I am encouraged to see so many thoughtful and informed comments on this post. Though these topics can be triggering for many, the exchanges in the comments have been, with only a few exceptions, respectful.
Though the world's attention has been captured by all things Covid for the last three years, the uncertainties about what happened on 9/11 are still relevant. IMO, it is easier to see the lies in the official narrative about that event. 9/11 gives us the proof that corporate media--all corporate media--will bend to the will of their masters, whomever they are.
The journalists that reported on that event were not being coerced. They were being manipulated at a deep level, much like those who accepted their content prima facie.
I believe that most thought they were doing a good job. It's a challenge to pull someone out of their world view, especially those who pride themselves on being informed. It's going to take more than information and data. It's going to take style, tone and the right attitude for the right person.
That being said, I would like to set the record straight here. I did not expect to change the minds of my classmates with a single conversation. I wanted to "plant the seeds" with my classmates as @Lundy Bancroft suggested.
Neither was I expecting to change the minds of readers with a single post. This is a subject that deserves time and deep investigation.
With that said, the greatest trove of accurate information around 9/11 has been at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth:
I highly suggest using that resource (and the ones given below) if you happen to have the rare opportunity to engage someone around this topic.
My friend, Richard Gage, former CEO of AE911Truth put together three webinars that were designed to educate architects about what happened on that day and why the official explanation skirts the basic questions that we assumed were answered. These presentations are technical but wonderfully done:
Incidentally, Richard Gage, the founder and front-man for AE911Truth for more than a decade, was asked to step down two years ago because he spoke "off topic". He had expressed criticism around the pandemic response. In my mind, these two engineered catastrophes are intimately conjoined, and he was right to speak out when he did.
He has since amassed a great deal of accurate, technical information on his own website:
Planting seeds is our job right now. I think that Covid has given us an opportunity to shatter the illusions so many hold. It's easy to get impatient, but seeds take time to mature into trees.
It was about a dozen years ago that I started to learn the truth regarding 9/11. I’m open to anything because I don’t trust the powers that be. If they lied about the JFK assassination and Vietnam, why should this be any different?
So I began showing the evidence and counter points to the many academics that I worked with in my textbook business and was so surprised how almost none of them were able to see what was to me, a college dropout, quite clear and obvious. One day I showed a video of the demolition of Building 7 to a Criminal Justice professor at a local community college here in NJ. As a former police investigator he took one look at it and said to me that it was no doubt a demolition. I realized at that moment that he was trained to look at things critically, something so few who have passed through the halls of higher learning are able to do. Our education system is really more of place that produces followers than one training thinkers. Even at places like MIT or Harvard.
I'm not so sure that these people are fundamentally unable to think critically, as much as I think there is a kind of class interest at work. They have much to lose financially and reputationally, and so must remain in the in-group of the elite, and in the good graces of powers that be. As Upton Sinclair said, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!"
Thank you for these helpful links. Understanding 9/11 is the key to unlocking the understanding of the extent of evil and control the dark government and media has over us.
I'm coming to your blog fairly late for this post, and I'll admit that I cringed through the garden-party scene (but I kept reading).
9/11/01 was a busy work day for me at 2 different sites, supervising residents in the morning.
I heard that a plane had hit the WTC on the kitchen radio as I got my coffee, then there were two, and all day there were the same scenes on TVs everywhere. You know them.
I met with my Buddhist practice group that night and we practiced Tonglin (first time) for those in the rubbble. This is a meditation where one accepts the suffering of others and sends them peace and support.
The next morning I got up extra early and went to go donate (O+) blood before dawn. As I came out a TV reporter tried to get the story that lines were too long, but I had gotten right in to donate, I said. (Scowl from reporter.)
It was the "new Pearl Harbor", the (FDR arrangement) story of which I knew well, but I never stopped to wonder if it was "an inside job". It was Too BIG.
But I was wrong. The Big Lie works better, because nobody consideres that it COULD be a big-lie...
Fairly soon I was introduced to weird stories on new websties like Letsrolll911 and 911Physics. It clearly seemed impossible for WTC-7 to collapse at 5:20 PM as the evening news was already showing, except that BBC news announced it had fallen, while it stood in the window behind the announcer. ("Lucky") Larry Silverstein, who had recently purchased the WTC (including alll the condemned asbestos in it) said in an interview that "they decided to 'pull' it", meaning a controlled demolition, which takes months to set-up. He was "lucky" tohave gotten quadruple inddemnity against terrorist attacks. And so on...
There are possibilities for what happened that day, which respect the laws of physics, and it is impossible to be certain, because all evidence was quickly scooped up and removed from the crime scene, made into rebar in India, for instance.
I remain particularly intrigued by the pools of molten steel persisting for a month under the rubble of the twin towers... Not jet fuel.
We have somewhat similar educational backgrounds.. I started in E.E. at UT Austin in 1976, working my way through from the next summer forward, in a hospital kitchen at first...
I changed majors after 2 years, and eventually graduated with 225 hours, including 4 semesters of physics after 6 years of living in co-ops and avoiding debts.
I got into med school at UT Houston, my first choice. (Then I got into debt, but less than most.)
The persistence of molten material and fires for three months is another indication that this was not a gravitational collapse. Even CNN reported that fires at ground zero were finally extinguished three months later despite total immersion under millions of gallons of water. Fires cannot burn without a source of oxygen. This means that the oxygen was part of an accelerant that was ubiquitous. Notably, thermite and its variations include O2 as Ferrous Oxide.
There was evidence of thermite. I remember seeing that analysis of debris back in the day, however the total energy contained in molten steel to keep it molten for over a month may have been more than could have been practically obtained through that mechanism alone.
There are other intriguing theories about where that much energy might have come from, while still being consistent with what was observed.
There are some very ‘way-out’ theories e.g.use of directed energy weapons to turn the building to dust. But I have never seen any real evidence that such technology existed to do that.
A small nuclear warhead in the basement, detonated after removal of the gold, would have inductively heated the steel within the core of the towers, also. It is an intriguing theory.
When people questioned my Covid attitude my usual response was they lost me on 9/11 and will never get me back! You liked my comment and so checked out your stack. Treasure trove. Thanks
"It's a challenge to pull someone out of their world view, especially those who pride themselves on being informed."
Those who see themselves as part of the expert class — as it appears Carlos does — don't like to see members of the expert class in other fields challenged any more than they like to be challenged in their own field.
I have to believe that planting the seeds matters, because otherwise I'd feel too discouraged. I think people get a lot of security from believing that there are good people in charge and that "they" just wouldn't do certain things. And I think those same people sometimes can, over time, let go of that myth and realize that the unethical and the power-mad (who are often the same people) tend to rise to the top -- and that our social and legal structures actually encourage that rather than obstructing it. For some people it can literally take five years (or whatever) to gradually absorb the information and adapt to it. So I believe that you're accomplishing more than you know. And to me it's significant that you had at least one person there honestly grappling with what you were revealing to them. These little cracks that we make in the wall spread over time.
Dear Mr Bancroft. Your name immediately rang a bell! I want to take this opportunity to thank you. Your books on emotional abuse are extremely important - I have recommended them to so many! Know that you had a part in saving this mom and her children from a lifetime of trauma. I'm pleased, but not surprised that you are speaking up against the madness in our society. Once you know the abuser's tool box, it's not hard to recognise that we're in an abusive relationship with our so called leaders. One of the hardest things for a victim of abuse is to face the reality of the situation and realise that there will be no change for the better. Many still need to wake up to this, and it's painful to watch their willing blindness. But, like you said, we have to keep showing them the truth. Thank you again for your great contribution to society.
“…our social and legal structures actually encourage (the unethical and the power-mad) rather than obstructing it” is not true per se.
The cause is in line with what John Adams said at the start; “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
"Doug broke the silence. “I thought they have been proven to be safe and effective.”"
No technical college graduate should ever utter these words. This is an indication of a pernicious form of educational failure in which a mind is taught to be closed outside of a command line controlled by a post-graduate media.
I said exactly that when my doctor was encouraging me to get the shot during an annual physical. He simply nodded his head and moved on to a different topic.
I got a new doctor at age 57 and he immediately started explaining tons of stuff about the medical community, etc. Later I realized we were almost exactly the same age and had lived similar lives and it just went well together.
This is exactly what he does if he sees me not like a suggestion.
This is the only argument I ever gave my daughter permission to use when it seemed likely that peer pressure might become a topic at school. I told her no one can argue with you if you say this is your reason. She is strong and getting stronger, but she is still a child and I wanted her to feel confident in any conversation.
There was one time that a CovIDIOT would not accept that bit of logic ...
This CovIDIOT has high blood pressure and is on meds ... so I said ... let's say a vaccine that was developed in less than a year was made available to you -- emergency use authorization -- promised to be safe and effective at ending your high BP ... surely you would be willing o take it.
He refused to answer.
This raises the age old question ... should one cast pearls among swine
That's exactly the point. We have devolved into a society that is screaming over facts that no one can confirm with certainty. The only way through this is to critique how we arrive at our positions.
Completely disagree. At my MIT reunion, I also encountered classmates who thought this. However, after talking to them for a while, it just turns out for whatever reason, they weren't paying attention to the stories in the media and so did not recognize the various discrepancies in the information being presented. Basically, they had busy lives and for whatever reason, didn't dig deeper beyond what the media was telling them. We all have to decide where to spend our precious attention.
That said, I was appalled at their lack of knowledge on this topic!
This was fascinating to read. Kudos to you for speaking so plainly about all of this to your classmates! Just four or five years ago, if anyone had spoken to me about 9/11 the way you did in this post, my mind would have shut down. My response would have been similar to that of your classmates. It frustrates me that it has taken so long for my eyes to open!
The most disappointing thing about the conversations you describe is the scripted nature of the responses by these highly intelligent people, now compromised by the conditioning they have received via our government agencies and media. Thank you for speaking up and for letting us all know how it went.
And yet, Fran, you are the perfect person to share about your delay in grasping that our world is stuck in a sticky web of control. That's because there are so many just like you so you can be like an AA sponsor supporting newbies. As a health nut, my awakening happened when I read Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, so long ago that I have no credibility with friends and family who still believe the veneer, I'm just the eccentric one.
You make an excellent point—I hope so! But I’ve been skeptical about health matters for so long (haven’t been to a doctor for ten years—and before that, I only let them do labs, really) that people already think I’m pretty odd. The skepticism got worse for me when, in March of 2020, I started a new job with a case of covid. I shook 15 hands and sat in cramped conference rooms with coworkers for two of my first four days with covid. Not one of these people became infected or seemed to personally know anyone who became infected. Three weeks went by before I understood what I had. It then occurred to me that covid could not be as infectious as it was reputed to be, and I realized something was off. As a New Yorker who lived through 9/11, I’m a bit ashamed that my skepticism did not extend further, sooner! But I appreciate your comment and am doing my best to pass along what I know whenever I see an opportunity to do so. Will definitely read Silent Spring, since my own family was profoundly affected by pesticides.
As they say, The Truth Will Out! We each have our own pace.
I wonder if Santa Claus was invented to get children in the habit of believing far fetched ideas that adults conspire to prop up-- because they love us....
That's one of the best C Theories ever:
A jolly elf who tirelessly visits all the believers on Earth in ONE NIGHT
Even houses with no CHIMNEYS
In a sleigh that FLIES
The presents all FIT in the SLEIGH
Santa READS our letters
Santa's SURVEILLANCE NETWORK knows who's been naughty and nice
Santa cares about people but GIVES POOR CHILDREN WORSE PRESENTS than rich kids
And let's not forget the Tooth Fairie and the Easter Bunny.
Food for thought!! That surveillance network sure did cause me some stress as a child. I remember many an hour spent worrying about having to explain the lump of coal in my stocking to my family on Christmas morning.
They lost my trust in March 2020 when the Ruby Princess cruise ship had a Covid outbreak. Eventually 900 of the 2700 “tested” positive and five eventually died.. a .005% mortality rate.
Obviously the PTB were lying to out about the danger posed by Covid. I questioned EVERYTHING about Covid after that and time has shown that I was well served by doing so.
Yes, the cruise ship should have alleviated fears of the virus, but heightened fears of public health officials and their power to force their "mitigation measures" on people.
Right? I will always remember the day my new conspiracy theorist friend dropped this bomb on me as we drove to a corona protest together. I was in shock, but I was prepared to entertain the idea. Oh boy. And I had vehemently protested the Patriot Act and the WMD war. So odd that I could see through the pretense but didn't bother to question our very first assumption of terrorism. Lessons learned!
My mind DID shut down. But I kept thinking and questioning my reactions. Then my mind changed. Our brains developed in the natural process of evolution in a natural way, not in a technological or man-made setting. The collapse of the tower was outside of nature. When seeing a modern building collapse it is difficult to assess and the mind has to look several times. The mind can "tell the truth" but it cannot do so in a totally man-made artificial technology environment without returning several times to the situation and re-thinking repeatedly. It is abstract thinking, taking place outside of the natural world.
I see the symmetry whilst it fell and finding bone fragments on the top of surrounding buildings could only mean explosions obliterated and sent debris out not down. My husband was there and saw the second tower fall as he left the Fulton Street subway. He is still so triggered by these images. Even today one of the many people he helped get home that day contacted him to let him know her son did a report on Michael and the heroic things he did that day. Its not "Never Forget" it's "Can't Forget" for him and for those who witnessed the US's attack on itself.
Really well written. I was on the edge of my seat rooting for truth -- via you -- to penetrate.
The sentence that struck me the most was “the common factor on both of these outrageous ‘conspiracy theories’ was me.” To me, that evokes so well the loneliness of having looked into -- really researched -- something clearly dubious and questionable, only to be left with sadness upon realizing that a lot of people won't even consider for a minute that there might be anything amiss with mainstream narratives, and would rather change their previously high esteem of you than rethink their own beliefs.
The truth is not convenient. A real friend or MIT bro will dig in and do their own research. Smart in biz silo, does not always carry . You rocked em Madhava. Nice. Talk to Kirsch, another MIT kid. Great day Madhava! Scott
I have been following you on Covid issues, but I was surprised and pleased to see that you have an interest in 9/11 as well, and that one of my videos "spoke" to you! If any of your readers want to see more of where the "North Tower Exploding" video came from, go to http://911speakout.org.
(Speaking out fearlessly is obviously something else we have in common ... also South India, where I taught at Kodaikanal International School for several years.)
Thanks David. 9/11 is the bedrock for me. This is the ground from which we construct a different understanding of reality where authority, "trusted" media and official commissions have no more weight than anyone else.
I honestly am perplexed by those who have been able to see through the 9/11 story but remain content to swallow the Covid narrative.
Six years ago when I became aware of WTC7, I tried my best to defend the official explanations against my skepticism. As a reality check I went to some of my engineering colleagues, asking them to talk me out of my conspiratorial notions. We haggled about how to weigh the evidence. It was your North Tower video that affirmed my understanding and sent them back to their bubbles.
Was always interested in your motivations to make the video. Looking forward to learning about the origins of this content. Thank you for weighing in here sir.
When people ask how I got into 9/11 I say it dates back to the early 1980's when I was involved with the Sanctuary Movement, sheltering Salvadoran refugees fleeing the death squads we had unleashed upon them. That broke the back of the "American Exceptionalism" myth for me and allowed logic to prevail in the case of 9/11 without the psychological barriers. The vast majority of my colleagues involved in 9/11 research have been able to see through the Covid Vax scam as well.
As for the "North Tower Exploding" video, and also for WTC 7, I tell people you don't need a scientist or engineer to tell you it's all wrong. You can see it with your own eyes. What we are doing is just proving you're not crazy!
That is the key here. Nobody wants to try to read a long paper full of words they cannot comprehend; Richard Feynman has written that any, or most, science findings should resonate for ordinary persons as well. Or else it was that any science finding should be capable of being explained in simple words. This I believe is really profound. I would like to find some more to read like this.
You should have opened with Gladio and followed it up with paperclip and MKUltra.
Each accepted as fact by mainstream historians and Wikipedia.
If the CIA can blow up civilians in europe, coup governments and operate an international drug and human trafficking ring all the while hiring nazi scientists to conduct mind control torture experiments on abducted american citizens without anyone finding out for decades, then you have a real problem.
Then you point out that all governments for centuries have engaged in conspiracies and plots both against the leading factions and against the populace, and that they have never existed to protect their subjects. It's an ahistorical lie.
Once you have established the precedents in history, and factor in human psychology, the will to power, the ubiquitous nature of lies and conspiracies, criminal and political, epsteins island, susurluk, BCCI etc. then most will begin to realise that they have been hoodwinked.
Gladio is a good start, most just do not understand that it was a coordinated network managed by NATO. And then most also do not understand the lies behind NATO. Look up who Franz Halder was and rethink the idea, that history is written by the victor... put in some Unthinkable, some Otto Skorzeny, some Mossad, some Schnez-Truppe, some Naumann-Kreis and you begin to think that what has been going on in Ukraine since 2014 is Barbarossa 2.0.
Btw, it seems MD's have become "susceptible" to seeing what is in front of their eyes, because of what happened in the last 4-5 years. You would be surprised to learn who I was able to show what I talked about in my latest post. Lets just say the incoming US government has people who now know.
Today’s Coffee and Covid has a pretty convincing theory that the alien thing may be a scam that will be used to panic people before the elections—more mass mail-in ballots I guess.
The very last sentence in your discussion says it all.
I was in a room full of architects and engineers when we all saw the second tower fall, and everyone had a gut feeling that 'something was wrong with this picture'. No one stated any theories, but most of them thought what they were seeing was impossible, but there it was.
I worked at the Pentagon for a Summer in the late '80's architecturally surveying the entire 3rd floor with a team of Architects for eventual renovation planning. Having worked there and having lived in the DC area for over twenty years, I also knew it was impossible for a jet liner to approach the first floor of the Pentagon, at flying speed, and hit that level dead on.....impossible. Just as impossible as the narrative we've been fed all these years. The biggest crime in America, against America, by Americans probably.
Thank you Madhava Setty for your tenacious battle for truth, transparency and Disclosure. God willing the entire world gets to see Steven Greer's presentation on Disclosure at 2:00pm, June 12th at the National Press Club. Everyone should tell their Congressional Districts about this event.
This is exactly the way most physicians felt when Covid emerged. Anyone with a basic understanding of molecular biology, virology, immunology and epidemiology - as ALL physicians MUST have - understood there were as many deficiencies in the Covid narrative as there were in the Building 7 narrative.
Many refused to speak out, but ALL understood. Very disillusioning to see my colleagues act just as physicians did in 1930s Germany.
The whole Scamdemic thing (British researcher Richard D Hall coined this) has me perplexed about health care professionals seemingly polarized opinions. I'm like you, they are well educated for many years. How can they not know what is going on? I did from day one, and I'm not in the health care industry. I am a degreed Architect and I was highly suspect about all of it and my investigations and open mind proved out. Just as I did not quite believe the impossible images I viewed on the day of 911 with my fellow Architects and Engineers. Some people just want to wallow in their own lost paradigm, while others refuse to believe that people in power could ever conceive of doing harm to the public. But, now, it is All out in the open for All to see....if they entertain the idea of critical thinking.
These point directly at two of humanity’s greatest weaknesses - ego and greed. The controllers who weave the web of deception know this well and utilize it to the max.
I had a very curious experience. I was just about the ONLY 'homeless' (bad term) person with a good education. I was in Miami, having been sleeping in public areas (or trespassing in intelligently selected private ones) and shortly into the COVID episode I found a big thick epidemiology textbook. Well, that might be helpful, right? The whole thing was just gobbelty-gook. It was like the book had nothing in it. There was only one or two sentences that could connect to a pandemic, e.g. COVID. The book just seemed to me to be devoid of content. When I hear someone is an "epidemiologist" I always wonder if they know more than that stupid book did. Public health or nursing textbooks since the eighties are filled with nonsense. All make up stuff. Nothing there. This is our society. I have a little money now (trickling in from a property sale) but I just do not like money things. I cannot spend it or invest it worth a damn. I am getting a slightly terrified feeling, thinking what if I just sit in this motel room until it happens once again. Which would be when money runs out again (I am still a year plus, from that event but it is getting to be a worry). Please read my Substick newsletters referrably from the beginning (before I was famous). At the start, I felt had nothing to lose. Medium actually had just kicked me off for asking whether a person was a male or a female
The perpetrators are NOT American, they may have the nationality and a number of residences in the US but have no allegiance to anyone and to anywhere but to themselves. They are globalists and masons.
I usually start with building 7 - it *literally* fell at -9.8m/s^2.
Freefall acceleration means ALL of the gravitational potential energy is being converted to kinetic energy of motion; NONE of this energy is available to do any crushing, pulverizing etc.
Which speaks to the overwhelming power of the media and "crowds" to influence thinking. There are MANY physicians who are unaware Officer suppressed millions of pages of damning internal documents until a court compelled release at about 50k pages per month. And that they KNEW exactly how harful and ineffective these experimental gene therapy products are.
Excellent article. What struck me was the degree to which people who are very highly educated and successful, and therefore presumably rational and intellectually curious, are so completely fooled by the official stories on Covid and 9/11. But Mattias Desmet has observed that when it comes to mass hypnosis or "mass formation", such as we experienced with Covid, the higher the level of education, the more inclined the person is to believe and defend the propaganda. Madhava would have had a much better outcome if he had talked with truck drivers and plumbers. And I suspect that Madhava's friends were probably all vaccinated (along with their kids!) and so could not bring themselves to consider the possibility that they had made an important mistake.
Indeed. Those who have been marginalized by the system know it is inherently corrupt. Those whom the system has served well have a much harder time coming to grips with the fact that it is run by sociopaths.
For most people science is simply a bunch of ideas that are accepted on faith. It's very hard to penetrate a faith-based position because any evidence that counters it is ultimately dismissed as misinformation.
That's what puzzles me too. I've talked to lawyers and they don't seem to have a problem signing away their rights to sue the pharma companies if they are harmed by the jabs.
Just slap the “Anti” label on it! I grew up Mormon and would never dream of glancing at “Anti Mormon”material, but once TPTB told me my natural immunity was completely worthless my entire worldview came crashing down. Religion, COVID, vaccines, climate change, fake news, freaking everything. Basically instantly after a long slow burn. At 23 years old I knew that the WMD pretext was a big fat lie and that the patriot act was an abomination, but I still managed to believe the airplanes story for all those years. Kinda funny how belief works. I love being able to step back now and see it though. I hope it’s an advantage of some sort, knowing how it works. Being able to extend grace to others.
We're on a similar journey. Thanks for the transparency about communication; it was helpful.
Whatever the truth is, we have to be able to have intelligent debates without name calling. Media, including alt media, has done a great job of amplifying alot of 9/11 nonsense and limited hangouts. 9/11 was a CRIME but was not investigated as such. And what there was has been memory holed. But I believe the truth is available for those with eyes to see.
They got away with an incomplete 9/11 analysis at best. I believe this led to their knowing they could get away with a harmful covid agenda. AIDS was a factor too. Plus with JFK and the U.S.S. Liberty. Everyone wants to 'get back to normal' after trauma. But we need smart people like you to continue to push for truth and accountability.
Thank you for your bravery and applying your gifts!
You know the premise of the book “Blink”? That your first instinct is usually correct? My late Indian engineer father who stood first in high school and university and was educated at the finest institutions around the world, said to me, muttering under his breath, as we watched the towers fall on TV: “Those buildings came down too fast.”
We moved on and along with the mainstream narrative, until 2006 when I happened upon “Loose Change” on YouTube. I told my dad about it and he immediately believed this was something more sinister. My beautiful left-brained genius dad - deemed a brilliant visionary and intellectual by everyone who knew him - just KNEW it was bullshit. He wasn’t prone to conspiracies or religion or spirituality or any of that - but he knew and understood and FELT the truth.
Thank you for sharing this and for actually speaking up. I’m a doctor who gave up a while ago…
I am encouraged to see so many thoughtful and informed comments on this post. Though these topics can be triggering for many, the exchanges in the comments have been, with only a few exceptions, respectful.
Though the world's attention has been captured by all things Covid for the last three years, the uncertainties about what happened on 9/11 are still relevant. IMO, it is easier to see the lies in the official narrative about that event. 9/11 gives us the proof that corporate media--all corporate media--will bend to the will of their masters, whomever they are.
The journalists that reported on that event were not being coerced. They were being manipulated at a deep level, much like those who accepted their content prima facie.
I believe that most thought they were doing a good job. It's a challenge to pull someone out of their world view, especially those who pride themselves on being informed. It's going to take more than information and data. It's going to take style, tone and the right attitude for the right person.
That being said, I would like to set the record straight here. I did not expect to change the minds of my classmates with a single conversation. I wanted to "plant the seeds" with my classmates as @Lundy Bancroft suggested.
Neither was I expecting to change the minds of readers with a single post. This is a subject that deserves time and deep investigation.
With that said, the greatest trove of accurate information around 9/11 has been at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth:
I highly suggest using that resource (and the ones given below) if you happen to have the rare opportunity to engage someone around this topic.
My friend, Richard Gage, former CEO of AE911Truth put together three webinars that were designed to educate architects about what happened on that day and why the official explanation skirts the basic questions that we assumed were answered. These presentations are technical but wonderfully done:
Incidentally, Richard Gage, the founder and front-man for AE911Truth for more than a decade, was asked to step down two years ago because he spoke "off topic". He had expressed criticism around the pandemic response. In my mind, these two engineered catastrophes are intimately conjoined, and he was right to speak out when he did.
He has since amassed a great deal of accurate, technical information on his own website:
Planting seeds is our job right now. I think that Covid has given us an opportunity to shatter the illusions so many hold. It's easy to get impatient, but seeds take time to mature into trees.
It was about a dozen years ago that I started to learn the truth regarding 9/11. I’m open to anything because I don’t trust the powers that be. If they lied about the JFK assassination and Vietnam, why should this be any different?
So I began showing the evidence and counter points to the many academics that I worked with in my textbook business and was so surprised how almost none of them were able to see what was to me, a college dropout, quite clear and obvious. One day I showed a video of the demolition of Building 7 to a Criminal Justice professor at a local community college here in NJ. As a former police investigator he took one look at it and said to me that it was no doubt a demolition. I realized at that moment that he was trained to look at things critically, something so few who have passed through the halls of higher learning are able to do. Our education system is really more of place that produces followers than one training thinkers. Even at places like MIT or Harvard.
I'm not so sure that these people are fundamentally unable to think critically, as much as I think there is a kind of class interest at work. They have much to lose financially and reputationally, and so must remain in the in-group of the elite, and in the good graces of powers that be. As Upton Sinclair said, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!"
Thank you for these helpful links. Understanding 9/11 is the key to unlocking the understanding of the extent of evil and control the dark government and media has over us.
I'm coming to your blog fairly late for this post, and I'll admit that I cringed through the garden-party scene (but I kept reading).
9/11/01 was a busy work day for me at 2 different sites, supervising residents in the morning.
I heard that a plane had hit the WTC on the kitchen radio as I got my coffee, then there were two, and all day there were the same scenes on TVs everywhere. You know them.
I met with my Buddhist practice group that night and we practiced Tonglin (first time) for those in the rubbble. This is a meditation where one accepts the suffering of others and sends them peace and support.
The next morning I got up extra early and went to go donate (O+) blood before dawn. As I came out a TV reporter tried to get the story that lines were too long, but I had gotten right in to donate, I said. (Scowl from reporter.)
It was the "new Pearl Harbor", the (FDR arrangement) story of which I knew well, but I never stopped to wonder if it was "an inside job". It was Too BIG.
But I was wrong. The Big Lie works better, because nobody consideres that it COULD be a big-lie...
Fairly soon I was introduced to weird stories on new websties like Letsrolll911 and 911Physics. It clearly seemed impossible for WTC-7 to collapse at 5:20 PM as the evening news was already showing, except that BBC news announced it had fallen, while it stood in the window behind the announcer. ("Lucky") Larry Silverstein, who had recently purchased the WTC (including alll the condemned asbestos in it) said in an interview that "they decided to 'pull' it", meaning a controlled demolition, which takes months to set-up. He was "lucky" tohave gotten quadruple inddemnity against terrorist attacks. And so on...
There are possibilities for what happened that day, which respect the laws of physics, and it is impossible to be certain, because all evidence was quickly scooped up and removed from the crime scene, made into rebar in India, for instance.
I remain particularly intrigued by the pools of molten steel persisting for a month under the rubble of the twin towers... Not jet fuel.
We have somewhat similar educational backgrounds.. I started in E.E. at UT Austin in 1976, working my way through from the next summer forward, in a hospital kitchen at first...
I changed majors after 2 years, and eventually graduated with 225 hours, including 4 semesters of physics after 6 years of living in co-ops and avoiding debts.
I got into med school at UT Houston, my first choice. (Then I got into debt, but less than most.)
The persistence of molten material and fires for three months is another indication that this was not a gravitational collapse. Even CNN reported that fires at ground zero were finally extinguished three months later despite total immersion under millions of gallons of water. Fires cannot burn without a source of oxygen. This means that the oxygen was part of an accelerant that was ubiquitous. Notably, thermite and its variations include O2 as Ferrous Oxide.
There was evidence of thermite. I remember seeing that analysis of debris back in the day, however the total energy contained in molten steel to keep it molten for over a month may have been more than could have been practically obtained through that mechanism alone.
There are other intriguing theories about where that much energy might have come from, while still being consistent with what was observed.
And then there are those “Trained Pilots” who flew those planes?
The planes themselves were evanescent that day, mysteriously more-apparent-than-real in some regards...
There are some very ‘way-out’ theories e.g.use of directed energy weapons to turn the building to dust. But I have never seen any real evidence that such technology existed to do that.
Maybe as part of the mix, but so much concrete was pulverized into a pyroclastic flow.
The physics of it is difficult all around.
A small nuclear warhead in the basement, detonated after removal of the gold, would have inductively heated the steel within the core of the towers, also. It is an intriguing theory.
I am motivated by your courage to discuss your perspectives, at your reunion.
When people questioned my Covid attitude my usual response was they lost me on 9/11 and will never get me back! You liked my comment and so checked out your stack. Treasure trove. Thanks
Actually they lost me with JFK's assassination.
Numerous other major killings around the world too. Alan Dulles and his killing crew were prolific.
"It's a challenge to pull someone out of their world view, especially those who pride themselves on being informed."
Those who see themselves as part of the expert class — as it appears Carlos does — don't like to see members of the expert class in other fields challenged any more than they like to be challenged in their own field.
Dr Judy wood. Look into it
I have to believe that planting the seeds matters, because otherwise I'd feel too discouraged. I think people get a lot of security from believing that there are good people in charge and that "they" just wouldn't do certain things. And I think those same people sometimes can, over time, let go of that myth and realize that the unethical and the power-mad (who are often the same people) tend to rise to the top -- and that our social and legal structures actually encourage that rather than obstructing it. For some people it can literally take five years (or whatever) to gradually absorb the information and adapt to it. So I believe that you're accomplishing more than you know. And to me it's significant that you had at least one person there honestly grappling with what you were revealing to them. These little cracks that we make in the wall spread over time.
Dear Mr Bancroft. Your name immediately rang a bell! I want to take this opportunity to thank you. Your books on emotional abuse are extremely important - I have recommended them to so many! Know that you had a part in saving this mom and her children from a lifetime of trauma. I'm pleased, but not surprised that you are speaking up against the madness in our society. Once you know the abuser's tool box, it's not hard to recognise that we're in an abusive relationship with our so called leaders. One of the hardest things for a victim of abuse is to face the reality of the situation and realise that there will be no change for the better. Many still need to wake up to this, and it's painful to watch their willing blindness. But, like you said, we have to keep showing them the truth. Thank you again for your great contribution to society.
Which of his books do you recommend to help with this recovery once we understand please? Thanks!
Totally agree Lundy. The seeds are sprouting. I’m hearing conversion stories weekly now.
“…our social and legal structures actually encourage (the unethical and the power-mad) rather than obstructing it” is not true per se.
The cause is in line with what John Adams said at the start; “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
"Doug broke the silence. “I thought they have been proven to be safe and effective.”"
No technical college graduate should ever utter these words. This is an indication of a pernicious form of educational failure in which a mind is taught to be closed outside of a command line controlled by a post-graduate media.
Here we are in June of 2023. Anyone who believes the jabs are safe and effective, God help them, they'll believe anything.
My favourite is when the MORE-ONS insisted I get injected and I said -- I probably will .. once I get to have a look at the long term safety studies.
That always left them speechless (f789ing MORE-ONS)
I said exactly that when my doctor was encouraging me to get the shot during an annual physical. He simply nodded his head and moved on to a different topic.
I got a new doctor at age 57 and he immediately started explaining tons of stuff about the medical community, etc. Later I realized we were almost exactly the same age and had lived similar lives and it just went well together.
This is exactly what he does if he sees me not like a suggestion.
This is the only argument I ever gave my daughter permission to use when it seemed likely that peer pressure might become a topic at school. I told her no one can argue with you if you say this is your reason. She is strong and getting stronger, but she is still a child and I wanted her to feel confident in any conversation.
There was one time that a CovIDIOT would not accept that bit of logic ...
This CovIDIOT has high blood pressure and is on meds ... so I said ... let's say a vaccine that was developed in less than a year was made available to you -- emergency use authorization -- promised to be safe and effective at ending your high BP ... surely you would be willing o take it.
He refused to answer.
This raises the age old question ... should one cast pearls among swine
I'm less concerned about what he believes than why. "I thought somebody proved" is never good epistemology for a life or death decision.
That's exactly the point. We have devolved into a society that is screaming over facts that no one can confirm with certainty. The only way through this is to critique how we arrive at our positions.
I follow your work and respect much of your analysis. Please look into Dr Judy wood
Completely disagree. At my MIT reunion, I also encountered classmates who thought this. However, after talking to them for a while, it just turns out for whatever reason, they weren't paying attention to the stories in the media and so did not recognize the various discrepancies in the information being presented. Basically, they had busy lives and for whatever reason, didn't dig deeper beyond what the media was telling them. We all have to decide where to spend our precious attention.
That said, I was appalled at their lack of knowledge on this topic!
This was fascinating to read. Kudos to you for speaking so plainly about all of this to your classmates! Just four or five years ago, if anyone had spoken to me about 9/11 the way you did in this post, my mind would have shut down. My response would have been similar to that of your classmates. It frustrates me that it has taken so long for my eyes to open!
The most disappointing thing about the conversations you describe is the scripted nature of the responses by these highly intelligent people, now compromised by the conditioning they have received via our government agencies and media. Thank you for speaking up and for letting us all know how it went.
Spot on with your “scripted responses” comment!
Yes. They are possessed by ideas. They recite thought-terminating cliches.
And yet, Fran, you are the perfect person to share about your delay in grasping that our world is stuck in a sticky web of control. That's because there are so many just like you so you can be like an AA sponsor supporting newbies. As a health nut, my awakening happened when I read Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, so long ago that I have no credibility with friends and family who still believe the veneer, I'm just the eccentric one.
You make an excellent point—I hope so! But I’ve been skeptical about health matters for so long (haven’t been to a doctor for ten years—and before that, I only let them do labs, really) that people already think I’m pretty odd. The skepticism got worse for me when, in March of 2020, I started a new job with a case of covid. I shook 15 hands and sat in cramped conference rooms with coworkers for two of my first four days with covid. Not one of these people became infected or seemed to personally know anyone who became infected. Three weeks went by before I understood what I had. It then occurred to me that covid could not be as infectious as it was reputed to be, and I realized something was off. As a New Yorker who lived through 9/11, I’m a bit ashamed that my skepticism did not extend further, sooner! But I appreciate your comment and am doing my best to pass along what I know whenever I see an opportunity to do so. Will definitely read Silent Spring, since my own family was profoundly affected by pesticides.
As they say, The Truth Will Out! We each have our own pace.
I wonder if Santa Claus was invented to get children in the habit of believing far fetched ideas that adults conspire to prop up-- because they love us....
That's one of the best C Theories ever:
A jolly elf who tirelessly visits all the believers on Earth in ONE NIGHT
Even houses with no CHIMNEYS
In a sleigh that FLIES
The presents all FIT in the SLEIGH
Santa READS our letters
Santa's SURVEILLANCE NETWORK knows who's been naughty and nice
Santa cares about people but GIVES POOR CHILDREN WORSE PRESENTS than rich kids
And let's not forget the Tooth Fairie and the Easter Bunny.
Food for thought!! That surveillance network sure did cause me some stress as a child. I remember many an hour spent worrying about having to explain the lump of coal in my stocking to my family on Christmas morning.
They lost my trust in March 2020 when the Ruby Princess cruise ship had a Covid outbreak. Eventually 900 of the 2700 “tested” positive and five eventually died.. a .005% mortality rate.
Obviously the PTB were lying to out about the danger posed by Covid. I questioned EVERYTHING about Covid after that and time has shown that I was well served by doing so.
Yes, the cruise ship should have alleviated fears of the virus, but heightened fears of public health officials and their power to force their "mitigation measures" on people.
Right? I will always remember the day my new conspiracy theorist friend dropped this bomb on me as we drove to a corona protest together. I was in shock, but I was prepared to entertain the idea. Oh boy. And I had vehemently protested the Patriot Act and the WMD war. So odd that I could see through the pretense but didn't bother to question our very first assumption of terrorism. Lessons learned!
My mind DID shut down. But I kept thinking and questioning my reactions. Then my mind changed. Our brains developed in the natural process of evolution in a natural way, not in a technological or man-made setting. The collapse of the tower was outside of nature. When seeing a modern building collapse it is difficult to assess and the mind has to look several times. The mind can "tell the truth" but it cannot do so in a totally man-made artificial technology environment without returning several times to the situation and re-thinking repeatedly. It is abstract thinking, taking place outside of the natural world.
Good for you for having an open mind. It certainly took me a long time to open mine.
Hi Fran, thanks for your comments. Please look into Dr Judy wood
I see the symmetry whilst it fell and finding bone fragments on the top of surrounding buildings could only mean explosions obliterated and sent debris out not down. My husband was there and saw the second tower fall as he left the Fulton Street subway. He is still so triggered by these images. Even today one of the many people he helped get home that day contacted him to let him know her son did a report on Michael and the heroic things he did that day. Its not "Never Forget" it's "Can't Forget" for him and for those who witnessed the US's attack on itself.
A thank you to Michael for helping as best he could on that day.
Bless your heart for being willing to speak up. There really is no other option, but many have remained silent.
I am still dealing with people who won't speak to me, including frriends from many decades, but some are coming back slowly.
Really well written. I was on the edge of my seat rooting for truth -- via you -- to penetrate.
The sentence that struck me the most was “the common factor on both of these outrageous ‘conspiracy theories’ was me.” To me, that evokes so well the loneliness of having looked into -- really researched -- something clearly dubious and questionable, only to be left with sadness upon realizing that a lot of people won't even consider for a minute that there might be anything amiss with mainstream narratives, and would rather change their previously high esteem of you than rethink their own beliefs.
The truth is not convenient. A real friend or MIT bro will dig in and do their own research. Smart in biz silo, does not always carry . You rocked em Madhava. Nice. Talk to Kirsch, another MIT kid. Great day Madhava! Scott
I have been following you on Covid issues, but I was surprised and pleased to see that you have an interest in 9/11 as well, and that one of my videos "spoke" to you! If any of your readers want to see more of where the "North Tower Exploding" video came from, go to http://911speakout.org.
(Speaking out fearlessly is obviously something else we have in common ... also South India, where I taught at Kodaikanal International School for several years.)
Thanks David. 9/11 is the bedrock for me. This is the ground from which we construct a different understanding of reality where authority, "trusted" media and official commissions have no more weight than anyone else.
I honestly am perplexed by those who have been able to see through the 9/11 story but remain content to swallow the Covid narrative.
Six years ago when I became aware of WTC7, I tried my best to defend the official explanations against my skepticism. As a reality check I went to some of my engineering colleagues, asking them to talk me out of my conspiratorial notions. We haggled about how to weigh the evidence. It was your North Tower video that affirmed my understanding and sent them back to their bubbles.
Was always interested in your motivations to make the video. Looking forward to learning about the origins of this content. Thank you for weighing in here sir.
When people ask how I got into 9/11 I say it dates back to the early 1980's when I was involved with the Sanctuary Movement, sheltering Salvadoran refugees fleeing the death squads we had unleashed upon them. That broke the back of the "American Exceptionalism" myth for me and allowed logic to prevail in the case of 9/11 without the psychological barriers. The vast majority of my colleagues involved in 9/11 research have been able to see through the Covid Vax scam as well.
As for the "North Tower Exploding" video, and also for WTC 7, I tell people you don't need a scientist or engineer to tell you it's all wrong. You can see it with your own eyes. What we are doing is just proving you're not crazy!
That is the key here. Nobody wants to try to read a long paper full of words they cannot comprehend; Richard Feynman has written that any, or most, science findings should resonate for ordinary persons as well. Or else it was that any science finding should be capable of being explained in simple words. This I believe is really profound. I would like to find some more to read like this.
Please address the missing explanation for the destroyed WTC buildings ( not just wtc1,2&7- talking about WTC 3,4,5&6). I can wait for your answer
You should have opened with Gladio and followed it up with paperclip and MKUltra.
Each accepted as fact by mainstream historians and Wikipedia.
If the CIA can blow up civilians in europe, coup governments and operate an international drug and human trafficking ring all the while hiring nazi scientists to conduct mind control torture experiments on abducted american citizens without anyone finding out for decades, then you have a real problem.
Then you point out that all governments for centuries have engaged in conspiracies and plots both against the leading factions and against the populace, and that they have never existed to protect their subjects. It's an ahistorical lie.
Once you have established the precedents in history, and factor in human psychology, the will to power, the ubiquitous nature of lies and conspiracies, criminal and political, epsteins island, susurluk, BCCI etc. then most will begin to realise that they have been hoodwinked.
Gladio is a good start, most just do not understand that it was a coordinated network managed by NATO. And then most also do not understand the lies behind NATO. Look up who Franz Halder was and rethink the idea, that history is written by the victor... put in some Unthinkable, some Otto Skorzeny, some Mossad, some Schnez-Truppe, some Naumann-Kreis and you begin to think that what has been going on in Ukraine since 2014 is Barbarossa 2.0.
Cool information. But only surprising if you don't know the origin of the war.
History was indeed written by the victor, you just have to stop thinking in terms of borders and start thinking in ideology and loyalty.
The "agency"like the military is not autonomous. Like soldiers, they follow orders.
Btw, it seems MD's have become "susceptible" to seeing what is in front of their eyes, because of what happened in the last 4-5 years. You would be surprised to learn who I was able to show what I talked about in my latest post. Lets just say the incoming US government has people who now know.
Today’s Coffee and Covid has a pretty convincing theory that the alien thing may be a scam that will be used to panic people before the elections—more mass mail-in ballots I guess.
It may also be a limited hangout to scam China & Russia by hinting that we may have developed an advanced weapon(s) from the discovery…
Yes. Dr. Steven Greer has been screaming about this for years to any who would listen!
The very last sentence in your discussion says it all.
I was in a room full of architects and engineers when we all saw the second tower fall, and everyone had a gut feeling that 'something was wrong with this picture'. No one stated any theories, but most of them thought what they were seeing was impossible, but there it was.
I worked at the Pentagon for a Summer in the late '80's architecturally surveying the entire 3rd floor with a team of Architects for eventual renovation planning. Having worked there and having lived in the DC area for over twenty years, I also knew it was impossible for a jet liner to approach the first floor of the Pentagon, at flying speed, and hit that level dead on.....impossible. Just as impossible as the narrative we've been fed all these years. The biggest crime in America, against America, by Americans probably.
Thank you Madhava Setty for your tenacious battle for truth, transparency and Disclosure. God willing the entire world gets to see Steven Greer's presentation on Disclosure at 2:00pm, June 12th at the National Press Club. Everyone should tell their Congressional Districts about this event.
This is exactly the way most physicians felt when Covid emerged. Anyone with a basic understanding of molecular biology, virology, immunology and epidemiology - as ALL physicians MUST have - understood there were as many deficiencies in the Covid narrative as there were in the Building 7 narrative.
Many refused to speak out, but ALL understood. Very disillusioning to see my colleagues act just as physicians did in 1930s Germany.
The whole Scamdemic thing (British researcher Richard D Hall coined this) has me perplexed about health care professionals seemingly polarized opinions. I'm like you, they are well educated for many years. How can they not know what is going on? I did from day one, and I'm not in the health care industry. I am a degreed Architect and I was highly suspect about all of it and my investigations and open mind proved out. Just as I did not quite believe the impossible images I viewed on the day of 911 with my fellow Architects and Engineers. Some people just want to wallow in their own lost paradigm, while others refuse to believe that people in power could ever conceive of doing harm to the public. But, now, it is All out in the open for All to see....if they entertain the idea of critical thinking.
Two cliches seem appropriate.
"It's easy to fool someone but impossoble to convince them they have been fooled"
"Hard to convince someone whose salary depends on believing otherwise."
These point directly at two of humanity’s greatest weaknesses - ego and greed. The controllers who weave the web of deception know this well and utilize it to the max.
That says it all amigo
Please look into Dr Judy wood
I’m a doctor but I disagree - they did not know. They are not taught to question anything. But now they know :)
Yet they STILL continue to vaccinate kids and pregnant women, and Rx Remdesivir.
they know, they don't know; they know, they don't know; they know, they don't know...
Isn't medical school more akin to memorization and following formulas rather than thinking critically and unearthing root causes?
I had a very curious experience. I was just about the ONLY 'homeless' (bad term) person with a good education. I was in Miami, having been sleeping in public areas (or trespassing in intelligently selected private ones) and shortly into the COVID episode I found a big thick epidemiology textbook. Well, that might be helpful, right? The whole thing was just gobbelty-gook. It was like the book had nothing in it. There was only one or two sentences that could connect to a pandemic, e.g. COVID. The book just seemed to me to be devoid of content. When I hear someone is an "epidemiologist" I always wonder if they know more than that stupid book did. Public health or nursing textbooks since the eighties are filled with nonsense. All make up stuff. Nothing there. This is our society. I have a little money now (trickling in from a property sale) but I just do not like money things. I cannot spend it or invest it worth a damn. I am getting a slightly terrified feeling, thinking what if I just sit in this motel room until it happens once again. Which would be when money runs out again (I am still a year plus, from that event but it is getting to be a worry). Please read my Substick newsletters referrably from the beginning (before I was famous). At the start, I felt had nothing to lose. Medium actually had just kicked me off for asking whether a person was a male or a female
when I posted, I saw "7 hours ago." That is wrong. It took awhile to write, okay. But not seven hours.
The perpetrators are NOT American, they may have the nationality and a number of residences in the US but have no allegiance to anyone and to anywhere but to themselves. They are globalists and masons.
I agree. A real American would never do such a thing
I usually start with building 7 - it *literally* fell at -9.8m/s^2.
Freefall acceleration means ALL of the gravitational potential energy is being converted to kinetic energy of motion; NONE of this energy is available to do any crushing, pulverizing etc.
Yes. Building 7 is the thread that yearns to be yanked. One of my classmates was not aware of its demise
Don’t forget about the reporter who announced on BBCTV that #7 had fallen while she was standing in front of a still-standing #7.
Which speaks to the overwhelming power of the media and "crowds" to influence thinking. There are MANY physicians who are unaware Officer suppressed millions of pages of damning internal documents until a court compelled release at about 50k pages per month. And that they KNEW exactly how harful and ineffective these experimental gene therapy products are.
Always better to come out as a conspiracy theorist rather than coming out with myocarditis.
Excellent article. What struck me was the degree to which people who are very highly educated and successful, and therefore presumably rational and intellectually curious, are so completely fooled by the official stories on Covid and 9/11. But Mattias Desmet has observed that when it comes to mass hypnosis or "mass formation", such as we experienced with Covid, the higher the level of education, the more inclined the person is to believe and defend the propaganda. Madhava would have had a much better outcome if he had talked with truck drivers and plumbers. And I suspect that Madhava's friends were probably all vaccinated (along with their kids!) and so could not bring themselves to consider the possibility that they had made an important mistake.
Indeed. Those who have been marginalized by the system know it is inherently corrupt. Those whom the system has served well have a much harder time coming to grips with the fact that it is run by sociopaths.
For most people science is simply a bunch of ideas that are accepted on faith. It's very hard to penetrate a faith-based position because any evidence that counters it is ultimately dismissed as misinformation.
Most of my close mates are high powered lawyers.
Every single one of them repeat the exact same catch phrases of your former classmates with respect to covid.
They are all multi-boosted.
The system has been good to such people --- why would the system try to harm them? Why challenge the good system?
Keeping in mind lawyers are a key pillar of the system
That's what puzzles me too. I've talked to lawyers and they don't seem to have a problem signing away their rights to sue the pharma companies if they are harmed by the jabs.
Very UN-lawyer-like.
Thank you for this insight as it applies to my classmates as well....
Just slap the “Anti” label on it! I grew up Mormon and would never dream of glancing at “Anti Mormon”material, but once TPTB told me my natural immunity was completely worthless my entire worldview came crashing down. Religion, COVID, vaccines, climate change, fake news, freaking everything. Basically instantly after a long slow burn. At 23 years old I knew that the WMD pretext was a big fat lie and that the patriot act was an abomination, but I still managed to believe the airplanes story for all those years. Kinda funny how belief works. I love being able to step back now and see it though. I hope it’s an advantage of some sort, knowing how it works. Being able to extend grace to others.
We're on a similar journey. Thanks for the transparency about communication; it was helpful.
Whatever the truth is, we have to be able to have intelligent debates without name calling. Media, including alt media, has done a great job of amplifying alot of 9/11 nonsense and limited hangouts. 9/11 was a CRIME but was not investigated as such. And what there was has been memory holed. But I believe the truth is available for those with eyes to see.
They got away with an incomplete 9/11 analysis at best. I believe this led to their knowing they could get away with a harmful covid agenda. AIDS was a factor too. Plus with JFK and the U.S.S. Liberty. Everyone wants to 'get back to normal' after trauma. But we need smart people like you to continue to push for truth and accountability.
Thank you for your bravery and applying your gifts!
You know the premise of the book “Blink”? That your first instinct is usually correct? My late Indian engineer father who stood first in high school and university and was educated at the finest institutions around the world, said to me, muttering under his breath, as we watched the towers fall on TV: “Those buildings came down too fast.”
We moved on and along with the mainstream narrative, until 2006 when I happened upon “Loose Change” on YouTube. I told my dad about it and he immediately believed this was something more sinister. My beautiful left-brained genius dad - deemed a brilliant visionary and intellectual by everyone who knew him - just KNEW it was bullshit. He wasn’t prone to conspiracies or religion or spirituality or any of that - but he knew and understood and FELT the truth.
Thank you for sharing this and for actually speaking up. I’m a doctor who gave up a while ago…
That’s a great vignette, could be a pivotal opening scene in a movie--thanks!