attention. This is not good.
It may be hard to accept, but certainly not all of those incidents relate back to the shots. People had all these issues before covid. I'm 100% a "vax" skeptic, but you have to set aside emotion.
The dirty little secret that is completely ignored by the medical establishment is that vaccines, and especially aggressive and experimental non-vaccines like this one may cause death directly (vaccines always have) but more importantly, they can trigger genetic potentialities that might otherwise not be triggered, or if they are triggered, only mildly so. Then there is the problem with this product which tries to coerce the immune system into over-specialization which means it (the immune system) is then less available when needed. If that becomes chronic the persons level of health (and protection) is greatly diminished. Thus we have a multi-dimensional problem with this technology and don't even need to consider whether it is killing people directly. It is wrecking people by attrition.
2. I did not include all that i think are directly related to the jabs
3. As mentioned in my note people do not drop dead at the numbers i have witnessed among loved ones
4. I did not even bring up Ed Dowd’s work on excess mortality and disability.
5. Aggressive cancers and miscarriages/still born births ate radically (several standard deviations) beyond the norm and growing.
Get back with me in a year and let’s see where what you think. Unfortunately I am in a place after over a year of study where I cannot afford for you to get up to speed.
Thank you for your efforts, Dr. Madhava, it is extremely difficult to enter into an atmosphere where you know you will be seen as the 'heretic' - heretics have died terrible deaths in the dark ages. It is informative to get a glimpse of how 'these people' function, at least in public. It is true, or at least it is my experience, that 'they' have the same arguments as I do, namely, that non-vaxxers are delusional etc. It's been an enlightening 3 years, in the sense that I had no idea about the scary level of corruption raging in all of our institutions, and more frightening: how easily 'the people' follow obediently. I think I am entering a phase now where I am interested to put my attention on the many alternative ways to organise our lives and communities. Meanwhile the old order of things is raging on, I hope they are raging because they know they don't have much time left! Best wishes and many thanks
I have also woken up over the last three years. It's a nightmare. I must admit that on occasion I have allowed a line from Bob Seger's song "Against the Wind" to creep into my mind:
Sir, you are a warrior. A sincere thank you for attending this event and placing yourself squarely in the crosshairs of those who would rather silence than debate you. The level of group think demonstrated by so many is beyond frightening. They all simply assume the data shows millions were saved, they’ve never questioned the narrative, not once. It sounds like you were surrounded by the best brains Pharma money could wash.
If you opened the eyes of only one or two with each encounter, and they reach the point they do the same in return… you’ve started the snowball down the hill. Job well done.
Thank you. Yes. You have hit the nail on the head. I think we should be looking to turn one or two minds at a time to get things moving rather than taking them all on at once.
"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one."
-Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, by Charles Mackay.
It's a remarkable book. Just like 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘎𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘨 𝘈𝘳𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘱𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘨𝘰 it should be made required reading by about Grade 6... and 𝘛𝘳𝘪𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭, required viewing.
I struggled through The Gulag Archipelago when I was about 20: I think Grade 6 sounds rather young for more than exerpts.
I wonder what impression you formed from Triumph of the Will?
(How do you get italics into a comment, please)?!
I blush to admit I've only watched portions of 𝘛𝘳𝘪𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭, I'll have to rectify that. But I recall a comment that "viewing it is an act of self-innoculation against mass marketing techniques."
You can get all kinds of formatting techniques by cut-and-pasting from It's a bit awkward, but worth it.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
The part about some unscrupulous noblemen, jailing some alchemist when they couldn't turn the metal into gold. INTERESTING ah? Thanks for posting that book.
💬 burying your mistakes and instead being the one who gets buried
↑↑ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ↓↓
🗨 The purpose of thinking is to let the ideas die instead of us dying. ~~A N Whitehead
NATO = North Atlantic Transgender Organization
Efter apokalypsen 1945 har som bekant en rad globala organisationer bildats med syfte att upprätthålla och expandera den totalitära liberalismen. En av de tidigaste organisationer som bildades i detta syfte var krigsalliansen ”Nordatlantiska fördragsorganisationen”, eller Nato, som kan ses som globalismens militära gren.
Förutom att försäkra att Washington alltid har internationellt stöd för sina militära kampanjer är Nato som institution uttalat antivit och uttryckligen dedikerad till ”raslig rättvisa” för rasfrämlingar som bor i vita länder. Redan 1999 författade Nato rapporter där man skyller en rad moderna problem på nationalister och varnar för nationalismens inflytande.
Under 2023 höll krigsalliansen ett toppmöte på högkvarteret i Bryssel om ras där krigsalliansens ledare bedyrade att bekämpa ”homogena attityder” och att man skulle använda Natos ”kollektiva underrättelseinformation” för ändamålet.
Faktum är att Nato är så dedikerat till sin antivita agenda att man öppet förespråkar att institutioner måste omformas för att bli ”inkluderande”, med andra ord omstruktureras för att bli mer antivita och bestå av färre vita anställda och chefer.
I think this story is being shared far and wide ... so you've flipped a lot more than one or two minds. I hope you get lots of new paid subscribers to reimburse you for your $1,000 conference fees!
You're kind. But it didn't really require any courage. So many of us have been aching for a chance to ask direct questions to those who are making the rules with impunity. I didn't expect any sensible responses, and I didn't get any. The people there seemed to see that. I remain encouraged.
Good point. I got into an email debate with our state's leading sports columnist. He had previously written pieces castigating Auburn's former head football coach for not getting vaccinated.
Once it became indisputable that the "vaccines" did not prevent infection or spread, I emailed him back and asked him if was going to apologize in writing to this coach. He had some snarky comment about electrodes in the vaccines and said he still supported them.
I then asked him if he had gotten his latest booster. If not, why not? You know, he didn't reply to my question.
Bill we share a state and although I know longer live there, I followed the Brian Harsin situation with interest. I had such respect for Harsin for refusing to play the game when asked by media about his vax status. And as for that particular columnist, smh.
I listen to Alabama sports radio quite a bit and as you probably know, there are PSAs (ie ads disguised as PSAs) advocating getting your boosters, your flu shots, etc running almost every spot break. It’s particularly sickening when I hear Alabama football play by play announcer Eli Gold (who was likely severely vax injured), basketball announcer Chris Stewart (who nearly died from a stroke just before the ‘pandemic’), and former Alabama football players (who are useful idiots) all still hawking the vax. ‘Protect yourselves and your family.’ As if.
And then there is the annoying ‘paid shill’ media personality KeKe Palmer pushing the vax in a manner I see as deliberately targeting black folk. (Alternatively she pushes Remy Martin.)
And then AL state department of public health ads/PSAs is still pushing ‘free shots’ to anyone twelve or older.
The fix was in on Harsin from that first press conference, imho.
Thanks, Cynthia. Boy, we think alike and pick up on things nobody else will talk about in public. I've also wondered about Eli Gold and others' health issues. Here's another possible example: Alabama's former great receiver John Metchie had to sit out his rookie year because he's been diagnosed with leukemia. He would have surely been vaccinated.
And the non-stop PSAs (and paid advertisements) are sickening (excuse the pun). I wrote a story on Pfizer becoming a "corporate sponsor" of the SEC. I'm the only journalist in America who did this.
Setty is now paid by chd. rfk knows contagion is a lie that virus are dead cell debris. this is what more are waking up to. www.VirusTruth.NET print the mini flyers on this site and start putting on cars at hospitals and nursing homes, mail to your favorite doc with a note and quote from Trump... Doc, Youre Fired.
💬 rfk knows(!!) contagion is a lie that virus are dead cell debris
↑↑ Here's a quintessential instance of no less hubristic closed-mind fundamentalism than that of the opposite camp 😝
For a most welcome alternative, see an exemplarily balanced viewpoint summarised in few bullets --> 👌😊
Indeed! Fascinating! And confirms so much research being done on the misuse and abusive application of the Behavioral Sciences. That didn't just cross ethical guardrails in place to protect unwitting subjects of psychological manipulation and coercion, they've blown right through them.
Guardrails established after learning how powerful and dangerous applications of the field are from the work of Goebbels and many university psychological experiments, like Asch Conformity and Stanford Prison.
So now the Belly of the Beast intends to lean into the coercion and manipulation Behavioral Science campaigns even harder. Which explains the explosion in new Behavioral Health programs across the nation since 2020. State and local funding for them has grown exponentially.
"You must behave! Vee have vays of dealing vith people like you!!
Not coincidentally, the Council on Foreign Relations hosted a panel about how governments can impose policy with psychological manipulation, applied behavioral sciences:
The transcript acknowledges that they can’t speak freely on the record about how the behavioral sciences are being used by government to coerce and manipulate populations. They save those conversations for behind closed doors. Why might that be?
Behavioral Science is the tip of the spear on our collective minds. The Science (TM) of Totalitarianism. It's no coincidence there's a bellyful of practitioners and proponents of The Science (TM) inside the Belly of the Beast:
Love your writings and the focus of your research.
The first thing I keyed in on was the role of the behavioral scientists in amplifying the mania after reading NPR's April 3, 2020 story on masks. It raised every hair on my neck for its reference to masks being "honor badges."
Being a student of the history of WWII and the Holocaust those words meant something different to me than most. The yellow star Jews were forced to wear in Germany were adopted as a "badge of honor" by well-meaning Jews.
It was that term that raised the hairs up on my neck in early April, 2020 and directed me to research behaviorism. Which eventually led to other related and tangential subjects to research.
It wasn't right. None of it was right. And I didn't know why. I knew that knowledge is power and I didn't have enough of it to protect me and my mind. So I studied. And it's become a hobby horse of mine, that I try to share, to teach, so my loved ones, friends, and strangers alike can also become empowered. We share knowledge. Your insights empower, too.
The powers that be already have most of this knowledge we're having to catch up on. But they truly aren't very smart. And we will collectively catch up and then pass them, we already are. We know that people who aren't very smart will resort to bullying when they might be exposed. And these are some very sadistic, not smart bullies. But their Achilles Heal is always their arrogance. It's how they mess up. And how we prevail in the end. God wins over evil.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
Interestingly, both Mayo as well as the CDC said early on that “research has not yet shown” that people who have recovered from covid have any sort of reliable protection …” – yet this is the exact same Mayo that scrubbed references (and was caught in the act by an enterprising researcher, reported here at the American Inst for Economic Research author Jon Sanders wrote on June 4, 2021 to the longevity of the 1919 Spanish flu antibodies, and whose president attends the WEF/Davos confab as here. I personally called Mayo twice in Minnesota, and each time they blew me off. Quod erat demonstrandum. Here’s their number if you want to call and conduct a real life experiment yourself: 507-266-7416 or 800-588-2670 (toll free) Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m, mailing address RO WE 01 800K-R; 200 First St. SW; Rochester, MN 55905-0001; or website We’ll all be waiting breathlessly!
Well said!!!
Thank you for this, indeed. What struck me most is that these people are responding to the loss of trust among us and particularly parents by... plotting more pathetic propaganda, sowing more distrust. They are the long term losers. I think what we see is peak-vaccine. It's downhill from here. And good riddance.
The panels were open to the public. Literally anyone could have attended and asked questions directly to the vaccine manufacturers. How is anyone being silenced here?
Perhaps you didn’t read the article all the way through…? Especially the bit about the presentation from the group doing censorship of “anti-vaxx” messaging on Twitter and other social media.
A question is not a question if it is ignored and unanswered. Kind of like a tree falling in the forest the sound of which no one hears.
concerns and questions weren't answered. that is silencing them.
At least I'm honest about what I stand for.
good, at least you admit to being a brainless non-thinker. GTHPOS
print mini flyers on this site and hand to masked sheep on grocery stores or leave on cars in hospitals. get creative to get word out virus are dead cell debris, all shots can only harm, never ever can be made safe. www.VirusTruth.NET/?ref=rfk
How is promoting vaccines a stance of "everyone else be damned"? I care about people not dying or becoming hospitalized for an avoidable illness.
And when you're done with that I would encourage you to read Frédéric Bastiat.
In particular the parable of The Broken Window. There is always "the seen and the unseen".
It is easy to be seduced by the common good fallacy. But it is too easily exploited and often leads to unspeakable evil. History is your friend on these topics.
So do I. But at this point you'd have to suspend disbelief to believe that the c19 non-vaxx vaxx is actually a vaccine.
Further it is VERY dangerous to associate your fellow human beings as carriers for death and disease. History bats 1000 on this.
The penultimate issue is bodily autonomy. The minute thats forfeited through coercion an individual has given up agency.
Read this to see where things can go:
they don't effing work idiot
Thanks fot the great work you are doing Madhava, I think the sections from your article are telling, "During the three full days of the conference, neither I nor Dr. Elizabeth Mumper, a Virginia-based pediatrician and strong advocate for vaccine safety, encountered another physician presently in clinical practice." "Attwell is not a physician or a medical scientist."
This is a great article from Robert Clancy and addresses a lot of what you found at the conference.
"Covid has laid bare a medical profession no longer with input into health policy. Financial interest influences decisions enacted by bureaucrats, driven by the pharmaceutical industry, and woven into political agendas. A cultural blindness to objectivity begins with medical journals failing to publish any article outside of the narrative."
"For pandemics prior to Covid, science eventually won with strong professional leadership, internationally significant research contributions and stronger public health and government institutions."
"Covid is not following that course—power structures outside of the traditional medical hierarchy control a self-seeking narrative that has failed to control the pandemic. Decisions fail to respect science."
"a failure to interrogate mRNA adverse events, and a failure to respect a medical profession faced with the management of Covid patients."
What can we do? Understanding the meme state of cognitive dissonance that has overwhelmed many in our profession in accepting without argument, the “Covid narrative” of pharma/politics, is too hard for me. In practice, we must take back control of our profession and regain roles we once had to influence our patient’s health, based on science not narrative.
If the medical profession fails to restore a competent transparent evidence-based system, our grandchildren choosing a career in medicine face a dystopian future run by bureaucrats for global interests driven by greed. Health decisions will become further removed from best practice principles we have taken for granted.
Thank you. Great points.
I like the phrase "The Illusion of Knowledge". I often say that knowledge is knowing where all the dots are. Wisdom is understanding how they are connected.
It comes from a quote by Daniel Boorstin, “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge” I take it to mean how we cease to look for further information if we believe that we already have all we need. A healthy dose if humility and curiosity is in order, in knowing that the knowledge we possess is far from perfect.
I can attest to that. A persistent attitude of skepticism and curiosity (instilled by my father) allowed me to move from acceptance of the first two doses of Moderna's mRNA jab (I'm 77) to a "hell no" response to all boosters. Learning is never done.
The "educated" elite have zero humility. They are the very definition of hubris.
Godless, they declare themselves gods and the faithful, apostate.
As Schiller said, Sapere Aude; dare to know.
great quote and I read one of his books, The Discoverers. Unfortunately, I would hazard to guess in this current madness he would have jumped into the branch covidian cult and tried to shutdown scientific debate also. After all, he was an "academic".
In reading your outstanding synopsis of the conference, I'm reminded of that great quote by Upton Sinclair: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
Censorship is the beginning of totalitarianism. This is what's happening. Even the people promoting this censorship must begin to understand that they're on the wrong side of history, and that truth can stand the light of day. Only lies and half-truths and mistaken groupthink will resort to censorship to defend themselves.
it isn't science if your theory, opinion, conclusions aren't able and willing to stand up and be tested and debated by data and opinions of others. it is only a religion (cult) at that point. Science isn't a noun, it is a verb and is never "settled"; another key term that tells you it is a religion.
Thanks for pulling this together. I find far more critical thinkers in the vax-cautious crowd than the vax-zealot. It is chilling to me the lengths they will go to create profiles and tailor messaging to convert the undecided.
"It is chilling to me the lengths they will go to create profiles and tailor messaging to convert the undecided."
Same here!
I think we're already in the dystopia, quite frankly. Signs abound. Everything is an absurdity and upside down, from our demented and incompetent President, to the celebration of grooming of children by sexual deviants, to just everyday little things like the huge inflation we've been facing.
Hear hear! I can't believe how many people are still wearing masks at my local Walmart! When these people are screaming, "Trust the science!" But ignore the science of biological sex, you know we are living in crazy times.
science on the ineffectiveness of masks was easily found at the very beginning of the scamdemic too, but nobody cared to look. Heck, imo the only time Fauci ever told the truth is when he said on 60 minutes that masks don't work and even chuckled when saying you don't need to wear them.
it says on the box those blue muzzles come in that they won't work for a virus. the blue muzzles are all I ever saw anyone wear.
In all the hundreds of hours of COVID-related reading that I have done, this is the first piece I have read like this.
Thank you for asking the (seemingly) obvious questions and holding feet to the fire. Hopefully you generated more hesitancy, and therefore fewer adverse outcomes.
That was amazing to read, so well done. Jaw dropping too. You called them out for condescending and dismissive attitude towards the those of us with a critical thought. I lost my job over refusing the jab on religious grounds, and these evil, rotten people will NEVER GET ME TO TAKE ANY OF THEIR POISON. I have natural/acquired immunity, and they still insisted I get jabbed. EXCELLENT read.
One-on-one discussions can have amazing results. I concentrate on finding out how others felt during the madness rather than bringing in my feelings.
Thank you for attending and reporting on this event. We all need to understand who are the footsoldiers in the war against us. The pastor with tinnitus is a compelling image. We need to be doing the kind of research that they are doing: What kinds of personalities are vulnerable to brainwashing? How can we intervene to de-program them and help them see their abusive cult for what it is?
Exactly. Our job should be much easier than theirs as it is based in facts and loads of evidence while they are trying to conjure truth from lies and omission. We are being less efficient when we demonize every person in that sphere and try to take them all down at once. We should be trying to get them to defect in small groups instead.
I could see what one of the big problems was. They have the money. They could pay for glitzy exhibitions and hand out expensive merch for free. How could they be wrong? THat's one of the biggest detractors from their curiosity.
I have to admit that after hearing Poland's opening homily followed by a couple hours of the bigwigs' assurances that the "science" was clear while thousands of people approved, I wondered if I was a bit too certain in MY position. I didn't remain in that state for very long. All it took was one simple question that couldn't be adequately answered and the illusion was dispelled. I can see why they are so careful to have everything scripted.
It's no mistake that a pastor was selected to open and close the symposium. Take away the science and you have a cult that preaches moral superiority and the need to deal with the heretics swiftly and resolutely.
The other problem is the magnitude of their error. They may be able to acknowledge that a few mistakes were made and that they could do better. The idea that they have unleashed an agent that may very well be taking more lives than the pathogen it was designed to defeat is too hard for them to comprehend. Thus, screaming "mass murderer!" to their faces will backfire and make them even more accepting of the indoctrination.
One of the biggest crimes in all this was their near total avoidance of looking at Ivermectin or other drugs that could have saved lives had they been employed. It was always about Pfizer making billions, which is totally unacceptable and just so downright unethical. Because the stupid EUA rules said they could only use their technology if no other therapeutics were available and so Ivermectin had to disappear, regardless of whether it worked or didn't work.
the ivermectin/HCL hate fraud should have been a red flag but people just sailed on believing the "science".
Also ... greed never sleeps.
I talk to people about their experiences during the ‘madness.’ some laugh when I call the Covid years madness. Other people openly express the extreme fear and anxiety that they suffered until they had their shots. When I asked them about their feeling now, some stated that they were lied to, and went on to openly discuss the ‘safe and effective ‘ rhetoric as untrue. Many had examples of vaccine injury, their own and others.
People who ridiculed and shunned people like myself are now asking questions about why some if us weren't seduced by the mainstream rhetoric. These kinds of discussions are only a beginning but will bring results.
This is one of the very best paper I have read (on this topic) for the past three years. If not the best. I'm incredibly grateful. To say I am grateful is quite an understatement. And I admire your courage and wittiness. Going there. Confronting these people. I'm in awe...
They are not evil, they are victims of groupthink.
I agree with you, it is group think blinding the low level implementers but don’t ignore the far more sinister machinations afoot within the senior offices of the pharma overlords.
As it happens, I have some experience of the top executive world (for family reason). I've known quite a few executives from transnational corporations. Including the CEO of an infamous Big Food corporation that is responsible for millions and millions of infants deaths. Literally. Well I can assure you that the said CEO was by no mean a psychopath. He was just blind to facts. He could only see the RoI of his company. When the scandal broke loose he was only concerned with the PR and legals aspects of the problem. Otherwise "negative externalities" just bounced back on his brain.
I would say the CEO was, at the very least, unfit for the job. Negligent in his duties. It's not clear to me that his blindness to the facts around infant deaths wasn't due to a lack of empathy for others, which is a major characteristic of the psychopath.
He wasn't a psychopath. I can assure you. He lacked of imagination. He was like the pilot of a bomber who doesn't see his victims.
Thank you for your comments here.
Foster Gamble heir to Proctor and Gamble had his vision in 4th grade. Robbins heir to Baskin and Robbins saw the demise to land and miss treatment to animals.
Some are awakened earlier than others. It is all being revealed to what has been playing out, we just weren't awakened in the seeing.
Lynne Twist on the Soul of Money trying to get food to the hungry and how it didn't reach past the corrupt gov.
That's a pretty good description of how a psychopath operates.
Yes and some of the more senior managers here knew what their orders were. Eg: “We cannot give any voice to the critic,” she told me. “Once the public sees them on equal footing with us they may believe what they are saying.”
The groupthink is evil and they are evil. Insane too but also evil.
We need to focus on our immediate world, our friends, family... People love to share and I've found that most vaxed people I know were frightened, sick or intimidated by the rhetoric. Asking them how they feel now can lead to surprising responses that lead into a genuine discussion.
Some were as you describe and others were straight up cultists - even in my own family. I know that isn't pleasant to contemplate, but it is true. I have found a few shot advocates with regrets, but not many....yet.
My wife's Democrat family turned on us in a heartbeat. I have no doubts they would have ratted out anyone hiding Jews back in the 40s. It's insane, but these people have zero bravery and zero sense.
Can't wait for when the gun confiscations begin.
Yes, I was thinking about the platform speakers and the conference attendees who agreed with them.
We can seek to save those who were merely scared witless by those who would commit evil.
And 𝒊𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒍. Grotesquely so.
wrong, they are evil. Smart people who refuse to look at the data and to vilify and attack any counter information are evil and not honest.
Oh, some may very well be evil -- and wholly disconnected from it due to their own 𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚. What is the use of force -- physical and/or psychological -- used to coerce someone into undergoing a medical intervention but evil?
Evil indeed. But it's the banality of evil we are dealing with here.
some of them are evil. Some are mindless bureaucrats/functionaries in the way Eichmann was.
why should people who caused and perpetuated mass murder and lifelong injury get a pass?
Being "victims of group think" doesn't excuse them.
It seems to me that many of the woefully uninformed vaccine proponents are woefully unwilling to be informed,
Thank you for writing this post,
I've had a different experience with people since I shifted from trying to inform them to asking them about their experiences. This approach sometimes leads to a genuine sharing and an acceptance that a ‘one size fits all’ approach, doesn't work and can be dangerous.
"It is difficult for a person to understand the truth, when his livelihood depends on not understanding" Upton Sinclair
The vaccine proponents are paid too much to be otherwise than willfully uniformed.
What a great read, thank you. Subscribed. I am deep diving on Katie Atwell at the moment - much of her work is through my almer mater, the University of Western Australia. She has co-authored an entire paper on how best that governments can "coerce"populations into vaccination. I kid you not, the paper repeatedly uses the words "coerce" and "coercion." What Atwell is seeking to do is to reframe a medical procedure as a normative pro-social behaviour, and to frame refusal of said medical procedure therefore as an anti-social, subversive behaviour.
Regarding the dismissal of previously renowned experts who subsequently express skepticism about the Covid vaccines, it's the 'no true Scotsman' fallacy playing out. True Experts believe the Covid vaccines are safe and effective, therefore any dissenting expert must not be a True Expert.
And regarding the insistence that the vaccines are safe and effective in spite of record rates of injury reporting - in Western Australia in 2021, we had almost no Covid, but we had 90% vaccination for ages 12+. During this time, reported adverse events were 24x the normal rate per 100,000 doses. The report explains this away as being simply the product of increased publicity about side effects. Not even a moment's consideration that there might also be some causal link related to the product. It's the unwillingness to even consider the idea of causal linkage that gives me pause...
Seems to me the people who are behaving so illogically and with such disdain for valid concerns being voiced about these hideous injections have only power and control in mind.
And they already do ( and they know it).
n WA, a State of Emergency can be declared under the Emergency Management Act 2005 (WA). A Public Health State of Emergency can also be declared under the Public Health Act 2016 (WA).
These declarations allow for the exercise of certain emergency powers, such as:
order persons undergo medical observations or
directing or prohibiting the movement of persons;
entering, searching or taking control of any place;
closing any road, access route or area;
issuing directions to public authorities; and
directing owners/occupiers of places of business
to close to the public.
The Minister for Health must extend the Declaration every 14 days.
The architecture for what is happening was built many years ago; and those of us who are NOT interested in being forced to do anything, much less harmful medical procedures, are justifiably astonished both at what we have discovered, and that we are already at a significant disadvantage. Superb work Madhava! Many Thanks!
The same architecture was laid out in the US, too, following similar timelines, but even going back to 1948. The same is true of the UK and Canada. No one can tell me this wasn't a worldwide plan decades ago.
Those plans were in case of nuclear war. They were hacked, so to speak. We live amongst some seriously evil authoritarians who would happily take away all of our cherished rights and turn the entire West into Zimbabwe or East Germany, or pick your totalitarian hell-hole from the list.
I have been surprised how unaware almost everybody has been of lessons that I thought were learned from the twentieth century, especially WW2. I was surprised that anyone could publicly advocate mandatory vaccines without being laughed at or shouted down. But I was wrong. Everyone seems to have forgotten: "Never again" seems a lost aspiration.
Everyone should be able to explain what is wrong with the "The greater good for the greatest number" argument.
I have tried to set it out clearly in
I'm currently planning my son's government class for next year. Your article is getting included. It was wonderfully thought provoking.
Well that's very kind. Thank you.
Are you home-schooling your son?
Both of my kids (12, 15) are homeschooled. My oldest one has decided he wants to try out school so next year will be his last year home. I told him that there are a few classes that he has to complete at home before he goes to school... government, US history, health, economics
Honestly, I'm betting he makes it one semester before he decides he wants to come home again.
That's very impressive: it takes a lot of commitment. I think the usual criticism, that they don't get socialised adequately is the reverse of reality.
The completed classes: is that so that you know he gets the right ideas first?
That's exactly the reason. I want my kids to know what I believe and why but I also want them to be exposed to a variety of different opinions. I don't believe the schools offer opposing viewpoints any longer.
To finish up US history and we are getting ready to listen to Howard Zinn's history book (A People's History of the United States). I haven't read it but it is apparently a marxist take and is used in many high schools. I'm sure I won't agree with much of it but should provoke good conversations after a year of reading history books that actually like and believe in America.
Thank you for this detailed report from inside the world of experts who don't realize how they have been fooled and don't realize how much harm their misinformation has caused and will cause in the future.
I already am familiar with your level-headed, logical, and caring responses to various aspects of the 3-year fear campaign that planned to get everyone vaccinated. There are many weak areas in that levy meant to keep facts and reality out of public discourse, so the flood of facts will be pouring through sooner or later, and reports like this will show all the strategies that Pharma used to make Covid-19 seem such a threat.
Just as we marveled, in retrospect, that the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities could have such feeble evidence for their accusations that wrecked lives, and just as even high school history books now admit that there was no justification for the Vietnam 'armed intervention' (it wasn't a "war"), so too, if reason prevails, these past 3 years of bad science and economic destruction will be a warning to all of us who survived, and a sad elegy for those who needlessly died, as well as inadequate vindication to those damaged by the cruel "science."
In a way, this was WWIII-- inflicted by our own government, using the stage set of public health, on our soil instead of abroad, and, it appears, it’s just the first of such schemes meant to control the populace 'for their own good.'
Most people I talk to we're scared and or had health problems. Getting them to open up about their Covid experience leads to the beginning of a genuine discussion. Sometimes there is even a desire to ask me questions like “How did you know, it where did you get your information from?” And the best one of all focused on disbelief that there were protocols people could have used to boost their immune systems rather than waiting for vaccines.
People are waking up and I feel it is our role to help them rather than share what happened to us.
I witnessed my "red state" become a totalitarian nightmare when my Republican Governor (Henry McMaster) made it a crime if we didn't wear masks or social distanced - suspending a MOU between LEOs and giving them the right to fine and/or arrest us if we didn't obey his repressive Executive Orders. For the first time since moving to the US, I felt the same fear and anger towards a Communist dictator that I experienced in my motherland. Governor McMaster forced many small businesses into bankruptcy while celebrating and encouraging the bioscience and biotech industries to flourish. But he goes to church on Sundays, so he thinks his abhorrent behavior is forgiven- it's not, he should never be forgiven for the destruction he caused to the already struggling underserved communities. Our Republican Attorney General is equally as horrible, controlled by big pharma, big science, big military contractors and China. Follow the money, always follow the money.
Like I said above: It as stunning how fast tyranny got a foothold under the cover of a health scare. You just whisper: "Killer virus" and you can take away everyone's rights.
My state used laws that were written in case there was a nuclear war and as soon as our statist Governor declared them, the legislature was nullified, and the courts just played along because they're already captured. Neighboring states around us were far less restrictive and had exactly the same outcomes. One state, Wisconsin, managed to blunt the tyranny via the courts, which, have since now been taken care of, at least in part.
This is tyranny folks. There's not a doubt in my mind what is coming.
Yes, I just wish more Americans would wake up and realize how close we are to being ruled/governed/dictated by tyrants. The tyrant's political party won't change the outcome - we need to stop these elitists, expose who they are - especially those who want to silence/punish us when we dare to speak up - follow the money. We can start with who owns Renée DiResta and who gave her the power to squash our speech.
( )
Follow the money... indeed... and that path is brightly lit.
How does a governor pass a "law?" No governor or President can make law, so what did this slimeball do that warranted obedience?
One needs to ask "law enforcement" about their willingness to follow orders -- orders based on that which might be "legal," but that which is wholly 𝒖𝒏𝒍𝒂𝒘𝒇𝒖𝒍. Any and all "law enforcement" should be made aware that if they enforced any of this garbage that they disgraced themselves and violated their oaths to the Constitution.
Massive non-compliance with the unlawful by the people never came. They folded...If a people fails to defend liberty in an "hour" of need, do they deserve it?
It wasn't a law, they were Executive Orders. The top "law enforcement" is the Attorney General - a Republican (Alan Wilson) who is just as corrupt as the Republican Governor (Henry McMaster). My State Represntative and Senator (both Republicans) refused to stop the Governor's overreach. I'm in a very very red state - my point is that the Republicans are just as corrupt, disgraceful and dictatorial as the Democrats. They only care about the money - we have absolutely no representation at the State Capitol. That's the ugly truth. The hospitals continue to kill the citizens by forcing Remdesivir and withholding HCQ and Ivermectin. It's horrendous.
My Dad refers to cops as having "blue brains"--basically statist, authoritarian tendencies to begin with. So it's easy for them, like it was easy for the Brownshirts or the SS to do what they did and still sleep well at night.
just as easy for the KGB, STASI, Cheka and every other communist police organ.
"Conservative" premiers here in Canada acted likewise. Sure it's ok if Conservative leaders go all totalitarian on our a***s. At least we forced our Alberta premier out at a leadership review.
This is WW3, only a war of words. We follow a timeline similar to WW2 only 80 years ago. For consideration.
It’s called fifth generation warfare.
Our own quisling government.
"I asked her how she would address a physician who simply felt that authorizing a therapy where the double-blinded trial demonstrated a greater all-cause mortality than the placebo was not only unprecedented but illogical.
She stared at me blankly. “Is this from a new study?” she asked.
I told her that this was from the published interim results from the Pfizer/BioNTech trial, the trial that launched the worldwide vaccination campaign. She was not aware of the results. "
Excellent Read. Thank you!
I saved that too. Excellent.
Most interesting article which clearly demonstrates the problems inherent in the stranglehold that still dominates all Covid related evidence.
I was particularly struck by Poland’s position that the vaccine-hesitant are irrational, “It’s crazy that they don’t get how great vaccines are,” he said. “I am past trying to argue with people who think that vaccines are not safe.”
As a retired doctor I am sadly now past trying to argue with people who think the vaccine is both safe and effective. I absolutely admire the tenacity of excellent scientists, medics, researchers etc who remain dedicated to exposing the almost universal deceit and the censorship of intelligent discussion and opposition. Very sadly I believe that the more gullible people remain and the more they accept multiple vaccinations the more likely we are to discover the truth.
I know personally of one sudden death from post vaccine pulmonary embolus in a young woman, one permanent heart damage from myocarditis, one auto immune hepatitis necessitating urgent transplantation and one young person whose death was accelerated following vaccination. Despite the advanced age and co -morbidities of friends and family I know of nobody who has been seriously ill from Covid. I have had three injections myself because of a respiratory problem and have had two infections - one asymptomatic and one with mild symptoms for 24 hours. I also have a peripheral neuropathy that was exacerbated by the vaccine.
I will personally not continue to participate in this global medical experiment but applaud the courage and confidence all those who are willing to do so. I massively applaud the considerable bravery of all those who have stood firm and continue to fight to expose the truth and open the discussion. May you have the strength and determination to continue your fight.
Poland should be certified insane.
Covid is the 'flu re-branded to make more money for big pharma.
Vaccines have never ever been 'safe and effective', none of them at all. I used to think they were of some use but not for the 'flu as I saw people fall ill anyway. In 2020 I changed my mind.
Vaccines are poisons if they are not just saline, after all how can we tell what is in each vial. Poisoning oneself is not a good idea. The vaccines do not train the immune system as vaccine proponents say therefore they are useless at best.
Anybody who continues in this Great World-wide Vaccine Experiment is utterly insane. Obviously they like playing Russian roulette.
There is evidence that the smallpox vaccine worked to eradicate smallpox, albeit not without collateral damage. It is also my understanding that the Measles vaccine performed as a true vaccine as well. So perhaps not all vaccines are ineffective.
All vaccines are and were pointless. I have explained but here is something else to consider.
Germ/viral theory is fundamentally flawed and must be discarded otherwise the big pharma fraud will persist.
I know that vaccines are if anything other than saline (how do we know, we take it at trust what is in the vials), then they are poisons.
Poisons cause an immune response.
Once the poisons have been removed the immune system will settle down to its usual routine.
The great lie sold by big pharma and mainstream medical establishment is that poisoning the body 'trains' the immune system. It doesn't and that's that. A huge satanic lie, a whopper.
Poisoning the body reduces the resources of the body which must be then topped up to replace that which is lost.
Disease is dealing with a chemical imbalance, or more particularly, an electrical chemical imbalance. Vaccines being poisons upset the balance, that is all.
at any rate, the very fact that vaccines are given special exemption from liability is more than enough evidence that they should not be trusted or taken. I used to believe in most vaccines the same way you posit, except for the clownish flu vaccine, but the covid scam opened my eyes fully to the corruption of the entire medical community.
I won't be able to find it at the moment, but i read an article that discussed that these diseases were already waning due to other reasons of clean water, better health and nutrition, etc without those vaccines. It opined that effectiveness of those vaccines were mostly myth making similar to today.
Thank you for sharing this.
“They are dangerous. In 2021, they received $4 million in donations. It is estimated that in 2022, more than $20 million have been funneled to their movement.”
It's always good for a giggle when they yammer on about the IMMENSE amount of money that supposedly motivates critics of "vaccines." Wow, twenty million whole dollars? To fight the most sweeping abrogation of human rights since WWII?
And how many billions did governments and pharma-aligned interests spend promoting the jabs?
How much free media did they benefit from?
We were outspent 1000:1, yet somehow the profiteers are the ones who cobbled together donations from a largely unemployed base, while the world's most profitable businesses enjoyed unlimited publicity contributions from celebrities and the media.
Yet, somehow, they can't get their point across. What is their point, exactly? We're not hesitant. We're adamant. Decent people give up when they've gotten a hard pass on their offer.
absolutely. but it's interesting that they're scared.
I saw Dr. Peter Hotez on Rogan's podcast lamenting that evil, anti-science, anti-vaxxers have millions of dollars to spread their false message on social media, and poor little me only has a single Twitter account to voluntarily spread the message of goodness and light on my own time.
how can anyone take such an over-funded whiner seriously?
You’ll notice the word “Grifters” shows up over and over just like “anti-vaxxers” and “baseless” “conspiracy theorists”. I guess they put a lot of time and thought into which terms would have the most impact in keeping the sheep compliant and asleep. After the dust settles and the whole truth one day finally prevails, this dark saga will be remembered as Stupid 19.
egg zactly
I wouldn’t want most of these people within 100 feet of me or 1 mile from my children.
I understand your sentiment. I can only report what I saw and felt. Most of them know not what they are doing...
I’m not as nice. People and children I know are damaged. Good on you for sticking it out. Valuable information. I’m just a normal person. 74 and living my life the best I can and I know more than they do. I researched and dug. Then did more. By summer of 2020 I knew they were not for me. My functional medicine doc said I knew more about the science than she did. I hope they get their deep dark blinders off someday.
Good for you Janet. I personally believe if we want to be free it will require them to take off their blinders. It's the only way. Most of them are clueless
I say they are willfully ignorant not just of the current situation but of the history of vaccine harms and deaths.
We must get them to see that if they do indeed have "the truth" then there's no need for censorship.
Perhaps many of them know that they don't have "the truth" but understand that they're working for global government, and this government is necessary because of the (false) theory of CO2 catastrophe. Therefore, they believe they're justified in promoting the views aligned with a one-world government (which include vaccines for everyone.)
I've said it before: the false theory of CO2 catastrophe underlies everything. The Great Reset is shot-through with this unquestioned premise. Many believe dictatorial powers are necessary to save the planet and this justification is transferred to vaccine mandates. Remember: emerging pathogens are supposedly due to a disrupted and warming world and it'll get worse.
Isn't the core piece of "misinformation" that the planet is completely safe from CO2 catastrophe? And wouldn't the belief in this catastrophe drive so much else, and especially provide the moral justification for actions and beliefs related to a one-world, vaccinated globe?
If you are adept at pattern recognition (that used to be part of IQ testing) you would have been instantly aware that the corona virus was created in a bioweapons laboratory, not necessarily in Wuhan. The so called unexplained vaping deaths in the US in September 2019 was the tip off that something was amiss.
In general the US government, the mainstream media, and international corporations have a proclivity to lie to the public, for example:
1) The Warren Commission magic bullet theory 1963
2) The Gulf of Tonkin non event 1964
3) The Iraq weapons of mass destruction expounded by Colin Powell 2003
4) The nein eleven disintegration of the twin towers 2001.
5) The bombing of Serbia by NATO 1999.
6) Who blew up Nordstream 2 gas pipeline 2023
Sinking of the USS Maine, what 1898?
It's so convenient that only totalitarianism can save us.
Methinks you have a bead on the target.
I think it will help them to take off their blinders, and lickety-split, if, to mix metaphors, if they find their bread isn't getting buttered as it has been.
PS I understand about the cluelessness. I have some old friends in this world.
I think that because there are so many, whether willfully ignorant or not, they have become a serious threat to open and free society. If it comes to blows, it will be heartbreaking, but they will have to be dealt with, just like after the US Civil War got going in earnest--it didn't really matter once the time for talk ended, it was just a campaign of scorched earth after that, and a bloody, brutal war of attrition. Same with WWI, for that matter. I'm not advocating for violence, only stating that there is a certain inevitability to the clash between the two worldviews--one is the top-down superiority complex, the other is the bottom-up, freedom-centric one.
These monsters are liars and deceivers and know perfectly well what they are doing. Just look at that snake who replied, with a smile, that he wasn't aware of the VAERS data. Bullshit he isn't. Good for you for going and thank you for sharing the experience. Vaccination is a barbaric practice and the last three years proved that beyond a shadow of any doubt. Time for another Simpsonwood conference wake up call, don't you think?
Well said. The whole thing is satanic and extremely evil.
I agree
Ignorance is not an excuse, especially if it’s willful ignorance.
Yes indeed, they are paid large amounts of money and attend an expensive CON-ference, stress on the con.
Above all they have broken the ultimate law, the law of love, to love God and to love their neighbours as themselves.
Deliberately clueless? Profiting from cluelessness? Thank you for the article and your efforts.
Better yet. On a cold, cold iceberg floating somewhere near a ship filled with the rest of them.
Fair enough although personally I prefer a lake of fire!
I share the feeling.
My child was vaccine injured 18 years ago. I saw it happen with my own two eyes. After her MMR jab she went from a happy sociable toddler to a withdrawn, sickly, self-harming child within weeks. She developed severe gut issues and had dark circles under her eyes. I cannot describe what I felt as a new mom seeing my child so miserable that she would bite herself until she bled, twisting her body and banging her head against solid furniture. I dove into the research all hours off the day and night looking for answers. The medical system, whitecoats, gas lit and ridiculed me telling me it was a 'developmental disorder'. Just like the 'experts' on this congress they had no idea of the solid body of research that existed even then, linking the jab to all sorts of diseases and disorders. They are woefully uninformed. Nah...the time for patience and understanding for these willfully ignorant, arrogant whitecoats has passed. They may not have engineered mass murder but they are complicit. The time has come that we choose; the modern medical system has dug it's own grave and they're going under. Unfortunately they're taking many with them but the people who are strong, smart, determined and lucky enough to live through the turbulent times to come, will build a new paradigm. And that does not include this greedy pharma funded, arrogant allopathic sick care system.
My heart goes out to you and your child.
What a nightmarish initiation into all this. Were you able to heal your daughter, was she able to recover fully? You were paving ground - back then there were so few people aware of these issues. Huge props to you for keeping eyes open. I'm developing expertise on treating Spike & synthetic mRNA vx injury right now. I'm lucky there are so many more resources.
While my daughter definitely still has damage, she greatly recovered and enjoys life, is happy and sociable. At the same she regressed into autism, she developed severe gastro-intestinal issues we focused on restoring her gut through healing foods and supplements. We restored her microbiome that was in dysbiosis through fermented foods. (There's a great deal of research on the gut-brain connection and the reduced diversity in the guts of people with many neurological diseases. Most doctors have no clue about this research.) We did a great deal of testing through private labs and the results were a very helpful guide in what to do. We did other therapies but that's too much to discuss here. We avoided mainstream sickcare.
"Public private partnership" is another way of saying Fascism. Not the soft furry kind of Fascism, but the hard nasty fascism.
The WEF is 100% about "public private partnerships" especially the ones where the private side controls the public side.
You are precisely correct
The private part makes the profit and the public part pays for the losses.
Excellent article and work, Thank you.
I am on a team reviewing the Pfizer clinical trial data, their 5.3.6 post marketing study, VAERS data, excess mortality and disability data, etc. Did you know 2.9% of the 42k in the post marketing study died? Pfizer can not or will not say what happened to the other 97%. The ~35 page report has none pages of adverse events listed. None were provided for informed consent.
I have lost 14 friends, family and acquaintances within my personal circle. Currently one a month since October due to acute, aggressive cancers. All died about fifteen or more years before their life expectancy. The other was six years below.
A 26 year old friend of my son has had two heart attacks. My nephew spent three days in the ICU with heart issues - he is in his early 30’s and was an Army Ranger, his sister, my niece has had two miscarriages.
My grandfather, father, two uncles (all) and three of my four brothers have had a heart attack. Only one dropped dead. That was my brother in 2020. People until now have ever dropped dead unexpectedly.
The rock in my back yard understands something is terribly wrong with our institutions and medical community. Trust is gone.
At 64 years old living in a large urban market, I do not know one person who died of COVID.
To my knowledge 100% of the people I know have had COVID, many more than once.
Thank you for punching back. The fact they are not interested in dialogue demonstrates they cannot defend their position. The ad hominem attacks demonstrate they are criminals. It us willful.
While I appreciate your approach, I am past playing nice with those who are unwittingly or not trying to kill me, my children and grandchildren. By the way, their advanced and well funded efforts are paying off. All of my family including me have been vaxxed. Presumably my grand daughter is next.
Sadly it appears the only way forward is for those who are all-in to learn the old-fashioned way. Through experience. Through having a loved one close to them drop dead or die from an unexpected acute cancer.
God help us.
I remember an ICU nurse at Sen Ron Johnson's covid roundtable event said she never saw anyone die of covid. They all died of maltreatment.
I attended a men's bible study this a.m. after writing this post. Not one but two people asked for prayers. Why? One had a friend (50's) who died "unexpectedly" from an acute aggressive cancer. The other had a friend who died "unexpectedly" (cause unknown). We are living in a medical/health catastrophe. Forget why - for now - and help get those who are not paying attention to pay attention. This is not good.
It may be hard to accept, but certainly not all of those incidents relate back to the shots. People had all these issues before covid. I'm 100% a "vax" skeptic, but you have to set aside emotion.
The dirty little secret that is completely ignored by the medical establishment is that vaccines, and especially aggressive and experimental non-vaccines like this one may cause death directly (vaccines always have) but more importantly, they can trigger genetic potentialities that might otherwise not be triggered, or if they are triggered, only mildly so. Then there is the problem with this product which tries to coerce the immune system into over-specialization which means it (the immune system) is then less available when needed. If that becomes chronic the persons level of health (and protection) is greatly diminished. Thus we have a multi-dimensional problem with this technology and don't even need to consider whether it is killing people directly. It is wrecking people by attrition.
Could not agree more, however…
1. I omitted those i thought suspect
2. I did not include all that i think are directly related to the jabs
3. As mentioned in my note people do not drop dead at the numbers i have witnessed among loved ones
4. I did not even bring up Ed Dowd’s work on excess mortality and disability.
5. Aggressive cancers and miscarriages/still born births ate radically (several standard deviations) beyond the norm and growing.
Get back with me in a year and let’s see where what you think. Unfortunately I am in a place after over a year of study where I cannot afford for you to get up to speed.
This is a medical catastrophe.
Thanks for your note Ben.
Thank you for your efforts, Dr. Madhava, it is extremely difficult to enter into an atmosphere where you know you will be seen as the 'heretic' - heretics have died terrible deaths in the dark ages. It is informative to get a glimpse of how 'these people' function, at least in public. It is true, or at least it is my experience, that 'they' have the same arguments as I do, namely, that non-vaxxers are delusional etc. It's been an enlightening 3 years, in the sense that I had no idea about the scary level of corruption raging in all of our institutions, and more frightening: how easily 'the people' follow obediently. I think I am entering a phase now where I am interested to put my attention on the many alternative ways to organise our lives and communities. Meanwhile the old order of things is raging on, I hope they are raging because they know they don't have much time left! Best wishes and many thanks
I have also woken up over the last three years. It's a nightmare. I must admit that on occasion I have allowed a line from Bob Seger's song "Against the Wind" to creep into my mind:
"Wish I didn't know now,
What I didn't know then."